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Authors: Richard Murray

Reborn by Blood (16 page)

BOOK: Reborn by Blood
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She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out as Beth reached around and sawed the silver Cake Knife deeply into the female Vampires neck.

Dark blood spurted as the carotid artery was severed and small sparks flared. The female Vampires eyes opened wide as she released me to clasp both her hands to the wound in an effort to staunch the blood flow.

With a look of pure hatred the female Vampire tried to speak but every time she opened her mouth more blood spurted from the wound.

Beth slashed the air in front of her with the silver knife and the female Vampire recoiled, she appeared frustrated at her inability to fight as her hands were still firmly pressed to her neck as the wound made by the silver knife refused to heal immediately.

One final look that seemed to promise vengeance and then she fled and I was left lying on the floor staring up at a startled looking Beth.


Chapter 18

“Well that was fun” Beth said.

“For you maybe.” I muttered.

“You going to lie there all day?” she asked with a frown as she looked down on me.

“I think my back is broken.” I said, “Probably happened when I went through that stone pillar.”

“Yeah that’ll do it.” Beth agreed.

“I don’t suppose you will lend me a bit of your blood to get me back on my feet will you?” I asked hopefully.

“Not a chance mate. My blood is mine and mine alone. Wait here and I’ll be back in a minute.” She said and turned to run towards the front entrance before I could say anything.

The pain from my wrist was dwarfed by that in my back and I was almost glad that I was numb from the waist down just because it left me with less body parts to feel pain from.

My Vampiric parasite was already working on healing my body. I could feel the damage slowly starting to repair and the beginnings of the unquenchable thirst that indicated the need for more blood.

Beth returned with the container that was still half full of blood that she had purchased at the abattoir. She crouched before me and pulled the top off before putting it to my lips. I shook my head at her.

“Oh don’t be such a baby. I don’t give a damn about seeing you drink blood. Just drink it before that bitch heals up and comes back.” Beth said.

With little choice I acquiesced and drank deeply from the container. I felt the cold and sour blood slide down my throat and almost immediately felt the benefits. I groaned in pain as the bones in my wrist knit back together and then screamed as my spine was repaired.

“Hurts to heal huh?” Beth said with a grin and I glared at her which just caused the grin to widen.

She placed the container beside me and jogged across the church to the altar. She returned a few seconds later with Sebastian’s package in her hands.

“Here, I hope the bastard appreciates all the effort we went through to get it.” She said as she dropped it unceremoniously beside me.

“I’m sure he won’t care.” I said as a shudder wracked my body. I let out a groan as the feeling returned to my lower extremities.

“You think you can get out to the car?” Beth asked.

“Yeah I can probably manage.” I said through clenched teeth as a fresh wave of pain surged through my body as all the minor cuts and bruises sustained as I was thrown around the room were healed.

“Cool. I’ll get the knives.” She said and trotted off before I could ask her to help me up.

With a groan I managed to push myself to my feet and leant against the wall for a moment before remembering the package that lay on the floor by my feet.

I picked up the package without blacking out or falling down and made my way slowly out of the church and into the morning rain. A glance down at my clothes showed them to be filthy, covered in dust and blood with numerous rips and tears.

“What do we do about the dead vamp?” Beth asked as she came out of the church behind me. She had the knives we had arrived with and had also picked up the female Vampires knife for good measure.

“Leave him in there for all I care.” I said and Beth shrugged.

“Fair enough, let’s go home.”

“We’ll drop the package off first.” I said, “I want this over and done with.”

With a last glance at the church we got into for the car. As soon as we were both sat inside I turned to Beth.

“How come the compulsion didn’t work?” I asked and she laughed.

“That necklace Anna gave me when she thought you were compelling me to help you.” She said as she pulled the silver chain from beneath her clothing. “It means I can’t be compelled. She said I could keep it since I would be hanging around you Vampy types.”

“Well I’m glad that she did.” I said truthfully, “You saved my sorry self back there and don’t think I haven’t noticed that you managed to escape without a scratch again.”

“I’m way too special to be hurt” she laughed as she started the engine, “It’ll take more than a homicidal Vampire or two to do me in.”

I laughed along with her and settled back into the seat as she drove away from the church. I told Beth where I was supposed to deliver the package and left her to her driving.

The journey was almost anti-climatic in that nothing happened. No enraged Werewolf attacked as we drove over a stone bridge, the few tattered strips of police tape all that remained of my last trip over it.

We pulled up outside a large two storey house at the end of a long driveway and surrounded by dense woods. The house was old and likely worth a hell of a lot more money than I would ever have. No movement could be seen in or around the house and we walked up to the door and rang the bell.

I could hear someone moving within and shortly the door opened to reveal an elderly man dressed smartly in a shirt and dark blue blazer with freshly pressed trousers. His shoes were polished and he looked at us suspiciously.

“What do you want?” He demanded.

“Is... Sebastian here?” I asked, “I was given this address.”

“You finally arrived then. Where is it?” The old man snapped and I glanced at Beth.

“Is Sebastian here of not?” she asked.

“Of course he isn’t here.” The old man replied, “Now give me the package and be off with you.”

“Wait, why isn’t he here? Who the hell are you?” Beth demanded of him, her voice raised in anger.

The old man didn’t respond, he just pulled out a mobile phone and dialled a number before passing it to me. I placed it against my ear and heard a click as the call connected.

“Just give him the package” Sebastian’s smooth voice ordered.

“Do you know what we had to go through to get the damn thing?” I asked, “And you aren’t even here to take it.”

“I do not care. Give him the package. I shall contact you when I have a new task for you, until then you can do as you please.” Sebastian said and ended the call before I could say anything else.

“Here, take the damn thing and good riddance” I said as I thrust the package and the phone at the old man who took them with just the slightest smile before slamming shut the door on us.

“Well that was worth all the hassle.” Beth said as she turned to walk back towards the car.

I followed along, more than a little put out by the response I had just received. I had not expected a parade or reward, but at least a bit of gratitude would have been appreciated.

We sat in the car and Beth reached to turn on the engine as her phone rang. I looked across at her.

“Who has your number?” I asked.

“You and Tempest” She said with a slight blush.

“When did you give Tempest your number?”

“I gave it to her just after we got the phones,” Beth said quickly, “Just in case.”

“Well I suppose you better answer it” I said with some amusement at her embarrassment.

She put the phone to her ear and listened for a second before holding it before her and clicking the speakerphone function on.

“Ok, we can both hear you.” Beth said.

“Then listen closely.” Anna said, her voice emerging somewhat tinny from the cheap phones speaker. “You have a problem.”

“What problem?” I asked.

“The council have determined that it was a Vampire that desecrated the grave of Alexandra, the founder of the Supernatural council.” Anna said, “The spells we used couldn’t tell us more than that but it was enough for them to make a ruling.”

“A ruling?” Beth echoed.

“Yes, Vampires are responsible for the desecration and that is all the evidence some of my fellow councillors needed to remove the protection of the council from the Vampires.”

“What protection?” I asked.

“Oh I forget how new you are” Anna said, “When the council was created it was for the protection of all supernatural races. A truce was agreed with the human governments that the council would keep the Supernatural’s who feed on humans under control.”

I looked across at Beth and she shrugged.

“Human hunters were no longer allowed to kill those Supernatural’s unless they could prove that they were a threat. That no longer applies. It is fair game on all Vampires.” Anna said.

“So people are going to hunt all Vampires because one did something wrong” I said, “That’s ridiculous.”

Well it would be ridiculous for everyone else but since I was actually the Vampire that had desecrated the grave I had no one to blame but myself... and Sebastian.

“I know that and I am doing what I can to make sure that the rift can be mended. It isn’t full war yet but it is a step closer and we have some on both sides that want that war. You need to be careful.” Anna said.

“We will be” I promised.

“Good,” Anna said, “If you need anything then come to the shop.”

“We will. One thing” Beth said, “We were just attacked by two Vampires, twins I think.”

“One might have been called Dmitri.” I added. “They were the ones who stole the package.”

“Oh that is really not good.” Anna said.

“We killed Dmitri but his sister got away.” Beth said, “We have no idea why they want Sebastian though.”

“You killed...” Anna fell silent, “You have just made an incredibly powerful enemy.”

“On top of all our others.” Beth muttered.

“Yes child, you two seem to have a knack for that.” Anna said with a sigh, “Find somewhere safe and wait for me to call you. I’ll see what I can do.”

The phone clicked as Anna ended the call and I looked across at Beth.

“Well then, we are pretty much fucked.” She said.

“It could be worse” I pointed out, “They could know it was us that desecrated the grave.”

“Yeah I suppose so.” Beth agreed. “Let’s go home.”

She started the engine and slowly reversed the car out of the drive. I stared thoughtfully out of the window as she drove in silence. It was a sure sign of worry when she wasn’t singing along to the radio.

All in all I could understand why. My first week as a Vampire had been pretty terrible. Beaten, bruised and ripped apart by a Werewolf. I was seemingly surrounded by enemies and had almost zero knowledge of the new supernatural world I was part of.

I glanced across at Beth who was frowning at the cars in front of her as she drove. I reached across and switched on the radio and she looked over, startled as the music began. I grinned at her and began singing along with the ridiculous music.

She stared at me in surprise for a moment before laughing and joining in with the song. Screw the enemies and screw the danger. I had my best friend and together I was sure we could face anything. I settled back into the seat and sang along with Beth.





BOOK: Reborn by Blood
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