Seduced (Royal Expat Series Book #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Seduced (Royal Expat Series Book #1)
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“Do I have a curfew?” she asked sarcastically.

“Matilda—don’t be childish,” he said. “I promised your father—”

“Colin,” Matilda cut across him, “I’m not a child, and any issues you have with my conduct y
ou can take up with my father. It’s not even 9 in the evening, and I am a grown woman. I can choose to do what I like. And I would like to stay here, unaccompanied. Is that clear?”

“You clearly can’t make good choices. You’ve been here barely a few days and you’re illegally drinking alcohol in a bar with a suspicious man trying to chat you up.”

Matilda’s temper flared.

“Give me a little credit,” she said. “This is just ginger ale. You can taste it!” She held out the glass and Colin sniffed it suspiciously.

“I’m not drinking. All I want to do is have a quiet, relaxed evening and get to know a new person without being guarded like a prisoner. I won’t allow you to prevent me. That’s not what my father sent you for.”

Colin looked both confused and furious. He cast a look at Damian, who gave him a diffident shrug.

“What the lady said,” he said. “It’s a free country.”

“Right,” Matilda agreed
decisively. “Goodnight, Colin.”

“Your father won’t like this,” Colin warned.

“Then don’t tell him,” Matilda said simply.

She watched Colin’s back recede into the crowd with an air of satisfaction before turning back to Damian, who was looking at her quizzically.

“You aren’t secretly 16 or something are you?” he quipped.

“What? Oh, no, my dad is just really overprotective.” She rolled her eyes, trying to play it cool and hoping she was succeeding.

“Right,” Damian said. “And you just let his—what is he, an informant—ollow you around all the time? You’re not royalty, are you?”

Matilda laughed awkwardly, hopin
g that it came off as natural—she almost felt sick at the thought of him coming so close to the truth. She was terrified of how she must look to him—silly, immature, and under the thumb of her father.

“He’s gone, so let’s not worry,” she said
, hoping to drop the subject which was spoiling her feeling of elation.

“But doesn’t it bug you—
having to live by someone else’s rules?” Damian persisted, raising his eyebrows at her.

“I live by my own rules,” Matilda said stubbornly. “I
’m here, aren’t I?”

“Yes you are,” Damian surveyed her thoughtfully, making her blush yet again. “And why are you here, Matilda?”

“I’m working,” she said, trying to avoid the obvious implication of his words. “I work in the National Archives.”

Woah,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “How did a little girl like you get a job in a big place like that?”

Oh, family connections. What about you?” Matilda was desperate to know more about Damian. He was such a mystery, his relaxed attitude with just a hint of wildness and danger. It intrigued her more than she could fathom.

“I go here and there,” he said. “I thought I’d stop b
y and see what DC was all about. It’s been a while since I visited, and I love it here.”

“Oh, you’re on holiday?” Matilda was downcast at the thought that he would only be there for a handful of days.

“Not exactly. I guess you could call me a nomad,” Damian explained. “I go wherever I want. I prefer to enjoy life and see as much as I can—it’s pointless to be confined by society. Do you see anyone truly happy who has to live by someone else’s rules?”

Matilda tried to take a sip of her drink and missed her mouth by at least a few feet, colliding the glass with someone else’s ear. As she hastily apologized, she tried to hide how envious she was. He was attractive, interesting and he
had the one thing she desired—freedom.

“What about you
r family?” she asked curiously. “Don’t they mind you going off into the middle of nowhere?”

“Nah,” Damian shrugged. “They’re both as conventional as you could ge
t. I think they’re proud of having a son who can think for himself and does what they only ever dreamed about doing.”

“What about money?” asked Matilda, who had always been taught never to take without giving something in return.

“Money is something that brings people more trouble than happiness,” Damian proclaimed. “I make some when I need it—I write a little, tend bar or help out in a garage if I need some extra cash. Otherwise I just go where the mood takes me—and I’m glad it took me here tonight.”

Matilda bit her lip to try and hide her pleasure as Damian gave her a warm, approving look.

“I wish I’d gone to England,” Damian said, giving her his trademark charming smile. “If I’d known they made women as beautiful as you there, I might have been persuaded to settle there for good.”

“Don’t give me lines,” Matilda protested, although secretly she felt like beaming at the cheesy compliment. “Many men have tried and failed.”

“Then what makes me different?” Damian grinned, reaching out his hand and touching her cheek, sending lightning bolts of excitement through her body.

“N-nothing,” Matilda gasped out. “What makes you think you are different?”

“I can read people pretty well,” he confessed. “Besides, you stood up to the ogre just so you could spend the evening with me. That’s got to count for something, right?”

Damian leaned closer, his hand cupping her cheek, looking intensely into her eyes. Matilda felt her breathing hitch, and she opened her mouth instinctively as Damian’s fingers brushed against her lips. He
was going to kiss her, she realized. She panicked, almost drawing her head away, not wanting to mess up, but Damian’s large, warm hand was holding her in place.

His lips met hers for a brief moment, a mere brush of his lips against hers, but it was enough to make her face bloom as red as a rose, and forget how to breathe for long enough that she had to gulp in breath as he pulled away. How, just how could he affect her like this? It was crazy!

Damian was sitting back in his chair, looking at her quizzically, as if waiting for some sort of reaction.

“I think I’ll take that drink now,” Matilda said frankly, and Damian burst out laughing. As she watched him order for her at the bar, she wondered what it was about him which made her feel like she was holding a butterfly convention in her stomach.
Maybe it was his easy confidence and respectful yet teasing manner. She was shy and awkward in contrast. Why was he interested in a silly little girl like her? She couldn’t bring herself to let the evening end, though. Not yet.

“What’s it like? Being free?” she asked him a few hours and several drinks later. They were sitting now, alone on the balcony, and his warm, strong hand was running its way up her thigh, making her entire body alive with excitement. Her skin felt warm and
tingly, and she could feel the insistent pulse of arousal as his fingertips brushed the soft skin, sliding just beneath the hem of her skirt.

“Why don’t you try it and find out for yourself?” Damian suggested. “What’s stopping you?”

“You have no idea,” she sighed. She thought regretfully about Colin and her father. There really were no benefits to being a princess.

“Anyone can be free. A
ll you have to do is reach out and embrace the opportunities which are out there,” Damian said. “Nobody ever gave me permission to be myself or to turn down a job at a bank or a business in order to go and backpack across Thailand. And nobody handed me the money, either—it’s all about making it possible. You have to stop being so afraid of what other people will think.”

Matilda toyed with the idea of explaining why exactly t
his was easier said than done—but she didn’t want to spoil the evening with her confession. Instead, she had a bold thought.

“Not be afraid, huh?” she repeated. “Just go out and take what I want?”

“Exactly,” Damian said.

“I guess I’ll start right now.”

Ever since their kiss earlier, Matilda had been craving the taste of his lips. She couldn’t get that soft, perfect kiss out of her mind. She found her eyes frequently flicking down towards his lips, too shy to make a move. Now, though, she would prove that she wasn’t afraid to take what she wanted.

Matilda leaned over and kissed Damian, catching him by surprise. For a moment he didn’t respond, and she pulled back a little, terrifi
ed that she’d made a bad move—but Damian pulled her towards him and kissed her with a fiery passion, pressing his soft lips hard on her yielding ones, gliding his warm tongue easily across hers. Comparing this to their first kiss was like comparing a campfire to the sun. It sent every thought in her head reeling, scattering her common sense like beads across ice. She could smell his delicious scent all around her, and she longed for more. Passionate impulses she hadn’t even known she was capable of suddenly rose to the surface, fierce and impulsive. She wanted to mount him right there in the bar, regardless of the people around them, and ride him with reckless abandon, taming the raging ache which was begging her to give in to her animal desires.

She finally pulled away, gasping, and looked into Damian’s eyes. They were stormy with lust, his pupils wide and black like the eye of a tornado.

“Will you come home with me?” Damian asked, his voice husky with desire.

“No,” Matilda said. “But you can come home with me.”

As she pulled him out of the bar stool, sending him a coy look as she weaved through the crowd and towards the door, she thanked god that Colin had gone home—if her father ever heard about this, he’d probably have her deported in a heartbeat.


Matilda’s hand felt warm and secure in Damian’s strong, warm grasp as they wound their way through the streets and towards her apartment, only a few blocks away from the bar in the most attractive part of Georgetown. Her heart was thudding in her chest and she felt both buoyed up and terrified in the knowledge of what she was about to do. She’d never brought a man home before—her father would kill her if he knew—but she didn’t care. Damian made her feel as if she was on fire. He was a heady drug which brought out hidden, mysterious feelings in her, and she needed more.

“How long is it before we get there?” Damian asked, his voice
a low hum of arousal.

“A few more blocks,” Matilda said
, wishing it was closer.

“Too long,” Damian said,
echoing her thoughts, and he pushed her up against the wall, kissing her fiercely, pressing her entire body against him as he wrapped his arms around her.

The kiss was completely dominant, and Matilda gasped into it, overwhelmed by his warmth, his scent and the feel of his mouth working against hers, plundering her lips and taking everything she had to offer and more. She could feel the hard lines of his stomach through the thin material separating their bodies, and she was tempted to rip off their clothing right there, to run her hands over the smooth, heated flesh.
Desire was pulsing through her like a volcano just waiting to erupt, but the tiny part of her which was still rational was sending out a warning. She couldn’t be seen like this. What if someone caught them and recognized her? It was too risky.

“No,” she said weakly, struggling to push him off. “We have to get inside first.”

“OK,” Damian agreed, kissing her again and running his hand below her t-shirt, up the silken skin of her back. Matilda moaned and arched into the touch, desperate for more. Suddenly, the need to get inside didn’t seem so important.

He hitched her up effortlessly, lifting her bodily from the ground so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Matilda knew she should put a stop to it, but her entire body was screaming to be touched by him, her panties soaked with the evidence of her arousal. One of Damian’s hands stroked up her thigh, and she shuddered at the delicious touch, silently begging him to go further.

He obeyed her silent wish, finding her soaked panties and stroking teasingly at the thin cloth. Matilda pressed against his hot fingers, eager for more contact. She sighed as his fingers found a way through the flimsy material and touched her exactly where she needed it. Her pussy was throbbing and wet, ready for more, and Damian’s fingers were like a balm and a poison all at once, heightening the tension and the pleasure to dizzying peaks.

“You want it?” Damian whispered breathily in her ear.

“Yes,” Matilda moaned, barely recognizing her own voice.

“You don’t want to get back to your place first?” Matilda could hear the mocking edge in Damian’s voice
, but she didn’t even have the willpower left to hesitate.

“Just do it,” she commanded.

Snickering, Damian obliged, his fingers sinking into the tight, warm orifice, rewarding him with a symphony of delicious sounds. Matilda was breathing hard, struggling not to scream out her pleasure as Damian’s fingers stretched her deliciously, stroking her trembling walls and teasing her, bringing her waves of intoxicating pleasure.

She bit back a scream as he began to increase the pace of his strokes,
kindling a fire in her pussy which only climax could quench. She thrust up against his fingers with abandon, needing to feel the pure waves of pleasure as he made her come with his long, clever fingers.

Matilda’s vision had turned into a blur. She could feel the cold stone of the building behind her back, but the buildings, sky and streets surrounding them were nothing more than streaks of indigo and gray. Every nerve in her body was overwhelmed by the intense pleasure she was receiving. She’d never been so aroused before, so desperate to reach her climax.

As Damian’s thumb found her engorged clit and stroked it in tight, firm circles, her world exploded. The blur of indigo was suddenly an explosion of stars and sparks, and her body bucked against Damian’s firm grip as she finally reached her climax with the force of a meteor hitting the earth.

As she fought to get her breathing and vision back to normal, she became aware of Damian’s safe, anchoring arms around her, preventing her from falling.
Suddenly aware of her surroundings, Matilda wanted to hide her face in shame, but Damian smiled down at her, and the approval in his eyes was evident. Somehow, that made her feel more sure of herself.

“Your place?” he asked huskily.


Matilda slid gently to her feet, supported by Damian, and they resumed their walk as if nothing had happened. Matilda’s legs felt like jelly, and her thighs were slick with her juices. She had never felt so alive before, or so attuned with her body’s needs. As she took a sidelong glance at Damian, his profile elegant and powerful in the twilight, she knew that she wouldn’t be satisfied until she’d felt every inch of him against her.

Matilda took a deep breath as they reached her apartment building, hoping that Colin would by now be fast asleep and not notice her slipping into her apartment, which was located directly above his own. She gestured silently to Damian as she unlocked the door, and pulled him inside, finding his lips in another searing kiss.

As the door closed behind them, Matilda felt Damian’s warm hands sliding up inside her t-shirt, caressing her taut stomach and slender waist. Their kiss broke for a moment as he pulled the t-shirt over her head, casting it onto the floor before possessing her lips once more, taking the del
icate flesh into his mouth and biting down gently before entwining their tongues in a dance of passion and desire, the slick, hot motion making Matilda weak with lust.

She tugged insistently at his t-shirt, and in a few seconds their bare torsos were pressed up against each other. Damian’s smooth, tan chest and chiseled abs felt impossibly good against her skin, and she tried to get closer, closing every inch of space between their bodies. His hands left swathes of fire as he explored every inch of her skin, stroking her satin flesh, plundering every curve with unbridled enthusiasm.

“God you’re sexy,” he whispered in her ear, capturing her earlobe between his teeth and tugging. The sensations danced down Matilda’s neck and exploded in her stomach. Her arousal was raging once more, and she held him close, desperate to feel more.

Damian picked her up as if she were a leaf and carried her towards the bed, where he laid her out and surveyed her hungrily,
his eyes dark and lustful. Leaning over her, he began a trail of kisses at her navel, working his way up with soft, feathery touches of his lips against her fevered skin. His lips came to rest on her neck, against the searing rush of blood as her pulse elevated to a frenzied hum. She couldn’t breathe properly; her breath came in ragged gasps as Damian bit down hard on her pulse, and she let out a quiet moan.

Carefully, Damian hooked his arm around her back to undo her bra and cast it aside. He took in her bare breasts with reverence. They were small but pert, perfectly soft spheres of snowy white. Damian’s tanned hands covered her breasts, massaging them gently, and she arched her back towards his touch. She could feel her pussy throbbing as her nipples tightened, responding to the persuasive touch of Damian’s hands. Her panties would be ruined, dripping with arousal and clinging to the lips of her pussy, warm and swollen with desire.

Matilda bit back another moan as Damian began to use his mouth, taking one hard nipple between his teeth and tugging gently. She threw her head back in pleasure, aching for more contact. The shy, reserved girl she knew had disappeared, and she was now a goddess, ripe and uninhibited.

He worked his way down lower with agonizing slowness, pulling her skirt down inch by inch to reveal her soaked panties. Gently, he took the thin material in his teeth, tugging it lower to expose her willing pussy. The soft tickle of his lips as he dragged her panties off was driving her wild. It was so animalistic, yet so gentle and sensuous.

She let out a yelp of surprise and excitement as he leapt up the bed and crouched over her, surveying his handiwork. She had the sudden desire to cover herself, self-conscious as he took in her bare, bruised breasts and soaked nether regions with enthusiasm, his eyes roving over the supple curve of her waist and the delicate V between her legs.

“No, don’t hide,” he murmured, his voice husky and low.

Instead, Matilda pulled him down into a kiss. Now it was gentle, almost reverent, the way he caressed her lips with his own and cupped her cheek with his slightly rough palm. It only added fuel to her desire. As beautiful as it was to be gently kissed like this, she wanted him to plunge into her and take her with long, powerful thrusts. She whimpered and arched up into his body, eliciting a low growl which vibrated through her entire being.

To her astonishment, he flipped them over so that she was balanced on top of him, looking down into his eyes, two black pools of lust and desire,
his lips apart, his high cheekbones dusted with color. It was erotic, looking down at him and seeing the evidence of his arousal in his face. She felt a sudden rush of power, and her shyness had disappeared. She began to explore the planes of his well-muscled stomach, enjoying the feel of his toned, hard flesh against her hands. She shuffled a little lower, and took in his arousal, straining against his shorts. She undid the buttons of his shorts, and bit back a gasp as his erection sprang free.

He was big and thick, and just the sight of him sent another throb of desire through her. Gently, she took him in her hand, delighting in the power she felt as she pumped him up and down a few times. She wanted him inside her so badly. Looking at his eyes for confirmation, she took control. Raising her hips, she sank down onto his engorged cock, gasping at the feel of him filling her, stretching her walls as far as they would go.

The pleasure was so dizzying that she sat for a few moments, adjusting to his enormous girth, before slowly rotating her hips, throwing her head back in ecstasy at the feeling. A million sparks were exploding inside her. It was incredible, and she never wanted it to end.

She began a rhythm, thrusting down hard on his cock, grinding her hips and finding the exact spot that made her whimper with pleasure. She was going to come already, the pleasure too intense to be held in for another second. He groaned with her as her walls clamped down around him, and flipped them over easily as she writhed in pleasure, her climax exploding as she squeezed him inside of her.

“You have such a sweet pussy,” he whispered, continuing to thrust into her as she came down from her climax.

His thrusts
were everything she needed—long, hard and vigorous, his thick cock caressing her walls and stirring up the embers of her passion. Every stroke made her whimper with pleasure, his cock dominating her, forcing waves of pleasure down on her so it was all she could do not to scream out loud.

His thumb found her clit as his pace quickened, and Matilda threw her head to one side, using the blue satin pillow to muffle her moans. She grabbed his muscular arms, needing something to anchor her as he thrust into her relentlessly, plundering her pussy as deep as he could go.

Before she was ready, a second orgasm crashed through her. She didn’t feel attached to her body any more. All she could do was ride the crest of the orgasm to its conclusion. As she came down once more, she felt Damian’s thrusts becoming erratic, hard and jerky, before warm spurts of his come filled her to the brim. She clamped her walls around him, milking him for every last drop. They both fought for breath, holding onto each other tightly.

Matilda wasn’t sure if she’d passed out or if time had simply
moved on, but as she regained the ability to process thought, she found herself snug and secure within Damian’s embrace, their naked bodies twined together, exhausted and spent.

“Will you stay with me?” she murmured. Damian answered with a lingering kiss to her forehead, and she drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep.


BOOK: Seduced (Royal Expat Series Book #1)
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