Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2) (39 page)

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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Over the last hour, I’d had ten chat conversations going on. I couldn’t get comfortable in the shorts that I put on earlier and my bra was annoying me too. I wasn’t going out today now that I have so many new friends to chat with, so I might as well get comfortable, right?

Removing my bra was the first thing to happen as I ran into my room. I grabbed my black stretch yoga pants that had a blue fold over at the waist and a grey long sleeve shirt that hung off my shoulder no matter how many times I’d try to right it to center it. I always felt sexy wearing it, but at the same time it felt so comfy on my lazy days. It was the perfect attire for chatting online with single men.

I had to admit, I became addicted to searching profiles and chatting with certain guys. It was fun and hiding behind my laptop, I felt a little braver. It was a lot easier to “chat” with someone online than it was to meet in person and the things I said were a little more daring, too.

I grabbed my laptop from the table and flopped onto the couch. I ate my lunch while chatting with some guy who told me how he loves to rock climb. I was intrigued that it was a Saturday and instead of climbing mountains he was online with me instead. His conversation changed to a sexual nature so I quickly figured out he probably wasn’t a rock climber, but wanted to bring me to higher peaks, as he told me, in a more vulgar type of way.

I had to laugh at how much fun this actually was. I settled down into the couch and turned on the TV for some background noise.

As I was reviewing a profile for a guy that wanted to chat with me, my phone chimed. Annoyed that I had to vacate my perfect place on the couch, I jumped up to grab my phone from the table. Oddly enough, my annoyance was quickly replaced by a flutter in my heart at who sent me a text. I ran back to the couch and flopped back down.

Whatcha up to?

Working. Just reviewing an article
. I lied and smiled to myself wondering what he would think if he knew how I was really spending my afternoon.

I’ve got a couple things I need to work on too. Mind if I come over and hang out?

He had only been gone a couple hours or so since our conversation earlier. He must have had a quick romp with whoever called him. Considering he’s not the romantic type, as he’s told me, he must have left right after they did their thing.

I stared at my laptop wondering what Matt would think if he saw that I was actually chatting online. What did it matter considering how he left me this morning to go to whatever woman called him? I was going to continue to chat while he was here. Might make for some interesting conversation, if anything, right?

Nope. Come on over

Moments later there was a small knock on my door. I set aside my laptop on the couch and jumped up to answer. Poor Matt was going to catch me looking like I usually do on a lazy Saturday afternoon. I answered the door, realizing way too late that I took my bra of
f. I hoped he wouldn’t notice.

I opened the door and debated excusing myself to run to my room and throw a bra on. Matt stood there in a t-shirt and jeans and his eyes perused my body quickly. I caught that glimmer of a smile in his eyes as he quickly tried to return his gaze to my eyes. He held his laptop on his hands like a book cradled to his side. I stepped aside to let him in, giving him plenty of room. Despite that, he still managed to brush his arm against my bare chest. I guess he did notice. I smiled to myself as I closed the door and tried to remind myself that we resolved to leave things as a friendship. Or at least I had.

Unfortunately this friendship constantly left me wanting more…a friends with benefits type of arrangement that I knew I couldn’t have.

Darn no dating policy

Despite the warning lights going off in my head to throw a bra on, I realized putting one on wasn’t going to stop my desires for having Matt again. I might as well gather some fantasies to share with B.O.B later on.

I walked over to the couch where Matt already seated himself comfortably. He took one corner and hiked up one leg, stretching his other one along the back of the couch, then opened his laptop.

Feeling a little excited to have Matt on the opposite side of the couch, I leaned back on the arm rest. I scooched down, crossed my legs and rested my laptop on my legs. Neither of us said anything. I muted my laptop to stop all the “chimes” I was receiving and went back to chatting with other guys while a certain single amazing good looking guy sat on the opposite side of the couch.

Chatting with so many different men and Matt’s scent filling my apartment, reminding me of our night together, put my libido in full alert. To say I was fully charged would be an understatement, especially with what some of the guys I was chatting with said they’d do to me. I needed to either kick Matt out of my apartment soon so I could have a “date” with B.O.B. or I would have to run to the bathroom like a sex starved maniac. I’m sure that’s what Charles would think I was if he ever caught me using it.

As I debated this “dilemma,” a pop up on my Yahoo messenger diverted my attention from my “reading.” The message was from Matt and I tried to keep my eyes on my laptop and not look up at him. I pulled my laptop slightly higher to make sure he wouldn’t see the smile on my face.

Reading anything interesting?

How to inspire employees

Sounds boring…snore

It’s not too bad

Why don’t we watch a movie instead

Because I need to research this
. I wondered what he would say if he saw what I was really doing.

You can’t work on that tomorrow

I’m working on it right now. You decided to come over.

Would you rather I leave?

No, you’re nice company. You make a nice fixture on my couch. It’s too bad Aubrey’s not here.

Why is that?

She wanted you as a permanent fixture in our living room when she first met you.

Oh yeah?

I looked up from my laptop to show him my smile.

“Permanent fixture?”

I nodded. “Yeah, she wanted you to sit there and look pretty.”

“Funny, I thought the same thing about you on my couch.” I rolled my eyes, still smiling and looked back down to the chat I was having. This time, the guy was discussing his interest in photography, only it didn’t seem like he enjoyed taking photos of landscapes.

I flipped back to my messenger, waiting for the next text from Matt. My heart beating faster as I wondered what he would say or type next.

Do you have any idea how sexy you look in that outfit?

Gulp. Oh shit. This is it. Do I play? I’m so wound up right now from all this “chatting” and here I have this amazing man who I know is fantastic in bed. Fuck the policy, my libido said, as if it could really talk. I decided to play.

Tell me.
I typed out so slowly and hit enter before I could delete it. I stared at the screen, my heart throbbing now, not to mention how I was throbbing down there. I waited, staring at the screen in anticipation. Before I knew it, my laptop was being removed from my lap and Matt gingerly laid it on the coffee table. He positioned his knee between my legs and leaned over me. He placed his hand on the arm rest right beside my neck and gave me that sexy fucking half smile.

Oh God. I’m done for.

All I could do was gaze at him. I wanted this just as much as he did and I didn’t want to think about anything that would happen at the office.

His head bent down, as if in slow motion that I had absolutely no desire to stop. His lips softly touched mine, his tongue glided into my mouth, searching for mine. I moaned into his mouth as my hand snaked around his neck pulling him closer, wanting more.

Teasing him for a week and then trying to relieve myself each and every night did nothing for the appetite I had for Matt. For him only. I wrapped my other arm around his muscular body and he lowered himself onto me. His other hand slowly went under my shirt, slowly skimming my skin. He was touching the side of my breast with the slightest feather touch. It was his turn to moan into my mouth, which caused me to pull him even closer as I slid down further into the couch. I lifted my leg to the side allowing him to press his groin right against me. Just from feeling that slight pressure a small mewl escaped my throat, surprising me, as my breathing increased and our mouths pressed harder against each other.

It was building. While we were slow just a second ago, now we were at full speed. Mouths pressing harsh and fast against each other, hands clawing at each other’s clothes with barely enough time to take a breath. Both our shirts were off within seconds, hands immediately back to where they were just a second ago. I groped his hard length from outside his jeans as he moaned into my mouth. My hand that was once pulling his neck harder to me, immediately reached down to start unbuttoning his jeans, unzipping him as quick as I could and reaching in to feel his soft, velvety smooth shaft. No boxers or briefs. I gasped, turned on even more that he had nothing under his jeans the whole time.

I cupped his balls, while my other hand glided up and down his shaft. With barely open eyes we peered at each other, lusting, wanting, needing each other. He pulled away with one leg on the floor balancing him and his other was still fixed between my legs. He grabbed the waistband of my yoga pants and pulled them down quickly. I lifted my hips slightly, needing them to be off just as much as I could tell he wanted them off me. His eyes flashed to mine with an intense brightness as he found out my little secret too. It seems we both enjoy going without that extra fabric down there. My head tilted towards the ceiling in hopes of what he might do.

My thoughts were answered as I felt the wet slick of his tongue on my clit. More teasing, more taunting. I pulled my top up so I could feel my nipples and how hard they were as I cupped my own breast. His tongue continued to massage me, dip into me, then back up to my clit. I writhed with pleasure as he gently slipped two fingers into me. Swirling, searching for that perfect…“Ohhh, Oh God, yes Matt, please more,” I moaned as he continued to give me what I wanted. I couldn’t catch my breath and he continued with his tongue, his fingers feeling that amazing spot as I closed my eyes in pure ecstasy and exploded. “Ohhh,” I cried out as I came and he moaned into me. I slowly came down from that euphoric feeling as he gave me soft kisses along the inside of my thighs. I briefly opened my eyes and glanced down. Matt’s sexy smile greeted me as he sat back and rolled a condom onto his hard shaft.

He lowered himself onto me, holding his hard cock in his hand as he guided it right to my wet slit. I took a deep breath waiting for him, wanting him to thrust himself fast and hard into me. I opened my eyes again and bit my lip in anticipation.

“Are you sure you want this Vanessa?”

I pulled my brows together questioning why he would even ask that at a moment like this. Finally, it dawned on me that I was the one who constantly told him no. I nodded my head quickly. “Matt, please, I want you so badly. I need you inside of me right now,” I pleaded as I began to breathe faster.

Relief flooded his face as he thrust himself hard into me. I cried out from pure bliss as he moaned at that same moment. Lips pressed against mine as he begged to enter my mouth also. Breathing heavy as he continued to thrust into me and I wrapped my legs around his ass as he pumped into me over and over again. “Ahhh, oh, yes,” I cried out as my rapid breath met his every thrust into me.

“Oh fuck, Vanessa, baby, come please come. I …” I arched my hips as he hit my spot over and over again in that fantastic way that brought me that euphoric feeling. I cried out in pure pleasure knowing that the thought of making Matt come brought on mine.

We lay there breathless, not really wanting to come down just yet. Matt kissed my neck as he mumbled something completely inaudible. I thought he said something about thanking me, but I wasn’t sure. Our breaths finally began to even out as Matt moved slightly. “No,” I protested, giving a slight pout. He quirked up that eyebrow and he moved himself inside of me, dragging out that wonderful feeling. “Mmm,” I moaned, enjoying every pulse from his cock inside of me.

He slowly pulled out and headed to the bathroom. I couldn’t resist sitting up slightly to watch him from behind. Most fantastic ass on a man. Ever. I lay back laughing to myself about checking him out.

I sat up and retrieved my shirt from the floor. Putting it on, I started to have slight regret about what we just did. It felt so fantastic, how could it be wrong? How could I regret it?

Work. The stupid fucking office policy.

Matt returned just as I was pulling my yoga pants over my hips. He sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap. I wasn't sure how I should act after we just had sex. I started to wrap my arm around him and he gave me a questioningly look that made me pull my arm back and place it in my lap.

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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