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Authors: Maya Banks

Reckless (8 page)

BOOK: Reckless
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Then she felt herself swept into his arms as he charged toward her bedroom.



Chapter Eight

Nikki felt at a distinct disadvantage this time. As J.T. laid her tenderly on the bed, his eyes glowed with…love. God, love!

She felt more in control when she was doing her vamp act. Sexy and wanton like nothing in the world mattered to her. But this mattered. It mattered so much.

It irritated her that she felt so damn vulnerable all of a sudden. Just like the shy virgin she’d been a few days ago.

“What are you thinking?” J.T. asked gently as his fingers brushed across her face.

For a moment she considered slipping back into her she-sex act. But J.T. would see through her like a piece of plastic wrap.

“I’m nervous,” she managed to say without choking on the words.

His gaze softened. And then he kissed her. Warm, sweet, his lips moving delicately across hers, like the touch of a feather.

His heat bled into her skin, infusing her with confidence she badly needed.

He reared back on the bed long enough to tug his shirt off. It went sailing across the room, and then he shimmied out of his pants.

When her avid gaze fastened on his cock, she couldn’t help but lick her lips. He groaned aloud.

“You have to stop that, honey. I’m only a man. A Neanderthal, even. You can’t look at me like that and expect me to act civilized.”

She grinned. “Screw civilized.”

“I want to take this nice and slow,” he said as he eased down over her body. He began working at the buttons on her oversized shirt. “I want to love you like you deserve to be loved. I want it to be good for you, sweetheart.”

She raised her head up and kissed him. “It hasn’t been bad with you, J.T. It’s been wonderful. You’re the only one with the hang-ups over how I lost my virginity.” 55

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He grimaced as he pulled her shirt apart. “Don’t remind me that I took you on my desk.”

She pried her arms out of her shirt, and then he went to work on her bra. He shoved it up over her breasts and then lowered his mouth to one straining nipple.

A shiver worked down her spine as his wet tongue circled the puckered nub. He sucked lazily at it. Warmth bloomed in her pelvis. Her pussy burned, and her clit tightened with need.

He lifted himself off her so he could peel her jeans down her legs. His fingers hooked into the lacy band of her underwear, and soon it was gone as well.

He settled back between her legs, his cock brushing against her quivering flesh. She spread herself wider and squirmed impatiently.

But he wouldn’t be hurried.

His chest pressed against hers, but he was careful to keep his full weight from her even as she wanted him, all of him. His hands stroked through her hair, and he frowned as he undid her ponytail.

“You got rid of the pink.”

“Yeah. It was silly.”

He shook his head. “I liked it. It was you. Vibrant. Bright.”

“Oh, come on. It drove you crazy.”

He smiled. “
drive me crazy, honey. And I love every minute of it.”

She smiled back. “I’ll consider getting it back. Maybe purple this time.”

“No, I like the pink. Don’t forget the glitter.”

“Shut up and kiss me,” she growled.

“With pleasure,” he murmured as his lips swept downward.

She opened her legs and then circled his waist, locking her ankles at the small of his back.

“Please, J.T. Don’t make me wait,” she begged. “I want you so much. I’ve waited so long for this.”



His elbows on either side of her face, he arched his hips, bringing his erection into contact with her pulsing entrance.

“I love you,” he whispered as his lips took hers again.

She melted against him, his sweet words like a balm. All the pain of the past disappeared, and hope radiated from her soul. Warm, giving, beautiful.

And then he slid inside her. So gentle. So tender. Tears clogged her throat as he paused against her, allowing her time to adjust to his size.

“You okay, honey?” he asked as he looked down at her. There was so much love in his eyes that she was afraid her chest might bust wide open.

She circled his neck with her arms and pulled him down to her. She took his mouth in a hot, breathless kiss, pouring every ounce of her passion, her love, into the gesture.

Their lips tangled, and their mouths moved heatedly as his hips flexed between her legs. He retreated, nearly pulling out completely, and then slid forward in one long, delicious thrust.

She closed her eyes and reveled in the feel of his complete possession. Yeah, what they’d had before was sex. Good sex. But this? This was making love. It was like the first time all over again. Could you lose your virginity more than once?

“You’re so beautiful,” he said in a hoarse voice.

Her fingers dug into the short hair at the nape of his neck then moved lower, splaying out over his back, digging into his shoulders as her pleasure mounted.

He moved faster now but still with exquisite gentleness. There was an unbearable tightening in her groin as her orgasm slowly built. No flashpoint this time. No sudden surge to completion. Slowly and leisurely, the tension built higher and higher.

Her breath came in agonized spurts as she struggled against the pressure. He was swollen inside her, heavy and engorged. He touched every part of her, sliding against the sensitive walls of her vagina. Each thrust, each time he dragged his cock over her throbbing tissues, she felt an incredible burst of pleasure.

“J.T.!” she gasped.

“I’m here, honey. I’ve got you. I’ll always have you.” 57

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“I love you,” she whispered. “I love you!”

Her words sent them both over the edge, plunging into deep, dark waters. Pleasure, blinding and hot, splintered deep in her pelvis, rushed outward in twenty different directions.

He tensed against her. His cry split the room. Then her cry mingled with his as they gave in and let go.

He gathered her close in his arms, his weight pressing her into the bed. She wrapped her arms tighter around him so he wouldn’t move.

Finally he raised his head and started to move off her. She whimpered in protest and held on.

“I’m too heavy for you,” he murmured.

Gripping her around the waist, he rolled until he was on bottom and she was sprawled across his chest.

“But you can lay all over me for as long as you want,” he added.

She smiled but was too tired and wrung out to do more than snuggle deeper into his arms. She tucked her head under his chin and kissed the damp skin of his chest.

“Did you mean it, J.T.?” she whispered.

“Mean what, honey?”

“That you love me and want to marry me.”

His hand tugged her head upward until her lips were just inches from his frown.

“Never doubt it, Nikki mine. You’re stuck with me forever, because there is no way in hell I’m ever letting you go now.”

She smiled and kissed away his frown. “Hold me? I just want to sleep for a while. I haven’t slept in nights.”

He tugged her back down against his chest and smoothed a hand through her hair.

“Then sleep, sweetheart. Right here, with me, and know that I love you.”

Her eyes fluttered drowsily, and strangely she felt like crying all over again. Happy tears. When had she ever cried happy tears?

They leaked from her eyes and slid over J.T.’s bare chest.



“Hey,” he said softly as he lifted her head so he could look her in the eye. “What’s that for?”

She smiled a watery smile then leaned down to kiss him. “Nothing. I’m just happy.”

He smiled back. “Okay then, that’s all right, I guess. Now get some sleep, honey.

You’re going to need all the rest you can get because I don’t plan on letting you out of bed for at least a week.”

She dove back into the comforting warmth of his embrace and closed her eyes.

Maybe dreams did come true. Even for girls like her. 59

Maya Banks

Chapter Nine

J.T. woke to a sweet, warm body draped across his chest, her legs tucked between his. They were all tangled up like two mating love bugs, and damn if that didn’t bring the stupidest grin to his face.

Unable to resist touching Nikki, he stroked a hand through her long hair and frowned again over the missing pink stripe. It had grown on him. Just like she had.

He relaxed and enjoyed the feel of her in his arms, nestled into his body like she was made for him. A perfect fit.

Yeah, he was too damn old for her, but at this point, he wasn’t going to argue the blessing of having such a beautiful, vibrant woman swear she was in love with him. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to let that keep him from spending the rest of his life loving her in every imaginable way possible.

A noise from the living room made him tense. Had he locked the door when they’d come in yesterday? Hell if he could remember. He knew he’d been pissed that it hadn’t been locked when they’d come in, but after that, he didn’t remember anything beyond making love to Nikki.

Before he could ponder whether or not he should get up and investigate, the bedroom door flew open, and a very large, very pissed-off Lucas charged in.

He couldn’t be sure who was more stunned. Him or Lucas. Lucas’s mouth fell open, and then his face tightened in rage.

“You son of a bitch!”

Nikki jumped in his arms, her eyes flying open.

“Shhh honey, it’s okay,” he soothed.

“No the hell it isn’t okay,” Lucas bellowed.

Nikki rolled off of him, grabbing for the covers to hide her nudity. Her face was bright red with embarrassment. She looked downright mortified.



Lucas stalked forward, and J.T. braced himself for impact. Then Lucas stopped and cast a disgusted look down at the bed.

“For God’s sake, get some clothes on so I can beat your ass properly.”

If he wasn’t so sure that Lucas was going to do just that, he’d laugh. He cast a wary glance over at Nikki before rolling out of bed.

Nikki launched herself toward Lucas, the sheet wrapped tight around her body.

“Lucas, no! Stop, please. You can’t just barge in here like this and threaten J.T.”

Lucas growled, but J.T. noticed he curtailed his anger when he looked at Nikki. His entire gaze softened, and he reached out to touch her cheek.

“I’m going to kick his ass, Nikki, and he knows it. He’s been expecting it. Why the fuck else would he be in bed with you when he knew damn well I was coming home?”

“Lucas, please,” she pleaded. “I love him. Don’t do this.”

He put a finger to her lips. “J.T. doesn’t need you protecting him. If I don’t kick his ass now and get it out of my system, there ain’t a hope I’ll ever be able to stomach him.

He took advantage of you. He was supposed to be protecting you.”


“Nikki, honey, let it go,” J.T. said as he dragged his pants on. “I want you to stay here, okay?” He leaned over and kissed her, hard. “Trust me.”

Her eyes were troubled, and her bottom lip was firmly caught between her teeth as he started to follow Lucas from the room.

When they hit the living room, Lucas gestured curtly toward the door. “Outside.”

J.T. sighed but followed. This wasn’t going to be pretty, but it was necessary. Lucas was one pissed-off son of a bitch right now. Yeah, he could hold his own, but both of them were going to hurt before it was over with.

He barely cleared the door before Lucas grabbed him and tossed him off the porch.

He landed with a thump, and Lucas came after him.

“You bastard,” Lucas gritted out as he landed a fist to J.T.’s jaw.

J.T. swung, bloodying Lucas’s lip and knocking him back. J.T. scrambled up and circled Lucas warily. 61

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“Don’t you think she’s had enough hurt in her life?” Lucas demanded as they stepped around each other. “You made her cry, you son of a bitch. Our mother couldn’t make her cry. All the taunting and abuse she suffered at the hands of this town didn’t make her cry.
made her cry. I’ll never forgive you for that.”

J.T. sighed. “Yeah, I did, man. I’m a lousy bastard.” He broke off when Lucas swung again. He ducked, but Lucas’s other fist connected with his nose.

J.T. went sprawling, but he got up just as quickly and lunged for Lucas. They went down in a heap, rolling in the dirt as they fought for position. J.T. punched him in the gut, and Lucas grunted.

“You don’t deserve her. No one in this piece of shit town deserves her,” Lucas growled.

J.T. rolled off Lucas and scrambled to his feet.

“You’re right, Lucas. I don’t deserve her. But I love her. She loves me.”

“Oh, so now you love her. What happened to
I think I love her

“I’m a goddamn idiot,” J.T. said. “What do you want me to say? I love that girl, and nothing you say or do is going to keep me away from her. You got that? Do your worst, Lucas, but remember that you’re trying to beat the shit out of the man your sister loves. I don’t think she’ll forgive you for that.”

Lucas’s shoulders sagged, and a murderous gleam entered his eye. “Fucking pussy,”

he grumbled. “Hiding behind a woman.”

J.T. grinned. “There are worse things than hiding behind Nikki. She could take you, I think.”

Lucas rubbed a hand through his hair and let out an exasperated sigh.

“Hey, dude, are you AWOL?” J.T. couldn’t keep the concern out of his voice.

Lucas smiled. “Nah. My CO has a baby sister too. He was only too happy to let me go kick some ass.”

“Well then, instead of me kicking your ass, why don’t we go out and have a drink to celebrate the fact that I’ll be your brother-in-law.”


BOOK: Reckless
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