Read Rainbow Connection Online

Authors: Alexa Milne

Tags: #gay romance

Rainbow Connection (5 page)

BOOK: Rainbow Connection
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“You’re not scaring me,” Mick said quietly.” I love being with you.” He ran his fingers through the sticky mess between them and licked each one in turn. “We taste good,” he said simply. “I want you to teach me all you know. I want to learn with you as well. So tomorrow, let’s do the tourist thing, dress up and have dinner, and then see what happens. Now, I just want you in my arms.”

“Sounds good to me,” Ceri agreed and snuggled down once more onto the soft hair of Mick’s chest.


Mick rubbed his swollen stomach. “I’m not sure this bike will move after all we’ve eaten this morning. It must be all this fresh air making me hungry!” Mick grinned as he got on the bike behind Ceri. “It’s not often I get to eat a full breakfast. I noticed you tucked into everything as well. I’ve no idea where you put it. Look at you, you’re as thin as a rake. You must have hollow legs. I swear my stomach has grown several inches since we got up.” He leaned forward before Ceri put his helmet on and whispered into his ear. “After your antics in the shower, we only just got there before they stopped serving.”

“Yeah, but you look so good now. That beard is really under control, and its way more sophisticated. You loved me doing it, and don’t deny it.”

“Why would I?” Mick closed his eyes for a moment and felt the edge of the shaver over his skin once more. The shower had developed into a bath they’d shared. Ceri had sat in front of him with clippers and shaver, and turned his untidy beard into something neat and stylish. He had to admit it took years off him, even if he did feel more exposed than he had for a while. Now Ceri was on about Mick getting his hair cut as well. He’d said he wasn’t sure about that, and Ceri had smiled and kissed him. He still didn’t understand why Ceri had said, “Good for you. Don’t let me boss you around.”

§ § §

They spent the rest of the morning roaming around the streets and arcades in Cardiff. In the end, neither of them had the guts to buy any of the books they found, although they were tempted by the gay
Kama Sutra
. Ceri had turned the pages while they stood and laughed at the illustrations, until one of the shop assistants came and stared at them while they were using their hands and fingers to try to plan out the various positions.

“We can order it on the net,” Mick said as they fell out of the shop, still laughing. “I bet there’s a DVD version as well.”

“Just don’t get it mixed up with your
Doctor Who
DVDs. Can you imagine what the cleaners would think if they heard all that moaning coming from your office?” He clutched his crotch and moaned rather too loudly. People turned to look at them.

“Stop it,” Mick said. “Come on, we need to get to the coach for this tour. I want to see all the places they promised, and we get to go to Leadworth as well.”

Ceri followed Mick until they arrived at the entrance to Cardiff Castle at 12.20. A small crowd of people already stood waiting. The tour began on foot, visiting the Church the reapers had trapped Rose in when she’d rescued her father and changed time. Ceri watched Mick as he listened attentively to the guide, then looked around. He whispered in Mick’s ear. “There are things I really wished I’d done differently, but I suppose if nasty creatures appeared every time, then it might not be worth it.” He heard Mick sigh.

“So many things,” he agreed, and then they were off again to the store where Rose had worked. The first spot the coach visited was the National Museum. Ceri found it interesting to listen to Mick describing how the building was used in one of his favorite episodes about Vincent Van Gogh. “This is so great, seeing all these places for real. I’m so glad we came.”

Mick vibrated with excitement, like a kid in a sweet shop. Ceri let him explain every scene, and had to admit he was better than the guide. Others listened as well while the real guide continued to lead them onwards. At the fictional Leadworth, the group re-enacted a scene; Mick played Rory and was word perfect. Ceri’s chest threatened to burst with pride. Gone was the man who couldn’t make a decision, lost in his love for his precious
Doctor Who
. It was like watching some magnificent creature emerge from its shell. Mick seemed to stand taller, and he looked people in the eye when they spoke to him.

“We must come back here,” Ceri said, as they looked around St Fagan’s Museum. “These old houses are amazing. I had no idea all this was here. There are so many places we could visit together, if you want to, that is.” The smile Mick gave him would have melted even the hardest of hearts. He wanted to take Mick in his arms there and then, and kiss him so hard he’d feel it all the way down to his toes. He grabbed Mick’s hand and pulled him into another room within the small, cramped house. But he was the one surprised to find himself pressed against a door, Mick’s hands all over him.

“I know we shouldn’t be doing this here,” Mick said, as he plunged his tongue into Ceri’s mouth.

“Nah,” Ceri tried to say as he rutted against him.

“We’re gonna get left behind,” Mick continued before their open mouths reconnected in another bruising kiss. They battled with each other until Ceri gave in, letting Mick explore every inch of his teeth and mouth. Mick sucked on Ceri’s bottom lip and he groaned in response.

“Need,” he heard Mick say.

“What do you need?” Ceri said, keeping his voice deliberately low. “Tell me what you need from me. I’ll give you anything you want.”

“Want to fuck you,” Mick growled.
Now that was unexpected.

“My pleasure,” Ceri said. “But perhaps here isn’t the right place for that. Tonight I’m all yours.”

Mick stopped abruptly. “Sorry, I don’t know what… I don’t usually… I mean I haven’t.” He blustered and spluttered.

“It’s all right, Mick. Believe me, I don’t mind. But you’re right, we’d better get going.” They ran towards the entrance laughing loudly and got on the coach.

On the way to the next place, they had a quiz. Mick knew the answer to every single question, and they won easily.

“Wow, you really are a fan, aren’t you?” the woman in the seat in front of them said. Mick blushed.

“He is,” Ceri replied for him. “I swear he loves the Doctor more than anyone else.”
Even me
, he wanted to add.

Three hours had passed by the time they returned to the castle. Everyone thanked the guide and the driver and Mick and Ceri made their way back to the bike.

§ § §

Mick had bought himself a black jacket to go over his black jeans, which he teamed with a blue shirt and blue tie to go to the restaurant that night. Ceri also wore black trousers and shirt with his leather jacket, and a lurid orange tie; he’d bought it because it matched his current hair colour. Mick guessed they made an interesting couple when they walked into the restaurant. He looked around, his eyes darting everywhere.

“It’s all right,” Ceri said, touching his back. Soon after they were seated the waitress took their order. Under the table, Ceri stroked his thigh so Mick almost squeaked out wanting lasagne for his main when those fingers almost reached his groin. He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or be cross. Throughout the night, Ceri flirted outrageously with him, touching his arm and telling him how handsome he looked.

“Tonight, I want you to have your wicked way with me,” Ceri whispered over the desserts.

“Shhhsh,” Mick said, going red. “Not everyone needs to hear what you’re saying.” Ceri noticed him glancing around again to make sure no one was listening. “Really?” he asked.

“Oh yeah, you’ve no idea how much I want to feel you inside me.”

“Ceri, please! I won’t be able to get out from under this table if you continue to say such things.”

Ceri leaned forward and whispered, “I love the thought of you all hard under the table with that gorgeous cock desperate to take me to heaven and back. Shall we skip the coffees then?”

Neither of them noticed the waitress stood behind. She smiled widely, and covered her mouth in an effort to suppress a giggle. “I assume you’d like the bill then, gentlemen. I’ll fetch it now for you.”

“She heard,” Mick said.

“So what? Come on. Let’s get the bill paid, find a taxi, get home, and then you can take all my clothes off, and do what you want with me.”

§ § §

By the time they got back to the hotel, Mick wasn’t sure whether he could cope with all of the feelings and emotions running through his head. Ceri wanted him; Ceri wanted him to fuck him, and Mick wanted that, possibly more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life, but it scared the hell out of him as well. Ceri was so much more delicate than he was, and he didn’t want to hurt him. He wasn’t used to feeling this way. He wanted Ceri under him with his arse in the air waiting for him to take control, and he found that in his head, he wanted to take control. It thrilled and confused him in equal measure to find he could feel this way. Throughout the taxi ride, Ceri had stroked Mick’s thigh, whispering in his ear about how much he wanted Mick to take him, describing all the positions they could use. Mick thought he was going to come in his pants, right there in the taxi, just from listening to Ceri talk. Those slight Welsh vowels caught his imagination, and the way Ceri rolled some letters, almost growling out the word arse as he said it was all Mick’s, and how even then, he could imagine what it would feel like to have Mick pinning him to the bed, pounding into him until the whole world was centred around the feel of Mick’s cock.

Mick had no memory of getting to the room. Ceri entered first, and Mick closed the door and threw his jacket over the chair. He hesitated for a few seconds, letting Ceri get to the bed first.

“D’you want the lamps on?” Ceri asked. He was sitting on the edge just waiting.

Surprising himself, Mick replied. “Yes, I want to see you.” Ceri flicked the switch, allowing Mick to see his shining eyes reflecting the light. He moved forward until he stood between the other man’s knees. Ceri ran his hands up Mick’s chest, underneath his shirt, pushing it up. His lips, teeth, and tongue kissed, nibbled, and licked Mick’s stomach and chest. Those same hands then moved around, and Mick felt himself being pulled closer as fingers pressed into his arse cheeks hard enough to leave bruises. He leant down and kissed the orange hair, then removed his shirt. Ceri looked up at him. Mick wasn’t sure what he saw in those eyes, lust, love, it didn’t really matter. There was certainly want and need, and his heart swelled in line with his cock that a man as beautiful as Ceri wanted to make love with him. He pulled at the orange tie.

“Take off your shirt,” he demanded, sounding more confidence than he truly felt. Ceri undid each button slowly and deliberately.

“Now the trousers.”

Ceri toed off his shoes and undid his zip. He lifted his hips. “You take them off, if that’s what you want,” he replied. “Take them off me and see how much I want you. My arse longs to be filled by you.”

Mick hesitated. Fear threatened to overwhelm him.
Come on, you can do this. He wants you to do this.

“Please,” Ceri continued. “I need you to look at me and want me.”

Mick took a firm hold and pulled the trousers down in one go. “Shit! You’re not wearing any briefs!” Ceri’s cock sprang up, and Mick took in an excited breath. As if he couldn’t help himself, he sank to his knees and took it in his hands. He ran a thumb all the way from balls to tip, feeling each swollen vein until he wiped away the liquid seeping from the slit with one finger and sucked on it.

“Oh hell,” Ceri groaned. “You’re doing that on purpose, aren’t you? Have you any idea how sexy you look?”

“I’ve never thought of myself as sexy. You just taste so good,” he said, before taking the end of Ceri’s cock in his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. Both men groaned as he probed under Ceri’s foreskin. Mick massaged Ceri’s balls, one by one.

“Don’t make me come yet,” Ceri said. “I want to come with you inside me.” Mick looked up, stood up, and pulled down his pants, revealing his own erection. Ceri licked his lips then wrapped a hand around the shaft and took it into his mouth as deep as he could. After a few up and down movements, he stopped.

“I can’t wait to feel this inside me. How d’you want me?” he asked.

“On your hands and knees,” Mick replied. Mick hoped Ceri’s shiver was one of anticipation, not fear, and halted for a moment as he positioned himself on the bed. Ceri turned and smiled at him, giving Mick the reassurance he needed.

“Okay,” Ceri said. “You know what to do, don’t you? Or do you want me to prepare myself? I usually don’t need too much, so don’t worry if you want to get on with things.”

“No, I want to open you up,” Mick replied, unable to stop staring at the glorious sight in front of him.

“The lube and condoms are in the bag.”

Mick got the supplies and put them next to him as he knelt behind Ceri. He touched Ceri’s back, running both hands up to his shoulders then returning down his spine.

“I can feel every bone,” Mick said. He kissed each arse cheek and gently parted them until he could see his target, that little ring of puckered skin. He leaned in and ran his tongue down the crack, wetting the entrance, but not feeling confident enough to push his tongue inside. He reached a hand around and gave Ceri’s cock a stroke, then covered his fingers with the lube. He pressed one finger at the entrance and pushed easily past the ring of muscles. He thought Ceri might be loose after all the experience he’d had, but it was almost as if Ceri’s arse was pulling him in.

“More,” he breathed at Mick.

“Who’s in charge?” Mick asked, surprised at his need to take control.

“You are,” Ceri said. “But I did warn you that I’m a bit of a greedy bottom. I can also be a talker. I’ve never been much of a strong and silent type in bed.” Ceri groaned as Mick pushed in a second finger and searched for that little bundle of nerves. When he found them, he scissored gently.

“Oh, God,” Ceri said. “I should have put a towel under me. I’m leaking all over the sheet.”

Mick reached around. “So you are.” He added a third finger without warning and was gratified to feel Ceri lurch underneath him. He leant forward and whispered into his ear. “I’m going to fuck you now. I’m going to take my fingers out, and put my cock into you, and fuck you into this mattress. You are not to touch yourself, d’you hear? When you think you’re going to come, I want you to tell me, and I’ll touch you. Have you got that?” He could hardly believe he was saying all this, using these words, but Ceri had said he liked to talk after all.

BOOK: Rainbow Connection
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