Read Rebel Soul Online

Authors: Kate Kessler

Rebel Soul (7 page)

BOOK: Rebel Soul
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Fri 15th June


Her phone vibrated waking her before daylight, she slowly set up and yanked her phone off the nightstand. You want to go hunting with me today, it was from Billy. Emily smiled, yes she quickly send back. How does he know I like hunting, the thought went through her mind. She hadn’t been hunting in years and was excited, she loved shooting. A thought crossed her mind and she send him another text, Sounds great bring me a gun.

She hurried and dressed, and could hear her Mom and Dad down stairs. Dam I have to get past them, she bounced down the stairs, run past the kitchen table, ignoring the stares at her back, grabbed a sausage biscuit and ran out the door. To hell with breakfast with the family.

On my way, she sent the message, and ran toward the path, this is going to be so much fun. Emily had always been a good shot, her arms always steady plus she looked forward to showing off her shooting skills for Billy.

It was almost day light when she seen Billy in the distance. Her heart gave a small flutter as she saw Billy waiting on his dirt bike for her, and ran toward him.

“Were going to ride today Baby, get on" He nodded his head at the back of the bike. Emily readily climbed on behind him, and off they went. He drove fast, she love it as the wind blew her hair around her face. She wrapped her arms around him, and pulled her body close, laying her head on his back and breathed in his manly smell, and nuzzled her nose in his hair. He was a skilled bike driver, she thought as he drove down the creek. The water and mud splashing her, he did it on purpose at times she knew and laughed. She loved it and wanted to ride as far as he would take her. She nuzzled her nose deeper into his hair and the back of his neck looked up at her daring her to press her lips against it. No Emily no she told herself, don’t distract him anymore then you already are. She pulled him closer to her body, the excitement of the ride mixed with the excitement of him was exhilarating.

He slid into some mud but kept the dirt bike up righted, mud covering them both as he come to a stop. "Yes-s-s-s" Emily exclaimed as she jumped off the bike, “That was freaking fun.” She knew her smile was ear to ear. “Wow”

The excitement showing on his face fueled her even more. "Did you like that baby Hu" he laughed.

“Hell yeah" Emily laughed. He grabbed her, hugging and kissing her as he swung her around. She loved the way he did that to her.

"Yeah baby" he said as he put her down, and she watched as he pulled a joint and a jar of moonshine out of his side pack. "You ready to hunt?" He laughed.

Emily laughed with him "I'm sure we already run all the animals off."

"Most likely" he laughed "But we can still have some fun, target practice." He passed the joint to her as his fingers brushed against her hand. The touch played with her heart and she thought she might fall into his arms right then and there.

Emily laughed "Ok, where’s the target" she felt ready to shoot.

"You ever used a gun" Billy grinned, his eyes wide.

She laughed "I’m surprised you even had to ask, hell yeah" She exclaimed, "I can shoot, I come from a feuding family Billy, remember. We can all shoot" she laughed again.

“Ok then” Billy said as she watched him walk over to a fence line. She seen the cans lying next to the fence, it looked like they had been used for targets often, he picked them up off the ground, and set them on the fence. "Then let’s shoot. Just let me untie these rifles from the bike"

She watched as Billy untied the rifles and pulled the bullets out of his backpack, then carefully loaded the guns. He smiled at her then stepped back a few feet, as Emily plugged her ears and watched as he raised the barrel of the gun taking aim. He the first can then missed the second, then hit the third. She giggled a little inside, is he nervous, she had noticed a slight shake in his hands but then again she knew everyone wasn’t as good a shot as her.

“Nice Billy, now it’s my turn,” she was ready, and smiled toward him. She took the rifle from his hands, smiled at him again then stepped back a little further then he had been then took aim. Should I hit them all she thought? She knew she could, she wouldn’t have a problem at all, but didn’t know if she should out do Billy the first time they shot together. Would he be proud of her or would it hurt his pride. She took aim again, and laughed what the hell. She put her finger on the trigger, and got the can in site, bam, bam, bam, she never flinched, held steady as the watched the bullet leave the barrel and hit each can. “Perfect" the words left her mouth as she turned to Billy. She could see the look of amazement on his face as his smile grew, spreading his lips, his teeth showing, there snowy white color. He shook his head, still smiling then opened his mouth to speak and held his arms out to her,

"Oh Baby you are amazing, wow, I'm speechless, where did you learn to shoot like that?"

Emily felt proud, happy she had gotten reaction she wanted from him "My Grandpa" she smiled sweetly.

She could see the excitement in Billy’s face as he ran over to the fence, “Whoo” he shouted “Let’s do this again, Baby,” He looked at her as he set up five cans this time. He laughed, looking her direction, “Maybe I can hit them all, this time.”

She watched as he took aim, oh Billy you’re not going to hit them all she thought as she noticed his hands trembling, but she didn’t say anything. She could see his fingers on the trigger, his stance showing the handsomeness of his body and his features. Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, hitting three of the five cans, he turned to her smiling, his eyes wondering up and down her body. “Your turn madam,” he said and showed her the way, with his hand. She noticed his hands were still trembling, oh she thought, he focused more on me then shooting. She laughed to herself aware of the way Billy’s eyes were continually sweeping over her body, a thought crossed her mind.

"You want to make this interesting Billy" she widened her eyes, a faint smile playing on her lips, as she flirted, she felt him trembling as she moved her body closer to his.

"How so baby?" She could tell he was intrigued.

She scrunched up her nose and smiled. This is sinful, she thought but didn't say it.

"I hit all five cans, you kiss me all over from head to toe, she moved her fingers up her body as his eyes followed, but, but” she emphasized, "you have to stop, we don't go all the way yet.”

"Oh-h-h-h" he laughed, nodding his head yes, the expression of excitement on his face. She leaned in closer to his, his trembling fingers reached to touch her hair

"You want to send me home for a cold shower, again. Baby you hit all five of those cans, I will give you the make out session of your life, and you will beg me to make love to you." Then he soften his voice and trailed his finger across her check, and whispered in her ear, his breath in her ear send ecstatic electricity through her body "And I won’t,” he said “but when we do, make love.” He licked his lips and kissed her “When you decide the time is right, it will be amazing, because I love you so much.” He brushed his lips across hers, then pulled away with a smile on his face. “Hey wait a minute what do I get if you miss one,” he added teasing her.

"I won't miss.” Emily glanced at him and could see the bulging muscles, exposed through his wife beater shirt. This will be fun she thought as she raised the riffle as before, with a steady perfect aim. What am I doing she thought as she watched the first can go down, bang, down went the second can. Then she stopped as she heard a noise above her, and seen the squirrel jumping through the tree limbs, she raised the riffle Bang, the squirrel fell to the ground. Bang, bang, down went the other two cans. She turned to look at Billy as he jumped and grabbed his head

"Dam, Emily amazing." His eye were lit and he ran toward the squirrel.

What the hell, she thought as she saw him run the other way "Hay where are you going?" Emily shouted. He turned and looked at her.

"To get the squirrel I ant letting good meat go to waste."

Laughing she pulled her shirt over her head, "Oh yeah run off as I'm taking my shirt off Billy.”

He turned back with the squirrel in his hand. "Supper tonight." And dropped the squirrel as she felt his eyes, hotly on her body, as she pulled her pants and panties off slowly, then dropped her bra to the ground, and laid down on the blanket. Their eyes meant, glued in time, as his voice trailed off, and she smiled.


* * *


He felt speechless as he looked at her beautiful naked, body lying on the ground in front of him. The stunning beauty that had so clouded his every thought, for most of his life. A perfect body, for him to lavish and smother her with love. He gently sweep her hair to the side and nuzzled his mouth in her neck, kissing her as he moved his tongue up to her ear and nibbled slowly. He heard the moan gasped from her throat, it spurred his mood even more. He hoped he had enough strength to restrain his self and stop because he knew, she would want to make love with him, but he had promised. A promise at this moment he was regretting, as he trembled and she moved her body, as he laid beside her. He knew at this moment, he could easily make love to her and she would say yes, but he wanted her to be sure, when they finally did make love that she wanted him for life. The decision hers, on her own terms, and not regret it once the war between the families began, because it would. He didn't want to just have sex with her, she wasn't that type, no. She was the love of his life, Emily Canton. The little girl on the school bus that had smiled at him from time to time. The little girl at the bus stop, who he had watched, cry when her brothers fought with his. The little girl he had watched play out in the fields from afar, now his for now and he hoped for ever.

He locked his eyes with hers, he could see the yearning, begging him for more, as he stood and removed his clothes. Then he laid down next to her and pulled there naked bodies close together. Then gently cupped her face in his hands, lowering his lips to her, as his breath left him, falling deep into her soul and he kissed her deep and hard. He felt her arms wrap around him, as he kissed down her neck and onto her breast. His soul screaming with ecstasy, as he moved his hands up and down her body making sure to touch each and every inch of her. “I love you Emily, I will never let you go.” He said or tried to say through the passion that ripped through his body.


* * *


They rode the bike back down the creek, “I love you Emily” he said as she climbed off the back of his bike and he kissed her bye. She watched as he rode out of sight then walked toward her house, thinking about her make out session with Billy, it was more than a make out session, she wanted him, every inch of him, forever. He was so gentle with her, his touch, his kiss, his tongue on her body, the feel of his naked skin against hers, she hadn’t wanted it to end. He so knew how to make her feel good, she wanted to cry at that moment.

Her thoughts were all over the place though, mangled in pieces, flooding and confusing her mind so much she felt like she could never put the pieces back together again. Her sleep had been filled with dreams, of lust and her family was giving her strange looks every time she seen them. What am I supposed to do, I want him. I love him? She felt like they had been together all their lives. Meant to be together, something was going to have to change in her life, and soon she determined.

She saw the lights in the house, and she dreaded going inside, She would be in trouble again, she was sure of it. Time had ran away from her and she had missed Supper, but she had to go in and face them, she put one foot slowly in front of the other as she took the dreaded steps inside the door and her Dads voice hit her instantly

“Well, well, well if it isn’t the long lost Emily.” Jack spoke “You missed supper young lady.”

She stopped in the doorway, “Sorry Dad, I was reading by the creek and forgot the time.” She said easily, carefully.

To her relive he didn’t say anymore, but she could feel the tension in the room. Jesus this is tough, she thought and had an unpleasant feeling of guilt. For what Emily ask herself, but deep in her heart she knew why the guilty feeling lingered in her mind, because she knew, the war would soon begin, she couldn’t hide this forever.

She should break it off now before things went any further, she knew that. But she couldn’t, because these feeling would stay with her forever always haunting her, always close to her heart and if she didn’t try to have a relationship with Billy, She would never get past him. Judy’s voice brought her out of her thoughts

“You want to go shopping with me tomorrow Emily?” Judy ask as she turned her attention from the TV.

“I don’t know Mom, I” Emily started as Judy interrupted her “What’s got into you Emily?” Judy pointed her finger at Emily, “no you are going to town with me, I don’t know what you’re up to but it can’t be good, because you’re not talking about it.” Judy’s voice calmed as she got off the couch and touched Emily’s arm. As Emily turned to face her Mom. Judy gave her a reassuring smile. “Sweetheart, if it’s a boy, its ok you don’t have to hide him from us, your seventeen. A boyfriend’s ok. I just don’t want you messing your life up. Now come on let’s go to town in the morning, I’ll buy you some new clothes.”

BOOK: Rebel Soul
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