Read SEALs of Honor: Dane Online

Authors: Dale Mayer

SEALs of Honor: Dane (17 page)

BOOK: SEALs of Honor: Dane
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“Like you.” She leaned back and tilted her head up to look at him. “You are a gift.”

And she kissed him. A gentle loving kiss with the softest touch, like a brush of butterfly wings beating against his lips. He wanted to kiss her more but didn’t want to scare her off. And besides, her gentleness was unexpected. Special. He couldn’t count on one hand the number of times he could remember having experienced such a thing.

She reached up again and kissed his chin then his cheek. As if copying his actions.

And he was a willing victim.

She murmured gently, her hands reaching up to tug his face down toward her.

He backed up a couple of steps and sat down on the chair, tugging her into his lap. Into his arms. Into his heart. He needed this woman, her gentleness. Her positive outlook on life. Her presence gave him balance. Gave him a sense of wholeness. He didn’t want to do anything to mar it.

He could hear the raised voices downstairs. Needing to block the reminder from her mind, he tugged her forward and kissed her again. Taking the slow simmering heat between them into a deeper, darker drugged heat that had them both wanting more.

Chapter 23

and looked down at him. “Do you want me?”

He raised his gaze to her. So warm, caring, and so full of promise she melted against him. “Never doubt that.”

“Is what we have for real? Or is it only a heightened sense of intimacy due to the circumstances?”

“I don’t need to analyze it. Do you?”

“I don’t know.” She searched his gaze. “I want this but need to know if it’s a fantasy or is it something better. Deeper.”

“Better. Deeper for sure. Is it for real?” He stroked a hand up her back and slipped his fingers into her scalp. She closed her eyes, loving the feeling.

In a slow slumberous move, he tugged her down toward him. “I would like to find out,” he whispered, his breath warm against her mouth. “The question is, would you?”

She teased his lips with one kiss then a second. “I want to. But I don’t do one night stands.”

“There is nothing one night standish about this. I should know. I’ve only had those.”

She reared back and stared at him. “Really?”

He nodded. “Way back in high school I had a couple of longer relationships but not since.” He smiled. “Women are all over the place, easy.” He turned his gaze away. “I’m gone a lot. My lifestyle is dangerous and when we were off and home again, we all lived a swinger lifestyle.”

“And that’s changed?” She had already surmised what his love life was like. How could it not be? He was gorgeous, single and available. Women would line up. Had lined up. Would still line up. But she couldn’t do that. Tonight maybe, because she desperately wanted him, this. Right now. But in the long-term she needed so much more.

Could she accept this for what it was?

“It has changed. Several times in the last year we’ve had discussions about how this has gotten old. It happened before Mason, but I think he was feeling it the worst.” He stopped and kissed her again. “And Mason got lucky. He found Tesla and life for him has never been the same. We all wanted her.” He grinned, his smile crooked, yet she didn’t see any sense of loss in his gaze. “But she only had eyes for Mason. In truth they are perfect together,” he said warmly. “Although she loves all of us and we love her.”

“You’re all very lucky.” To have a relationship like that, with these men, yeah Tesla was the lucky one.

“Mason especially. And then it was Hawk’s turn and we all realized Mason’s luck wasn’t a one off. It was something we could all find. Since then, we’ve stopped…” That crooked smile popped out again. “Or slowed our singles lifestyle down somewhat.”

“While you looked around for something better.”

“While we looked, waited.” He tugged her slowly back down and whispered, “And hoped.”

She kissed him, his words reaching into her heart and finding a response she hadn’t expected. She’d been waiting, looking and hoping too. Only she hadn’t lived a life of danger or craziness where she’d needed to let off steam or reaffirm her belief in life after so much death. But she’d been waiting in her own corner of her world in her own way. Until now…

“And now?”

“Now I hope that means some of the lucky stardust came my way.”

She kissed him first but he took over quickly, his tongue dueling with hers before sliding inside her mouth to caress her tongue and along her teeth. Picking her up, he carried her to the bed then walked to the door and closed it firmly. He returned to her side and sat down on the edge. She opened her arms. “Let’s see if there is stardust for both of us.”

He pulled her into his arms. “I would love to.”

It wasn’t quite what she wanted to hear but it was close. And a great place to start.

She smiled up at him and reached up for him.

The feel of his lips, the heat of touch, and now as if they both had the acceptance to explore this beautiful new step – to have this time, this moment to explore each other…it was special. Her heart rejoiced. She pulled back slightly, wanting to tell him something, but he wouldn’t let her speak. He kept his lips on hers, his tongue sliding deep within. She forgot what she’d been going to say… His warm breath bathed her face, his lips not even a heartbeat away as he shifted her in his arms. She relaxed back into the warm bedding. He moved to lie beside her then tugged her so she sprawled half on top of his chest.

She was fine with that. She stared down at his beloved face. In truth, this was exactly where she wanted to be.

He urged her head down to him. And tasted, teased, a fire building between them that had her trembling in minutes and wanting so much more. He flipped over and tucked her under him. Yes. When he lowered his head this time, it was as if he was intent on proving she was his. As if branding her in all ways. He slid warm hands under her shirt to brush against her ribs and slid upward to cup swollen breasts. She cried out and arched into his hands. The shirt was tugged up and over her head, her arms tangled in the material. When she tried to tug her hands free, he held them above her head so she couldn’t move. She watched him as he studied her. Her breasts plumped in the bra, swelling in need, her nipples hard and so damn ready.

But he waited. And waited. His gaze hot on her skin. Studying her belly, her breasts, her skin, the slope of her collarbone, the curve of her neck…then when she didn’t think she could wait any longer, he bent his head. She whimpered as his lips brushed across her breasts then down to her ribs, rising up to kiss the spot between her breasts. Somehow, he released the catch on her bra.

She heard his breath catch in the back of his throat as the material fell away.

An unintelligible murmur escaped and he lowered his head, taking the nipple into his mouth and suckling deep. She moaned, twisting beneath him. He wouldn’t let up, instead he slid over to give the other breast the same attention. She tried to release her arms so she could stroke him, touch him…but he wouldn’t let her.

His free hand slid down across her belly to the clasp of her jeans. With a flick, he had it undone and several long fingers tucked inside her panties.

“Too many clothes,” she whispered. “Take them off.”

He released her arms to drag her jeans down her legs, throwing them to the floor in abandon. He stopped and stared. She glanced down to see her white lace panties the center of his attention. Her body melted a little bit more.

Leaning over, he kissed her hip bones, first one then the other, before sliding his tongue along the simple band. She shuddered. And pushed herself up so she could divest herself of the remnants of clothing still attached to her arms. Free at last, she reached for his shirt and dragged it over his head.

He gave a shout of laughter and hopped off the bed, stripping off the rest of his clothes, leaving them where they fell. When he returned to her, she slid the panties down and dropped them beside his clothes.

This time when he reached for her, he didn’t just kiss her, he ravished her. His hands building the flames from the earlier embers until she twisted beneath him, her body humming in joy as her nerve endings woke to his touch. Hell, they woke up screaming.

Not content to lie there passively, she caressed his hard body, the long lines of his legs, his arms, the heavily muscled chest. God, she loved this.

She took a deep breath, filling her nostrils with his scent, the very essence of what made him who he was. A hunter. A protector. She reveled in the joy of being here with him. Loved everything about him. The instant response when she touched him, the sounds he made when she touched his erection. His willingness to let her do as she wanted. Priceless.

She cupped the enlarged spheres below, taking the weight in the palm of her hand. A shudder rippled through him.

In response, he reached down and slid two fingers into the damp curls waiting for him.

Her hips lifted, her heart pounding, her cries filling the room.

She tugged him toward her. “Dane,” she whispered. “Come to me.”

“Are you ready for me?” His fingers slid lower, stroking the outside of the plump folds. He found her wet, hot and waiting for him, and smiled. “Maybe you are.” He reared up and settled between her thighs.

Holding her head with both hands, he kissed her as if there were no other women in his life. As if she were special. As if she were the “one.”

She wanted that to be the truth so badly…

Just when she didn’t think she could take anymore, he slid just inside her entrance…and waited.

She twisted sinuously up against him, whispering, “More, give me more.”

Obligingly, he gave her more.

A little more.

“Enough,” she cried and reached down to his hips and pulled him close. In a single thrust, he’d seated himself deep inside.

She groaned, and her legs instinctively widened, wrapping around his hips. When he still didn’t move, she lifted up against him beseechingly.

“Don’t do that,” he growled, resting on his elbows above her.

“Don’t do what?” she said, slowly retreating then thrusting up again. She had very little room to wiggle but it was enough as he groaned and started to move, setting a pace that was hard and fast and took her right to the edge.

And over it. She arched her back, crying out as the waves poured over her – and he drove again and again and rode her right through her climax.

A guttural groan ripped free of his throat as his own release poured through him. He surged into her one last time before collapsing on the bed beside her.


in his arms. He should feel guilty for being here. He was on duty, but he couldn’t remember ever having wanted anyone like he wanted her. Not the sexual drive of a frantic couple followed by a righting of the clothing and walking away. Nor the heavy emotionless atmosphere, taking what was offered only to wake up alone, not remembering the woman he’d been with. This was…he didn’t know. For the first time he had no words. He reached up and stroked a lock of hair back off her face, still shiny from the sweat of her release.

A release he’d given her. Now boneless, she slept like an infant. And he should be going downstairs to talk to the others. Hear what they’d learned and send the asshole off. He knew the man would be picked up today and taken to the base. What they did after that was none of his business. They could deep six him and he’d cheer. The man had pulled a gun on Marielle. So not allowed.

He shifted slightly away, a tender smile coming to his lips as she murmured and tried to nestle closer. He kissed her and kissed her and kissed her again. He couldn’t stop kissing her. Light air kisses so as to not wake her but so hard to resist. He dropped his forehead to rest on hers. With supreme control, he pulled himself back and rose from the bed. He used the washroom, wanted a shower but knew there was no time so had a quick wash instead and quickly redressed. He stepped out on the deck and surveyed the darkness. Somewhere along the line it had become night. He watched Swede walk the perimeter of the yard. They were on watches. He checked his time and realized he’d be up next – if the schedule was still the same. With a last look, he turned and left Marielle alone to sleep.

In the kitchen he found Shadow on the computer and Mason busy mapping something on the table. He walked over and poured a coffee. They’d need food again. That was something he could do. He opened the fridge and realized someone had shopped. Swede was outside and likely Hawk too. He figured Cooper and Jace had taken the prisoner back.

He pulled out several large packs of steaks from the fridge and busied himself trimming and adding a spicy rub. With all the vegetables stacked up in the fridge, he prepped a large Caesar salad and steamed veggies. Then found potatoes and grinned. He was famished and starches were good for energy.

Happy to be doing something normal and feeling pretty damn fine, he ignored the looks from the men and cooked up a full dinner. Before putting on the steaks, he turned and asked the others, “Who is here?”

Mason said, “Cooper and Bradley took Dr. Hoerner. Jace went with them.”

“Good,” Shadow said from behind his laptop. “More for us.”

“Did you guys learn anything?”

“Nothing new. He was paid by Michaels. Recruited by him. Everything seemed to run via him. He was in the know to some extent but not enough to have anything new.”

“Yet with him now out of the picture, we still don’t know who is the problem.”

“Does it matter? Take her home and we can go to Germany and take them down. We will have better intel over there.”

Dane set the finished meal on the table as the others scurried to move their research materials out of the way.

“The problem is we don’t have enough information. We have little league people, not the bosses. We keep taking out the small men but no one even knows who’s above their immediate boss and with that level removed, no one knows who’s above him.” Swede took a bite of dinner and said when he could, “Smart really.”

“So how do we find them?”

BOOK: SEALs of Honor: Dane
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