Read Running in Fear: Dragon's Den Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #paranormal, #MFM

Running in Fear: Dragon's Den (3 page)

BOOK: Running in Fear: Dragon's Den
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While one hand held her wrists, Archer reached up and undid the first clasps of her corset, exposing more of her breasts.

Suzanne squirmed in his hold but he wouldn't budge. “I'm sorry, Master, but I just didn't want to sound prejudiced against one of your kind. Sometimes certain people give me the creeps. I don't know why, but I usually avoid them when it happens.”

Archer lowered his head and scraped his fangs against the swell of her breast that he had just exposed. “Which man bothered you, Little Red? Maybe I can help ease your fears.”

“Hmm, the man in the back left corner, with the slave on the ground giving him a blow job.” Suzanne closed her eyes as Archer pulled one of her breasts out and sucked her nipple. Four more clasps were unhooked, leaving her other breast also exposed to anyone who looked.

He released her breast. “Let me introduce you to Stephan. As it happens, he came with me this weekend. His clan borders mine.” Archer lowered her hands down and stepped back, once more wrapping his arm around her waist. “And leave your breasts uncovered, Suzanne. I like looking at them,” he said before she reached up to try to cover herself.

“Well, damn,” she muttered, and he just laughed at her as he dragged her over to said gentlemen's table.

“Stephan, would you mind if I join you? I would like to introduce my pet and companion.” Archer's deep voice soothed her as he rubbed her exposed belly.

“Please have a seat, Archer. Aren't you full of surprises this evening?” The man laughed and once again a cold chill traveled up Suzanne's body, remembering where she had seen Stephan.

Archer sat down and pulled her onto his lap, her back up against his chest. “It was both a surprise and a welcome gift to find my companions tonight. Stephan, this is Suzanne Butterfield. Suzanne, this is Stephan Elam. His territory borders mine. He is in charge of the Georgia clans.” Archer placed both of her breasts into his hands and circled her nipples. “You may speak, Suzanne.”

No matter what Archer did, she couldn't relax. “Yes, sir. Pleasure to meet you, sir.” She glanced down at her hands.

Stephan reached over and tried to raise her chin with his fingers, but she snapped her head back, and glared into his face. “Please don't touch me.” Suzanne clenched her hands at her side. It all came back to her once more; he had been at one of the forced orgies she was made to attend as a child.

Archer froze underneath her for a minute, then wrapped his arms around her. “What is it, Suzanne, tell me? Why are you so afraid of him?”

Both Dominic and Granger walked up to them. Suzanne could feel the tears swell in her eyes. All she wanted to do was run. Suzanne tried to jump off his lap, but Archer held her tight.

Dominic knelt down next to her and stared into her face. “How can Archer help you if you don't tell us, Suzanne? We can feel your fear. Please tell us. Stephan is a good man. There must be a reason for this fear.”

Suzanne leaned her head back onto Archer's chest and closed her eyes. “I've seen him before, Dominic. I remembered his laugh. I was in a room with him and others. It was a paid orgy I was forced to attend when I was much younger. He didn't touch me, but his laugh…”

“Damn. Get up, Lucy. I need to talk to Suzanne,” Stephan ordered his slave.

Suzanne peeked just as Dominic and Granger stepped in front of her, blocking her view of Stephan. Archer held her closer to his body, whispering to her.

“It's okay, Suzanne. I'm sorry about this. We'll find out what happened. I'm sure Stephan had a good reason for being there.”

She snorted. “Um, yeah, like fucking little girls.”

“Suzanne, enough!” Dominic snapped. “Start talking, Stephan.”

“Dominic,” Stephan said, “all of you know my little sister went missing more than fifteen years ago. Lissa was small and believed she was in love with a member of the Bloods. One minute she was safe at home, the next she disappeared, and so did he. I traced them to New York, and one of the places I had to visit was their whorehouse. I didn't participate. I would talk with the Bloods while I searched for her. I couldn't start a war with the human gang, as it was forbidden.”

Suzanne frowned and glanced up at Stephan when Dominic and Granger stepped aside. “How could they control her, if she is like you? I mean, with humans it was easy. They shot us up with heroin.”

Archer spoke in her ear. “It seems some of the gangs at that time found out they could control some of us through injecting us with a hormone called Calcitonin. In weaker males or females this hormone will make them immobile, so they can't defend themselves. They will still know what's going on and feel everything, but they can't move.”

“Well, who was the stupid asshole who told the Bloods about it? Damn. I'm sorry, sir. What did your sister look like? Maybe I can help in some way.” Suzanne reached out to touch his arm, but Archer pulled her back.

“There is no reason for you to touch him, Suzanne. I know you have a kind heart, but right now we can't control our possessive nature.” Archer kissed her neck, and Dominic and Granger pulled up chairs next to them.

“I'm sorry, Archer. Just the thought of someone else at their hands…I left New York two years ago, and from what I hear, they are still kidnapping young girls. I tried to help a few when I grew stronger, but only managed to save one.” Granger rested his hand on her knee.

“You did what you could, Suzanne, even risking yourself again. No one could ask for more.” Granger reached over and kissed her lips.

Stephan shook his head. “I'm even amazed you got away. What they did to those girls, it wasn't pretty. My sister had dark blond hair.” He laughed. “When she left, or was taken, Lissa had colored one streak of hair in front a dark purple, her favorite color. She was a little taller than you and very thin.”

Suzanne glanced down at her hands, and tried to rack her brain, before she glanced up at Stephan. “I don't want to get your hopes up, but about six months ago the girl I helped escape called me. She told me two others had escaped, and they had dragged a vampire girl out of there. I totally forgot about that. This is where I learned of the other races among humans. At first, I didn't believe her, but now I wonder if maybe it was your sister. They said she was in bad shape, but they were taking care of her. I could call her. My phone is in my car across the street.”

Dominic stood and pulled her into his arms. “Come, I'll get you a coat, and we'll go over there now. This is too important for Stephan.” She nodded as all four men surrounded her and led her to the doorway. Dominic grabbed a large leather coat from behind the desk and wrapped it around her. “Do you have the keys to your car?”

“Shit. Anthony has them. He was holding onto them for me.” She glanced back into the main room, but didn't see him.

Granger glanced down at her. “Don't worry, Archer is going to get the keys, and we're going to have to do something about that vulgar little mouth of yours.” He traced his finger on her lips. “You're too pretty for ugly words to come out of it.”

Suzanne laughed and shook her head. “I'm afraid this is nothing, Granger. Remember, I grew up on the streets, and for two years…well, you know. It won't be easy, but I'll try for you.”

Archer came running into the room with the keys. All four of them walked out into the night and across the street. Both Dominic and Granger were at her side, with Archer and Stephan in front of them. “Which car is yours, Suzanne?” Archer asked as they crossed into the parking lot.

“The black Olds over there.” She pointed and all three men moaned.

“What? First thing we get you is a new car. I can't believe you drive that thing.” Archer snarled as he opened her door, and let her inside.

“Hey, don't knock my baby. She's sensitive.” Suzanne laughed and dug into the glove compartment, setting aside her gun on the seat. Archer reached over her and grabbed the gun.

“What the hell is this?” he snarled.

Suzanne sighed. “Archer, I'll explain later. Now give me my gun so I can put it back.” She held out her hand, but he put her gun in the back of his pants.

“Nope. You don't need a gun when you have us.” He crossed his hands over his chest, and leaned against the car.

She slammed the glove compartment closed, and got out of the car. “This conversation isn't over, Archer.” She flipped open her phone and pushed Della's number.

Stephan paced back and forth in front of her, as Dominic and Granger scanned the area. “Hey Della, it's me, Suzanne. I have a question for you.” She stepped away from the group and frowned. “What do you mean they're looking for me again? Who told them I was here?” She looked at Granger. “Okay, I'm sorry, Della. There's nothing we can do about it now. My question is, you know that vampire girl you were telling me about? Do you know her name, and where she is?”

Suzanne turned around, and gave a thumbs-up to Stephan. “Great. Listen, this is what I want you to do. I want you and her to get on the next plane to Louisiana. There will be two tickets waiting for you. You're coming here. You're not safe there anymore, and her brother is waiting for her here. He'll be at the airport waiting for you to take you to a safe place. Yes, I trust him.” Suzanne started to walk back towards the club. “Yes, I'll be careful. Love you too, and see you soon.” She shut the lid on her phone and glanced at Stephan.

“They'll need to two tickets at Newark International. I told them the tickets would be waiting for them there. They'll check into the main terminal to find what plane they will take. Stephan, your sister is in bad shape. The hormone they injected in her is taking its time coming out of her. She can move with help, but still hasn't spoken. Della has let her feed from her, but she can't keep feeding her. The Bloods are on high alert for some reason, and they are searching for her and me.”

Dominic pulled her close, and took her phone, putting it into his pocket. “I take it they know where you live?”

Suzanne nodded. “I guess someone tipped Lance. He's the one who took me from the streets. They've known where I am for two days. I'm just surprised they haven't shown up yet.” She pulled the leather coat tighter around her and leaned her head against his shoulder. “I'm scared, Dominic. I can't go back. I'd rather be dead.”

“No one is going to hurt you, Suzanne, I promise. We'll take care of it. You're not going back to your place. I'll send someone there to pack your belongings tonight.”

“What if they followed me here? They could be watching us now.” She glanced out into the night as they stepped onto the stairs leading back into the club.

Archer opened the door and pushed her inside. “Don't worry, no one…” His words stopped as a sharp pain shot through her cheek.

“Damn, what the hell?” Suzanne lifted her hand to her face, only to be swung into Dominic's arms as he ran into the club, covering her body with his.

“Archer, Granger, Stephan, find them now!” He sat her down on the table in the front hall, as Alex appeared next to him. “Get me the first aid kit, and alert security that we have a problem,” he snapped, as he lifted her chin, and removed her hand.

“I'm so sorry, Suzanne. We should have gone across the street, and left you here. This won't happen again.” He grabbed the cloth from Alex's hand, and wiped the blood from her face and hand.

“Dominic, I've had worse, and have the scars to prove it. How were you supposed to know they would be out there?” She cringed when he leaned down, licking her wound.

Anthony and Tonya came into the hallway just when Archer, Granger and Stephan came in. “We have two of them in the basement, but the other two took off before we could get them. How is she doing?” Granger moved to her. Tonya tried to come to her side, but Anthony held her still.

“I'm fine, really.” She reached up and patted Granger's cheek. “Believe me, it would take a lot more than this to scare me, but you might want to tell whoever is going to my apartment to be careful, because they'll be waiting.” Suzanne glanced at Tonya and Anthony. “Anthony, don't let Tonya go back there. They'll try and hurt her since she's my friend.”

“Don't worry. She's coming home with me till this blows over. Then we'll get her things.” Anthony growled, glancing down at Tonya. She smiled up at him and hugged him.

Stephan moved to one side of the table and bowed his head to her. “Thank you for everything you have done. Our family has been searching so long. We gave up hope. You have our family's undying support, Suzanne.”

She blushed and she smiled at Dominic. “Stephan, I would do it for any woman. I'm just glad I could help.” She turned and glanced at him again. “She's going to need help, Stephan, mentally. I still have flashbacks. Just surround her with love and make her feel safe. Lissa will need time, but if she's strong enough, she'll make it. If you need me to talk to her later, after she gets settled, let me know and I'll see what I can do.”

“You have a special one here, Dominic. Hold on to her tight, and if you ever need my help, or my family's, please call us.” Stephan bowed and stepped back into the main room with Anthony and Tonya.

Dominic's gaze heated as he removed his coat from her shoulders. The wound on her face was already healing from his saliva. “I think it's time to show our little spitfire some loving. To the red room.” He swung her up into his arms. Granger and Archer followed them through the main room into a hallway, and up a short set of stairs before they stepped into a large room.

Archer closed the door behind them as Dominic lowered her feet to the floor. Suzanne glanced around the red room. The walls were red, and a super king-sized bed with red satin sheets was off to the right. On the left wall, chains hung down, and a swing also hung from the rafters above. On one wall was an assortment of paddles, whips, floggers, and canes. Next to this, there was a cabinet stocked with an assortment of sex toys on its shelves. Suzanne turned and sucked in her breath when she saw the large mirror wall on the other side. “Is that—?”

“Um, were you supposed to be talking? Here I was looking forward to rewarding you for being so good, and you go and earn a punishment.” Dominic strolled around her and nodded to Granger, who stepped in front of her, ripping the rest of the clasps off of her corset and throwing the item of clothing to the floor.

BOOK: Running in Fear: Dragon's Den
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