Read Sadie and Ratz Online

Authors: Sonya Hartnett

Tags: #Ages 5 & Up

Sadie and Ratz (2 page)

BOOK: Sadie and Ratz
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There is someone in our house I forgot to mention.

I wish he was a dog.

Baby Boy is four years old. Four years is a long time. It seems like Baby Boy has been around forever.

Everyone says Baby Boy is a good boy. But these are things that Baby Boy does:

When he does these things, Sadie and Ratz

They jump onto Baby Boy’s head, and try to rub his ears off.

Baby Boy doesn’t like it. He bellows like a banshee bull. Baby Boy bellows and then I get in trouble, even though Baby Boy caused the trouble in the first place. If he didn’t annoy me, Sadie and Ratz wouldn’t have to rub his ears off.

Mom says I must be patient. She says, “Baby Boy is only little.” She says Sadie and Ratz should do yoga. She says, “They might learn to relax.”

These are yoga positions Mom thinks Sadie and Ratz could try:

Sadie and Ratz invented their own positions:

They showed Baby Boy the Hammerheads. He screeched like a banshee bull.

On Saturday, at our house, something strange happened. I was drawing pictures, and Baby Boy was wandering around. Suddenly some marker was on the wall. It was a long black line on the clean white wall.

“Who did this?” asked Dad.

This is when the strange thing happened.

Normally Baby Boy would pretend he hadn’t heard Dad’s question. He would pretend he was a spaceman who couldn’t hear a sound. Instead of owning up to drawing on the wall, he would act like he was deaf.

BOOK: Sadie and Ratz
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