Rescue Me (Demon Riders MC #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Rescue Me (Demon Riders MC #1)
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Elyse shakes her head, not even trying to pretend that she feels any other way.


“Good. Now that’s settled. You should come tonight, to the bar, meet some of the guys.” He pulls her against him again, settling her against his broad chest.


“The guys?” She feels her heart thump loudly in her chest at the reminder of how she came to be in Dane’s arms at all.


“The guys from the MC, the club I mentioned last night.” His voice is filled with warmth as he talks about them. “I want you to meet them.”


“Is that what Suzi was talking about earlier in the shop? About you having to concentrate on getting into the club?” Elyse is playing dumb but it’s the best way to get Dane to open up.


“Yeah, she knows it’s kind of been an obsession of mine since we were kids. I’m a prospect now so I still have to prove myself to the club, but it shouldn’t be long until I’m a fully patched member of the Riders.” The pride in his voice is easy to hear.


“The Riders?” She pretends complete ignorance.


“Demon Riders, it’s the name of the club,” he explains.


“It doesn’t sound all that friendly. But I guess you can’t really name a motorcycle club Rainbows and Kittens!” She’s grateful that Dane laughs at her lame joke.


“Don’t worry about the guys. Their bark is way worse than their bite…most of the time. Anyway, they’ll love you. How could they not? I want you to meet them.” The excitement in his voice at the prospect makes Elyse feel like even more of a big fat liar, if that were possible.


“They’re important to you.” It’s a statement of fact rather than a question.


“It’s a brotherhood.” Elyse feels Dane shrug behind her. “They’re my family; that’s just how it works.”


Elyse feels her gut clench as she asks the question that she knows she has to, still playing the naïve card. “But…aren’t motorcycle clubs kind of dangerous? Like not totally above board?” She holds her breath for his reaction.


“It’s not as black and white as that. There are a lot of shades of grey.” She feels him shrug again. “It’s not something we really talk about outside of the club.”


Elyse responds without thinking, saying what is in her heart rather than what is in her head. “It’s all right. You can trust me.”


She feels Dane’s arms tighten around her. “That’s not an easy thing for me to do.” There’s a tightness in his voice that wasn’t there before.


“Then we can take things one step at a time.” She relaxes into his arms, feeling warm and safe and protected and like the biggest liar of all time.







Suzi’s statement that Saturday night at the bar is busy is the biggest understatement of the century. It’s full to bursting and everywhere Elyse looks there are bikers. The look that Dane had given her when he’d arrived to pick her up from the house told her she had made an impression. After the wardrobe malfunction from the night before, Elyse had decided to look more like herself. She’d gone for a natural look with her makeup and in her skinny jeans and figure-hugging tank top; she was comfortable in her own skin. She had expected Jen to be all over her, telling her to be careful, that these bikers were dangerous, but she actually seemed to be relieved that Elyse was going out there and having fun.


As soon as she and Dane walk into the bar, there are shouts of welcome from the guys and some of the women. Dane smiles as he introduces her to members of the club. Elyse is surprised at just how many of them there are and how a lot of them just look like normal guys. She doesn’t know what she was expecting but it hadn’t been this. They’re funny, considerate, and clearly like to have a good time.


As the night wears on and the guys drink a little more, they lose their inhibitions and start talking more openly about ‘work.’ Elyse manages to piece together the stuff that the club (and, by extension, Dane) is into. She sees pot being dealt over the counter of the bar numerous times and the smell lingers in the air. These guys clearly aren’t trying very hard to hide what they’re doing. Besides, cannabis was virtually legal now so the most they would probably get is a slap on the wrist and a warning not to do it again. It was hardly enough to turn the bikers into drug-dealing devils.


She and Dane play pool and she tries to put together everything that she’s heard, but it’s hard to reconcile that these men she’s just met are serious criminals, despite the fact she knows they are. It isn’t hard to understand what Dane likes about the life, what he’s attracted to. It really feels like a family, a little on the wild side, but still a family. They care about each other, look out for each other, and slowly she feels her defenses go down. She stops looking at them like a story.


“What’re you thinking?” Dane is by her side, leaning lazily on his stick and giving her one of his signature sexy smiles.


“Just that I’m glad I came, that I’m glad I met you.” She laughs against his mouth as he pulls her in for a kiss. She can taste the sweetness of the whisky on his tongue and it’s intoxicating. They explore each other’s mouths, kissing for longer than she ever has in public, Dane’s hands splaying at the base of her back until she’s right up against him, leaving her in no doubt that he wants to do more than just kiss. When they finally pull apart breathless, their hearts racing, there’s a roar that goes up from the crowd and Elyse feels herself blush like a schoolgirl.


“So, Elyse, are you Dane’s Old Lady?” One of the older bikers, Mickey shouts the question over the ruckus.


“I have no idea what that means.” Elyse looks between him and an embarrassed Dane.


“It means that Mickey has had a few too many and is talking crap.” Dane shoots the older man a warning look and Elyse frowns, wondering what she had missed.


Mickey ignores the younger man’s look and motions Elyse over to him. She looks at Dane, sees that he’s mad, and follows Mickey’s orders, just to find out what’s got him all riled up. Mickey is the complete opposite of Dane; he is short and round and totally inebriated. He hooks his arm over Elyse’s shoulder and leans in like he’s telling her a secret. “Don’t mind him. He’s just a little sensitive.” He waves over in Dane’s direction. “But let me tell you something, Dane is the best prospect we’ve ever had. He’s our most trusted guy and he’ll go far in the club, you mark my words.” Mickey nods his head wisely at her and she finds herself mimicking his actions. “He always delivers, he always gets the job done, no matter what.”


Elyse winces at the thought of what that caveat might include, but pushes the thought away, Now really wasn’t the time. “Are you bigging Dane up to me? Because you don’t really need to.” She gives him a look that speaks volumes and Mickey laughs loudly, slapping her on the back so hard she stumbles.


“So what’s so fucking funny?” Dane stands in front of them, looking like he wants to shake Mickey.


“Nothing, Prospect, nothing at all.” Mickey clears his throat, looking like he’s suddenly sobered up and Elyse wonders if he’d been pretending to be drunk just to get her to admit what she had about Dane. The sly old fox, she thinks to herself, as he winks at her, telling her that her suspicions are completely founded.


“Right.” Dane rolls his eyes at the older man good-naturedly. “You need a hand getting home, Mick?” Elyse can see the concern in his eyes.


“The day I need a babysitter to take me home is the day I give up my jacket.” He levels Dane with a look that tells the younger man he isn’t kidding around and Dane holds up his hands in surrender. “Besides, you have other plans tonight, I’m guessing.” He throws Elyse another wink and heads to the bar shouting for another round of drinks on him.


Dane shakes his head as he stares after Mickey and looks back at her a little sheepishly. “Sorry about Mickey. He gets a little carried away sometimes, but his heart’s in the right place.”


“Yours, too, from what I can tell.” Elyse smiles at him surprised to find that she can’t come up with any reasons to think badly of him, or any of the other men in the bar.


He leans in and kisses her thoroughly, his hands going into her hair, deepening the kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him up against her. Her entire body feels alive and tingling and all they’ve done is kiss.


“So pretty.” He murmurs the words against her lips as he strokes a line along her jaw and down her neck. His eyes are dark with desire and his pupils are dilated. Elyse doesn’t need a mirror to know that she looks the same. “Come on, I’m taking you home.” He takes hold of her hand and starts to march her towards the door, not waiting for her response and ignoring the shouts from the men around him.


Rick appears out of nowhere with that stealth mode of his and settles a fatherly hand on Dane’s shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. He smiles at Elyse, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he takes them both in and then he’s back to business. “Don’t be late tomorrow. Remember, we’re breaking in the new guy and I need my best mechanic there.”


Dane nods curtly. “I’ll be there.” He doesn’t waste any more time, virtually dragging Elyse until they’re right by the door.


“Wait! Wait!” The urgency in Elyse’s voice stops him and he looks at her, confused. “I’m having a good time! I’m not ready to go back yet.” Her voice is small and he has to move closer to her to hear over the noise of the bar.


Dane gives her frustrated look. “I can’t keep kissing you here in front of everyone when all I want to do is lay you out over the pool table and do everything I’ve been thinking about since I saw you last night.” His voice is low and full of tension, but not from anger, from keeping himself in check. “So I’m taking you home.”


Elyse feels a small burst of pride at knowing how much she’s turned him on and then frustration at the idea of him ending the night like this. “I don’t want to go home.”


Dane huffs out an impatient sigh, but he keeps a lid on his temper. “Then where do you wanna go, Elyse?”


She swallows hard, feeling her heartbeat quicken as she says the words. “Your place.”


Dane looks at her like he thinks he might have misheard and takes a step closer towards her. “You’re sure? I need you to be sure, Elyse, because once we’re alone…Dammit, I just can’t control myself around you.”


Elyse smiles and pulls his head down, kissing him with everything that she has, telling him just how sure she is with her tongue.


“Is that a yes?” He seems to hold his breath, waiting for her answer.


“Yes, I’m sure.” She barely gets the last word out before he’s pulled her through the door and he’s marching towards his bike. When he hands her the helmet, she sees that he’s as turned on as she is and she gives herself a little internal fist pump. “How far is your place from here? Twenty minutes?” It seems like an eternity and she doesn’t want to wait.


The look he gives her tells her he knows exactly how she feels. “I’ll do it in ten.”





They make their way up to Dane’s apartment through the body shop, barely able to keep their hands off of each other. It’s only when Elyse walks through the door and crosses the threshold into his space that what she’s about to do actually hits her. She’s never slept with a guy the day after meeting him. She wasn’t a prude but she tended to date men before sleeping with them. But Dane was different. He wasn’t like any guy she’d ever met before.


She hears the door close behind her and swallows hard, suddenly nervous. She shivers as Dane’s fingers trail along the exposed skin of her back, making it hard to remember what she had in her head.


“What are you thinking?” He whispers the words against her ear, his arms enveloping her from behind and pulling her against his hard body. In his whisper she senses the plea
please don’t say you’ve made a mistake.


“I’m thinking I don’t usually jump into bed with men I’ve just met.” Her words come out breathy, like she can’t quite get them out. His hardness against her lower back is making it difficult to think about anything else.


“Glad to hear it.” His voice is husky and he chuckles lightly as he turns her around to face him.


She starts to say something but Dane places his index finger over her lips, gently. Her tongue flicks out and she licks the soft pad of his digit, watching as his pupils dilate. He pulls her towards him, kissing her hard, demanding she give him everything she has and she willingly does. He pushes his hips against hers, making it clear exactly what he wants and she leans against him, grinding right back against him, telling him she wants the same thing.


He feathers kisses from the corner of her mouth and down her neck and she gives him access as he sends the best kind of shivers down her spine. She moans as she feels his fingers skim underneath her tank top and stroke her back. She reaches for the snap of his jeans and, as if he was waiting for her signal, Dane pulls her tank top up and over her head, only stepping away from her long enough to get it off. Elyse sends up a little prayer of thanks to the Underwear Gods for persuading her to go for a matching blue set that seems to do the trick for Dane.


“You’re so fucking pretty.” He looks at her in open admiration and dips his head to kiss the tops of her breasts, his fingers rubbing over her hard nipples underneath the lace. She breathes in sharply as he pushes the cups of her bra down and takes one nipple in his mouth and then the other. He teases the buds, pulling on them, grazing them with his teeth until she’s squirming in her panties.


“Dane.” His name is a plea on her lips and he smiles wickedly up at her. He knows exactly what he’s doing: driving her crazy.


She skims her fingers down to the hem of his snug t-shirt and pushes it up over his toned, muscular torso, pushing it over his head, desperate to be skin to skin with him. He reaches behind her and unclasps her bra, crushing her to him as he kisses the sensitive spot behind her ear, making her breathe in sharply. She runs her fingers down his muscular back as he traces his hot mouth over breasts.


She fumbles for his jeans again, but he twists out of reach, smiling at her frustration and reaches for her own jeans, pulling them down in one smooth motion and helping her step out of them. He guides her towards the bed that takes up the corner of the room and pushes her gently down onto it.


Elyse leans back, looking up at Dane with something close to awe. He unbuttons his jeans and steps out of them, not taking his eyes off of Elyse the entire time. He looks down at her with unabashed admiration and he nudges open her thighs with his leg, kneeling down between her, his fingers massaging her thighs. Her legs tremble as he touches her and she bites her lip in anticipation. His fingers find their way to the edges of her panties, trailing softly over her mound, down to the heat between her thighs. She moans, raising up her hips and begging him to really touch her, for something more than this feathery contact that is driving her mad. He watches her as he slips his hand into her panties, and strokes her slick lips, making her moan.


“You’re so wet, Elyse. So soft.” He watches her as he teases her with his fingers, making her breath come in short, swift gasps.


He smiles sexily at her and pulls off her panties, leaving her completely naked. She expects to feel self-conscious, sprawled out across the bed of a man she barely knows, but the way that he’s looking at her chases any sense of awkwardness away. Knowing that a man like Dane wants her has to be the best aphrodisiac out there.


“Dane, please.” She whispers the words, begging him for more as heat in her pussy spreads out across her body.


“Not yet, baby. I want to see you come first.” Dane’s thumb finds her clit and swirls a circle around it, inserting two digits inside of her at the same time and making her sit up straight and cry out. But he must know that it’s a good cry from the look on her face as he moves his fingers inside of her, stroking her and stoking the fire within her.


“Come for me, beautiful.” His voice is barely a whisper but it’s enough to spur her on and her hips buck as she rides his fingers, taking her to her climax. She cries out his name as she falls apart.


“I want you so badly, Lyse.” Dane’s voice brings her back to the moment and she watches him lazily, as he steps out of his back briefs, freeing his straining erection. He reaches down, pulling out a condom from his jeans pocket. She tries not to wonder at the fact that she’s clearly been such a foregone conclusion.


He rips the packet with his teeth and makes a frustrated sound as he goes to put it on. Elyse sits up, shuffling towards him. “Let me.” She watches his pupils dilate as she takes him in her hand and rolls the condom down his length.


“You’re killing me, Lyse.” He stills her hands as they stroke his hardness. “I want you.”


She only nods, not trusting herself to be able to speak. Dane pushes her down gently back onto the bed and gazes down at her. He moves over her, positioning himself right at her entrance. She lifts her hips, rubbing her pussy against the tip of his cock. He leans down, nipping at her lips and licking them open. He catches her mouth with a deep kiss that leaves her tingling all the way down to her toes.


His tongue tangles with hers and he moves his hips, plunging into her, sheathing himself completely inside her with one stroke. Elyse lets out a strangled moan against his mouth as he fills her up. He sets a rhythm, moving inside of her slowly at first and then picking up the pace. She wraps her legs around his hips, pulling him closer and moving in time with him. The combination of the hardness of his body against hers, the intensely male scent of him and the dampness of his skin from his exertions, makes all her nerve endings crackle. She clenches her pussy around him, making him groan and she bites back another moan before it escapes her.


“’Lyse.” There’s a world of need in that one word.


“D…I’m close…please.” She pants the words out as their bodies join together in the most intimate and perfect way.


Dane pumps inside of her and she cries out as she shatters into a million pieces around him. He plunges into her again, growling her name and she screams his name as she comes again, hard, leaving her body trembling. Dane collapses on top of her, supporting himself on his elbows so he doesn’t crush her and they both breathe heavily for he next few seconds.


As consciousness starts to seep back into her mind, she rakes her fingers through his hair and he looks down at her sleepily, smiling, satisfied. She knows exactly how he feels. Her muscles feel heavy in the best possible way and she doesn’t have any desire to move. She wants to stay as they are forever. She’d never known that sex could be like this. But then, it wasn’t just sex. It was mind-blowing, amazing, the best sex of her life. It was passionate and intense, but there was something going on there beyond the physical. She’d felt it in the way he kissed her, the way he touched her and she felt it now in the way that he was looking at her.


When he moves out of her, she feels immediately empty, but only for a moment. He rolls onto his back and pulls her towards him, laying her against his chest with her head against his shoulder, her hand splaying out over his pecs. She wonders what this means for the story she’s supposed to be writing, what it means for her, but she thinks she already knows. She’d known the moment Dane had come to her side at the bar the night before.


“Do you always think so loudly?” His voice is a low rumble in his throat and she feels the vibrations against the hand on her chest.


She smiles sleepily and looks up at him, his dark eyes closed as he tries to drop off to sleep.


“Don’t overanalyze this.” Dane seems to read her thoughts and it’s not a little disconcerting. “Just get some sleep. I’m going to be waking you up soon to do that again.”


She giggles against his chest and, for once, she does as she’s told. Her body is so exhausted it forces her mind to be quiet and she doesn’t think about how she’s drifting off to sleep in the arms of a man that she is supposed to betray for the sake of her career.


BOOK: Rescue Me (Demon Riders MC #1)
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