Read Seducing Wrath Online

Authors: Lynne St. James

Tags: #Rockers, #Romance, #Erotic, #contemporary, #New Age

Seducing Wrath (6 page)

BOOK: Seducing Wrath
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Wrath was behind me, watching my reactions. “It’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it—well except on TV.”

“Yeah I know, me either. Joe is taking really good care of us. Better than dickman ever did.”

“Who’s dickman?”

“Rod Dixon, our old manager. Cynda called him dickman and it stuck. He was the biggest fuckin’ cocksucker. I’m so glad we found out about him before he did too much damage.”

“Yeah I bet. I’m glad you got rid of him then.”

He nodded and dropped the bags on the bed. “Want to shower first? I’m going to grab a smoke.”

“Sure.” I could have kissed him but the look on his face held me back. He wasn’t as uptight with me as earlier but he wasn’t his easy going self either. I watched him step out onto the balcony to light up, and just as I was grabbing my bag I saw him pull out his phone and make a call. Who the hell was he calling at almost three a.m.?

“Holy shit,” I squealed as I entered the bathroom. The huge soaker tub and walk-in shower with sauna was an answer to my prayers. I didn’t know what I wanted to do first, but I opted for a shower then a nice soak in the complementary bubbles.

The pulsating heat from ten showerheads went a long way to easing my aching muscles and washed a lot of my tension down the drain. Drying off, I checked my hair for roots, and was happy to see they were still non-existent. I’d touched them up two days ago but I had to stay on top of it. Wrapping it in a towel, I saw the bath was ready. As I sank into the enormous tub filled to the brim with bubbles, I sighed. “Heavenly…” Leaning back against a rolled up towel, I closed my eyes and cleared my mind.




“I tell you, something’s not right about her. I don’t know what, but something.”

I could hear Joe sigh on the other end of the phone. “Chris, listen to me. You’re tired, stressed, and quite possibly falling for this girl. From everything I know about you, it’d be enough to scare the crap out of you. I think you’re overreacting.”

“I don’t think so, I hear what you’re saying but that’s not it. There’s something else. Whose mother lets them become a groupie and even lends them a car? C’mon, even you have to think that’s fucked up.”

“Maybe. I’ll see what I can find out. We had her car towed so I’ll get them to give me the VIN number and we’ll do some checking. Now go to bed. You have a show tomorrow night.”


“No problem. That’s what I’m here for, remember? You can come to me about anything.”

For the first time in hours I smiled. Joe Martini was a fucking gift from God for sure. “You’re the best, Joe. You must be beat after driving all day.”

“Nah, I love to drive. But we’ll probably hire a driver eventually so I can take care of other stuff on the road.”


“Sleep well, son.”

I expected to see Blue curled up in bed but she wasn’t there. I looked around the bedroom I couldn’t find her anywhere, the shower wasn’t running either. Blind panic traveled down my spine until I found her in the tub, headphones in and covered in bubbles. She looked vaguely familiar with no make-up and her blue hair wrapped in a towel, but I saw so many women these days I was probably imagining it.

The water was cool. I didn’t want to leave her in the tub, but I didn’t want to startle her either. I turned off her iPod thinking it might wake her but she didn’t move. Reaching in to the water, I lifted her out of the mound of bubbles. Her eyes opened and she smiled at me, my heart flipped over.

“Hi,” I whispered. “You fell asleep. I’m going to put you to bed.”

“Mmm, thank you. Sorry…”

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” I toweled her off and brushed her still damp hair before carrying her to bed. I placed her under the covers and grabbed my own shower before sliding in next to her. As soon as our bodies touched she moved closer until she her sweet ass was nestled against my cock. For a second or two I was tempted to wake her but she’d looked so tired. Yawning, I pulled her closer and fell asleep to the sound of her breathing.




I woke to my nipples being rubbed and a hard cock pressed against my butt. He was nibbling on my ear lobe and nuzzling my neck, his unshaven face sent thrills of delight down my spine. Oh yeah, there were definitely much worse ways to wake up.

“Morning, baby.”

“Finally. I was beginning to think I’d have to fuck you while were you were still sleeping. Did you take something last night?”

“No, I think the crazy schedule got to me. Sorry I fell asleep.”

“Do you remember falling asleep in the tub?”

“No. I couldn’t have…” Could I? Had I fallen asleep in the tub? I didn’t remember.

“Yup, I took you out of there and put you to bed. You were fucking out of it.”

“Shit, sorry baby.”

“No worries. You were kinda cute and light too.”

“Light? Are you freakin’ kidding me? Have you looked at me? All these curves come with a lot of padding.”

“Shhh, I love your curves.” As if to accentuate his statement, he smacked my butt and rolled me over. His eyes had lost the hardness of yesterday and I prayed he was over whatever had been bugging him. I liked this Wrath better—a lot better.

Pulling his face closer, I kissed him. He must have been up for a bit since he tasted like cigarettes and coffee. “What time is it?”

“A little after ten.”

“Shit really? I need to get up.”

“Why? Gotta a date?”

Duh, I had nowhere to be but there. “You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m already where I want to be.”

“That’s more like it.” Nibbling on my lips was the first stop on his trek down my body. I don’t think he missed one inch of skin on his way down, even tonguing my belly button, which tickled. My giggles evaporated at the first touch of his tongue on my clit. My hips arched against his face and without thinking, my hands grabbed his head holding him to my sex. I’d gone from fast asleep to wide-awake and on fire for him in about ten seconds. It had to be some kind of a record.

My body was vibrating, and all my muscles clenched as I tried to hold off my orgasm. I wanted, scratch that, needed him inside me and he was taunting me. His focus was all on my clit, licking, nibbling, and sucking, on the little hard nub of sex. I was about to explode.

“Oh my God, please. I need you inside me.”

“No. Not yet.”

“Why?” My question nothing more than a long whine.

“Because I’m not ready yet.”

Oh…I could fix this issue. Let me just reach. “Let me help.”

“Nope,” he said as he grabbed my hand, which wouldn’t have reached anyway. “I didn’t mean I’m not hard, I mean I’m not ready to give it to you. You will come for me.”

My body arched against his face again and again as he concentrated on my clit, making me quiver. “Please…”

As I whimpered for release, he held my clit between his teeth and tongued it. It was too much, and I couldn’t hold back any more. “Fuck…Oh. My. God. Wrath,” I screamed my release.

One last lick across my throbbing clit and he flipped me over onto my belly, pushing me up on my knees. I could barely think as the remnants of the powerful orgasm rippled through my body.

Hearing the tearing of foil, I knew he was finally putting on the rubber.
Thank God
. My legs were quivering and it was taking all my concentration just to stay on my knees. I felt the heat from him before he touched me. My juices were running down my legs—no doubt I’d be plenty wet for him.

His condom covered cock rubbed the length of my pussy making sure to slide against my over stimulated clit, making me whimper. I’d never been this turned on before in my life. I think in some ways I was still coming when he shoved his thick cock deep into my pussy, smacking my butt hard at the same time.

I jumped from the surprise attack and my pussy opened wider to suck in his cock, my vaginal muscles grabbed onto him and didn’t let go. He spanked me again and my juices gushed around his cock. Groaning, I pushed back against him. I needed him to move, not just fill me. I needed the friction and the heat.

“You fuckin’ love this don’t you, Blue?”

“Yes, baby, fuck me, please.”

“Fuck yeah,” he groaned as he spanked my right ass cheek. It was pain and pleasure just like the last time and I wanted more.

“More, give me more.”

“Demanding little bitch, aren’t you?” Grabbing hold of my hips, he pulled out and slammed back in, almost knocking me into the headboard. He started a pattern, two thrusts and then he’d spank a cheek. My legs were turning to jelly as the tension built in my pussy.

He must have felt it too and picked up the rhythm. He reached around and tweaked my clit.

“Oh God, Wrath…”

“That’s it, Baby Blue, come for me. Come now, baby.” Pounding in to me faster and faster, I went over the edge and I swear I really saw stars. It was the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced. He leaned in to me and thrust deep, I could feel his hands shaking as he held on to my hips.

“Fuck yeah,” Wrath yelled with his release. His head on my back and his arms around my waist, he turned us to the side. Trying to catch our breath, we didn’t say anything. Our panting told the story. It was fucking incredible. If I hadn’t experienced it I wouldn’t believe it was possible to feel an orgasm in every muscle of my body.


Chapter Eight




“What the fuck?” Pounding. It took a minute to realize someone was at the door. Rolling out of Blue’s embrace, I stalked over to the door. Yeah I was naked but fuck it, if they wanted to wake me they deserved whatever they got.


Fuck, okay she didn’t deserve it. “Can you come back later?”

“Yes, no problem, sir. Sorry to bother you.”

“No problem.” Backing away from the door I looked for a clock. None. What kind of a hotel was this? Checking my cell, I saw it was almost two. Fuck. We had a sound check at four. Two hours to eat Sapphire and some food before my schedule owned me.

She was still curled up in bed. I thought she was sleeping but as I leaned over her, she opened her eyes. “Hi, baby. Who was at the door?”

“Housekeeping. I sent them away. But we do have to get up. It’s freakin’ two already.”

“No way.”

Nodding, I smiled. She definitely had the ‘I was fucked well and I loved it’ look on her face. There is something so arousing about the look of a well fucked woman. If I had my way, she’d always have that look.

“I can’t believe we fell asleep.” I watched pink slide up her neck and over her cheeks.

“Thinking about this morning?”

“Yeah. It was fucking incredible.”

“It was pretty fucking amazing if I say so myself.”

She sat up and smacked me. “You’re not modest at all, are you?”

“No fucking need. If you’ve got it flaunt it.” Smiling, I swiveled my hips and my hard cock danced in front of her.

She laughed and rolled out of bed. “I need to use the bathroom but you can shower first if you need to.”

“Go ahead and take care of whatever, but we’re fucking showering together.”

She looked surprised. Did she think I was done with her already? Hell fucking no. I wondered if I’d ever have enough of her.

I loved the shower. It was huge, no doors and only three walls. There were lots of showerheads, and the best part was the bench. We took turns soaping each other up, then I lifted her onto the bench and rinsed her, inspecting every inch with my tongue until she was clinging to me as her orgasm rippled through her. I loved making Blue come. It was one of the best fucking things. Although, I have say, she could suck like a vacuum and make my eyes roll in my head every time. If anyone had a fucking camera on us, it would make a fucking amazing sex tape.

While we were getting ready to find something to eat, my cell rang.


“Well aren’t you the fuckin’ cheerful one?”

“I’m not late so what’s up, asshole?”

Chaos laughed, it was pretty much the way we all talked to each other, and had for ages. The only time we showed manners was in front of the Shermans and now when there were women around. Jack and Sally Sherman raised us right, saved us all and gave us the best foster home ever. I’m sure we’d either be dead, in jail or addicts on a street corner somewhere if they hadn’t taken us all in. Taking in five guys and two girls couldn’t have been easy, especially with our backgrounds.

“We’re going to meet in the restaurant downstairs, if you and your groupie want to come down.”

“She’s not my groupie.”

“If you say so, but it sure looks like she is.”

“What the fuck do you know about it?”

“What I haven’t seen, but I’ve heard from the guys. I also know you called Joe to check her out. Probably a good move.”

“Yeah, I thought so.” Hearing a noise, I looked up to see Sapphire standing there watching me with a weird look on her face. “Whatever, anyway, we’ll be down in a bit.”

“She’s there, huh?

“Where else?”

“Did she hear you?”

“Not sure but probably.”

“You don’t owe her anything, Chris, she’s a fucking groupie. A hanger on…someone only into you for your fame and whatever money you’ll give her.”

“I don’t know.”

“You should. You know how they are. Joe’s made it clear and even the dickman warned us about them. I hope you’re being smart and using protection.”

“Of course I am. What the fuck, bro?”

“Hey, you’re pretty jacked up about her. I thought it needed to be said.”

“Fine. See you in about ten.”

“See ya.”

Disconnecting the call, I turned to see Sapphire watching me with her arms folded around her waist. She had her make-up on and was dressed in too tight jeans and a very low cut t-shirt giving me a great view of her cleavage, me and every other guy around. No fuckin’ way.

“You need to change.”


“We’re meeting everyone in the restaurant downstairs. You can’t go like that.”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Your tits are hanging out.”

BOOK: Seducing Wrath
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