Rapture (McKenzie Brothers) (9 page)

BOOK: Rapture (McKenzie Brothers)
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Chapter 17




It’s been three days since I saw Sebastian and the image I have in my head won’t let up. It should have been me with my legs wrapped around him, not
. He broke my heart and hadn’t even known.

Talk about mixed signals. One minute he told me I was his and the next he’s practically fucking his secretary up against a wall for all to see.

As soon as I arrived home that night, Ramon had tried to get me to talk to him, but I wouldn’t give Sebastian the time of day. I just needed to escape to my room knowing I was about to have a crying fit.

A couple of hours after arriving home though
, I received my first ever text from Sebastian telling me Jacky had taken him by surprise and that we obviously hadn’t stayed long otherwise we’d have seen him push her away, putting a stop to it.

I hadn’t replied, so not ten
minutes later he’d sent another one, which had me craving his touch more than ever.

Sliding my phone from my back pocket, I scroll through my message
s and find the one from Sebastian and read it again while wiping the tears from my eyes.

Carla, what’s happening between us is real. What you saw tonight isn’t and didn’t go any further. The only woman I want is hopefully reading this message. I don’t know what exactly is going on between you and my brother, but it needs to stop and you need to be with me. I want all of you. Your mind, heart, and body. Your body has me constantly hard and I’m sick as fuck with using my hand while I imagine what it will feel like to sink between your thighs. I think about how tight you’ll be around my cock. How wet and warm you’ll feel clinging to me while I bring you to orgasm. Don’t give up on me before there can be an ‘us.’ Please Carla. <3’

I’ve never had such a sexy message before and I’ve read it over and over again
, so many times, in fact, I’m surprised the scroll function still works on the phone.

’d replied to him. I mean how could I not after the message he sent to me. My message hadn’t been like his, but I’d replied.

I don’t know what to say. You make my heart pound and my body comes alive with just one look from you. I believe you about earlier tonight, but please just give me space. <3’

And he ha
s given me space. In fact, he hasn’t replied at all and hasn’t made an effort to even contact me since. I should be relieved, but I’m not too sure how to feel about that. Was he upset and angry because he sent me such a heartfelt message and I replied asking him to give me space? Have I totally screwed up before it could get started like he asked me not to?

Hearing the apartment door open, I quickly swipe at my tears, but I’m not quick enough
and Ramon comes to a stop behind me.

“Carla, this really has to stop. You know that right?” He turns me around and wraps his arms around me
, pulling me tight into his chest. “This is ridiculous. All this anguish between you and my brother can be stopped with just a few words.”

Ramon is the best friend I have and since I’ve been living with him, he’s like a brother to me and treats me
like a sister most of the time. Right now, I need him to be my big brother in Noah’s absence.

“We’re going to talk,” he whispers into my hair before putting me away from him.

“We don’t need to really. I’m fine.”

e pushes me down onto the sofa. “Back in a minute. Don’t move,” he says, dashing into the kitchen.

I smile
at the eagerness that Ramon has over pampering me and I feel the tears drying up as I watch him brew us both a coffee. For some reason, Ramon has it in his head that he needs a coffee in order for him to have a discussion with someone. Personally, I think it’s so he has something to mess with because he’s rarely still.

“Here you go.” He passes me my cup and sits beside me with his feet up on the coffee table like I’m doing.

Ramon’s apartment is large and spacious with two huge sofas in the living area along with two reclining chairs that are so comfortable. I’ve fallen asleep on them more times than I care to admit.

I can feel Ramon staring at me from the corner of my eye, but I’m not sure I’m ready to di
scuss Sebastian so I start a conversation that I know is going to make him freak, but at least it will change the subject. “I think I’m being followed.”

“What the
” He quickly shoots up to his feet and slams his drink down hard on the coffee table, sloshing the contents all over, which he ignores turning fully towards me instead. “You think you’re being followed? And you just decided to tell me now? Carla, what the hell is wrong with you? After what that bastard did to you. Fuck! You should know better than to not mention this. Fucking hell.” Ramon starts pacing back and forth in front of the window.

“Please sit with me,” I ask
, tears running down my face.

“Fuck, Carla. God, don’t do that.”

Sitting back down, he pulls me into his arms and settles back into the sofa. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? And don’t think I haven’t realized you changed the subject.”

I chuckle into his chest. “I’m not too sure really. Over the past couple of days
, I’ve had the feeling I’m being watched and ended up looking around me to see if I can spot anyone, but I haven’t. I might just be imagining it.”

“Do you
really think it’s all in your head? Seriously?” he asks stroking my hair, which is lying freely down my back.

“Not really.”

I knew Gary would find me eventually and I guess I should be surprised that he hasn’t found me sooner. Gary can be terrifying and doesn’t mind using his fists as my body can attest to, but the thought that Ramon or one of his brothers could be in the line of fire frightens me.

“I need to inform security for the building so he doesn’t get inside and you do not go anywhere unless someone is with you. You got me?”

My silence probably speaks volumes. I’ve never been any good at doing as I’m told. In fact, I have a really bad habit of doing the opposite.

“Carla, I’m serious. I need to talk to my brothers and tell them what’s going on and see if they can help out when I have to be on site.”

Inwardly I groan. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me. What if he gets to Lily? We can’t involve anyone else. Please Ramon,” I beg trying to give him my ‘can’t refuse me anything’ eyes.

“That is not going to work this time. Have you forgotten what that bastard did to you last time and what he threatened when you ran?”

He releases me, sitting up with his elbows resting on his knees while running his hands through his hair. “We need help Carla. I can’t be with you twenty-four-seven. I promise to only tell Sebastian, Lucien and Ruben okay. I’ll keep Michael out of it and hopefully that will keep Lily away from it all…
Sebastian isn’t going to take this lightly,” he says, looking at me.

“I know.”

“Lucien rang me while I was on the way up to tell me to bring you over to the folks’ ranch for dinner so I’ll get them alone and tell them what’s going on… I’m also going to tell them that we’re just friends.”

I start to shake my head
, but Ramon cuts off anything I’m going to say. “He’s my brother Carla and I’ve never seen him like this before. I can’t let him continue to think you’re mine. I admit it was fun at first seeing him want someone he thought he couldn’t have, but I can’t continue… Shit, my mom’s going to be pissed.”

“I can’t go,” I whisper, which brings his eyes back around to mine. “Everyone is going to be angry with me
; Sebastian for not telling him the truth about us, your mom because every time she looks at us she has weddings and babies on her mind. Oh my god, Ramon. Please don’t force me to go,” I finish on a childish whine, burying my face into my hands.

on starts rubbing my back. “Look, the only person Sebastian is going to be pissed at is me. In fact, my whole family is likely to be pissed with me okay. I also don’t want to leave you here alone even though the security is one of the best in the city.”

He’s waver
ing, I can hear it in his voice and now he’s sitting considering all the pros and cons of me staying here.

“You really don’t want to go?” he asks
, rubbing his neck.

“I know I’ll have to face everyone, but today I really want to stay here. I’m going to read for a while to try and take my mind off everything then I’ll
shower and maybe read some more.” I smile at him and take hold of his hand. “I’ll be okay. I feel safe here and I’m not sure I can handle Sebastian if he gets angry with me. Not today.”

Ramon sighs before leaning in and kissing me on my cheek
. “Okay. I’ll let security know on the way out not to let anyone other than my brothers up to the apartment from now on unless they check with me first.”

“Thank you.”

He kisses me again before standing. “I’m going to get a quick shower first.”

Without replying, I sit and watch him
leave, hoping his family doesn’t get too angry with him, or me for that matter, because of our deception over our non-romantic relationship, especially Sebastian.

Chapter 18




Ramon is starting to annoy the hell out of me pacing back and forth now that Lucien, Ruben and myself are sitting out on the back porch while Dad is distracting Mom somewhere in the house.

Driving to the ranch
, I’d been looking forward to seeing Carla again, albeit a tad nervous considering my text message to her the night of my near fall from grace. I’d been delighted with the first half of her reply, but disappointed with the second part a lot more than I care to admit.

“Sebastian? You with me?”

I blink, bringing Ramon into focus. “Yeah.” I rub the back of my neck while watching my brothers stare at me in surprise. “What did I miss?”

Lucien smirks before shaking his head while Ruben starts to chuckle.

“If you’ve finished day dreaming I have something serious to discuss with you all about…Carla,” Ramon speaks, but looks directly at me when saying her name.

What that’s supposed to mean?

“I’ve promised her I won’t mention anything to Michael because she’s afraid something might happen to Lily.”

Lucien suddenly sits up from his
lounging position in the chair. “What do you mean by that?” he asks, more serious than I’ve heard him in a long time, but then again Ramon did mention Lily.

“Don’t get your shorts in a wad, Lucien. This thing with Carla isn’t going to affect anyone, but her
, and maybe me.”

“Dad is onl
y going to be able to distract Mom for a short while so save all the macho shit for later and spit out what you want to tell us,” Ruben says, getting comfortable in the chair with his hands behind his head and ankle across his knee.

“When Carla arrived in
Lexington she was in a bad way, as in she’d been attacked.”

“What the fuck,” I shout, jumping up from the chair.

Ramon puts his hand out to try and calm me down, but the fact that someone put his hands on my woman makes me see red.

Sitting back down, I meet Ramon’s eyes and let him continue while I try
to keep my temper under control knowing the other two have questions after my outburst.

“Her ex
beat her up looking for her brother Noah. Noah was working on one of our sites here in Lexington so as soon as Carla was released from the hospital she came down here looking for him. She was too scared to stay in Canada. What she didn’t know was that I had no idea where her brother had disappeared to,” Ramon says frustration clear in his face as he looks away and then back to us. “One day Noah was working construction and the next he was gone and no one knows where. For Carla’s sake, I have a private detective looking for him, but nothing yet.”

“What happened to the ex?
” Lucien asks. It’s a valid question and I’m thankful at least one of us has a clear head.

“He disappeared bef
ore the police could arrest him, which brings me to why we’re having this conversation.”

With Ramon
looking at me the way he is, my heart pounds. I just know I’m not going to like what he’s about to say, it also clears up as to whether or not he knows I have feelings for Carla. He wouldn’t be talking straight to me otherwise.

“She told
me earlier that she thinks she’s being followed.” I freeze as my brother continues, “She hasn’t seen anyone, but I’m taking her seriously. If Carla’s saying she’s being followed then I’m not taking any chances, and I need everyone’s help because she isn’t going anywhere without one of us with her.”

“Like fuck, she’s not leaving my sight,” I shout to no one in particular.

“Um, Sebastian, don’t you think you need to calm down a bit considering it’s Ramon’s girl we’re discussing here.”

. Ignoring Lucien and his comment, I turn to Ramon. “Where is she now? Who’s with her?”

She’s stressed out and wanted to stay back at the apartment. She wasn’t sure how everyone would react and couldn’t handle anything else today.”

“She’s alone?” I ask quietly.

He doesn’t reply.

“I want to talk to you alone. Now.”

Standing, I walk to the barn with Ramon following behind me. Oh Lucien and Ruben tried to come with us, but I overheard Ramon telling them that it was between the two of us.

smirk, he’s damn right its between the two of us, but what I really want is to hit something real hard, preferably Ramon’s face for leaving Carla alone when she’s in trouble.

Hearing the door shut,
I turn to face him.

“I’ve never slept with Carla,” he blurts out, but I’m not sure I heard him right.


“You heard me. We came up with the relationship when she moved in with me to
protect her and also to keep Mom off my back about marriage and babies. Neither of us expected her to fall for you or vice-versa.”

I slump down onto the work
bench behind me at Ramon’s revelation. “Why didn’t she tell me?”

“At first, because of the verbal agreement she has with me, then later
, you’ll have to ask her and as for leaving her alone in my apartment building, you know it has the best security around, plus the apartment is locked tight. I felt uneasy leaving her, but I could hardly drag her with me when she was set on staying. She’s like a sister to me Sebastian, and I swear if you hurt her, brother or not, you’ll answer to me.”

“I’ve no intention of hurt
ing her.” I start to pace not sure what he wants from me. “She’s under my skin. No one has ever gotten under my skin before and although it scares the shit out of me I don’t want to run from her. It’s been killing me because I thought she was your girl.”

Ramon laughs.
“I know. It was fun at first, but after seeing how much it was hurting Carla keeping you both apart, I told her I was going to talk to you about our agreement except this came up first.”

“I’m going to her
,” I say, waiting for him to protest as I start to make for the door.

“Sebastian, don’t hurt her,
” he says quietly.

I turn to look at him.

“I’ll cut your dick off if you do,” he threatens, and I fear only half joking. “I also won’t be home tonight.”

I grin walking to my car, but my grin soon vanishes when I
think about the bastard who’s after my woman.

BOOK: Rapture (McKenzie Brothers)
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