Read Renegade Reject Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Renegade Reject (9 page)

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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I go straight to him, wrapping my arms around his center.  “What are you talking about?”

Leading me to the cot, he lies down and pulls me on top of him.  As he holds me tight, he finally answers, “Nothing, I just need to hold you tonight.”

“You can hold me every night,” I whisper out, placing soft kisses along his jawline.

He starts to say something, but I cut him off.  I place my lips on his and kiss him, desperately rubbing my body against his.  It only takes a few seconds for him to respond, kissing me every bit as aggressively as I am him.  When his tongue slips into my mouth, I can taste the lingering flavor of Jack Daniels on it.  It sends my need into over-drive, and I can’t hold back my moan. God, he tastes good.

Straddling his body, I start to grind against his hardness. I’ve never done this before, but it feels right, more right than anything has ever felt before. The contact sends a wave of desire throughout my body.  His hands roam over me before finally cupping my breast.  When he squeezes my nipple through my shirt, he pushes up, causing another moan to escape.  I can feel the dampness start to pool between my legs as I rub myself against his jean-covered cock. “That feels so good.”

His hand trails down to my hips, and he flips me over effortlessly, positioning his body on top of mine so that we’re perfectly aligned.  He smiles at me, a smile that would have any woman tossing her panties on the floor.  Ever so slowly, he kisses and nips my overheated skin as he makes his way down my body, removing my clothes as he goes.  When he finally pulls off my pants, his hand goes into the silk of my panties. Gently, his fingers tease my folds, spreading the wetness all around and causing my hips to arch into his touch. Ever so slowly, his finger starts to fill me.  “Oh, God.”

His actions surprise me, almost as much as they excite me.  We’ve never gone this far before, only having shared heated kisses and some light touches here and there.  I’ve been wanting more, needing more, but he always says we have to wait until my birthday.  Thank God, he’s changed his mind. 

His kiss becomes urgent, while his hand works magic between my legs.  His lips trail down my neck, and his fingers move faster within me, his thumb zeroing in on that bundle of nerves that sets me on fire.  I feel my orgasm building and realize that I don’t want to experience it on my own. I want to touch him. I
to touch him. The feelings I have building inside me are new and completely overwhelming.

I push my hand between us and start to work the button on his pants. As soon as I pull his zipper down, I reach my hand inside, wrapping my fingers around his hardness.  My God, it’s nothing like I thought it would be.  His dick is hard, but it feels soft at the same time.  He’s so engorged; I swear I can feel his heartbeat as I tentatively stroke him.

His talented fingers continue their assault on my sensitive flesh until I can feel the resurgence of my orgasm coming. It’s more powerful and overwhelming than I ever imagined. His lips wrap around my nipple, sucking it into his mouth, the sensation sending shockwaves straight to my core.

He kisses his way up my neck, nipping my ear. “Let go, baby,” he says gruffly.  At his words, I lose myself. My body shakes, and waves of pure pleasure run through me. This is like nothing I’ve ever felt before—truly amazing. 

After coming down, I realize that he’s still hard, still pulsating in my hand.  “Preach, take me,” I whisper into his ear.

Of course, he doesn’t.  Instead, he stiffens and pulls away. “I wish I could, Little Flower, but I can’t. We got a week, just a week, then I will spend days on end with your beautiful pussy wrapped around my cock.”

He smiles as he pulls his hand from between our bodies.  Raising his fingers to his mouth, he sucks my juices off of them.  “Damn, baby.  You taste amazing.”

His words are so sexy, I nearly come again.

Shaking my head to clear away the fog left behind by my orgasm, I place my hands on his face.  “I don’t wanna wait.  I want you to make me yours now.”

He climbs off of me, buttoning his pants as soon as he hits his feet.  “I told you, we can’t.  I took an oath when I became a Renegade Son.  I’m not breaking it.  We will have the rest of our lives together. We don’t need to rush it.”

“But, I’m almost eighteen.  I don’t see why a week matters so much.  Plus, why does anyone need to know what we do?  I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

My words seem to piss him off.  Instead of helping me from the cot, he turns away and walks toward the door.  He waits for me to dress, and the tension in the room is nearly unbearable.  Without saying a word, he opens the door and walks out to his bike.  My heart breaks with every step I take. As I get near, he grabs my hand and helps me on behind him.  I guess that’s his version of a peace offering.  Wrapping my arms around him, resting my cheek against his back, is mine.

It takes us nearly an hour to get back to my house.  When we pull into the driveway, I see my mom looking out the window.  I know she’s gonna give me hell as soon as I get inside, but I don’t care.  I would not trade one minute of tonight for anything. 

As soon as I climb off the bike, Preach pulls me back into his arms.  “It’s just a week.”

I want to argue. I want to shout and tell him that a week shouldn’t matter.  “I know.”

He smiles, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.  “Trust me, the day you turn eighteen, I’ll make you mine.”

When he says that, I melt. I’ll be his; his old lady. I’ve never wanted a life in the MC, but for Preach, I’ll do anything. “I’m already yours, Preach. I just need to get your brand,” I tell him quietly, mumbling into his chest.

One arm unwraps from around me, and he brings his hand to my face to lift my chin up. Looking into his eyes, I can see the love that we share for each other shining through, clear as day, and I know this waiting game is hurting him just as much as me.  “I love you.”

“I love you too, Little Flower,” he says before his mouth comes crashing down on mine. 

As soon as he pulls away, I step back.  We stare at each other for a few seconds longer before he lifts his chin to me and backs out of the driveway.  Tears begin to stream down my face, because I know something has changed between us.  I’m just not sure what. 

Chapter Seven


Sitting beside my dad’s hospital bed, I listen as the doctor drones on and on.  Half of what he’s saying goes right over my head.  Why can’t he talk like a person instead of some stupid medical textbook? Even if Dad wasn’t too doped up to think, there is no way he would understand the crap coming out of this man’s mouth. “So, what you’re saying is that Dad may be able to walk with proper therapy.”

His eyes narrow before he responds, “I don’t really feel comfortable talking about your father’s condition with you.  There really should be an adult here to discuss this with.”

I motion toward Grams. “Well, my grandmother is here, but you won’t talk to her, so you’re just gonna have to deal with me.”

“I cannot discuss your father’s treatment with her. She’s not a member of his immediate family.  Considering your age, I shouldn’t be speaking with you.  It would be better if I could speak to your mother, his wife.”

Yeah, I’m sure it would, but she hasn’t been here since the day he was admitted.  “I understand, but she’s not around, and I doubt she’ll be around anytime soon.  Just tell me what you have planned for Dad, and I’ll make sure she signs any papers that you give me.”

“You’re father needs more in-depth care than we can provide.  After talking with some of the other doctors, we believe he should be moved to a rehabilitation center for therapy.  There are several in our state, but I think he would receive the best care in Atlanta.  There is a hospital there that specializes in spinal cord injuries, and they would be able to focus on his specific needs.”

“Atlanta?” I ask, skeptically.  “You want to move him all the way to Georgia?”

“Yes,” he says with a nod.  “It’s one of the best facilities in the country.  Your father has a long road ahead of him, but if there is a chance that he will be able to walk again, I think Atlanta is your best option.”

The doctor spends the next few minutes explaining how and when Dad’s move to Atlanta will take place, then hands me a stack of papers for mom to sign and leaves the room.  I look over the papers before showing them to Grams.  “It says here that they recommend someone going with him.  They even have an apartment for the person to stay at.”

She looks through them and nods.  “Yeah, but who’s gonna go? I love my daughter, but I don’t see her uprooting her life to take care of your dad.”

“I don’t know,” I mumble.  I know what Mom will say if she’s asked to go; no way.  She will expect me to go with him, and I probably would have if this had happened a few months ago.  Now, I have Preach.  Can I really go to Atlanta and leave him behind?  If it was only for a few weeks, I wouldn’t even hesitate, but this could take months.  The aftercare could last years.  I love my dad, but Preach is my future.

Grams and I spend a few more minutes looking over the papers before heading home.  As soon as she drops me off, Mom walks out onto the porch.  “Why aren’t you at work?”

“Well, hello to you too,” I say as I walk past her and into the house. 

Following me inside, she slams the door.  “I asked you a question.”

“I went to visit Dad.  The doctor wanted to speak to the family today, remember?  I told you like ten times.”

She shrugs, sitting down on the couch.  “I was busy.  What did the doctor say?”

I explain about the hospital in Atlanta before handing her the papers.  She looks at them for a few minutes, then tosses them on the table.  “When do you leave?”

I knew this was going to happen.  I just knew she would want me to go with him.  “I’m not going.”

“What do you mean, you’re not going?  Of course you are.”

Shaking my head, I try to stand my ground.  “No, mom. You’ll have to go.  I’m staying here.”

She seems shocked that I’m refusing, like she never thought I’d say no to her. Come to think of it, I probably never have.  “You’ll have to go.”

We go back and forth for a few more minutes, and then I finally give up and walk into my bedroom.  I text Preach: 
I’m ready.

A few seconds later, my phone dings: 
Be there in 10.

Today’s my birthday; finally eighteen. We’ve had plans for weeks, since way before Dad’s accident.  Preach is taking me somewhere special, but he hasn’t told me where yet.  I spend a few minutes touching up my makeup, then head into the living room. 

Mom is still sitting on the couch, but now, she has a glass of gin in her hand.  “Going out?” she asks.

I nod. “Yeah, Preach is on his way.”

“Oh yeah, it’s your birthday.  Big night for the two of you, huh? Finally giving up that virginity of yours that you’ve held on to for so long.”

I just walk to the door, not bothering to reply.  Hearing my mom talk like that makes me sick.  What kind of mother says that to her daughter?

“Leah says that Preach has an amazing dick, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Oh, and he really loves a good blow job, by the way. If you want, I can give you some advice on giving head.”

“What?” I ask, turning to look at her.  No way did she just say what I thought she did.

“She says he loves it when you take him all the way into the back of your throat.  Take my advice and let yourself gag a little. It’ll make him come faster,” she says, winking at me.

Ignoring her tip, I focus in on the first part.  “I don’t believe you. He didn’t have sex with Leah.”

“I never said she had sex with him. She just gave him a blow job.  Don’t be such a prude. It’s really not a big deal.”

She has to be lying.  Preach would not do that.  “No, you’re wrong.”

“Don’t believe me. I don’t care.  If you want to know the truth, just ask Preach,” she says before swallowing the rest of her gin. 

I continue to stare at her, hoping she’ll take back her words, but she doesn’t.  She just sits there smiling, knowing she just blew my entire world apart. 


Daisy flies out of her house the moment I pull into the driveway.  The tears streaming down her face tell me something’s wrong.  Damn, Maker must have taken a turn for the worse.  “What happened, baby?”

“Did you have sex with Leah?”

It takes a second for her words to work their way through my brain.  It’s like my mind doesn’t want to let them in and force me to admit that she knows I fucked up.  “We didn’t have sex.”

Instead of reassuring her, my words seem to make her angrier.  “Okay, let me be more specific.  Did you let Leah suck your dick?”

Shit, shit, shit!

“Daisy, please don’t be pissed. I can explain,” I plead with her.

She lets out a laugh, a laugh that sounds anything but happy. “How can you explain what you did? What can you say to justify it? Did you just happen to be naked and fall into her open mouth?”

Damn, she has no idea how close she is to the truth.  “It didn’t mean anything.”

She shakes her head.  “It might not have meant anything to you, but it means a whole hell of a lot to me.”

“You’ve got to listen to me,” I say, stepping closer to her.

She sticks her hands up as a half assed attempt to keep me away.  “God, you must think I’m so stupid. What was it, Garrett? Was being with me just a game? Huh? Your chance to bang a virgin?”

Never, not once, has she called me Garrett.  Something about hearing the name my father gave me come from her lips seems wrong. 

“Daisy...” I start, but she cuts me off.

“And to think, I was so willing to give myself to you.  I wanted to hand my virginity to you like some sort of gift. I had it all planned out in my mind. I was going to give you that piece of me, and I honestly thought we would live some fairy tale happily ever after.” She ends on a whisper, and the trail of tears thickens as they flow down her cheeks. “I thought you wanted me to be your old lady.  I wanted it so bad. I wanted to be claimed by you and wear your brand. Your brand, just yours, and you’ve ruined it all.”

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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