Read Seduced by Wolves Online

Authors: Kristina Lee

Tags: #erotic, #paranormal romance, #wolves, #erotic romance, #erotic paranormal romance, #seduce

Seduced by Wolves

BOOK: Seduced by Wolves
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Seduced by Wolves


Kristina Lee

(C) Copyright by Kristina Lee, June

(C) Cover Art by Eliza Black, June

ISBN 978-1-60394-706-0

Published by New Concepts

Smashwords Edition

Lake Park, GA 31636

This is a work of fiction. All
characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and
not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or
events is merely coincidence.

Chapter One

Her heavenly scent—a mixture of earthy
spices that brought to mind sin-filled nights under the full
moon—allowed Zane to track the unknown female, wolf and man
frowning in unison as they traveled deeper into a garbage strewn
alley under the cover of night. “Shit,” he breathed to his partner
as the unmistakable scent of blood rose up to mingle with her
delicate one, propelling him faster through darkness.

Her terrified scream shattered all hope
of reaching her before the rogue did. His wolf howled to be
unleashed, to protect the mate he sought to find and claim. He’d be
damned if he’d lose her now that he finally located the lass.
Rounding a corner, he growled a last warning to his lost

Rage exploded from within as the
woman’s attacker sent her sailing into a wall, her head connecting
with a brick. Zane attacked before her crumpled form could hit the
cold, wet ground.

The rogue sliced out before Zane could
shift into wolf form, claws sinking into his hardened chest and
slamming him back into the alley wall. He ignored the bloody pock
marks on his skin, having long since learned to isolate pain,
connecting his fist with his enemy’s snout and driving the wolf
off. Size wise, they were evenly matched despite him not

And strength? He hadn’t become Alpha of
his Pack by lacking in either the muscle mass or his fighting
skill—having never been bested yet. But he possessed no pity for a
fellow Pack member that turned and preyed on humans.

“Come and meet death,” he snarled at
the circling rogue.

The wolf growled, razor sharp teeth
glinting beneath the sickly yellow beam of the single alley light.
Whatever reason this woman strayed so deeply into the alley in the
thick of night, painting herself in vulnerability, would be
addressed. From this moment on she was his to protect.

The rogue hissed, sprinting forward and
jumped for his neck just like Zane anticipated. Battle tested
instinct had him twisting his body to the side, deflecting the bulk
of the attack by using the concrete wall behind him. One paw
clipped his face and he grabbed it, pinning his opponent. With
preternatural speed he swung his other elbow back, easily crushing
the wolf’s head into the concrete and ending his life.

The rogue fell to the ground, his body
already beginning to resume human form in death. He turned his back
on the creature, immediately relieved to find his partner tending
to the petite woman across the alley.

“Is she okay?” Zane swiped at the
bleeding wound on his cheek, no doubt rubbing more dirt into it in
the process as he glanced at Cory and the unconscious girl, fear
twisting his gut into a violent knot. He struggled to find enough

“Looks like she hit her head fairly
hard but the blood is just a surface wound.”

Gut-clenching panic lingered just below
the surface, second only to his rage at not preventing this woman
harm. He fought to suppress the desire to shift fully into wolf and
tear out the dead rogue’s throat. As Alpha of the ShadowRidge Pack,
no one would question his decision.

“A scratch,” Cory added firmly when he
couldn’t take his gaze from the pair of them.

Only when his lover stroked a roughened
hand across her pale face, tenderly cradling her in his arms did
the icy grip of doubt release him. Satisfied she was at least
receiving sensory comfort from one of them, he bent to retrieve her
purse, rifling through it until he located her wallet.

“Her I.D. identifies her as Selena
James, twenty-six. Says she’s five foot four and one hundred twenty

Cory grunted and he caught the scowl on
his chiseled face, a lock of his too-long chestnut hair covering
one hazel eye.

“Shit, she’s practically still a child.
So small.”

Zane shrugged, studying the pair of
them sitting on the wet, garbage filled ground. Cory now had her
entire body scooped into his strong arms, petting her back softly
not much different from the way always he soothed Zane in and out
of bed. Of the two, Cory exuded more tenderness, effortlessly
giving the touch their kind craved. But tonight, Zane desperately
ached to be the giver.

Never had one woman’s beauty brought
the powerful wolf to his knees but Selena damn near did it even
now—unconscious. Blood rushed through his tense body, mingling with
his adrenaline from the hunt. “Small but not too small.”

He smiled at Cory’s shock before the
virile male’s face lit in a devastating grin. Turning, Zane nudged
the dead rogue with the toe of his boot, not eager to take his eyes
off the injured girl and his lover but knowing clean-up would be
necessary. If Pack started leaving their dead in the alleys, law
enforcement would start asking questions, demanding human-style

“That’s the third damn rogue this week,

He nodded and dug in his pocket for his
cell phone. Pretty awful considering it was only

“Hopefully now that we found her, we
can stop this unnecessary bloodshed.”

Flipping the slim metal device open, he
punched in a text message to one of his fellow hunters giving
location and quick details. By the time he returned the phone to
his pocket, he could taste Cory’s growing unease, the foreign
bitter flavor on his tongue unexpected from the seasoned warrior
and intimate friend.

He raised an eyebrow toward them,
silently waiting for an explanation. Cory never needed much
prodding. It was part of the reason he treasured his relationship
with the other hunter.

“You really think she’s the one?” Cory
asked abruptly.

Surprised by his lover’s doubt, he took
three easy steps and arrived at their side, kneeling on the cold
ground and placing a warm hand over Cory’s. The other male’s
tension eased.

“Her scent is like a poison to my
senses. One I’d willingly die for a taste of.” Zane skimmed his
hand away from Cory’s and through the silken strands of Selena’s
hair that broke free from her binding. Her delicate scent had his
blood boiling, his cock hardening and fear filling him all at once.
Yes, she was the one. “Besides, Lance sensed some connection too
otherwise he wouldn’t have let her live as long as he

Having touched her once, Zane couldn’t
seem to drag his hand away as he slowly outlined the slender bones
of her face, learning every minute detail from the high cheek bones
to the small, button nose and the inch long scar just below her
ear. She was beautiful, but would she accept him for who he

Would he even give her the choice not

“But she’s human.” Cory whispered,
doubt still thickening his voice.

“As we partly are too,” he

The local humans lived in coexistence
with their Pack for years now. They socialized, married, mated and
bred. Zane leaned forward over the pair and brushed the errant
strand of hair out of his eyes, startled he hadn’t anticipated this
reaction from his partner. He wasn’t going to allow Cory second
thoughts now. He wouldn’t lose his lover to placate the

Cory shrugged, his shoulders relaxing.
“If you think this wee thing can heal our pack then I trust

Still kneeling on the ground, he
reached underneath her slender body and took her from Cory,
cradling her to his chest and struggling over the thickness of
emotion raging at seeing her so vulnerable like this. She was light
and slim but he sensed a strength within her that even now soothed
his beast.

“Do you not like her, love?”

He ran his fingers down the exposed
column of her neck, feeling the proud beat of her heart. Yes, she
was strong. He itched to enjoy a thorough exploration of her creamy

“She’s pleasant enough on the eyes,”
his partner grunted.

Zane continued to caress her, granting
himself the liberty of petting over her breast, stomach and thigh.
She wore simple hospital scrubs that reeked of antiseptic and a
bare jacket not sufficient enough for the chilly weather. Even
unconscious his touch warmed her, a rosy heat flooding her pale

Yes, she was easy on the eyes. A blonde
bombshell custom made for him. He closed his eyes and inhaled the
essence of her, easily picturing her tiny hands on his chest, her
gentle human nails scratching his roughened skin as he brought her
to orgasm over and over. It was the first time in ages his
imaginations hadn’t included Cory, and the subtle change in
temperature told him his lover had noticed.

“Will you welcome her into our bed?” he
asked softly.

Opening his eyes, Zane watched the
pained expression of his longtime lover shift into one unreadable.
The handsome lines of his face Zane always admired contorted as he
pushed to stand.

“She’s your mate.” He ground out

Zane stood also, wrapping his injured
mate tightly in his arms, closing the distance between them. “No
more or less than you are.”

He knew Cory hated the fact this new
connection didn’t involve all three of them. For years it remained
the two lovers, the Pack aware and accepting of their Alpha’s
lifestyle. But as Alpha, the Pack’s needs came first and Selena was
key to helping the survival of his Pack. It was a choice he didn’t
want to make. One he hoped he wouldn’t have to.

“If I was your damn mate, we wouldn’t
need this tiny lass to unite our Pack, would we?”

He stood still, letting Cory vent his
growing frustration. His uncertainty was a liability, breaking his
focus. He fully intended to soothe his lover’s doubts just as soon
as they returned home and tended Selena’s wounds. He scraped his
eyes over Cory’s chiseled frame, lingering on his favorite spots.
Tonight he would love Cory in a way that eliminated his fear,
sucking, biting, and pounding his way right back into the other
dominant male’s heart.

Cory stepped closer, brushing against
his side and laying a hand across Selena’s flushed cheek. “Aye,
I’ll share our bed with her. Though I doubt very much the wee thing
will take us both.”

His lips tilted into a devilish grin
feeling every bit confident the petite vixen would have no troubles
whatsoever. He took care of his own—always. Cory did likewise.
Together, she wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Then let’s take her home.” The sooner
Selena accepted her position in the Pack, the better off they would
all be. As an Alpha’s mate, her presence would heal, comfort those
in need. Something his Pack was in desperate need for as more youth
began thirsting for blood. In return, Zane and Cory would make sure
her every need was met. “It’s time we show our mate what loving two
wolves is all about.”

Chapter Two

Selena curled up in bed, tugging the
heavy comforter over her throbbing head to block out the morning
light. Groaning, she snuggled deeper into the soft flannel sheets,
savoring the comforting sensation of the worn material against her
bare skin—a true luxury to sleeping naked.

Burying her nose into the feather
pillow, she inhaled the exotic aroma of spicy aftershave and damp
forest, the intriguing scents triggering her to remember pieces of
last night’s erotic dream.

The voice had been pure sin—all rich,
deep and velvety—reassuring her she was safe, that she would only
know pleasure now in his bed. She hadn’t seen him in her dream, it
was too dark, but she trusted his decadent voice. Had even thought
at the time his thick words alone would be enough to bring her to

Ridiculous, really. But then sometimes
dreams were.

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