Read Saving Dallas Online

Authors: Kim Jones

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Saving Dallas (26 page)

BOOK: Saving Dallas
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“I’m hungry.”  Really Dallas? 
You haven’t seen the man in days
and that’s the first thing you tell him?
  He threw his head back and laughed my favorite laugh. 

“Well as soon as you are ready I’ll feed you
,” he said smiling his full megawatt smile. 

“What time is it?”  I asked sitting up.
  “What day is it?”  Luke moved to assist me until me feet were hanging off the side of the bed and I was sitting straight up.

“Just after one
and it’s Saturday.  The doctor came in around eleven-thirty and cleared you to leave.  He said just to let you rest and when you woke I could take you home.  I have strict instructions to make sure you get plenty of rest and don’t overdo it for the next week.  He said you would be hungry and you are cleared to eat whatever you like, but you have to drink plenty of fluids.  Here is the paperwork.  You just need to sign and turn it in at the nurse’s desk before you leave.” 
That was easy. 
I felt rested and was ready to get the hell out of here.  I wanted a hot shower with real water pressure and a hamburger and French fries and a coke and a hot fudge sundae.  Just the thought of it had me up and moving to get ready.

“Hang on baby
, damn.  You move faster now than you ever have,” Luke said. 
could tell he was trying to be stern, but it wasn’t working.

“I’m fine.  I’m not gonna
break, you know,” I said sitting down to use the bathroom not bothered at all by the fact that he was standing there watching me.  I would never take for granted being able to pee on my own ever again
.  Catheters sucked. 

Luke busied himself by packing my things in a duffle bag
Red must have brought it all in.  I stood up and looked in the mirror. 
.  My face was pale and slim.  My eyes were hollow and lifeless.  My tangled nappy hair looked like a rats nest.  Luke had definitely seen me at my worst. 
Even I had never seen me this bad.

I looked over at Luke and as always he looked absolutely amazing.  He wore jeans and a baby blue polo that contrasted great with his eyes and hugged him in all the right places.  His plain white ball cap was turned backwards on his head and he looked good enough to eat, and I was hungry.

I gazed down at my wrinkled pajamas and bare feet.  Tears sprang to my eyes when I looked up into his.  “Are you ashamed of me?” 

He smiled and pushed a lock of hair behind my ear
, “No, beautiful.  Even at your worst you still take my breath away.” His sweet comment made me smile; my tears forgotten.  He leaned down and ever so softly planted a kiss to my dry, chapped lips.  When he pulled away I quickly ran my tongue across them savoring the taste of him on my mouth.

smiled down at me and shook his head.  “I brought you another change of clothes.  When I went to get Neo I grabbed a few things for you.”  He walked back into the room and presented me with a bag containing the red strapless summer dress and gold sandals I had attempted to wear the first time he was at my house. “I really like this dress, but if you want something more comfortable, I brought this too.”  He said pulling out a neon pink Nike jump suit and some Nike Shox.

I laughed
, “How about the sweats today and the dress after I’ve had a real shower and a chance to shave my legs?” 

I could shave you,” he said wiggling his eyebrows

My stomach flipped.  The thought of him shaving me did delicious things to my insides.  “I know that look.  Come on and get dressed or we will never make it out of this hospital,” Luke said laughing.  I agreed.

After I was dressed, my teeth brushed and my hair piled on my head, my
Greek god and I headed out.  Luke held my hand in one of his and with the other carried both bags and led me to the nurse’s desk.

“Miss Knox we are glad you are feeling better
,” the lady at the nurse’s station said while ogling my man.  I decided to let her slide.
Hel,l I didn’t blame her for looking. 

“Thank you
,” I said signing the papers and handing them back to her. 

“Also here is Dr. Yarborough’s card.  He asks that you call him on Monday.”  I took the card and nodded my head then headed toward the elevator. 

“Is the doctor fond of you Miss Knox?” Luke asked once we were inside.

“Not that I’m aware of, why?” I asked curiously.  What was he playing at? 

“It’s not every day the good doctor gives his business card to the patient for them to follow up with personally.” 
  I just shrugged my shoulders in response as the elevator descended and we landed on the second floor parking garage. 


Chapter 20


As soon as we stepped out of the elevator Luke had me in his arms.  He hugged me tightly holding me close to his chest.  I wrapped my arms around his waist and inhaled the scent of him.  “God, I missed you.”  He whispered in my ear, showering me with kisses.  “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here.”  I silenced him by placing my finger over his lips.

“Don’t.  You are here now and that is all that matters.” 
And it

He smiled and kissed my
forehead then scooping up the bags off the ground, he led me to the truck.  I expected him to open the passenger side door, but he didn’t.

He stopped and said, “I
feel like you have been gone for months instead of days.  I want you next to me.”  I didn’t argue.  I liked being up under Luke.  I was relieved when I was finally seated.  Just the short walk had winded me.  “You ok babe?” Luke asked concerned. 

“Yeah, just a little tired… and hungry.”  “What you want to eat?”
he asked pulling the truck from the parking spot and driving one handed while the other arm was wrapped around me. 

“Ward’s.  I want a Big One combo with fries and a coke and a hot fudge sundae
,” I said resting my head against his arm. 

He smiled
. “Anything for you darlin’.”

We pulled into the nearest Ward’s which was only about a block away.  I managed to scramble from the truck with only a little assistance from Luke.  “I can carry you baby.  Just wrap your arms around me.”  He said looking down at me while I was leaned up against the side of the truck.  His offer sounded wonderful.  Being completely immobile for three days was taking its toll on me. 

“People will laugh and stare,” I said pouting. 

“Who gives a shit
,” he responded not caring. 

“No I’m fine.  Let’s get in here before I eat you.”  I said forcing a smile and trying to make a joke.  Luke was skeptical, but slowly walked me with his arm around my waist into the greatest fast food chain in the South.  I didn’t have to repeat what I wanted
  Luke ordered my food and sat us at a table near the front.  Probably so I wouldn’t have to walk so far. 

When our food arrived, I couldn’t help the anxious smile that broke out over my face. 
This was going to be fabulous
.  I never looked up as I shoveled half the burger in my mouth and dipped my French fries into my ice cream. 

, there is plenty more where that came from.  You can slow down ya know.”

I took a break long enough to look up at him and hold his gaze while I took a large pull from my coke, keeping my face impassive.  He was the first to look away
, smirking.  I continued eating and when I caught him looking once again, the amusement faded when I opened my mouth-full of food. 

“Very classy
, babe,” he said laughing.  I joined in with him and sat back full and satisfied.  I had only eaten about half, but it had taken me less than five minutes and I had never felt more pleased with my decision to come here.

“You ready?”
he asked willing to give up over half of his food to leave with me.   I shook my head and waved a hand at him. 

“Nah go ahead.  I need to sit a second.”  He shook his head laughing under his breath. 

When I’m at home, alone and finish eating a big meal, my favorite thing to do is to belch and relieve the pressure.  I would never in a million years have done that in front of Luke, so I don’t know if it was my body’s way of thanking me or God’s way of punishing me for the sin of gluttony, but before I could stop it, the loudest most obnoxious belch came from my mouth drawing the attention of everyone in the building.  I quickly covered my mouth and was sure I was seven shades of red when Luke’s face slowly rose up to meet mine.  “Oh my gosh.  I am so sorry.  I don’t know what happened,” I said mortified.  I was surprised to see Luke doubling over with laughter.  I had never heard him laugh like that before.  There were actually tears running from his eyes and down his face. 

“You think that’s funny?” I asked amused. 

“I swear I knew that was going to happen.  Damn baby.  You deserve a medal for that one,” he said still laughing. 

“Well I’m glad you find it so funny
,” I said straightening in my chair and trying to hold on to what dignity I had left. 

“Oh come on babe.  Don’t be mad.  It was funny
,” he said trying to suppress his laughter.

“Whenever you are finished, I’m ready.” 

He stood up and disposed of our trash then stood next to me and bowed holding his hand out to me.  “Who says chivalry is a lost cause?” he asked grinning like a fox eating yellow jackets.  I couldn’t help but grin myself and took his hand.  I glanced out at the people looking at us around the restaurant.  Everyone seemed to be smiling and sighing as if they were looking at a couple in love. 

I followed Luke out the
door and once in the truck I laid my head on his shoulder once again.  We
a couple in love

I loved this man and in my heart, I knew he loved me too.

“Will you come home with me babe?” Luke asked tilting my head up to look at him.  “I want to take care of you.  I need to.”  At that moment he could have asked me to jump off a bridge and I would have.  The yearning and need in his eyes had my heart feeling as if it would burst. 

“I would love that
,” I said pulling his face to mine and kissing him.  The kiss was soft, sensual and intimate, just what I needed.  My whole body warmed and tingled with his touch.  He wrapped his arm around my waist and I curled into his side.  I didn’t want to think about anything.  I only wanted to live every moment as it was given to me.  I knew first hand that life was short and I would not take it for granted.  I closed my eyes in hopes that it would only be a few minutes.  I was full and tired and the past couple of hours had me weak and exhausted.  Just fifteen minutes and I would be fine.

I was awakened with a jolt. 
Luke’s grip tightened around me as the truck swerved off the road.  “Fuck!” Luke yelled.  I opened my eyes and we were on the side of the highway.

“What’s wrong?” I asked sitting up.  I looked at the clock and it was a little after three.  I had only been asleep about twenty minutes.

“Blow out.  I just put new tires on this truck,” he said mostly to himself.  “Stay in here.”  I watched him in the rearview mirror as he bent down and surveyed the damage.  He returned to the truck to retrieve the tire tool and I noticed the look on his face was that of confusion and something else; worry? 

“Everything ok?” I asked cautiously.  He smiled, but it didn’t touch his eyes. 

“It’s fine babe.  Just a flat.”

I wandered what was on his mind as I watched him through the mirror as he took the lug nuts off to change the tire.  A loud roaring sounded behind us and I saw Luke shake his head then stand up to face the motorcycles that were suddenly surrounding us.  They were everywhere, casing the truck in from all angles.  I panicked when I noticed the red and gray vests they were wearing. 

They had come for us.  I didn’t know if it was him or me that they wanted, but they had us now.  There was no way we could get out of this.  Luke had sent Regg and Kev home
which left him alone and vulnerable; just as Red had said.  I understood now why he needed the protection.  I didn’t know what their problem was with Luke, but judging by the way they glared at him, it was huge. 

I was in the driver seat with my face and hands plastered to the window.  When a man walked up to Luke and put his finger in his chest Luke swung and connected with his left jaw.  He was immediately grabbed by several others and pinned against the truck.  I opened the door to get out.  I wasn’t sure what in the hell I was doing, but I would not let my man be beat to a pulp or killed without trying to intervene.  I had no idea what these guys were capable of, but whatever punishment they expected Luke to endure they would have to give me too. 

“Dallas, stay in the truck!” Luke yelled through clenched teeth.    My eyes found his and I knew he meant what he said, but I couldn’t leave him. 

“Well look who we have here!”
the man said rubbing his jaw.  I had seen him before.  His eyes were cold and mean and the big scar on his face made him even more evil-if that were possible. He smiled, but there was absolutely no warmth in it.  He turned, walking towards me and I heard Luke struggling with the other guys, trying to break free. 

BOOK: Saving Dallas
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