Second Chances (Dreams Come True #2) (9 page)

BOOK: Second Chances (Dreams Come True #2)
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He spluttered some on the other end of the phone before hanging up. With the call ended, I dropped the phone in the cup holder while I concentrated on calming down. As I focused on inhaling and exhaling, Marisa reached over and ran a hand down my arm.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered as if afraid of disturbing me. “Do you think the police found it and returned it?”

Shaking my head, my face heated and my nose flared. “No, I don’t. I could be wrong. I have to call Mr. Lefevre, the family lawyer. He’ll do some checking for me.”

“That’s a good idea.” Marisa leaned over and rested her head against my arm. “What’s in here, do you think?” She shook the box slightly and I could hear things moving around inside.

“I have no idea.” Her presence had worked its magic. Already, I felt calm once more. “Could be anything. Hell, it might be a horseshoe for all I know.” I grinned.

“A horseshoe?” She turned up her nose. “Why would that be?”

Blowing out a deep breath, I responded. “Well, they went to Saratoga Springs for a horserace. Usually, they brought me back a souvenir related to their travels, hidden in the box.” I started to relay the various presents through the years. “My father went to Japan to purchase some artwork. He found this and brought it back for me. This is one of the more challenging puzzle boxes. It takes ten moves to open it. We used to do it together. It was kind of our special thing. One time there were the chocolate bars from Switzerland, souvenir size wooden shoes from Holland, a dancing hula girl from their second honeymoon in Hawaii.” These were happy memories, I didn’t mind sharing, so it surprised me to see Marisa frowning when I glanced at her. “What are you thinking, sunshine?”

She shook her head. “They left you a lot.”

“It wasn’t like that. They only left me behind if I had school. Mother didn’t usually go either. Only Hawaii, of course, and Switzerland. Those times she left me with Mathilde, who was like a second mother to me.” I smiled reassuringly.

“Okay. That’s not so bad, I guess.” Her frown disappeared.

Before we could speak any further, we had arrived at her shop. When we stepped out of the vehicle, I took the box and locked it in the trunk. “It’ll be safer out of sight. I don’t want anyone breaking into the vehicle,” I explained.

“Smart.” She nodded. Then she brightened. “Wanna meet Mattie?”

“Sure.” I grinned. “Wait. Who’s Mattie?”

“I live with her. I have for years. She owns the building.” Marisa tugged on my hand. “Come on. We have to stay out of the way anyway, right?”

“Right. Then we’ll go back to my place.” I bit my lip and averted my eyes.

Marisa narrowed her eyes at me. “And why would we do that?”

“You deserve a night off. We could watch a movie and order Chinese food.” Honestly, I had pulled this idea out of my butt. All I knew was that I couldn’t let her go yet.

“Hm. Chinese makes me so sleepy.” She hid a yawn with the back of her hand. “And I’m already sleepy. If we do that, I’ll probably pass out on you.”

Leaning low, I brushed my lips against hers. “I’m counting on it.”


Chapter Nine




Part of me didn’t know what to expect when we went back to his condo. The other part of me pretty much wanted to attack Sebastian. He’d kept his word and held me all night. He kept his word and gave me so many pieces to work on, I wouldn’t have to start up my old truck to dumpster dive or seek out curb crap for months.

Over the last couple of weeks, I’d discovered what it would be like to be with him, in almost every sense. It felt nice, having his attention, knowing someone had my back, doing something other than working alone and hanging out with an older woman. Although, come to think of it, Mattie had been disappearing more and more lately too. As I stared out the window on the way back to the gallery, I couldn’t help but think how I wanted to know what it would be like with Sebastian in every sense.

Suddenly his hand was on my thigh and I sighed happily at his touch. “Are you okay? You’ve been really quiet.” He frowned at me. “Did I do something to upset you?”

“Why would I be upset?” I gazed at him, hoping he might read the longing in my eyes.

Sebastian stared at me a moment. Then he turned his attention back to the road. “I wish I knew what I saw in your eyes,” he mumbled. “I mean, I feel like I should know, but I don’t.”

“You do.” I laughed quietly. “You read it right. For some reason, you don’t believe me.” Sure, I’d never done this before. Sure, we hadn’t known each other for long. For some reason, with Sebastian, it felt long enough.

After a moment of silence, he finally spoke. His cheeks were flushed and his hand reached out for mine. “Are you sure?”

Having this conversation in the car seemed much easier than if we’d have waited for the gallery, where Sylvie was now working, or his condo, which felt vast and impersonal. “Yes. So sure.”

His hand seemed to tremble slightly even as he squeezed mine. “This is new for me. I’ve never been with a virgin before,” Sebastian admitted.

This time I giggled. “Clearly this is all new for me too. So we’re in this together.” I listened as he blew out a breath. Then I turned and faced him. “Listen, I’m counting on you. And I’m not even going to lie to you and say ‘no pressure’ because…
.” I smirked as I watched the color drain from his face. “This is a big deal. It’s going to be memorable, if only because it’s us. And I’m not sure how I’ll feel later. Will I be this clingy girl who can’t stay away from you now and has hoisted you on this pedestal? Hard to say. Maybe, instead, I’ll need some time and space after to process everything.” My eyebrow rose while I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as if he were having trouble swallowing. “I know it’s a risk, but I’m worth it, right?” I meant it as a joke. Seriously, to look at me…I’m nothing, nobody compared to the kind of girl he was used to.

He stopped the car then, parking behind the gallery. I was caught off guard, hadn’t been paying attention. As I reached for the handle, he pulled me back, yanking me against the console. One hand knotted in my long dark hair and his lips pressed hard on mine. Soon, we were locked in a scorching kiss that fanned the flames of desire and ignited a burning need. “You are more than worth it,” Sebastian murmured against my lips. “I’d give everything for you.”

The beauty of his proclamation seared a promise on my heart. For the first time, I understood love. This had to be what I was feeling for him. There was no other explanation. At the moment, I had no words. Hell, I wasn’t even certain I’d be able to walk, to move. My body felt limp. My eyes remained closed and I simply waited for what would happen next. I was vaguely aware of him moving away from me, but I had no idea how far, until he opened the passenger side door and somehow managed to haul me out of the vehicle and into his arms.

My hand instinctively wrapped around his neck and I pressed my face into his chest. “Oh my lord, I’m going to be the clingy girl,” I moaned. He chuckled in response. “Shit. You’re going to have to peel me off of you.” I kissed his neck and he tightened his grip on me while striding through the back door of the gallery. I heard the door rattle shut behind us. “At least let me walk up the stairs,” I murmured against his throat.

“No stairs.” His voice sounded strangled and I grinned, hoping it was because of my actions and not my weight.

Soon, I discovered we were in an industrial elevator. He shifted slightly and when the doors opened, we were in his condo. “That’s pretty handy.” I shoved off his chest and he set me on the floor, but didn’t release his hold on me.

“Would you like a drink?” Sebastian nodded toward the kitchen. I shook my head. “Something to eat then?”

“After.” I gazed up at him through my long thick eyelashes.

He licked his lips. “After what? You know, just so there’s no confusion.”

Reaching out, I found the bulge in his pants and ran my hand up and down the length of it. “There’s no confusion.”

His brow furrowed and it looked like he was breathing erratically. “Are you sure you’re a virgin?”

Laughing, I nodded. “Of course, there’s one way for you to find out.” I grabbed his tie and towed him behind me to his bedroom. Sebastian wasn’t putting up a fight, thankfully, or my fragile ego would’ve been wrecked. All I knew was I had to see him naked immediately, before I lost my nerve. I had to be with him while I was already basking in the beauty of our day. It felt natural and right that we should take the next step.
For now
. Who knew what tune I’d be singing when he tried to penetrate me? For all I knew, I’d be crawling up the bed.

Once inside the bedroom, I released my grip on his tie and started working on undressing. First I unhooked one strap, then the other, and my overalls piled around my ankles. I kicked off my boots and stepped out of them. I was about to remove my shirt, when Sebastian pushed my hands out of the way and spoke in a low sexy voice I’d never heard from him before.

“Allow me.” Instantly his hands were on my hem, lifting it up over my head. When I stood before him in nothing but a bra and panties, he sucked in his breath. “You know, I studied art for many years. I even tried my hand at a little clay in college. I could never have imagined or created anything as exquisite as you.” Sebastian dragged a finger down my side. “That waist, the delicate flair of your hips, and those perfectly shapely legs. You’re divine, Marisa.” He reached behind my back and unhooked my bra effortlessly. My eyes widened in surprise. “So, I may have done that once or twice.” He shrugged.

“Once or twice a weekend for ten years,” I muttered.

His eyes rose to the heavens. “Could we forget about that and get back to the part where I was worshipping your body?” He sighed.

Nodding, I bit my lip. “Carry on.”

“Thank you.” His hands fell to my shoulders and eased the bra straps down my arms. “Now where was I?”

My eyes closed. “Once or twice.”

I could feel his warm breath on my neck. “No before that,” he murmured against my skin.

“You’re divine, Marisa.” I could barely utter the words, while he distracted me with his tongue.

“Yes, you are. I wish you only believed it.” His hands moved from my waist, up my sides, until his hands cupped my breasts. “So full, so perfect, and topped with a pale pink nipple.” His tongue lapped at one hardened nub, then the other before he captured it between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth.

I inhaled sharply. It was becoming harder and harder to stand. Sebastian must’ve noticed how wobbly I’d become. As soon as he finished lavishing attention on my breasts, he scooped me up and sat me on the edge of the bed.

“Lay back for me, Marisa.”

He needn’t ask me twice. More than happy to comply, I laid there, my thighs slightly spread, acutely aware of a wetness in my boyfriend shorts, while I waited, nearly panting for what would come next.

His palm cupped my pelvis as he rubbed at the juncture of my thighs where my panties were damp from arousal. “This is very promising. I don’t want to hurt you. I’d never hurt you. You know this, right?”

Sebastian seemed worried or nervous. Leaning up on one elbow, I responded. “I know, handsome. I also know that sometimes you have to suffer a little pain to get to the pleasure part.” My words seemed to startle him.

Removing his hand, I worried I’d upset him somehow, but he merely stepped back to take off his clothes while I watched. First removing his shoes, and then his tie. Next he unbuttoned his shirt before easily removing his pants. While the significant bulge in his boxer briefs distracted me, he had taken off his socks and moved to stand between my thighs. My heart pounded so hard in my chest, I swore he could see it through my skin.

“Well, these have got to go,” Sebastian commented as he slipped his fingers below the elastic of my panties and tugged them down.

There I was, completely exposed, while he studied me. I should’ve been nervous or self-conscious, but I wasn’t. The look on his face, I recognized. Sebastian was absolutely worshipping me with his eyes. I could’ve remained under his scrutiny for days, perfectly content. He made me feel beautiful, desirable, and dare I hope…loved?






What was it about her? How was it she had managed to become my everything in such a short period of time? All other women paled in comparison to my sweet overall clad beauty. As I stared at Marisa, lying there on my bed, completely naked, entirely vulnerable, wholly trusting me, my heart swelled. And so did my cock, but really I focused on what was happening in my chest. I’d had thousands of erections. Nothing notable there. What I hadn’t experienced was this feeling I couldn’t name. More than anything in this world, I wanted Marisa, not for sex, although I was clearly looking forward to it, but she had become the glue in my life. Without even trying, she had fixed the broken in me.

While Uncle Luc and the loss of my parents had systematically torn me apart, shattered my confidence, and resulted in a loss of self, Marisa had the opposite effect. Around her, I became whole, and despite our many differences, we fit together. It only made sense now our relationship would evolve and we’d make our fit literal and not merely metaphorical. With Marisa in my life, I understood why artists were inspired to create, why authors wrote, why symphonies were composed. So many thoughts raced through my head, so many feelings coursed through my body, and then our eyes met.

Pulling down my boxer briefs, I needed to be naked with her. As I removed them, I watched her gaze upon me without acting the least bit uneasy. Slowly, I joined her on the bed, crawling up her body, rubbing my skin against hers. Her eyelids lowered until they were completely closed.

“Falling asleep on me, sunshine?” I grazed her neck with my teeth.

She shook her head. “Never, Sebastian. I’m savoring every touch, memorizing every moment.”

“I believe you.” I smiled down at her, only to have her open her eyes once more. When she did, the intensity of her emotions slammed into me propelling me to action. Suddenly, I acted purely on instinct, which went completely against the calculating man I’d always been. Though I wanted to go slow, take my time with her, I wasn’t sure I could.

As my hands grasped her skin, rubbing her arms, drawing her face closer for a passionate kiss, she reached for me too. Instantly, we were what happened when two storm fronts collided. The first kiss left me aching to be in her and completely out of breath. “I’ll never get tired of you,” I warned.

“I’ll never let you,” she responded, panting slightly.

“What do you like?” I lay on my side, propped on one elbow while my finger drew lazy circles around her navel. Her skin quickly broke out into goose bumps and I grinned.

“I don’t even know.” Her cheeks grew pink and she started to look away.

My hand cupped her face and forced her to look at me. “Then we’ll find out together. Promise you’ll let me know.”

Biting her lower lip, she nodded. “I promise.”

So it began. There was plenty of kissing, where our tongues danced the tango. We soon discovered she loved having me suck on her nipples, but wasn’t as fond of my teeth on them. She loved being touched and caressed, but hated when I grabbed her ass. We both enjoyed her exploration of my body, for the most part.

“No teeth!” I bit out as she scraped them down my shaft while attempting her first blow job.

“I warned you I’d never done it before.” She giggled.

“I’m almost too afraid to ever let you do it again,” I teased.

“Is this better?” She leaned over, licked me up and down, and then took me all the way into her mouth.

It took everything in me not to explode deep in her throat right then. “Well, you’ve effectively ruined me for anyone else,” I moaned.

Somehow, while I was struggling to hold back, she had managed to straddle my pelvis and direct my cock until it was perfectly positioned at her warm, wet entrance. “How about this?” Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

Completely mesmerized, I didn’t think. Why didn’t I think? Next thing I knew, I was inching into her. “Wait!”

Marisa shook her. “I’ve waited long enough.”

Short of throwing her off me, I didn’t know how to stop her. “Condom.” I grunted. “Let me get…” I was still reaching for my nightstand drawer when my cock hit an unfamiliar barrier. My head whipped around and my hands shot to her hips. “Wait.” Rumor had it this could be painful for women. Why had I agreed to this? This was too much responsibility for me. Her face scrunched up. She shifted and for a moment, I thought she would back off. “Marisa, wait. I’ll put on a condom, then I’ll take top. It might be easier.”

BOOK: Second Chances (Dreams Come True #2)
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