Saving Tatum (Trace + Olivia #4) (42 page)

BOOK: Saving Tatum (Trace + Olivia #4)
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I listened to his heavy footsteps echo through the small house. When they started down the hall, I closed my eyes for a moment to ground myself.

Turning on my side, I forced them open, staring at the darkened shadow stopped outside my door.

I held my breath, counting in my head.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Jim smacked me around some, but nothing too bad. What I couldn’t handle was when his eyes roamed up and down my body like I was piece of meat he wanted to devour. Even worse than that was when he touched me. Sometimes, when I was wearing a skirt, if I passed by him while he was sitting his hand would skim under the fabric and up my thigh. Other times his fingers would graze my butt or my breasts. He liked to play with my hair too. I’d thought about cutting it more than once, but my hair was the only thing I liked about myself and I refused to let him take that piece of me.

I held my breath, waiting for him to leave. When he finally did I was red in the face and black spots floated across my eyes.

I wondered how much longer he’d be satisfied with simple touches and standing outside my door.

I rolled onto my side, away from the door, and squished my eyes shut.

Behind my lids, Trent’s image filled my mind. I couldn’t escape him no matter how hard I tried. He was

Pressing the heels of my hands into my eyes I let out a groan. Why couldn’t he leave me alone? Didn’t he see that I was no good for him? I would never be able to love him when I couldn’t even love myself.

BOOK: Saving Tatum (Trace + Olivia #4)
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