Reined In: Lone Star Lovers, Book 7 (8 page)

BOOK: Reined In: Lone Star Lovers, Book 7
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The next lashes were light but stroked the backs of her thighs, then moved upward again. Another stroke, this one sharper, hit her right buttock. Her head came up. “That stung.”

“Want me to stop?”

Cam’s voice. Thick and rumbling. Oh fuck. Moisture trickled down one thigh. Another swat, and she gasped but kept silent. Left side. Right side. Her skin was hot, getting hotter. Her stomach trembled.

“Inch apart your legs,” Joe whispered beside her ear.

Good Lord, when had he moved?

But she did as he asked, inching apart her legs, drawing in a sharp breath because her inner folds opened and cool air wafted against her sex.

A hand smoothed beneath her, gliding over her lower belly, fingers curving and slipping inside her. Another lash struck her ass, and she clenched tightly around the fingers filling her.

“She’s into it,” Joe said. “Damn, girl, you’re fuckin’ wet.”

Stormy gave a little mewl but otherwise kept silent. She was so excited she knew Joe had to feel every jump of her skin, every shiver.

Again and again, Cam peppered her ass with sharper strokes while Joe swirled his fingers inside her. Arousal wound tighter and tighter. She shifted her knees, widening them, hoping for a stroke right over her pussy. She rubbed her breasts against the coverlet and jerked with each stroke, on fire, more and more moisture gathering where Joe played.

And then the lashes stopped. The bed shifted behind her. Lips kissed her bottom; a tongue traced the long hot lines Cam had left on her skin and then dipped between her buttocks. Too shocked to do more than grunt, she held still as thumbs parted her buttocks and a tongue speared her tiny rosette.

Twice it dove into her. Then slippery fingers pushed inside her pussy. Stormy sobbed, knowing this was supposed to be punishment but too enthralled with the sensations rolling through her.

Shock, yes, but the slippery fingers provided a forbidden thrill. The men would dare anything, push her past every inhibition for the sake of pleasure—theirs and hers.

More kisses landed, hands smoothed, one beneath her now, rubbing her clit. Cam’s? “Please, please,” she begged.

Those wicked, questing fingers drew away, leaving her shuddering on the bed. Then hands returned, turning her, raising her head. Fingers glided across her lips and she followed them with her tongue, licking them until they entered her mouth. Her own flavor exploded on her tongue, but having her suck them wasn’t his goal; he pulled down her jaw and suddenly a thick fat cock pushed against her lips. Cam’s. No mistaking that.

Opening, she accepted his prod, allowing him inside. Her jaws stretched to accommodate his girth and she sucked him deeper.

Behind her, hands aligned her hips. A cock prodded between her folds and then thrust deep.

Impaled in front and back, she soared, so filled she felt as though she were a doll, moved forward and back, unable to resist the hands forcing her hips, the fingers gripping her scalp.

They were fucking her—Cam taking her mouth, Joe her cunt. She wished she could see, but her mind filled with images, both men naked, her held helpless between them and put to sweet use.

This was what she wanted in her bed, what she craved—to be controlled and loved with abandon. She was free. Freed to soar, freed of self-will and control.

Her jaws began to ache but she forced them wider, allowing Cam to sink to the back of her throat where she gave him that special kiss, closing and opening her throat with a swallow that caused him to groan.

If she’d been able, she would have smiled.

Behind her, Joe’s motions quickened. He bent over her, hands leaving her hips to reach beneath her, one smoothing up to a breast, which he squeezed and pinched, one gliding down to her mound, a finger searching for her clit and then rubbing it with soft circular motions that caused her belly to cramp and her breaths to shorten. She was panting, breathing noisily through her nose.

“Baby, come for us. Let go,” Joe said, his voice tight and hard.

And again, she imagined the look of him, washboard belly rippling as his cock sank inside her, pounding her again and again.

She came hard, a muffled howl vibrating around Cam’s big cock. Cam dug his fingernails into her scalp, pushed one last time. Come bathed the back of her throat in hot splashes that she swallowed down.

Still caught in the storm, she sobbed, gripping him with her lips as Joe thrust hard and spurts of liquid heat bathed her ravaged channel.

Coming down, she barely noted Cam’s slow withdrawal until his mouth replaced his cock and he kissed her, sweeping his tongue inside to taste.

Joe collapsed over her back, rocking against her in ever-gentling motions, like a tide lapping at the banks of the sea.

Rocked in his embrace, she broke with Cam’s kiss and rested her face against his. “Dear God,” she whispered. “What was that?”

Joe chuckled, jerking against her back. Cam’s smile tightened the cheek pressed against hers.

“That, Peaches,” Joe said, “was fuckin’ unbelievable.”



Stormy entered Cutter Standifer’s barn on Cam’s arm, glancing around the well-lit space and wondering how the evening would go. After all, she was attending the barn dance in the company of two men. Not that anyone there needed to know just how intimately familiar she was with both of her escorts.

Joe had cajoled her into going, promising she’d have a good time and that he’d behave—mostly.

“If I happen to find a dark corner…” he’d said, his mouth quirking up at one corner, “well, all bets are off.”

Secretly, she was thrilled about the idea of doing something naughty with so many people nearby. Perhaps more thrilled with the idea of being caught. Joe and Cam had unleashed a wildness she hadn’t known she possessed.

A live band played on a stage fashioned out of shipping pallets and plywood. Christmas lights were strung from the high ceiling of the barn. Sawhorses and plywood tables filled with punch bowls and dishes of food lined one side of the barn.

Already, her feet tapped to the lively country tune the fiddle player scratched across his strings.

“Wanna dance?” Joe asked.

He and Cam moved in close, one on each side.

The challenge in their gazes was as plain as a McGuffey’s primer to read. “I am not gonna dance with both of you,” she whispered. She aimed a glare at Joe and grabbed Cam’s hand, lifting her chin to show Joe she knew damn well she was inviting punishment.

His teeth flashed with a quick grin. “I’ll remember that.”

Lord, she planned on giving him a list of transgressions to address later. Her butt was still warm and tender and she wanted more…of everything they’d given her.

“Shall we?” Cam said, taking her in his arms and swinging her out onto the hard-packed dirt floor.

Stormy laughed. She was dressed in a tight blue tee, a short blue jean skirt, which was belted with silver conch and turquoise belt, and cowboy boots. And she looked like every other woman there. These were her people. Where she belonged.

Cam swung her around and something caught her eye. She tripped, and Cam brought her close. Her gaze went to the corner of the dance floor and widened. Dani Standifer was dancing with Justin Cruz pressed close to her front, Rowe Ayers at her back—a spicy, dirty-dancing sandwich if ever she’d seen one.

Cam tipped her sagging jaw. “Not polite to stare,” he said, whirling her away.


“It’s their business.”

“She married Justin…”

“Because she could only marry one of them.”

Her mind whirled. No one else seemed to be paying attention to the threesome. And then she spotted the Kinzie boys. All four of them, ringing Chrissi Page. She’d heard that the eldest, Ezra, had married her, but there were his brothers, all spinning her around one at a time to snuggle up close, hands resting intimately on her ass. What the hell was going on?

Cam pulled her against his chest. “You’re thinkin’ too hard.”

“Did you see?”

A warm hard body pressed against her back. Joe nuzzled her ear. “See why I brought you here?”

“This gonna turn into some kind of kinky orgy?” She huffed, but inside her belly was beginning to quiver.

Both men laughed.

“No, Peaches,” Joe said. “We just wanted to introduce you to friends. Folks who won’t judge you—won’t think what we’re doin’ is wrong.” He swayed to the left.

She followed. Cam leaned as well, but her boot stepped on his.

“We’ll need a little practice,” Cam said, chuckling.

The music stopped and Joe pulled her toward the punch bowl table, poured her a cup from the one marked
and handed it to her. “Want to go outside and talk?”

She shook her head. “I want to talk to Dani.”

Joe studied her expression, and she wasn’t sure what he might see. Worry, yes, but the beginnings of nervous excitement too? Could a woman in this town survive the censure of her neighbors? He gave her a slow nod and waved a hand, indicating he’d take her to Dani.

Again, she shook her head. “I know Dani. I want to talk to her alone.”

Only Dani was standing with her sister-in-law, Katie Standifer. The redhead eyed Stormy as she walked up, bent to whisper something to Dani and then gave Stormy a smile as she moved away.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Saw the way you looked at us when we were dancing. Thought you might have some questions, especially given the fact you came with Cam and Joe.” Dani’s short blonde hair shifted around her cheeks as she tossed back her head. “You curious about how it works?”

“I know how
works,” Stormy said, lowering her voice. “But I’m curious about the rest. Does everyone in town know?”

“You’ve been away awhile. Surprised the gossip didn’t reach you all the way in Austin. Congrats, by the way. Heard you graduated with honors.”

“Thanks, but…” She met the other woman’s amused blue gaze. “I know not everyone’s as accepting as the folks here. How do you stand it?”

Dani’s expression didn’t tighten. Her cheeks didn’t bloom with a blush. She met Stormy’s curious gaze with a steady one of her own. “I love them both. I refused to choose one over the other. Sure, my brother nearly disowned me, but he’s come around. We have a child together, and that made all the difference. Cutter’s a sucker for babies.”

Stormy had indeed heard that both Dani and Katie had children within weeks of each other. “You…do you know who the father is?”

Dani arched a brow.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but I have so many questions.”

“Rowe’s the daddy—this time around,” she said smiling. “Since I married Justin.”

Stormy took a sip of her drink. “And you all live together.”

“Yes. We share the same bed.”

Stormy blushed. “This is Texas, aren’t you worried about the church ladies?”

Dani laughed. “Sweetie, I have two strong, handsome cowboys who spoil me like crazy. They’re my whole world, and I’m not without friends.” She reached out and gripped Stormy’s arm, turning her gently toward the dancers on the floor. Only two Kinzies flanked Chrissi this time, moving to a ballad in dreamy bliss. But next to them was a pretty, plump blonde with a pronounced baby bump, dancing between foster brothers, Johnny and Killian Logan. In another corner, the Logan twins were wrapped around a very pregnant Molly Pritchet.

Stormy’s jaw dropped. “But she’s a teacher.”

“Was.” Dani sighed. “She quit, knowing she’d face censure from the school board. She’s plannin’ on settin’ up a homeschool program for all our kids once they start reachin’ age.” Dani put her arm around Stormy’s shoulder. “I don’t know if you’re plannin’ to go down this same road, but you should know you won’t be without community, without family.”

Stormy’s eyes grew moist. “It’s nice to know. Sorry I pried.”

Dani gave her a hug. “We have to stick together. We’re the luckiest people in this big old state, but few understand it.”

Stormy found Cam and Joe standing with Cutter, whose gaze swept her, not a hint of what he was thinking in his eyes. She’d always found him intimidating, but the small smile playing on his lips welcomed her. “Hiya, Cutter.”

He tipped his hat. “Good to see you. See your dad yet?”

Blood drained away from her face. “What?”

“He’s around. Sent him an invite, and he flew in. Said he wanted to see you and the boys.”

Stormy felt ill. She handed her cup to Joe.

Cam slid his arm around her waist. “You all right?”

“My dad’s here,” she said faintly.

Cam nodded slowly. “I’m right here. I heard.”

“Here,” she said, her voice rising. “With all this goin’ on…” she said, swirling her hand toward Joe and Cam and then herself.

Cam bent toward her ear. “Don’t get so worked up, baby. He doesn’t know about us. But he knows about everyone here, Stormy. And he’s still friends with the Standifers.”

She pushed away from his embrace, feeling panic close around her. “I’m not ready to tell him. God, I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready. I can’t hurt him that way.”

BOOK: Reined In: Lone Star Lovers, Book 7
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