Resonance 4th Edits - Bleeding Worlds Bk 3 (33 page)

BOOK: Resonance 4th Edits - Bleeding Worlds Bk 3
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Thunder sounded from the house. Air splitting, pressure changing, all on a direct course for his head. He stepped aside, the bullet grazing his forehead.

“Sophia?” he called.

“Turn around and walk away and I’ll let you live,” she said.

“Sophia, it’s me, Gwynn. I promise I can prove it, just tell me Allison is ok.”

She came to the door, her gun still levelled at his head.

“Why were you wearing a pink hoodie?” she asked, tears streaming down her face.


“When we were in Valhalla, you were wearing a pink hoodie. Only my Gwynn would know why.”

Gwynn kept still, his hands open and his arms spread wide.

“You gave it to me,” he said. “Because I shredded my shirt keeping you from falling to your death. And because you said you had a vision of me wearing it.”

The gun was out of her hands, and she ran to him. He folded her into his arms, her body trembling against him.

“What happened? Where’s Allison? Or Pridament?”

Sobs made understanding her impossible. He held her close, letting her cry it out. There was no need for her to answer, he could already guess some of what happened.

When Sophia’s breathing normalized, she said, “He took her.”

“Who? Pridament?”

She shook her head.



Sophia nodded.

“They attacked out of nowhere. Pridament turned on the Prometheus Field so we could use the guns to fight them off. He believed they wouldn’t have conventional weapons.”

Gwynn looked to the bodies littering the ground.

“He was partly right.”

“Yes. It all happened so fast, he didn’t have time to fold us all away. And once the Field was up, he couldn’t use his powers either. We were managing to hold out. And we might’ve succeeded if…”

“Cain didn’t show up. But he did. Where did he take Allison?”

“I don’t know. He walked through the Prometheus Field like it wasn’t even there. His powers didn’t seem to be weakened by it at all. When he took Allison, Pridament turned off the Field and followed him. He told me to wait for you. He knew you’d come.”

Gwynn kissed her on the forehead.

“I’ll find them.”

“And what happens when you do?”

Gwynn clenched his right fist. The bandages tore from his arm and turned to ash.


The Story Concludes
The Bleeding Worlds Book Four
About the Author

Justus R. Stone is the author of the Young Adult Paranormal Series, The Bleeding Worlds.

He combines a love for anime, video games, and books, into tales with kinetic action, deep conspiracies, and wonders hidden within our world.

You can find him on almost all forms of social media, but it’s best to visit his website;


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BOOK: Resonance 4th Edits - Bleeding Worlds Bk 3
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