Read Seduced by Darkness Online

Authors: Lacey Savage

Tags: #Romance, #Anthologies, #Paranormal, #Collections & Anthologies

Seduced by Darkness (4 page)

BOOK: Seduced by Darkness
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Chapter Four


One moment Varin was strung up by his wrists ten feet above
a cauldron filled with bubbling lava while Demon Guardians took intense
pleasure in whipping his flesh with spiked leather, and the next he was flat on
his back, looking up into worried blue eyes.

“You -- you’re a dream.” He reached up and trailed the back
of his knuckles over the creamy white skin of Heidi’s cheek. Her eyelashes
fluttered closed for an instant, then shot open again, as though seeing him for
the first time.

“Varin?” she whispered, her voice breaking as she uttered
his name.

He nodded, the motion causing a wave of dizziness to wash
over him. The pain was mostly gone, leaving faint traces in its wake like a
permanent brand that would forever be a part of him. The agony he’d endured
only moments earlier had been replaced by a needy, intense tingling… in his
groin of all places.

Forcing himself to look past those blue eyes from his
dreams, he took in the alabaster breasts tipped with darkened stiff nipples,
the curvy lines of her hips and the pouting cleft of her sex… which at the
moment was wrapped tightly around his rapidly-hardening cock.

He gasped and steadied himself by gripping her waist, his
gaze darting everywhere at once. He didn’t know where to look first. Blinking
seemed out of the question. If he closed his eyes for even a fraction of a
moment, she’d disappear, vanish into thin air as she always did when his
fevered, tortured mind summoned her.

But no fantasy had ever felt as real as this.

“Varin?” she said again, her tone a little steadier this
time. “It’s really you, isn’t it?”

His breath caught in his throat as he glanced up at her. He
wet his dry lips with the tip of his tongue, fearing even to speak lest he
break whatever spell he was trapped in.

Instead of answering, he thrust his hips upward, pumping
inside her, once, twice, three times. Each stroke of her moist inner flesh
against his raging cock sent need curling low in his stomach. His cock pulsed
greedily, hardening further, and he could feel the walls of her pussy
stretching to accommodate his growing girth.

His fingers strayed over her breasts, marveling at how
they felt in his hand. He cupped them both, letting the weight of the heavy
globes fill his palms, and tweaked her nipples. She responded to his
ministrations by rewarding him with a low groan, but her gaze never left his.

“Where’s Luke?” she asked, tracing his right eyebrow with
her fingertip as lightly as he’d touched her. Perhaps she, too, was afraid he’d
vanish into thin air. “Is he with you?”

Luke’s name brought Varin up short. He frowned, remembering…
what, exactly?

Luke, yes, but… not Luke. At least, not entirely. He’d felt
him though, had known he was close. For a brief moment, he’d heard his
thoughts, had known what he’d intended --

“Fuck!” Varin’s bellow rang out through the room, echoing off
the walls. He jerked upward, wrapping his arms around Heidi and drawing her
close to him as he raised himself to a sitting position. “An exorcism! Whose
insane idea was that?”

He saw Lillian over Heidi’s shoulder even before the woman
opened her mouth to answer. For a moment, the entire universe seemed to stand
still, suspended on the thread of a dream. It was as though the pieces of his
past had come together to torment him, to make him pay for his mistakes.


Heidi pulled back a few inches to look into his eyes. “It
was the only way we could think of to get you out of there.” She touched her
upper lip with the tip of her tongue, and he knew there was more she wasn’t
telling him.

The nausea returned with a vengeance. He closed his eyes,
daring the room to stop spinning.

“Hallowed ground,” Lillian said by way of explanation.
“You’re shielded from the worst of it by the mortal body you inhabit, but the
longer you stay, the worse it’s going to get.”

Mortal body? What the --

He opened his eyes and lifted a hand to stare at his palm.
Only it wasn’t
palm. Broad and definitely masculine, with long,
tapered fingers, the skin color was all wrong. Or rather, it was all

for Luke.

Varin groaned and let his forehead fall against Heidi’s
shoulder. Her pussy twitched around him, gripping him tighter yet. Between the
nausea and the raging lust pouring through his system, thoughts raced inside
his mind at a million miles an hour. He tried to make sense of them, to think
logically about all this, but the entire world seemed to be conspiring against

And if not the world, then at least the woman who’d once
meant more to him than life itself… and one who still did.

Bile rose in his throat. This couldn’t be happening. He
grabbed Heidi’s upper arms, his fingers digging into her flesh, and stopped
himself just short of shaking her until her teeth rattled. “Why? I told you not
to come for me. I

The corner of her mouth quirked upward. “When have I ever
done what I’m told?”

A growl broke free from his throat. He had a million things
he wanted to say to her -- to scream
her until she understood how
dangerous a game she was playing. It was only a matter of time until Baal
learned of what had happened. And then… then --

Emotions surged within him, tying his heart in knots. When
he lunged for her mouth, it was with a desperation born of pure fear.

Fear for her. For Luke. And even, surprisingly enough, fear
for Lillian.

Heidi’s lips parted beneath him, pliant and yielding to his

When we fuck you
, he wanted to say in answer to her
Then you always do what you’re told

He didn’t say it, though. He didn’t have to. She knew as
well as he did that she delighted in being sexually dominated by the two men in
her life, even though her wild, independent streak would never let her admit
it. He nibbled on her lower lip, drawing it into his mouth and sucking on the
tender flesh before swirling his tongue around hers.

She tasted exactly the same as he remembered, but there was
a faintly musky undertone to the flavor of her mouth, one he recognized.

Cum. Luke’s cum.

The knowledge only served to ignite the fire lighting a path
through his veins. He wished he’d been here to see that. He would have loved to
watch Heidi suck Luke’s beautiful cock into the warm cavern of her sensual
mouth. He could picture them, Luke’s golden head thrown back in delirious
pleasure, Heidi working his rod between her lips with such reverent care that
it would be damn near impossible for Luke to resist spilling his seed inside

Varin’s right hand strayed from her arm down her ribcage,
over her belly, toward the hood of her clit. Drawing it up, he twisted his hips
so his cock speared her deeply, embedding itself in her pulsing core.

He hoped Luke could feel this. Dimly aware of Luke’s
presence, like a lingering thought in the back of his mind that wasn’t entirely
his own, Varin hoped he could make Luke’s sacrifice worth it.

He wanted to share Heidi with him the way they’d always
done. Individually, the three of them were as different as could be, but
together they brought out the best in one another. They… completed each other.

Funny, how that thought no longer seemed as absurd as it
once had.

Hold on to me, Luke. Feel her… through me

He didn’t know whether what he’d tried to communicate to his
lover would mean anything to the other man. As a Demon Guardian, Varin’s job
had been to bring back pure souls for the Lord of the Underworld to devour… not
to possess mortal bodies.

He knew nothing about possession, or exorcisms. Besides, it
had been centuries since he’d done anything but use magical energy to cast a
few spells. His demon powers had all but atrophied in the bowels of Hell.

Heidi’s thighs quivered. She forced herself to straighten
and straddle him, but Varin would have none of it. He gripped her waist and set
the rhythm for her, holding her tightly against him, her mound pressed down
against his pubic bone.

With the index and middle fingers of his right hand, he
caressed her clit while his cock pulsed and ground deep inside her. His mouth
continued to devour hers, his tongue seeking, tasting, exploring.

He wanted to get a lifetime’s worth of lovemaking in this
one moment. Nothing else mattered. Not Baal’s forces amassing outside -- that
was inevitable. Not even Lillian watching from the corner of the room, though
that knowledge sent a distinctly pleasurable jolt of satisfaction into his

Varin’s fingers moved faster. Heidi moaned softly against
his mouth.

And then, abruptly, his free hand shot out of its own
accord. He felt his fingers delve around Heidi’s back to part her perfect ass
and slip inside the crevice between them.


The sensation was surreal, and oddly welcome. He let the
other man take control and made no move to stop him when he swept some of
Heidi’s cream from between her folds and used it to circle her back entrance.
As he pushed a finger inside her anus, she gasped and screwed her eyes shut,
her breath coming in fast, uneven pants.

His -- their? -- cock throbbed with excitement. Heidi fucked
him fiercely, bouncing up and down on his solid shaft, her body trembling with
each flick of his fingers on her clit and in her ass. Her eyes remained closed
and Varin’s lips traced a needy pattern over her cheeks, her eyelids, her
brows. He wanted to kiss her everywhere at once.

Was she picturing Luke taking her from behind? Or was it
Varin’s real form she imagined pumping into her ass, stretching her to
capacity, sliding inside her body in slow, rhythmic thrusts that matched the
ones filling her cunt?

His cock swelled and spasmed as Heidi’s orgasm erupted. Her
release seemed to splash over him like a wave of erotic energy, summoning his
own seed to spill from the engorged head of his cock. His need answered hers
and as his rod moved inside the slick heat of her pussy, he came with a roar.

Heidi whimpered. From somewhere in the back of his mind,
Varin thought he heard another groan, one he recognized. It was gone before he
could be sure, and his own growl drowned out the sounds of his lovers’ voices.

He lay panting, holding Heidi to him. He didn’t know when
he’d flung himself on his back, but there he was, with Heidi’s body pressed
tightly to his, his nose buried in her hair, the scent of sweat and sex
permeating the air.

The volcanic fires that had been raging in his body dimmed
slightly, though his cock refused to soften. Heidi wiggled slightly and rose
until he slipped out of her, then lifted herself on outstretched palms to peer
into his eyes.

“Do you feel better?”

Heidi’s lips hadn’t moved.

Varin glanced up past the red curls falling over her face
and found himself peering up into shadowed blue eyes. He’d once lived for the
sight of those eyes. That had been a long time ago… before Lillian had betrayed
him and condemned him to an eternity of torture.

He’d always figured he’d deserved his fate. He’d even
resigned himself to it, but that was before he’d met Heidi and Luke. Before
he’d begun to believe in second chances.

Fingers stroked his skin, awakening a soft desire within
him. Suddenly, he wanted nothing more than to hold Heidi and Luke on either
side of his chest, nestled in the crooks of his arms where they belonged. Safe.

With a sigh, Varin pressed a kiss to Heidi’s temple. “Much.”

“Good. Because we don’t have much time.”

He peered upward, and for the first time saw the worry
etched on Lillian’s brow for what it was. “You have a plan?”

“That depends on you. The barrier that should have kept the
mortal realm separate from the Underworld has been breached. Demons are pouring
through like never before. There’s nothing to stop them.” She licked her lips
nervously, then continued, “You did something when you learned of a way to
bring souls to the other side before their time. We need you to do it again.
Only… reverse it this time. Make it so Hell’s armies will stay in the
Underworld, while mortal souls remain here until it’s time to cross over. The
way it should be.”

A rough chuckle broke from his throat. “You give me too much

Heidi sighed. Her eyelashes fluttered closed for a moment,
sending long shadows over her cheeks as candlelight scattered its wavering glow
across her skin. “I knew this wouldn’t work.”

His heart constricted in his chest and a knot tightened in
his gut. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “Learning of a way to bring souls through
the veil was more of a fluke.” His gaze slid to Lillian. “You were the first,
you know. I don’t think I could have done that with anyone else. There was
something about you…”

Suddenly needing to stand, he gently pushed Heidi away. She
didn’t fight him, but slid to the edge of the altar and crossed her legs
unselfconsciously under her. The gesture spread her pussy lips wide open,
revealing the pink swollen flesh that hid the secrets of her body. A drop of
cum slipped from her folds to form a tiny, pearly-white puddle between her
thighs. She ignored it, focusing all her attention on him instead.

Varin paced from one end of the room to the other, fighting
the renewed nausea that swirled in his stomach and threatened to rise up into
his throat.

“You were sleeping,” he said softly, remembering how he’d
watched Lillian for hours before finally attempting what had never been done
before. “I knew you were unlike anyone I’d ever come across. You were… innocent,
Lil. Beautiful. I had to have you.”

Guilt washed over him so abruptly it nearly sent him
staggering. He reached out to grab the back of a pew and steady himself before
continuing. “I had no idea what I’d planned would even work. I only knew I had
to try. I remember the exact moment I decided to do it. You’d been dreaming… I
sat at the edge of your bed and watched, enthralled as your hand slipped
between your thighs and you brought yourself to climax under the covers. I
couldn’t see anything,” he added quickly, not meeting either woman’s gaze. “But
the scent of sex and the energy you’d created was enough to let me open a
portal from this side of the realm.”

BOOK: Seduced by Darkness
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