Read Sarasota Sin Online

Authors: Talyn Scott

Sarasota Sin (2 page)

BOOK: Sarasota Sin
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Evan smiled over his shoulder. Lifting his personal cat o’ nine tails, the strips constructed of the softest dyed pink suede - another of Ethan’s jokes. The tips were carved amber instead of the typical barbs hardcore sadists preferred. None of them was a sadist so this toy sufficed. Depending on the strength used, that particular cat o’ nine tails could still pack quite a wallop. “Oh, Avery, you know I love dialing the pink phone.” Flicking it through the air, a light whistling ensued. “The harder I dial, the louder she rings.”

Avery wouldn’t laugh, he’d deigned to that dark place in his mind where he focused on providing pleasure for his chosen woman. For the next few minutes, that woman was Vivian. Checking the give in Marla’s restraints, Avery lowered his voice an octave, deepening it. “Do you remember your safe word, Marla?”

“Yes, Sir,” she answered warily, staring at Evan moving his wrist up and down, the beads snapping against one another. Even Julian picked up marked interest, his eyes flickering over the four. “But may I speak freely.”

As if she hadn’t already. “Just this once.”

“Why is Evan playing? We never played otherwise.” Her brown eyes grew wide with alarm. “He hates me!”

“I don’t hate anyone,” Evan replied, stepping closer and flicking Marla on her right breast. Her coffee-colored nipple stood straight out, puckering for more. “What I’ve got, Marla, you will take.” Circling her, Evan flicked her lower back, some of the beds finding the crevice of her plump ass. Her backside jiggled, the flesh ripening when he snapped three consecutive lashes. “Or just say your word and I will gladly send you to aftercare.” Marla released a long groan, pulling at her restraints. Instead of Evan, her eyes fixed on Avery, silently pleading for his mouth.

Evan continued lashing the backs of her thighs, easing up and down, building her climatic crest without tipping her over the edge. Avery brushed a thumb over Marla’s navel, circling until her stomach clenched with need, the sensation surely echoed in her womb. She cried out, begging him.  Julian stepped forward with a ball gag, but Avery couldn't go that far with her. He shook his head negligibly. Julian rolled his emerald eyes and switched the ball gag for a suede gag. It wasn’t pleasant on the tongue, but otherwise comfortable. Most importantly, it would muffle her so Avery could enjoy himself. Since Marla was cuffed and Julian wanted to gag her, she had to give up her safe word and trust Julian or Evan to read her body. They were more than capable of this; had never hurt a woman past erotic pain, but this move took a lot of trust on Marla’s behalf. But she agreed, undoubtedly she thought this would earn her a turn with Avery. She couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Easily, Avery brought his attention back to his Hungarian beauty, when Julian secured Marla’s mouth. “You are as lovely as I imagined, Vivian.” She deserved praise where praise was due. Avery ran his thumbs under the band of her panties. “Allow me.” He lowered them, expecting exactly what he received: waxed, rosy perfection. Her labia drenched and waiting patiently.

“Anything, Sir.”

He ran his hands up her inner thighs, not touching where she wanted him to go. “You are obedient.”

Her head snapped up, her lips parting. “I will do anything , Mr. Easton.”

Avery took a hard look in her greedy eyes and saw dollar signs staring back at him, lots of them. Disappointing, yes, but nothing new for him or his cousins. Whispering for Vivian’s ears only, he explained, “You do understand that after tonight I won’t touch you ever again.”

She swallowed audibly, but nodded her acceptance.

“A verbal reply, please.”

Her breaths sawing in and out, she answered quickly, “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Look at Evan and Julian, not me.” Her flaxen brows drew together but she obliged. Lowering himself to his knees, his six-foot-four frame still brought him higher than he normally enjoyed. He found one frosted pink cupcake, and blew a slow breath over the tip. As her nipple puckered impossibly hard, he pinched the opposite nipple sharply until she released a shocked yelp, her back arching and pushing her breast into his mouth. Raking his teeth over her velvety areola, he stroked his tongue beneath in rhythmic motions as his opposite fingers raked through her drenched core.

Behind him, Marla uttered incoherent nonsense from her gag. He didn’t have to understand her words to know what she was saying. She didn’t want Evan and Julian’s attention, she wanted Avery’s, but that wasn’t happening tonight or ever again. For Marla’s newest misbehavior, Avery signaled for Julian to join Vivian, relieving Marla of her extra attention.

Avery dragged his mouth down Vivian’s flat stomach as his fingers lifted higher, spearing her harshly. He heard her splash before he felt it trickle down his fingers. Her knees buckled and Julian was behind her immediately, his body now naked, his cock head purple and readied. Julian brought his long arms around her, taking her slight weight, and lifted his fingers to her delicious cupcakes, squeezing and pulling. Her ass cradled his dick, his hips gliding up and down. “You smell so good, pet, sweet and musky.”

With a rough glide of his mouth, Avery licked Vivian’s inner thigh as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her loose core. “Ah, Julian, you and Evan are in for a treat.” He nipped her opposite thigh, leaving a love bruise on the tender flesh.

“What treat specifically?” Evan asked while inserting an egg deep inside Marla’s quivering pussy. And though she was angry, her mouth muffled and her eyes still glaring at Avery, her inner thighs were completely soaked, glistening beneath the spotlights. Her head shot back, chin up, her legs tightening until they were ramrod straight, when Evan turned the device on pulsate, pinching her labia closed as she struggled against the orgasm Evan wasn’t yet permitting.

Vivian gushed in his palm as Avery inserted four fingers. “Our sweet Hungarian is well versed in accepting two cocks at once without using her ass.” He placed one hard kiss on her clit, sucking it afterwards. “Aren’t you, lovely.”

That caught Evan’s interest. “Even cocks as large as ours?”

Avery circled her distended nub with the very tip of his tongue. “Yes.”

“Yes,” she echoed, thrusting her hips out for more.

Julian swatted her ass with a firm hand. “No begging, pet.” She cried out when Julian inserted one of his long fingers with Avery’s four, collecting moisture to soak her back rosette. Julian then inserted his middle finger in her ass slowly; causing a slight friction Avery could feel against her vaginal walls.

Julian lowered his head and nipped her ass, sliding his tongue over her hip. “She’s taken here, too, A, just not as much. A little tight, but she doesn’t need any training.”

“Still,” Evan suggested, “why not take advantage of her welcoming pussy, especially if she has room for two?” Evan lowered Marla from her brink, holding her face in his hands and reading her eyes. “It looks like you want more. If so, shake your head yes.” Marla nodded yes, watching Avery remove his soaked hands from Vivian’s pussy and licking them clean with appreciative sounds.

Avery smiled up at Vivian. “Better than anything I could have eaten at that damned fundraiser upstairs,” he said with a devious chuckle. To Julian, he said, “Let me taste her ass.” Considering Marla’s sharp groans, Avery knew she was highly pissed, waiting for his attention.

Too fucking bad.

He traded places with Julian. Down below, onlookers were watching their interaction, seeing that Avery was attending luscious Vivian and ignoring Marla. But for some reason, this slight comeuppance for Marla wasn’t the reward he thought he needed.

Julian lowered himself down Vivian’s front, sliding his thick cock on her stomach, over the smooth flesh of her pussy, positioning the head against her clit. He held it firm with one hand, delivery slow circles as he wrapped her waist with his opposite hand. Unlike Avery, Julian had no qualms kissing Vivian’s lush mouth, and that’s exactly what he did. 

Avery had the globes of her ass spread wide, her puckered opening tightening against the cold air. And although it was a sight to behold, what really turned him on was watching Julian ravish Vivian’s mouth, his tongue moving against hers. Julian swallowed her raw sounds as he rolled his cock head over her.

Avery raked a gentle finger down Vivian’s back crevice. Even though his body and mind hadn’t been into this scene from the beginning, his heart was kicking him in the ass now. He was lost in a need no one here could fill, and he hated nights like these more than anything. Nights where his next breath burned his soul all over again.

“A?” Evan put a hand on Avery’s shoulder. “Just go. We’ve got Vivian.”

Evan pitched Julian a condom, and he only pulled away from Vivian’s mouth long enough to tear the package. With his mouth back on hers, he gloved up expertly one-handed.

“Thank you, Vivian.” Avery stood, placing a tender kiss between Vivian’s shoulder blades. Cutting the night extraordinarily short from what he originally intended. “I leave you in qualified and safe hands.”

Marla looked relieved, almost smug, when Avery removed her restraints. He grabbed oil and quickly massaged her wrists and ankles, ignoring how her fingers raked through his hair. A nearby attendant placed her clothes and shoes in a special bag. What he hated most of all was removing her gag, but he did so efficiently, rubbing her neck and then her jawline hurriedly.

He motioned for an attendant. “Let’s go, Marla.” Aftercare could pamper her. He didn’t want to touch her anymore.

“A private room,” she cooed. “I knew you couldn’t tease me for long, especially after Evan wouldn’t grant my orgasm.”

Instead of addressing Marla, he pulled five hundred dollars from his wallet. “A little something for you,” Avery said, handing over the tip to the attendant. “Anything she needs in aftercare, charge to my account.”

“Of course, Mr. Easton.”

“Aftercare!” she shrieked. “I need to come. I miss you.”

“All you miss is my money.” Avery waved a dismissive hand at her. “I don’t make the same mistakes twice.” He walked away, blocking out her rants, the name-calling. Another attendant whizzed by, helping the first escort her to aftercare where she would be massaged and brought to orgasm again and again. It was no hardship to be there for Marla.

As he descended the last step, he raised his eyes to find Evan on his knees, spearing Vivian’s ass with his tongue as Julian slid into her pussy with one masterful stroke, his ass tightening and releasing with each slow thrust. And Avery wondered if this scene would ever be for him again. Then Evan stood as Julian stilled his movements, Evan threading his erection up Vivian’s sweet channel so they could thrust in unison with one big cock. When Evan reached her top, he groaned so loudly, he muffled himself against the side of her throat. After another long settling moment, Julian and Evan worked her together.

In and out.

In and out.

In and out.

Vivian’s cries were heard all over the club, above the cracks of whips, above the pounding music. Little did she know, the Easton men were only beginning to play.

Avery left the club worse for wear. The short journey back to the real world was longer than he expected. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to reenter the fundraiser, shaking hands and forcing smiles with strangers only linked by wealth, before he took a breather.

He availed himself of one of the tower’s lower suites, merely two floors up, to dispel the aftereffects of Level 69. Avery scrubbed his hands and face in the bathroom sink, but the aftertaste of Vivian still lingered. Using the complimentary toiletries, he took a disposable toothbrush and paste in hand. After a sound five minutes of brushing, he polished off with mouthwash.

Taking a cleansing breath, Avery stared into the vanity mirror. Even fully clothed, he could see the scars, could feel them blazing beneath the most expensive fabric his type of money afforded. “No matter what you do, you still look like hell, Avery Easton.” And why shouldn’t he? He certainly burned in it, paying daily for a sin he never committed.

Glancing at his watch, he realized it was still early. Knowing he needed to make another appearance for his mother’s sake, he left the bathroom and passed the open balcony, but something caught his eye, forcing a double take. He stepped out, trailing his fingers over the cool railing. Down below, Dylan was dancing with Caroline, her blonde hair swinging with each step. Although he hadn’t been as attracted to Caroline as Dylan was, Avery still would have tried to make a family. “That could be me on the other side of her, you asshole,” he muttered into the night air, willing his words to Dylan’s ears. “But you decided to fly solo.”

When he started to turn away, a possessiveness he’d known only years ago suddenly rose up inside Avery, and it had nothing to do with Dylan and Caroline. Avery gripped the railing until he thought his fingers would snap under the force. Searching, his eyes darted over the expanse of the south lawn. “What am I looking for?” Just as he asked the question, he found an object of profound interest. Her familiar red hair glistening under the gas lamps, her beaded gown clacking as she strolled purposefully into the ballroom, her heavyset posterior swaying back and forth with her steps. His lips curved the moment he reached inside his coat and pulled out his Venetian mask.

“Crimson beauty, here I come.”

BOOK: Sarasota Sin
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