Read Red, White and Beautiful Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Red, White and Beautiful (11 page)

BOOK: Red, White and Beautiful
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“How do you want me, baby?” I growl into her ear, needing to hear her tell me what she needs.

“Please, I don’t care what way,” she whimpers.

“Tell. Me. How.”

“Fuck me, Marcus. Fuck me hard.”

“Pardon?” I chastise.

She whimpers and cries out, “Fuck me, sir, please, fuck me.”

“That’s a girl.”

I slide my cock inside her in one, full, thrust. She cries out and her nails feel like they draw blood on my skin as she clutches me. I feel an electric bolt run through my dick and into my balls. I groan as she surrounds me, clenching and pulling with her own desperate need. I grip her hips, tilting them up and using them to drive my thrusts over and over. Our skin slaps together, our bodies become slick with sweat as we both attempt to hang onto the moment of pleasure. Her nipples are so hard I can feel them rubbing against my chest, her breathing is ragged, her cheeks are pink and she’s making strangled whimpering sounds.

“Make me come, sir,” she rasps. “God make me come.”

“On it, baby,” I growl, thrusting harder.

I can feel it starting from my spine, this sweet little tingle crawling slowly towards my dick. When Sierra comes, she cries out my name and strangles me with her orgasm. I groan deeply as I begin coming, deep and hard into her heat. Pulse after pulse, deep, intense pleasure. I bury my head into her shoulder and growl loudly as we come down from one hell of a release. When our breathing steadies out, Sierra runs her hands up and down my back while she nestles her face into my chest, breathing me in. I roll off her, pulling her into my arms and turning her to face me. I run a finger down her cheeks. She’s so fucking beautiful, inside and out, everything about her is sunshine.

“Baby,” I murmur. “You’re so perfect.”

She smiles, showing me a flash of perfect teeth and two gorgeous dimples.

“I could say the same, sir.”

I grin. “And might I add that you have one hell of a sexy fucking voice.”

She flushes. “I knew you’d like that.”

“I’ll never hear my nickname and not think of that.”

“That could be awkward,” she giggles.

I stroke a piece of hair from her eyes and lean in, grazing her lips with mine. She clutches me, pressing her naked, warm body to mine.

“Sleep, sweetheart,” I murmur into her hair.


She snuggles further into me and I listen as her breathing becomes deeper and further apart. I am just drifting off into oblivion myself when my mother bangs on the door, quite loudly. Sierra jerks and we both sit up, though Sierra’s eyes are darting around trying to work out what’s going on.

“Marcus? Honey? Are you awake, we have a problem?”

I get out of the bed and pull on a pair of pants, then I walk to the door and crack it open.

“It’s late, what’s up?”

Her eyes dart down the hall and then turn back to me and I can see she’s worried.

“Chayne…she’s here.”

What. The. Fuck?


“Did your mother just say Chayne is here?”

I peer at Marcus and watch his back stiffen. I guess she did say that. I slip out of the bed and quickly pull on some clothes, then I walk over, placing my hand on his back. He flinches. I know he’s worried, I can’t blame him. What reason would Chayne have to drive out here late at night, other than to bust Marcus at something he most certainly

I know how this will end for him. I know exactly what it is she’s trying to do. If she can prove he’s with someone else, she has a case just as strong as his. My heart quickens.

“What the fuck is she doing here?”

“Don’t swear,” Julie whispers. “And I don’t know. She showed up raving that you’re cheating on her. She has cameras Marcus, lots of them.”

“I’m not with her!” he snaps.

“Well, she seems to think so. Your father is holding her back, but it’s only a matter of time before she barges past him.”

Marcus turns to me, frantically. His eyes dart around the room, then he settles the back onto me.

“Pick up your things and put them in the top of the cupboard, go!”

I stare at him in shock, Julie does too. Pack my things? Is he serious?

What the hell should I do that for? Surely Chayne won’t come down here? Will she?

“Did you hear me, Sierra? Put them away.”

I don’t move, still unsure why he is demanding that I hide my things.

I thought he and Chayne were separated, so why should it matter who he’s here with? She shouldn’t be able to just barge into his house and demand to see him. He should be telling her to just get lost, not ordering me around. Seeing that I’m not moving, he turns quickly, shoving my clothes into my suitcase and opening the high cupboard, shoving my things inside before slamming it closed.

“You need to make yourself disappear until I can get rid of her.”

My eyes widen. “What?”

“Sierra, don’t argue with me, just do as I ask.”

“Marcus! I know you’re not alone! I’m going to take you down! You cheating bastard!” Chayne screams down the hall.

“Go!” Marcus hisses, shoving me towards the window.

He’s not fucking serious is he? He wants me to climb out the god damned window? When he opens it and shoves me towards it, I realize that’s exactly what he’s doing.

“Marcus!” Julie snaps.

“Just trust me, climb out and stay low. I’ll get rid of her.”

“You’re hiding me?” I whisper, lifting my leg and hoisting myself up on the window frame.

“She can’t know about this.”

Hurt and truly heart broken, I climb out the window. As soon as I hit the dirt below, Marcus slams the window shut. He might as well have crushed my heart in it while he was at it. I listen closely, pressing my face to the faded wood panels of the house as I try to hear what’s happening inside. I can hear Chayne yelling, and I can hear cupboards being slammed and Marcus’ angry voice. A few words come through clear, though.

“She’s not fucking here, Chayne. Fuck, can’t I even visit my family?”

“You’re cheating on me, you bastard.”

“No, I’m not. We’re not together and you know it. We both know exactly why you’re here, you’re trying to get me for something you know I can get you on, so you don’t lose everything.”

“I’ll find her Marcus, I will get my proof and you will go down with me. I won’t let you ruin my life. I won’t let you ruin everything I have worked for, do you hear me? Now where is she? Where is she?” she screams.

“I’m not with her,” Marcus snaps.

“I don’t believe you.”

“I have better things to do with my time,” he hisses.

That’s enough for me, I turn and storm into the darkness. Hot tears thunder down my cheeks as I rush forward. Splatters of rain hit my cheeks, I didn’t even know it was raining. I swallow over and over, sobbing and jogging into the dark night. I don’t know where I’m going, I have no idea if I’m about to run into a large dam or some animal’s yard.

All I can think about, is Marcus’ harsh words. I get that he was saying them because Chayne isn’t meant to know, but the fact that he shoved me out his window, hurt me more than words can ever describe.

I run past an old barn, by now I’m soaked. I see car lights flash on and I quickly duck down. I watch as Chayne’s car speeds past and flicks rocks as it hammers down the driveway. When she’s out of sight I stand and begin a slower pace as I try to gather my thoughts. I hear Marcus calling my name, but I don’t stop walking. Why should I? He shoved me out his window. That’s something children do, or naughty teenagers, who are about to be busted for sneaking their lover in middle of the night, but it shouldn’t happen with a grown man who can make his own choices.

“Sierra!” Marcus calls.

I keep walking. I see a flash light swing past my face and the sound of footsteps quickening.

“Sierra, stop!”

I pick up to a run, but I’m not as quick as Marcus. He grips my arm in a matter of seconds and swings me around, causing me to slip in the mud and fall to my ass. I cry out, kicking out and connecting with his shin. He roars in pain and hops a few steps backwards. God damn him for shoving me out a window. How dare he do that, especially after everything we’ve been through. It was wrong and so completely unfair.

“What the fuck?” he snaps.

“How could you?” I cry, slamming my hand into the mud. “You shoved me out your window, and then you told her that I was nothing!”

“I couldn’t tell her about you, do you know what would happen if she knew? I wouldn’t be able to take her down, because she would have the same thing to bring me down.”

“That’s all this is about, isn’t it?” I scream, standing. I’m covered in mud, but I don’t care. “It’s all about your career and how it will look on you.”

“I’ve worked my entire life towards this career, Sierra. Do you really expect me to just throw it away?”

“No,” I snarl. “I didn’t, but I certainly didn’t expect to come second best the way I did tonight. You shoved me out a window, do you really miss how horrible that was?”

“I had no choice,” he yells, throwing his hands up. The torch flashes around a moment, then settles back by his side.

“You always have a choice, Marcus, you’re choosing to put me second this way. You didn’t even have to speak to that woman, but you did. You could have walked out of the room, told her to get out and left me inside the window, but you didn’t. You just don’t see it, do you? You don’t see what you’re doing to me? God dammit, Marcus, I’m in love with you and you’re breaking me.”

I turn and try to storm away, but he grips my shoulder and pulls me backwards.

“Sierra, stop.”

“Why should I?” I cry. “You have made it perfectly clear where I stand, and I don’t need it. I’ve had enough to deal with, I don’t need this.

You hit the roof when I wanted to take a job with Ben, but when it comes to you I have nothing. I have no part of you, I have no part of any of this.”

“Bullshit!” He yells. “You’re god damned part of everything. I did that, for you, Sierra. I know what she’ll do if she thinks you’re a threat. I am protecting what I’ve worked hard for, but can you blame me? I am not going to just give it all up to her, I won’t let her take everything I have worked for. But what you’re missing, Sierra, is you’re part of what I worked for. Don’t you understand that, she’s not just going to take my job, she’s going to take you too. I can’t let her do that. I shouldn’t have pushed you out the window, but god, Sierra, I did it because…”

“Because what?” I rasp.

“Because I fucking love you too.”

I make a strangled sobbing sound, and lurch forward. Marcus catches me in his arms and I can feel the mud transfer from my body to his but I don’t care, it feels so good to hear him say those words. I have waited so long to hear him say those words and mean them with his whole heart and the way he just said them, tells me he means them with everything inside him. When my lips find his, I kiss him deeply, roughly, angrily. I wrap my arms around his neck and drag out every sensation in my body, pushing them into him. He groans and tangles his fingers in my hair and presses my body firmly against his.

“You hurt me,” I murmur against his mouth as I pull away.

“I know, baby, I wasn’t thinking.”

I grip his arm and I pinch his skin so hard he leaps back with a curse.

“Don’t do it again.”

He’s silent a moment, then he roars with laughter.

“Did you just abuse me, Sierra?”

“I did, and if you ever shove me out a window again, I’ll repeat it, twice as hard.”

He steps forward, wrapping me in his arms again.

“I promise, I’ll never shove you out a window again.”

I fall silent a moment, and then I rest my head on his chest. We’re drenched and I’m shaking.

“Come on, let’s get you to the shower,” he murmurs.

“What are we going to do about Chayne?”

“I don’t know sweetheart, I truly don’t.”

“Me either.”

“We’ll just deal with it as it comes, ok?”

I nod, and let him take my hand and begin leading me to the house. I hope he’s right, because something deep inside me is warning me that this…is far from over.


“You can’t keep calling me, I said no, Ben.” I snap into the phone as I pace outside the White House waiting for Marcus.

“You said no because of him,” Ben barks.

“No, I said no, because I really don’t feel the need to work with you.”

“Do you honestly believe you’ll ever get another job after losing that one with him?”


“Ben, please, I don’t want your job. I’m grateful, I truly am, but…”

“Just meet me, for five minutes. Please. If you say no at the end of it, I won’t push.”

“That’s not a wise idea.”

“Sierra, this is a job opportunity, and a good one. You know that, you’re just ignoring me because of Marcus.”


“Five minutes, it’s all I’m asking. If you say no, I’ll leave it.”

I look down at my watch, Marcus doesn’t finish for another twenty.

“You meet me out front of the White House in five minutes, and I’ll speak to you.”

“I’ll be there.”

He hangs up and I sigh loudly. He won’t give up until I at least tell him no to his face, and I figure I’m safe enough out the front of the White House. I don’t get a chance to think much longer before a car pulls up and Ben jumps out. I feel an old sting in my heart at the sight of him, but I’m not sure it’s a good one. It’s a painful one, that much I am totally sure about. When he strides over and stops in front of me, I take a weary step back. He smiles, and shakes his head with amusement. I’m glad he thinks my weariness is funny.

“Sierra, you look gorgeous.”

“Let’s just get this over with, Ben.”

He frowns and crosses his arms. His dark grey suit pulls across his hard chest. I swallow and look away, remembering how, at one point, I loved the way he looked.

“I want you to reconsider my offer, I think you’re being childish saying no and you’re not saying no for yourself, you’re saying no for him.”

I glare at him and cross my arms. “I am saying no for me, Ben. I don’t think working with you is a good thing. We don’t mesh, we have a past and it would never work.”

BOOK: Red, White and Beautiful
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