Read Rock The Wolfe Online

Authors: Karyn Gerrard

Rock The Wolfe (7 page)

BOOK: Rock The Wolfe
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Something else to see to. Add it to his never-ending “vile tasks” list. Last night he’d walked to a nearby restaurant and ordered a huge meal: steak, potato, veg, salad—the whole works. It had been the most he had eaten at any one sitting in months. This morning, he felt good. Had energy. So fuck it, he’d gone back to the same place and had a huge, honking breakfast.

What task was next?


He’d gone to counseling every day since he’d returned. He talked about Kerri, his parents, his group, and his disappointments. The doctor had given him lame coping-skill lessons, but at this point, he would try anything, and truthfully, the strategies worked. He relayed Kerri’s statement to the doc about no one is ever at one hundred percent, all the time. The doc had agreed.

“Do you love this woman?”

“I just met her.”

“What does that matter? What are your feelings? Don’t deny your emotions. Don’t bury them. You say you no longer feel numb? You’re on the right road, Wolfe. Keep walking. Pick up the pace and meet this woman halfway.”

Sound advice. It had given him plenty to think about. Why not pick up the pace?

The phone rang, pulling him from his thoughts. He placed his mug on the counter, and then reached for the nearby cordless.

“Mr. Phelan? We have a Ms. Kerri Coleson here at reception. Shall I send her up?”

“Yes. She’s my guest.”

He hung up. Every synapse snapped to life in anticipation. She seemed to like it when he dressed in the black jeans and shirt, so he’d done the same today. He had also shaved off the sparse facial hair and had a trim. The length of his hair hung mid-neck instead of to his shoulders.

Wolfe jogged to the door, opened it, and leaned against the frame. The elevator ground its way up to the top floor. The doors slid open with a hiss and Kerri stepped out. His heart hit a rhythmic beat, loud and strong enough to accompany a hard-rock song.

With three long strides, he pulled her into his arms. Her suitcase hit the floor as she twined her arms around his neck.

The kiss spoke of the hunger between them, the yearning. He had plans; they would share a bottle of wine and talk. That all broke apart in sparks as soon as his lips touched hers. He stepped back before he took her against the wall again. Not out here. Leaning down, he grabbed her case, while his other arm looped around her waist, bringing her luxuriant warmth close.

As they stepped across the threshold and he closed the door, Kerri turned him to face her.

“Why am I here, Wolfe?”

After leaning her bag against the wall, he bracketed her face with his hands and stared down into her moist eyes.

“I need you. I want you. I want us to talk, but shit, I want you in my bed more. Let me make love to you, show you how I feel. Then, after…we’ll talk. I promise.” He kissed her again.

He touched his forehead against hers.

“Come to my bed. Now.”




Chapter Nine



The interior of the condo passed in a blur as Wolfe pulled her toward his bedroom. There wasn’t much furniture or decorative pieces or personal items that she could see. Didn’t even look lived in. She liked the cathedral ceilings and all the windows.

His bedroom consisted of a king-size bed. That was it. Four boxes sat on the floor with various pieces of clothes hanging out of them. Was he packing or unpacking? A guitar case leaned against the wall in the corner. By his own admission, he hadn’t played in a long time, but it looked as if Wolfe needed the instrument close to him. Wolfe and his guitar shared the room, companions in loneliness.

She had taken a hell of a risk coming to the big city on the word of a man she’d just met. What did she know of him, really? Okay, she’d read way too many Michael Connelly books. It wasn’t as if Wolfe were planning anything nefarious.

Still, to settle her overactive imagination, that morning she’d knocked on the door of the ranch-style home at the end of her road. She didn’t have to ask. She could see, genetically speaking, Wolfe and the couple at the door were related.

His mother had held out her hand in introduction. “You must be Kerri. Wolfe has spoken of you many times.”

“Kerri? Are you with me?”

Wolfe’s sexy voice pulled her back to the present.

She cupped his cheek, stroking the silken smoothness with her fingers. “Always.”

The look in his eyes softened. Taking her hand, he laid a hot, sizzling kiss on the palm.

Stepping back, he pulled out a strip of condoms and tossed them on the bed. She couldn’t help but laugh.

In the past, she’d been a little self-conscious about her weight. Wolfe made her forget all doubts. He said he loved her curves and she believed him. With him, she had become the sensual woman that she’d always known resided in her.

He undressed her in a slow, seductive manner. As he trailed his long, graceful fingers across her body, she became aware of her skin, so sensitive because of his touch. She stood before him naked, and not because her clothes had been removed. She exposed her heart and soul, too.

Kerri reached for his buttons, undid them, and then slipped the shirt from his shoulders.

He finished undressing. Even though he looked a little thin, he had the lean musculature that universally appealed. She stepped closer, running her fingers through his hair.

“I love you had this trimmed, and I much prefer you clean-shaven.” She rubbed her cheek against his.

Wolfe clasped her arms, leaned in, and whispered, “I want you on your hands and knees with me behind, my cock thrusting into your wet, swollen pussy until you scream.”

Never thought she would enjoy naughty talk, but with Wolfe?
Oh, yeah

She sauntered to the bed and assumed the position. “Then come on. Do it.”




His cock twitched in anticipation. One of his all-time favorite positions. He liked the possessive feeling of taking a woman hard and fast. It was animalistic, primal, and sexy as shit.

Wolfe rolled on the condom and knelt behind her. He rubbed his cock teasingly between her ass cheeks as he caressed her lush behind. He couldn’t wait. He guided his prick into the welcoming wetness. He pushed in and she flexed her inner muscles clutching him in a searing embrace. Such a perfect fit. This woman was made for him.

He splayed one hand on her back. The other clutched the side of her hip as he began to pound. Skin slapped against skin. The wet, sucking noise of her tight pussy made for the best sounds he had heard in ages. When he was inside her like this, he could forget everything. All his troubles and anxieties became buried under the absolute ecstasy that seized his body.

He was so lost in the bliss he didn’t realize he had begun to sing the final chorus of “Into the Dark Night.”

“You reach me into my darkness, into my soul, your heart you offer, your love, my goal….”

He hadn’t sung in months. Hot tears burned in his eyes, but he didn’t shed them. Kerri had let music back into his life. He sang the last part of the song, but it was enough to open the floodgate of his emotions.

As he finished the melody, his climax slammed him hard. Intense, sure, but poignant and heart-rending as well. He’d been so immersed in the sensation, he had no idea if Kerri had come.

His knees gave out. He collapsed on the bed. Kerri curled in next to him. “Your beautiful voice. God, Wolfe. You have my permission to sing every time.”

Emotion choked off his response, so he nodded, bringing her in closer to his body.

After several moments of lying in comforting silence, she spoke.

“I stopped by your parents’ before I came here. They invited me in for coffee. I like them, Wolfe. Your pictures are everywhere, from when you were a baby to more recent ones. It’s obvious they love you. One of your gold records hangs in a ‘place of pride,’ your father called it. I could hear the admiration, love, and respect when he spoke of you. You can tell a lot about a man by his relationship with his family. You feel things deeply, maybe too much so. I want to know everything about you. I want—”

He silenced her with a blistering kiss. It stirred his desire, though the embers hadn’t gone out at all. Not with this woman. Sitting up, he tore off the condom, ripped open a package, and rolled a fresh one on his hardening cock.

Lying back down, he slapped his thigh. “Climb on, Kerri. Ride me. Rock your Wolfe.”

Her warm smile and teasing wink had his heart beating against his rib cage. She didn’t climb on top of him right away; instead, she laid hot kisses across his chest while her hand trailed across his abs to his prick. She clutched him, squeezing tight, fisting him while she stroked her tongue and lips over his entire body. Moaning, he lay still, letting her explore.

She straddled him, her knees resting on either side of his hips. He reached up and cupped her breasts. He loved how they more than filled his hands. Kerri moved her hips over his cock, teasing and tormenting. At last, she raised her hips far enough to take him inside her. Oh Christ, so deep. Her pace started slowly, a sensual rocking that grew in intensity. No, she wasn’t skinny. Wolfe couldn’t care less.
More of her to love
. He arched his hips in time with her sexy slide. Faster she moved, her breath hitching with every groan. He slapped her thigh.

“That’s it, rock me.”

Her head fell back, her long hair trailing over her shoulders as she cried out with her release.
. He had never seen anything as stunning. Kerri leaned forward, changing the angle. He felt her hardened nub even through the rubber.

Fighting to recover her breath, she kept moving. She rocked him all right, his body, his heart, his fucking soul.

“Oh, God, I’m coming again….” she cried out, wonderment in her voice.

He reached around and grabbed her ass, encouraging her to keep up the pace. She looked glorious, perspiration covering her body, her eyes wide in astonishment. Her sensual lips parted in an O of surprise as another orgasm hit her.

Wolfe groaned as his release hit him simultaneously.

Lying across his chest, Kerri glanced up at him. He brushed aside her tangled hair and kissed her, a kiss so tender and gentle, he could not believe he had given it.

She rolled off him and snuggled into his embrace, laying her head on his chest. Outside, the world continued on. In here, with Kerri, he reveled in a world of their own making.

They lay together for a long time, neither speaking. No words were needed.

When Wolfe felt he at least had some sort of control on his emotions, he cleared his throat.

“I’ve never felt this close to any woman before.”

Kerri signed. “Me neither. With a man.”

He snorted.

“What happens next?” she asked.

“For starters, I’m putting this place on the market. I never wanted it. Next, I’ll stay with my parents for a couple of weeks to get my bearings. Then I suppose I’ll find an apartment in Peterborough.”

Her eyebrow shot up. “Peterborough?”

“That’s where you are, baby. So shall I be. I contacted the owner of Steeple Chase Records; he wants to meet with me next month about the possibility of producing new acts for him. There could be a job in it for Kevin as well. Besides being a hell of a bassist, he can mix with the best of them.”

“That’s wonderful news! Are they in Toronto?”

“Yep. Close enough for a commute. I don’t need to work, but music is my life. I can’t step away from it. I don’t want to.”

Kerri touched his cheek. “Nor should you. Follow your heart.”

He kissed the tips of her fingers. “I intend to do just that.” He paused. “Can you take a leave of absence?”

Her brows furrowed. “Too late for this coming September, but if I put in a request before October fifteenth, I can take from January to June. Granted, it would be without pay, and I—”

He laid a finger on her lips. “Fuck money. I have enough for both of us. You need a break; let’s take it together. I’ll even take you to the east coast in the spring. We’ll order lobster at one of the waterfront restaurants in Halifax. Say you’ll do it.”

“You’re temptation itself. Yes, I’ll do it. One leave of absence, coming up.”

He laughed with pure joy and hugged her tight.

“Wolfe, can this be real? It’s happened so fast. I care for you so much.”


“Guess I’m protecting my heart. If I say the other word, I might ruin things or put a curse on it. Silly, I know, but what’s between us is so new….”

“Then let me say it. I want to share everything with you including the same soap, toothpaste, and bed. I want boiled hot dogs with steamed buns and making love in front of a fire during a thunderstorm. I want my cock inside you always. I want your heart and soul. I want you to whisper in my ear that you want me and no other man. Ever. Own me. Heal me. Goddamn it…love me. Because I love you, with everything I am.”

Kerri kissed him. It had a possessive feel he welcomed. He gave it back and more. Her tears fell on his cheeks. She pulled back, staring down at him, her eyes soft and moist.

“I love you, too, Wolfe. So very much. I’m yours. Forever.”

“Well then, all things being equal, come September, maybe we should look for a place together.”

Kerri squealed in delight. Sitting up, she embraced him and kissed him hard.

In the midst of uncertainty, of doubting his ability to regain the life he had lost, he’d found Kerri, the love he had been looking for his entire life. The love he had written songs about, the love he yearned to have. Now he had it. With her, everything and anything had promise. He had a ways to go, but they would walk the road together.

She rocked him to the depths of his heart and soul.

Fucking fantastic.







Karyn lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She wiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. Tortured heroes are a favorite. A multi-published author with a few best-sellers under her belt, Karyn loves to write in different genres and time periods.

BOOK: Rock The Wolfe
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