Read Sealed With a Curse (WG 1) Online

Authors: Cecy Robson

Tags: #General, #Weird Girls#1, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Romance

Sealed With a Curse (WG 1)

BOOK: Sealed With a Curse (WG 1)
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My back slammed against the wall and my eyes locked onto the fierce gaze of my opponent. “What
you?” asked the wolf with the smoldering brown eyes.

Oh, my God.

The wolf pressed the weight of his powerful form against mine, his forearm glued to my chest. But the pure intensity of his presence was what held me in place. I didn’t dare
, move, breathe. My mind froze, unable to concentrate on anything but him.

The fierceness of his eyes softened as a phenomenal heat surged across the length of his arm and into my body, electrifying my already racing pulse. I shuddered.

And so did he.

The wolf abruptly released me. I stumbled, off balance and undeniably freaked out. He reached to catch me, but I staggered away.

Blood and ash saturated his long-sleeved shirt, and a chunk of fabric hung loose over his bloody right thigh. I swallowed hard, awestruck as the damaged muscle knitted together and re-formed into new pink flesh.

I staggered back two more steps. He followed, palms out. “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered.





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To Jamie and our children,
for being my light in the darkness.


I’m fortunate to have many people in my life to thank, particularly my editor at NAL, Jhanteigh Kupihea, and all the members of the Penguin team. Thank you for bringing my baby to life.

To my super agent and dear friend, Nicole Resciniti: you believed in me when no one else would. I am blessed God brought you into my life and into my heart.

To my husband and best friend, Jamie, I love you beyond words and my gratitude for your patience, support, and kindness knows no boundaries. Where would I be without you and our babies? You are my greatest gifts.

To Mr. James Harte, who was more family than friend. I miss you.

To Susan Griner, a wonderful author, mentor, and friend.

To the original WEIRD GIRLS fans: Amy Carnell, Maria Hanley, Crissy (McMullen) Roth, and Elizabeth Stuart. Thank you for cheering, laughing, and gasping in all the right places. You gals rock! Special thanks to Valerie (McMullen) Secker. Val, your encouragement, enthusiasm,
and edits helped me get noticed by my super agent. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

To my agency sisters and pals, Amanda Carlson, Marisa Cleveland, Jen Danna, Amanda Flower, Marianne Harden, Melissa Landers, and Lea Nolan, your support and friendship mean the world to me. So glad we get to go to “prom” together.

To my brother, Douglas Galdamez, for always thinking I’m smarter than I actually am. And to my parents, Armando and Carmen Galdamez, for all their sacrifices. Papí, you were right; in this country anything is possible.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35


Sacramento, California

The courthouse doors crashed open as I led my three sisters into the large foyer. I didn’t mean to push so hard, but hell, I was mad and worried about being eaten. The cool spring breeze slapped at my back as I stepped inside, yet it did little to cool my temper or my nerves.

My nose scented the vampires before my eyes caught them emerging from the shadows. There were six of them, wearing dark suits, Ray-Bans, and obnoxious little grins. Two bolted the doors tight behind us, while the others frisked us for weapons.

I can’t believe we’re in vampire court. So much for avoiding the perilous world of the supernatural.

Emme trembled beside me. She had every right to be scared. We were strong, but our combined abilities couldn’t trump a roomful of bloodsucking beasts. “Celia,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “Maybe we shouldn’t have come.”

Like we had a choice.
“Just stay close to me, Emme.”
My muscles tensed as the vampire’s hands swept the length of my body and through my long curls. I didn’t like him touching me, and neither did my inner tigress. My fingers itched with the need to protrude my claws.

When he finally released me, I stepped closer to Emme while I scanned the foyer for a possible escape route. Next to me, the vampire searching Taran got a little daring with his pat-down. But he was messing with the wrong sister.

“If you touch my ass one more time, fang boy, I swear to God I’ll light you on fire.” The vampire quickly removed his hands when a spark of blue flame ignited from Taran’s fingertips.

Shayna, conversely, flashed a lively smile when the vampire searching her found her toothpicks. Her grin widened when he returned her seemingly harmless little sticks, unaware of how deadly they were in her hands. “Thanks, dude.” She shoved the box back into the pocket of her slacks.

“They’re clear.” The guard grinned at Emme and licked his lips. “This way.” He motioned her to follow. Emme cowered. Taran showed no fear and plowed ahead. She tossed her dark, wavy hair and strutted into the courtroom like the diva she was, wearing a tiny white minidress that contrasted with her deep olive skin. I didn’t fail to notice the guards’ gazes glued to Taran’s shapely figure. Nor did I miss when their incisors lengthened, ready to bite.

I urged Emme and Shayna forward. “Go. I’ll watch your backs.” I whipped around to snarl at the guards. The vampires’ smiles faltered when they saw
fangs protrude. Like most beings, they probably didn’t know what I was, but they seemed to recognize I was potentially lethal, despite my petite frame.

I followed my sisters into the large courtroom. The place reminded me of a picture I’d seen of the Salem witch trials. Rows of dark wood pews lined the center aisle, and wide rustic planks comprised the floor. Unlike the photo I recalled, every window was boarded shut, and paintings of vampires hung on every inch of available wall space. One particular image epitomized the vampire stereotype perfectly. It showed a male vampire entwined with two naked women on a bed of roses and jewels. The women appeared completely enamored of the vampire, even while blood dripped from their necks.

BOOK: Sealed With a Curse (WG 1)
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