Ridin' Dirty (Beautifully Dirty #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty (Beautifully Dirty #2)
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The party is in full swing when I walk downstairs, after taking a shower and changing my sheets. I scan the room to see my fun for tonight sitting and talking to one of her friends. I walk up and she stands to give me a kiss.

“Honey, you sit your pretty little ass back down and I’ll go get us drinks,” I say, giving her a quick kiss to her lips.

My roommates and I are throwing a party tonight, kicking off spring break, which starts tomorrow. I’ve been busy busting my ass in and out of school. Hitting the books during the week and the local dirt tracks every weekend. Winning races has never felt so good. My classes this year have been easier than in the last three. I’m taking just what is needed to finish my degree. My heart is in a different place and it’s not school. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve spent here. I’ve made a bunch of new friends, but riding in the dirt and mud is where I’d rather be. So, tonight will be me celebrating getting through the last four years, doing what my father has required me to do. But come June, I will finally be doing what I love . . . riding my dirt bike, day in and day out.

“Who’s mixing the drinks tonight?” I shout over to Adam, as I walk in his direction.

One of us is always in charge of playing bartender at our parties, because the shitheads that come to these things would just down the liquor. We don’t need anything to get out of hand. We just want to have a good time, nothing more, nothing less. The keg is over in the corner; we leave that to the party goers to handle on their own.

Adam and I have been roommates since the beginning; we started at the dorms together our freshman year and as soon as we could move out, we did. Two guys from down the hall were looking for an apartment as well. That’s how the four of us got to be the best of friends. Trey and Cole are great guys; they enjoy heading out to ride with me when I need to practice. Though they don’t race, it’s all for fun with those two. Adam is a spectator; he loves hanging with us at the tracks but doesn’t get on a bike himself. Well, I guess he does ride a bike, it’s just one that doesn’t require an engine. He’s been known to go to the local BMX track to do a race or two. When he comes home with a trophy, he usually sets it on the shelf and keeps walking. It doesn’t even affect him to win, he’s says he’s only doing it for fun, but he’s pretty good at it. Though with him at the track with us, it ends up being a win for all of us, as he meets the ladies while we are out riding. When we come off the track, there’s usually anywhere from three to five of them under our tent. They all love to come watch me kick ass on the weekends, wherever I’m racing. Their support means a lot to me.

“I am, Fucker. Why, what do you need?” Adam shouts from behind the bar. One of Brantley Gilbert’s songs is blaring through the surround sound speakers, making it impossible not to yell at each other.

“Give me something fruity for my lady, I’m coming to grab a beer,” I say, walking behind the bar. We keep our stash of what we want to drink in the small fridge behind there.

“She’s a hot one, you lucky son of a bitch.”

“She is fine as hell, isn’t she?”

“I’d say.”

“Where’s your lady at?”

“She just went to the bathroom with a couple of her friends. She’ll be back.”

“They always come back,” I say and we both start laughing.

I look around the room as I grab our drinks. We have our sliding glass doors wide open, and there is beer pong being played on the back deck, as others are dancing in the living room to the music. We made sure our house was tricked out with some cool shit. Instead of a dining room table, we have a pool table, and instead of pictures hanging on the wall, we have dartboards.

When my eyes meet with the long legged brunette named Abbi, I give her a huge smile. I watch as a jackass walks by and stops to talk to her. What the fuck does he think he’s doing? As I march over there, through the crowd of about fifty, I see him lean into her. I just chuckle to myself, he doesn’t stand a chance, and now he is making an enemy.

I set the drinks on the table next to her and tap him on the shoulder. He turns toward me, as I speak, “Hey, asshole, I suggest you keep walking.”

“And if I don’t?”

“I can certainly help you, if need be,” I say, as I hand her the drink that I had Adam make for her.

“Oh, really?”

Now I’m getting pissed. First, no one is going to question me in my own house, and second, who the fuck does he think he is?

“Buddy, I’ll only say this once, before I’m going to help you out of MY house. Then, I’m going to beat your ass.”

He starts laughing and that strikes my last nerve. I swing my fist and connect with his jaw perfectly. He stumbles backward, and before I know it, Cole is next to me grabbing the jackass and dragging him out the front door. You see, Cole is six foot two and doesn’t take shit from anyone. Cole walks back in and gives a nod in my direction, letting me know he’s taken care of the situation. We have each other’s back, no matter what. We might have never pledged to a frat house, but we pledged to each other.

As I turn back to look at the little hottie I’m with, she grabs my face and smacks me with a kiss that is fucking hot as hell. I guess hitting that guy is going to pay off for me tonight. Shit, if I don’t slow her down, she’ll be taking me for a ride in front of the whole party.

“We have all night, girl.” I pull back just a bit.

“I’d rather make it a night of just you and me,” she says, winking at me.

I’m not an idiot, I know exactly what she means, but it’s my party, and it just started an hour ago.

“Honey, let’s hang for a bit, then we will go find a quiet place. K?”

“That’s fine, but just so you know, I’ll make it worth your while if you don’t drag this party out all night long,” she whispers in a sexy tone in my ear. She turns to walk in front of me, giving me a direct shot of her ass; what a mighty fine ass it is.

At one point in the night, I see Cole with two girls in the corner; they are both kissing his neck. What a lucky bastard he is going to be later, I’m sure of it. Looking out at the back deck, I see Trey just hanging with a group of people doing shots and talking. Adam has his hands all over his girl, as she sits on top of the bar. He has been seeing Mia for a little bit, now. She is a cutie and cool to have around. She calls us out on our stupid behavior, never caring who is around, and never puts up with shit from any of us.

“Hey, sexy, you going to dance with me or what?” Abbi asks, while already shaking her hips at me and bringing my thoughts back to her.

“Lead the way, sweet thing.”

Chase Rice’s,
Do It Like This,
is the next song that comes on; it is one that we can grind hip to hip to. She knows exactly how to work what she has, and her ass is meeting me in just the right spot. She sweeps her long brown hair to one side and looks over her shoulder at me, singing the words
, “mmm so come on shake your money maker, ahh you ain’t nuttin’ but a heartbreaker
.” My hands are gripping her hips tightly and pulling her even closer to me. Ok, it’s time to get this party really started. Taking her by the hand, we walk through the crowd and right up the stairs to my room. Closing the door behind us, I lock it. I’m not going to let some stupid shithead walk in on us.

As I turn back around, she is unzipping her dress from the back, and letting it drop to the floor. “Damn, took you long enough to bring me up here,” she says, as she stands there in her barely there thong and bra set.

To be honest, I can’t wait to get my hands on her. Walking over, I pull my shirt up over my head and throw it in the chair. I chuckle just a bit at her comment, knowing it was all of about a half hour that we have even spent downstairs.

“Abbi, you girl, are one fine piece of ass.”

“Cooper, you’re not so bad yourself.”

“Oh, yeah?” I say smirking at her, because I know I’ve never had any complaints.

“I’m going to count your abs, while I lick my way down your goodie trail.”

“Then, by all means, don’t let me stop you.”

She reaches forward and slides her hands in the waistband of my basketball shorts. “First, these need to go.”

Letting her take them down, along with my boxer briefs, is a win for me. She is now eye level, or should I say mouth level, with just what I’m going to use to make her scream. Leaning forward, she drags her tongue down my stomach, before taking me in her mouth. She’s talented, I give her credit for that. Her oral skills are impeccable.

“I think we need to take this to the bed, sweetheart,” I say, smiling down at her after a few minutes.

“Whatever you want, Cooper.”

“Whatever I want, huh?”

She nods as she unhooks her bra, sliding it down her arms until it drops to the floor. Then, she shimmies out of her tiny thong. I’m lying on the bed as she climbs on top of me. There is no waiting here, once I’m wrapped, she slides into place. Holding onto her hips, I set the pace. The next hour goes by before she drops her head to my shoulder and relaxes her full body against mine. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head.

“I’m going to head to the bathroom, be right back.” I slowly slide out from underneath her, tossing the condom in the trash, before pulling my shorts back on. I unlock the door and start down the hallway, while looking over the railing to the party down below. A bunch of people have left, and now there are just a couple dozen hanging out.

Walking back into the room, I see Abbi sitting on the edge of the bed. She is pulling her bra straps over her shoulders. Even after a roll in the hay, she is stunning to look at. We have gone out a couple times, but we have never committed to one another. Both of us know how to have fun, but after college I’m heading across the country, while she is going to be staying in Florida. Let’s face it, I am by no means ready to settle down. Well maybe, if the right one comes along.

“You can stay tonight if you like.”

“Thanks, sexy, but I’m headed to the beach with a few of the girls tomorrow, so I need to get home and pack.”

“Damn, what beach is that exactly?”

“Why would you want to know that, Cooper?” she asks, looking at me through her eyelashes.

“Maybe the guys and I will visit. I mean, we do have off next week and you in a bikini, now that I could stand to look at all day.”

“Well, it’s girls only . . . so I’m not telling,” she teases.

“K, fine. I guess I’ll just have to find something else to play with for the week,” I say, joking with her.

“Oh, I’m sure your dirt bike will keep you company.”

“Yeah, you’re right. She is . . . fun to ride,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

She throws a pillow at me, as she stands to pull up her dress. I catch it and start laughing. She picks up her thong as she struts across the room to me, grabs my hand, turns it over so my palm is facing up, and then she places it in my hand, closing my fingers around it.

“Maybe this will help you remember what you were riding tonight,” she says, as she walks out the door and down the stairs.

The next morning, my roommates and I start cleaning up. The house isn’t as trashed as it’s been in the past. We’ve all grown up a bit. We don’t invite just anybody to our parties anymore. You either need to know someone that we know or we better have invited you ourselves.

“Damn, Cooper, your girl last night . . .” That is all Trey can get out of his mouth before he stutters over his words.

“I know man, she’s fine as hell, huh?”

“Shit . . . I don’t know how you do it, but you seem to nail all the hot ones.”

“Oh Trey, I left you three a few on campus to pick from.”

“Haha, you’re so kind to us.”

Adam and Cole both throw a red Solo cup at me, when I start laughing at them. They are great guys; they fill the void that was in my life, the one I felt when I came to college. Without Ryan and Ansley, I really thought I’d be lost. Both of them have been my best friends, forever. Staying in touch seems to be more difficult than we thought it’d be. Things haven’t been the same with Ansley since our stupid kiss. And Ryan . . . over the last month or so, he’s been so busy we’ve barely spoken either. I don’t really know what the hell is going on with either of them. But I intend to find out.

Right after graduation, I’m moving to California. I’m lining things up, so I can train with a couple of the top guys out there. I’m hoping to hang with Ryan for a bit, when I arrive. Hopefully, figuring out what’s been up with him first, then he can help me tackle my Ansley problem.

I have a huge paper due, as soon as I get back from break, so I decide I’m going to finish that up tonight, to get it out of the way. Then, it’s track time for the rest of the week. By the end of the night, I’ve had enough of school and writing; I pick up my phone and shoot a text off to both Ansley and Ryan, separately.

-Hey, Ans what’s up?

I wait, and wait, and wait. Still nothing comes. What the fuck? I don’t get it. Next, I send Ryan’s to him.

-Ry man, what’s going on?

After about ten minutes of not getting a reply, I decide I need a shower and go to bed. I want to get some good riding in before this break is over. As I walk back in my room, I see my phone is lit up with a message. I grab it off my desk and look at it, hoping it’s from one of them.

-Sorry man, it’s been crazy here. I feel like I’m on the go all the time. Can’t wait to hear of your plans for after school. Hopefully, I’ll be seeing you soon. Can’t talk now though . . . off to work out.

-Yeah, looking forward to moving and getting together as well. I want to talk to ya sometime about Ansley. I need to tell you something important. So, call when you can this week.

Needing to catch up on some much-needed rest, I hit send and then climb into bed. We are all going to head out to one of the local tracks for practice tomorrow at nine. I need to nail down some good lap times and the only way I am going to do that is by busting my ass in the dirt. I have two and a half months before I move across the country to turn my dream into a reality. Hopefully, by showing the right people what I’m made of, it’ll happen. California is going to be here before I know it, so from now till then, when I have downtime, I’ll be riding. Who knows, it may be the one place that will change my life forever.

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty (Beautifully Dirty #2)
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