Secret Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 4) (16 page)

BOOK: Secret Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 4)
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He needed closeness…

Tugging her close, chest to chest, he sucked in a deep breath. He rocked his hips, bucking, and she moaned in passion. He’d never heard a more glorious sound. He licked her neck, leaving a most trail until he got to her mouth and kissed her parted lips.

The tempo increased, her body quivered in his arms and his heart burst with a thousand shards of emotion. She wasn’t a fuck—never had been and never would be. Damn he’d never let her walk away again, never! They were bound together, yet how could he trust her. Anger darted through him and his dick throbbed. She clenched her inner muscles and it took every ounce of control he had to push back the orgasm pounding at the gate.

She rode him expertly, rocking her buttocks against his thighs, her tight body clenching him. Dipping his hand between their bodies, he found her clit, flicked it twice and her body stiffened. She bent her head back, a battle cry slipping from her precious lips. He watched her closely, her closed eyes, the fluttering of her long eyelashes against her freckled cheeks. Her pert nose, nostrils flared. Her parted lips, the bottom quivering and swollen from his kisses. He’d never seen anything sexier as release enveloped her in its warm hold.

Spasms started where their bodies connected, building into a crescendo of swift tingles, like a machine gun’s rapid fire. He moaned as his body tightened and he released himself inside of her.














































Ruby watched as Jobe stood up. His jaw had turned steely and she suddenly felt vulnerable. She reached down, grabbed her rumpled T-shirt from the floor and pulled it on. Covered, she stood, facing him.

“I didn’t plan for this to happen.” Her voice sounded ragged to her own ears.

“It’s never planned. At least I know you won’t disappear in the middle of the night this time.”

Yeah, she guessed she deserved that jab. “I’m not going to disappear again.”

“Because you know there’s nowhere to run.” He smirked.

She gritted her teeth. “I’m going to bed.” She stomped toward the stairs, wishing they were cuddling instead of arguing.

Even after she crawled into bed, her body still shook from the powerful orgasms. Unfortunately, Jobe’s anger was back and once again they were starting over.

She finally fell asleep, but after hours of tossing and turning, she woke up the next morning with an achy body and a need to clear the air with Jobe.

Ruby went into the laundry room, grabbed her clothes from the dryer, and dragged them on. They were wrinkled because she forgot to grab them last night, but anything was better than the T-shirt that smelled like Jobe.

In the bathroom, she brushed her hair, used the lip tint from her purse and felt a little more human. In the livingroom, her eyes automatically found the couch where she and Jobe had made love last night. It had been amazing—as always.

Pushing back the memory, she followed the sounds and the smell of coffee into the kitchen.

Jobe woke up with his game face on, Ruby thought, as she walked in where he was drinking coffee. He had his clothes on, but his hair was a mess and his unshaven scruff could now be called a beard.

“I called the tire service. They will be here in a half hour,” she said as she poured herself a cup of much-needed coffee.

“Great,” he said with little emotion. “Your keys are on the counter.”

Pulling out the chair across from him, she sat. She skimmed her gaze over him while sipping at the rich coffee. By his rugged expression, she guessed he’d slept about as well as her. “We need to come to an agreement.”

He nodded. “I gave you my suggestion. If that doesn’t work, then we’ll let the attorney handle it.”

She tightened her hold on the handle of the cup, biting back a few choice words. “So there’s no room for modification?”

He met her gaze, steely eyes and hard jaw. “You should have thought of that three years ago.”

His voice was so cold she needed a jacket. Last night’s remaining lust vanished. “Because I want what’s best for Jack, I’ll agree to your terms. But I will not stay at your ranch if I’m treated with contempt. I won’t let my son be privy to that. So, I’d suggest you figure out a way to contain your bitterness or get rid of it all together. I’ve said I’m sorry, from the bottom of my heart, but I won’t be run over the coals everyday just to make you feel better.” She stood, gripping the back of the chair until her knuckles ached. “Jack and I will be at your ranch next weekend. In the meantime, call off the dog attorney who thinks he has a case for full custody.”


Jobe dragged off his hat, hooked it on the rail and wiped the sweat from his brow. It was barely past ten A.M. and the sun beat down with a fierceness that matched the whirlwind of emotions going on inside of him. Ruby and Jack would be coming today. He was at a cross between excitement and fear.

He watched from the fence as Nash and DJ argued about the irrigation system. Usually Jobe would be right there with them, putting his two cents worth in, but today he just wanted to go with the flow and not let anything get to him. He didn’t care about the irrigation system or the fence that needed repaired. Or the trailer of hay that had to be unloaded. He didn’t sleep a wink last night, anxious for today to come.

Pearl and Em had helped him turn one of the rooms at the farmhouse into a bedroom for Jack, considering he had no clue what bed the little boy would need. His sisters-in-law also helped him stock up the pantry with kid food. He had enough canned food now that if a catastrophe came, they’d be fine for years. They’d also filled the freezer with chicken nuggets and the fridge with fresh vegetables. He hoped the kid wasn’t picky. Jobe could eat a horse if he was hungry enough. He had a whole side of beef in the freezer. Did the boy like steak? Probably not.

Nash’s voice rose in tone, grabbing Jobe’s attention. His brother grabbed his hat and threw it in the dirt. DJ gritted his teeth, his jaw tight and he pointed at Nash. When DJ got angry the brothers tended to back off because DJ was usually right, but there was no ease of tension in Nash. Just when Jobe thought his brothers would go blow-to-blow, Nash stomped off leaving DJ shaking his head.

“Damn, what the hell is wrong with Nash?” DJ asked as he trudged toward Jobe.

“I can guess.”

“Want to tell me?”

“Pearl isn’t pregnant yet. They’ve been trying, but no luck. Nash thinks there’s something wrong with his pipes.” Jobe scratched his jaw.

DJ kicked the fence and climbed up on the top of the rail, taking a seat. “Talking to him these days is like talking to the ass of a mule.”

“Cut him some slack. Imagine if you didn’t have Abby and Shane.”

“You’re right, but we need the new irrigation system. He can’t be bullheaded and deny the facts. He wants to continue expanding the ranch with livestock, but he doesn’t think long term. What do you think?”

Hell, was he supposed to think today? “I trust your gut, bro.”

DJ blinked. “Damn, finding out you’re a daddy has made you mellow. Shit! I can’t wait to see how malleable you’ll be when Jack gets here.”

Jobe gave him a side-glance. “Is there something wrong with me? I’m scared shitless.”

“No, that means you’re normal, bro.” DJ laughed and slapped Jobe on the back.

“What if he doesn’t like me?”

His brother snorted. “Give the kid a Popsicle and put him in the saddle and he’ll think you’re the best thing since hot sauce.”

“We’re talking about a toddler. You don’t give Shane hot sauce do you?”

“No, not yet. But he’s been in the saddle before he could walk.”

“That’s a given. Cowboy runs rabid in our veins. The saddle will be second nature.” He rolled his shoulders to loosen the tight muscle. “I look forward to the day when our kids can do all the work and we can sit back, supervising. Just like dad. He does a damn good job overseeing us from afar.”

“Have you told him about Jack?”

Jobe shook his head. “Nope. Not yet. Figure I’ll up and surprise him.”

DJ chuckled. “Admit it, you’re just afraid he’ll force you into marrying Ruby.”

“I’m a grown man. No way will I be forced into marrying anyone, but don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind a time or two.” Jobe couldn’t hide the truth.


“Is it that hard to believe? She’s the mother of my child. We’ve been taught to do the right thing.”

“Hey, I hear ya.” DJ held up his palms in surrender then dropped them to his dirty jeaned thighs. “But marrying someone just because you have a kid together isn’t the right thing. Raising a kid single is better than a divorce down the road. Now marrying someone who you love, that’s a whole different story.” When Jobe remained silent, DJ sighed. “You love her?”

Searching his heart, he wasn’t sure how to answer. The truth came easy. “I don’t think I ever stopped.”

“Whoa—that opens up a different can of worms. You’re a goner, man. Once a Stone gets ahold of a man, they’re cooked and it ain’t half bad. I wouldn’t give up my life for all of the jewels in the world.”

“How can I ever trust her again?”

“I remember you asking me that same question once. Remember?”

“How could you trust a woman who shot you in the ass? Yeah, I remember.” He laughed.

“I told you then, and I’ll tell you now. That shot was the best damned thing that ever happened to me. It opened my eyes, and my heart. Hell, who knows, I might still be searching for the one and here she was, right next door all along.”

“It’s different for Ruby and me, though. She cared so little about me that she kept my son hidden.” He gritted his jaw. “She must think I’m a monster.”

“I think you might be looking at it wrong, buddy. I think she told you the truth because she cares.”

“Whose side are you on, bro?”

“I’m on the side of my nephew Jack’s. I’m not defending Ruby for waiting so long.  There’s no excuse for that, but what woman walking in on you and Diane in an embrace wouldn’t jump to conclusions? And I tell ya, when a woman is pregnant, she has a lot of raw emotions running through her. You can only guess how many times I slept on the couch and was told by Pearl that she wanted a divorce when she was carrying. I once left my dirty socks on the floor by the bed and she flew off the handle, telling me that I expected her to do everything. I knew she didn’t mean any of it. It hurt, but I considered how she was feeling lugging around twenty extra pounds, not sleeping well, and getting kicked in the ribs every day.”

“That is pretty bad, if you think about it.”

“For you and Ruby to get along, you’re going to have to come to some agreement, to terms, otherwise this isn’t going to work. And you know I always wish for the best for you.”

“I know you do. Thanks for the talk.”

“I better go talk to Nash. Let me see if he’s pulled the straw out of his asshole and we can actually have a discussion that doesn’t lead to him throwing a temper tantrum.”

Jobe laughed. “Good luck. He about ripped my head off yesterday because I told him he couldn’t pound a nail into a board if his life depended on it.”

“No joking with Nash then.”

After DJ took off toward the barn, Jobe watched the horses roam the field for the longest time and then went into the house. He needed a good hot shower before Ruby and Jack arrived.









































BOOK: Secret Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 4)
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