Serving Mr. Stevens, Part Two: Lover's Complaint -- An Erotic Romance (Part 2 of 5) (5 page)

BOOK: Serving Mr. Stevens, Part Two: Lover's Complaint -- An Erotic Romance (Part 2 of 5)
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“Get up,” he commanded, and pulled me sharply to my feet. It was still hard to balance on my high heels, but luckily we didn’t have far to go. There was a black leather couch along the side of the room, and it was here that he led me. Without hesitation, he yanked down my dress to expose the sexy black lace of my undergarments.


“Well, well, well,” he said, drinking in the sight of my X-rated lingerie. “What do we have here...” He pulled my dress down the rest of the way to the floor, leaving me standing there exposed before him in my lingerie and stockings. He pushed me down onto the couch, guiding me gently but firmly onto my back. He pulled off my shoes, one by one, and then unclipped the bustier and removed it. I strained my breasts up towards him, willing him to grant me the pleasure of his touch. I was lying there naked except for my stockings now, my hands still bound behind me. I was completely at his mercy, and I knew he intended to use me for his pleasure, however he wanted.


My naked womanhood exposed to him between the thigh-high stockings, he ran his finger roughly down my slit, causing my hips to buck involuntarily. He reversed direction and slowly, slowly dragged a finger between my inner lips, causing a deep sensation that was equal parts pleasure and torturous, teasing ache. “Oh, God,” I moaned, despite myself. He bent down and kissed me, pressing his tongue between my teeth as he kept his hand planted firmly on my groin. He swung his leg over me, straddling my thighs with his own so that his cock was placed just millimeters from where I wanted it to be.


Still kissing me, he guided himself slowly into me, swallowing the moan that escaped my lips. If my hands hadn’t been tied behind me, I would have dug my fingernails into his back at that moment. As it was, I was forced to take him however he wanted to have me, in complete submission to his desire. I had never experienced anything hotter. I bit his lip in a heated craze, urging him deeper inside me. As he continued to move inside me, I felt my wetness cover his shaft to the hilt.


He took my breast in his hand and grabbed it, rubbing his palm over the nipple. I had to close my eyes from the intensity of the pleasure. His thrusting became stronger and more rhythmic as we continued the long-awaited consummation of our desires. I was totally lost in the moment, my mind a hundred places at once. The carnal pleasure threatened to consume me, and I wasn’t sure I could stand this much longer. I desperately wanted to delay my orgasm, but it was building so inevitably that there wasn’t much I could do about it. But at the last second before I reached that precipice, he backed off the intensity, slowing down his thrusts to a gentler pace. I looked at him with gratitude, and he seemed to know exactly why. “Oh, no,” he said. “You don’t get to come just yet.”


With that, he pulled out of me and stood up, forcing his cock into my mouth. I could taste my own juices on him as my lips moved down his shaft. “I’m going to come soon,” he said between groans, “and you’re going to swallow it –
of it. If you miss a drop, there will be consequences. Now,
” I obeyed, opening my lips as wide as I could, as he fucked my mouth like I was his own personal sex toy. No one had ever treated me like this before, and I couldn’t believe how much it turned me on. “This body is
,” he said again through ragged breaths, and now I fully understood what he meant.


A few moments later, he stiffened, and the next second my mouth was filled with his hot come. I swallowed it, every drop, just like he’d told me to. Until now, I’d never found that to be a turn-on, but right now it was the most gratifying thing in the world to be able to suck his cock completely dry. As he finished and stood above me gasping, I looked up at him with big innocent eyes.
Did you like that?
I wanted to ask him, though I didn’t dare speak just now. The lust in his eyes when he looked back down at me was all the response I needed to see.


His own desire sated, he turned now to focus the attention solely on me. Despite his dominating manner, I realized that he got as much pleasure from servicing me as I did for him. He got down on the couch and threw my legs up over his shoulders, burying his face in my groin. Instantly he put his mouth on my clit, manipulating it with his lips and causing a brief shock of intensity to pass through me. He seemed to relish making me squirm and moan like that. He held my buttocks in his hand, pushing my crotch deeper against his mouth as he tasted me. “Oh my god, yes,” I cried out. He brought his tongue from the bottom of my slit all the way to the top, eliciting a low, prolonged moan from the core of my body.


I was on another plane of pleasure now, and the orgasm was coming soon. I couldn’t believe how well he seemed to know my body. I felt that if he hadn’t been holding my legs up, I would have just melted into the couch. “Keep going,” I begged him. “Oh, God, please keep going.” Thankfully, he obliged me, concentrating solely on my clit with his lips and tongue. The steady movements made my orgasm build up slowly, like a roller coaster inching towards the top of a peak. I tried to hover there, at the apex of pleasure, for as long as I could, but it was impossible to hold back any longer. I cried out as the orgasm tore through me, shooting ecstatic pleasure through my body all at once. My voice echoed off the stone corners of the cavernous room as the waves of pleasure gradually subsided. I was left gasping and panting on the couch as he lowered my legs back onto the cushion. He got up and stood over my heaving body, and I looked back up at him in utter bliss.


“That was perfect,” I said, when I regained the ability to speak.


Chapter 5: Lover’s Complaint


I stayed there prone on the couch, gazing up at the man who had just taken me to such heights of ecstasy. He smiled at me, allowing his guard to stay down just a moment longer as he admired my naked form. But he didn’t let me stay in my post-coital blissful state for very long. The next moment, all his alpha male sternness was back in full force. I normally loved it, but right now I wasn’t in the mood to be bossed around. I wanted to be cuddled, not scolded. But he would have none of that.


“Get up,” he said gruffly, his impatient tone not allowing for any backtalk. I obeyed the best I could, despite my jelly-legs impeding my movement a bit. He quickly untied the ropes around my wrists, and I rubbed them gently in relief. “Come on,” he said, picking up my bustier and dress and handing them to me. I looked at him questioningly;
why the rush all of a sudden?
I wondered, though I didn’t dare speak my mind. The sight of his riding crop, still on the ground where he’d dropped it before taking me, made me think twice about doing anything that might incite another flare of his temper.


I pulled on my clothes as fast as I could, a growing sense of annoyance replacing the blissful state I’d just emerged from. Why couldn’t he just tell me what was going on? I watched him pace impatiently back and forth while I struggled with the clasps on my stockings. Finally, he broke the silence, his words coming out in clipped tones. “We’ve no time to waste,” he said. “Hurry up.”


I couldn’t stay silent any longer. I had to say something. “What’s going on? Where are we going?” I asked, but he didn’t answer, choosing instead to continue his pacing around the room. I kept watching him, shaking my head in astonishment, but he didn’t break his stride. I was really annoyed now, and for whatever reason, his damn pacing was the last straw.


That’s it,
I thought. I put my hands on my hips. “You know, I may have signed a contract, but I still think I deserve to know what’s going on.”


He whirled to face me, his furious eyes ablaze. I held my ground, staring back into his eyes.


“No,” he said, “you don’t. You don’t deserve to know anything I don’t want to tell you. The contract doesn’t say a
about that.”


“Well, screw the damn contract,” I shot back. “Now, I don’t know whether you realize this, but like it or not, this is a relationship – and not just one of your business relationships, either. I deserve to be treated with some respect. You can’t just keep me in the dark forever, and expect me to come running at your every beck and call. I’m free to leave at any time, you said it yourself.” Even as I finished speaking, I regretted letting my anger get the better of me.
, I thought.
Now I’m the one with the flaring temper.
I hoped I hadn’t gone too far.


He walked directly towards me, picking up the riding crop as he did so. “Don’t make me use this on you, Candace. You know I will.” But even though he appeared to be threatening me, the tone of his voice made it clear to me he wouldn’t do it. His anger seemed misplaced, or forced somehow. Something was just…
I got the feeling he was worried about something.


“What’s wrong?” I asked, approaching him and looking up into his eyes. I grabbed his arm tenderly, feeling the unyielding muscle underneath his shirt. “You’re so tense,” I said with surprise. Suddenly, I felt very protective over this man, this complicated man whose mind was still a mystery to me. I didn’t want to press him any more; I didn’t want to fight. “It’s all right,” I said. “You don’t have to tell me.”


He grimaced, seeming to understand that I only wanted to help him. “Candace…” he began, but trailed off. He put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes, wearing that same quizzical smile he’d had when I’d gotten out of the car that morning.


He took a long, deep breath, sighing deeply. “…Some stones are better left unturned,” he said finally. “We’ll leave it at that, for now.”

I nodded thoughtfully. “I can accept that.”


He smiled. “Good. But if you
know, we are in fact in a rush. We’ve got a dinner party to attend tonight – in Manhattan. And it starts in half an hour.”


“Half an hour!?” I cried, suddenly panicked. “Are you crazy? We’ll never make it in time. It took longer than that just to drive here this morning.”


He chuckled. “Oh, we’re not driving.”


He walked over to the nearest window and pulled away the drapes. Outside, I saw a helicopter in the distance, sitting on the tarmac across the lawn. I let out a low whistle. “Well, color
impressed,” I said with a grin. “All right, let me just grab my coat, then, and I’ll be ready to go.”


I started to walk towards the door, but he grabbed my arm as I turned away. “Wait.” He pulled me back towards him, and planted a tender kiss on my lips before I had time to speak. He drew me into his arms for an embrace as we kissed; he’d never done
before, I realized.
He must
be worried about something,
I thought to myself.


But whatever was on his mind, it would remain with him for now, until the time – if and when – he wanted to share the details of his problems. He was right, I knew: some stones are better left unturned. And after what I’d learned that morning about his childhood, I knew Mr. Stevens had a few dark corners lurking in his past. There was a lot I didn’t know about him. Hell, I didn’t even know where we were going to dinner – but as I walked back to my bedroom, I realized it didn’t really matter. As crazy as this whole situation was, beneath it all I was falling for this man. And though he probably wouldn’t admit it, I knew he had strong feelings for me too. And if we had that going for us, how much did anything else really matter?


As I entered my bedroom, I caught another glance of myself in the mirror. I looked… glamorous. Excited. And more than anything,
I smiled at my reflection, allowing myself to pause for just a second before moving on. I grabbed a dark gray pea coat out of the closet and ran back out to the hallway, flicking off the light before closing the door. Mr. Stevens was waiting for me, and I couldn’t wait for the night to begin.


But as I got closer to his room, I heard his voice booming from within it – and he sounded angry. Was he talking to someone in the room, or was he on the phone? I slowed my steps to try and hear him better, even though I knew I probably shouldn’t.


“…Absolutely not!” he shouted. His voice had all the rage he’d kept in check with me just a moment ago. Whoever was on the receiving end of this tirade couldn’t have been enjoying this chewing-out.


“She stays with me,” he continued. “That’s non-negotiable.”


I stopped in my tracks, staring in utter disbelief.
Was he talking about me?
I crept closer to the door, almost scared to hear more, but knowing that I now needed to find out what was going on.


But that was all I’d get to hear for the moment. “We are
talking about this for now,” he said. “She’ll be here any minute. My time is up. I’ll see you at the party, we’ll discuss it there.” So he
on the phone. My nerves were on fire, and all the hairs on my neck were standing up. I crouched outside the door like that, my chest heaving, trying to collect my thoughts.

BOOK: Serving Mr. Stevens, Part Two: Lover's Complaint -- An Erotic Romance (Part 2 of 5)
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