Reveal (Love & Beyond #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Reveal (Love & Beyond #2)
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“You’re kidding me? I will sort this out, she went too far, I will bring her down, but she invisible, because she was down as dead, she unknown and could be down as anyone.”

“Find out and bring the bitch down, I’d do it myself, if I knew where to start.”

“That’s a first, Danni; you’re normally fighting me on this.”

“Yeah well, only so much one girl can take before she bites back, I want revenge.”

“Fair enough, but you know I won’t let you.”

“I know! Look about you and I, I’ve done so much thinking and I just can’t Jared. It’s not about your secret either, that I can handle. You lied to me and didn’t trust me, I can’t handle that. I need to be able to trust and I can’t trust you, don’t get me wrong, I know you love me, but we both know love is not enough and I want it all Jared in a relationship. I don’t believe I can get it from you, you’re an amazing

guy, but I also think you have issues of your own to sort out, before you give one girl a hundred percent.”

“I understand, I guess you’re right, but you need know why I didn’t tell you, not because I couldn’t trust you, because I trust you more than most. It was mainly because I was worried of what you would have thought of me and actually maybe despises me over it; let’s not forget that I thought it’d scare you away. I guess I didn’t want you thinking badly of me.”

“I get it, but if you ask me, that sounds more like an excuse and how little you thought of me, if you would think I’d think badly of you. I think you have your answer right there. You need clarity Jared, of what happened with Sabrina and your brother. Something tells me apart of you is still trying to heal over it, and accept what you did; maybe forgiving your brother could be a start. Look, I still want to be in your life, but as friends. You’ve saved my life countless of times and I want to be there for you. I also think I need to return this to you, after all, you did buy it and with us not being engaged anymore it’s not mine to have.” As I hand the engagement ring to him, I don’t think I’ve seen him that heartbroken before, but it’s also understanding.

“You’re amazing Danni, you really are, if that is what you want, I won’t argue with it, does it have to start tonight?”

“No! Tonight I would like you to stay with me, one last time.” He takes hold of my hand and presses his smooth lips against the knuckles; there are those tingles that send right through my spine. He scoops me up one last time and takes me to the bedroom. I nestle my head into his chest, with each step he takes, I hope they just carry on and not stop. He places me on the right side of the bed, as he always has to have the left side, it’s like OCD with him, he slides in next to me.

“Don’t expect to get laid, as you can see, my body isn’t fit enough for that yet.” He lets out a half chuckle.

“Trust you, Danni. That didn’t even cross my mind; Darla is rubbing off on you.” I roll over and snuggle in to his body with my arm flown around his chest, and he wraps his arms around me. Back where I belong, in his embrace, it feels like home. As he is stroking my hair, he whispers to me as I am dropping off to sleep. “Baby, I will be gone by time you wake up, as it’s going to hurt watching you wake, knowing we won’t be waking up together anymore, I love you.”

“I love you too.” I drop off holding on to him like it’s our last goodbye.

The next morning I wake, I use my hand and flow it across the bed, its empty, he has gone and disappointment hits me. I turn on my side and I notice something on my bedside table, there is a glass of water, a single pink rose and my engagement ring and a little note saying.

Baby, I left you a glass of water for when you wake, as I know how much of a dry mouth you get in the morning, the pink rose is because it’s your favourite, but most importantly, your engagement ring. This is yours and only yours, I don’t want it back, because I’m not giving up on us. I will do everything in my power to make everything up to you and show you that you’re the one I want to give my hundred percent to and one day that ring will be back on your delicate finger.

                                    Love you always
















When love is meant to be, it will always find away.



Chapter six


These past few weeks have dragged, but it’s great to finally be out of that chair. I can start getting everything back to normal, well as normal as I can get. Jared, assigned Phillip to watch my every move; I’m not so fussed by him as well, he did teach me a few things, so he’s alright to get on with. Darla and Carl are finally going back to their own place today, although I’m going to see them tomorrow as we have a shopping date. I’m due back in work today as well. I’m supposed to wait longer, but I just want to get back out there.

Heading to work in the town car, I gaze out my window watching everything go by like a trance. It’s also snowing, it gets really cold this time of year, but I also love this time of year, where you have to wrap up warm, cuddle up with a duvet and watch Christmas movies, yes, Christmas is a month away, but still exciting. I would love to go to New York around Christmas time, it’s suppose to be beautiful, it’s on my, to do list. ‘Things to do, before I turn thirty.’

We’re pulling up to the building now, I’m hoping there is no press lurking around. I really cannot be assed with all the questions today. Actually, just in case, I’ll tell Philip to turn around and take me through the back.

“Phillip, is there any chance you could take me around the back instead? I may have better chance of being invisible that way, to get to my office.” I hope that doesn’t  bother him too much.

“Sure, Miss Shaw, you could have asked before we got close. Suppose you’ve always been a last minute girl.” He jokes, 

“That was, that funny, I’m pissing myself laughing, not. You need to re evaluate your occupation, because comedian is not on that radar for you. Maybe keep to bodyguard; you’re much better at that.”

“As your friend Darla would say, Miss Shaw, meow. What has bitten you in the ass?”

“Sorry, Phillip, I’ve not been sleeping properly. I guess I’m in bitch mode. I do apologize. Forgive me?”

“Of course Miss Shaw, I’m use to your outburst and I couldn’t stay mad at you, even if I tried. Well, my boss would kill me. We’re at the back mam, let’s get you inside, I’ll sculpt the place first before you get out.” I look ahead waiting on his return. I hate the constant feeling I get, that eyes are on me. “Miss Shaw, it’s safe.” I jump as he pops up out the blue; this is what happens when I take my eyes of the ball. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump, come on.” He says, holding his large hand out, to help me.

“Thank you, Phillip.” He nods and we head into the building. We had to get brand new security fitted in, where not only do you have to put a code in, but also needs fingerprints, it’s ridiculous. Jared went all out with protection even when I’ve not spoke to him. Although, my fingerprint isn’t built in, so we have to use Philips. Am guessing there going to have to download mine onto it at some point today.

I walk up to my assistance desk, where she straight away stands up to greet me, but looks shocked.

“Miss Shaw you’re back already? Are you up for this?”

“I’m great, thank you, Stacy. Can I just have my messages please? Follow me into my office and fill me in.” She follows me in and starts telling me my few messages.

“Ok firstly, we were down on sales this month. The competition in this industry keeps doing one better.”

“You’re kidding me? What’s happened? Has Jared not been here to sort any of this out?”

“That comes to my second message for you. He’s gone, he left. All he said was to tell you, you’re in charge. He didn’t say where he was going or anything. That’s not the worst either; your last message was from your mother, wanting to meet up.” My face turns to shock and hatred at the same time. Why the hell is she contacting me now? I’ve not heard from her since I was young. How dare she try and contact me now, the bitch.

“Bin that message, I want nothing to do with her and I surely don’t want to contact her. You can leave now.” Stacy nods and she leaves me be. I sit down at my desk, with the questions of why now? Why did she try to contact me? Maybe she has contacted the others? I should ring them. Also, why would Jared get off and not tell me where? There is something going on, I need to figure it out. First, I need to call Andi. I pick up the office phone and start dialing her number.

“Hello!” I hear her voice on the other side.

“Hey Andi, its Danni. How are you?” I’ll start with polite conversation then break it in.

“I’m ok, thanks, tired!” What number are you calling me off and what’s up?”

“Just calling you of the works phone, I’m ok thanks. I need to ask you something. I had a message left for me of our mother, you know anything about that?”

“She tried to contact you? I had no clue, I swear. Why didn’t she try and contact me? Are you going to call her back?”

“No! Why should I? She does not deserve my time, she abandoned us and before she did, she was nothing but cruel to me, so she can go to hell. I am curious as to why she tried contacting me though.”

“Yeah, I don’t get it. Have you spoken to Adam, to see if he’d spoke to her?”

“No, I haven’t and I’m not going to, because I really couldn’t care less. I need to go Hun, I’ll speak to you later.” I’m not going to let this play on my mind, I just can’t, otherwise, I won’t get any work done. I look down at all the paper work that needs sorting out and approving. Where do I start? I can’t even get my head in gear because all I can think now is why she contacted me. Fuck this. I also need to apologize to Stacy, I was rude to her, not like it’s her fault. I’ll buzz her in. “Stacy, can you come here please?” She comes rushing in.

“What is it you need Danni?”

“Nothing, I wanted to apologize for being rude, it wasn’t meant. I was in shock with the messages, that’s all. I shouldn’t have took it out on you, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok Danni, I kind of guessed you where stressed, no worries. Plus, I can’t argue, you’ll fire my ass.” She chuckles, I can’t help but grin at her straightforward attitude, it reminds me of myself.

“Stacy, I’m going to head home, I really can’t concentrate now, can you take rank on this please and make the final decisions? You’ve proved you can do it and I trust you.”

“I would love to, it’s an honour, thank you, I won’t let you down I promise. On my way out, shall I tell Phillip you’re ready to leave?” I nod saying yes please and as she leaves, I start rounding all my stuff up, which isn’t much because I’ve not been here long. Phillip comes marching in.

“Are you ready to go, mam? Was it too soon?”

“To be honest Phillip, for once, it wasn’t too soon. I just had a blast from the past appear out of nowhere.” He starts looking around, thinking I mean Dillon. “Not Dillon, Phillip. It was someone else, leaving me a message. Take me home please?”

“Ok mam, but your boss won’t be happy.”

“Well, my boss fucked of without a word, so I’m my own boss. I make the rules, so come on, let’s go.”  I snap, he nods his head my way, as he knows not to carry on, or I’d release my wrath on him and at this moment, he wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that.

Once I’ve arrived back home, I fling my handbag to the side, next to the pine oak coffee table and go straight to my phone to call Adam, just to see if mother tried to contact him. Just as I go to call him, my front door bell goes off. I wonder who that could be. I shout to Phillip.

“Phillip, can you get that please and tell who ever that is to go away.” He heads towards the door, to open it and I carry on ringing for my brother. It rings for a while, but then I hear a ringtone coming from the doorway, its def leppard, Love and hate collide. That’s my brother’s ringtone, I turn around and their he is, standing there.

“Oh hello, I was just ringing you, what’s up? What are you doing here?” I ask. He pauses before he speaks and starts walking towards me.

“It’s nice to see you too, peanut. Look, I need to speak to you about something.” Before he finishes what he is saying, a woman walks around the corner. You’ve got to be kidding me. I know that woman, Brown long hair, green eyes, pale skin, her freshly laundered white suit, gold bracelets and necklace, one of them fancy hats. My blood starts to boil. How could he bring her here? I can’t seem to remove my eyes away from her. Adam tries to knock me out of it. “Danni, please just calm down and hear her out.” I ignore him and shout.

“Get her out, now! Get out, I don’t want you here.”

“Danni, please, she is our mother.” He pleads.

“Adam, I love you, but get her out or I will get Phillip to throw her out on her ass, how could you?” He nods to try and convince me and I shout once again. “Get her out, now! I want nothing to do with her, Phillip, escort them out please.”

“Danni, please, I just want five minutes of your time.” She softly says.  All I can do is glare at her, the woman who made my life hell.” I give Phillip the nod to go ahead and escort them both out and I turn my back as he does so.” I cannot believe Adam, how could he even give her the time of day. I want to cry, but I hold myself back, the mix of anger and pain is overwhelming. Now the questions are rushing through my head. Why now? After all these years, why choose to come back in our lives now? There’s more to this, but do I want to dig and find out more? It could be something that I will regret in the near future. Don’t you just hate curiosity?

After an hour has passed by, I cannot seem to shake the urge of ringing my brother’s neck for bringing her here. My phone has gone off for the past half an hour; I refuse to answer to him. I look at the screen to see if it’s him again and this time it’s Andi, I need to answer to her, encase it’s the kids.

“Hey Andi, is the kids ok?” I ask.

“Yes, they’re fine. Look, I’ve spoken to Adam, he brought mum here. He asked me to see if I can knock some sense into you.” Seriously, He goes to Andi over me, why won’t he just get the picture?

“Andi, no offense, but I don’t want to know. She abandoned us, am I the only one here thinking with a clear mind? She doesn’t deserve our time, have you forgot what she did? And how she use to treat me? Of course not, because you and Adam where her little blue eyes that could do no wrong.”

“Danni, she’s still our mum, she came and had a coffee and we spoke a bit, she really wants us all together, please Danni, if not for her, do it for me and Adam, please?” Damn her, using that card.

I scratch my head trying to figure out what to say, but my mind has gone blank, so I say the only thing that pops.

“Andi, I’m going! I’ll talk to you later, I need time to think. Bye.” I hang up and throw my phone to the floor and start pacing back and forth in frustration, I can’t sit down because my mind is running a hundred miles an hour.

I can’t believe she’s come back, and she assumes everything is normal, how dare she? And Alex and Andi, keep telling me to give her a chance to explain herself, are they stupid? She has been absent most of our lives, even when she was needed the most, and yet, when she decides she wants to be a mother, I should open my arms to her? Well they can fuck right off, let’s not forget when she was present, she was a right cow to me. I know the saying goes, you only get one mother, but that means you should actually act like one. I know I may not be able to have children, but if I did, I would never walk away from them and put my career first, or treat them as if they’re not wanted. I would love them unconditionally, like she did with Alex and Andi, I always wondered why she loved them and not me. Andi, would get her attention and time, but me, I would be ignored and told to leave her alone. I would run to my dad upset, he would say, she’s just busy. I knew the real reason, that she just hated me, but I would never go on about it. My dad made up for it though, so I never needed her, all though, I’ve always wondered why? Story of my life really, why must curiosity consume me? I need advice.

I reach for my mobile and call the one person who will give it to me straight, no matter what, weather I want to hear it or not. They pick up.

“Hello.” I hear on the receiving end, his voice always puts a smile on my face.

“Hey Jared, how’ve you been? You got off without a word.”

“Hey beautiful, I’ve been ok thanks. It has been a while, what’s up? Is it the guards? Sorry about just getting off, we’ve not spoke in a while, so I didn’t think it was necessary.”

“No, it’s not the guard, he’s great. I’m guessing you’ve had an update?”

“Yes I have! Phillip rang me about half an hour ago, are you dealing with it ok?”

“Not really, it’s why I called, I could do with your advice, you’re the only one I value advice from.”

“Sure, shoot.” I sigh, I’ve missed this, I know it doesn’t matter anymore, but the jump of joy lifts a beat talking to him again.

“Well, as you know, Alison has turned up being all motherly.” Jared interrupts me quickly.

“First name basis, ouch, that’s harsh.”

“I have good reason too. Anyway, don’t interrupt me.” I snap, as he knows I hate that. “Anyway, as I was saying, I basically told her to fuck of and had Phillip escort her out. Andi, said that she wants to go out to dinner with me, so she can explain herself and have a fresh start. How can you have a fresh start with someone, who was terrible to you and neglected you? She didn’t go to Andi wedding, she never came to the hospital when I was in there twice, all the times we’ve needed her, even as kids she wasn’t, she was always touring because being a singer was far too important, that’s all she cared about. When my dad died, you’d think she’d have come home, but she didn’t, it was left to Alex to pick up the pieces, he had to sort all the funeral arrangements out, look after Andi and I, that was not fair to him and she didn’t even call or anything. So tell me why I should give her a chance?” I draw my face to the ground; because, it really was an upsetting time to remember it all.

BOOK: Reveal (Love & Beyond #2)
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