Read Set Me Free Online

Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #romance, #young adult, #conspiracy fiction, #suspense action, #mystery action suspense thriller

Set Me Free (20 page)

BOOK: Set Me Free
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"So I guess I just want you to know that if you're about to say goodbye, no matter where you run to, I'm gonna think about you and no matter who I end up with, I'll always wonder where you are." He met my awestruck gaze with a tender smile. "You'll stay with me forever, Lucy, because...well, I love you."

Tears were lining my lashes as I pushed off the ground and stepped towards him. My lips were trembling so much I could barely form a smile. Stepping into his space, I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered, "I love you too. And I don't want to leave you."

His arms, which had slowly snaked around my back suddenly squeezed tight, hope strengthening his grip.

"If you're not beside me I'm thinking about you. I just want to be with you." I pulled back so I could look at his face. My hands rested on his cheeks, his rough stubble grazing my palms. "I know I'm stupid and slow and I have the role of scaredy-cat perfected." I grinned and sniffed at my tears. "It's just the risks are so high, you know. I can't seem to get over my fear of what might happen. But when I was making my way back here to get my stuff, I couldn't stop imagining what it would be like to leave you. Zach, it'd kill me. And I know that sounds dramatic, but what's the point of fighting for a life I don't want. Tenner has taken everything from me and I don't want him to take you as well. But if I leave, that's exactly what he's doing.

"Our plan tonight is not flawless, but it's a plan. It's a chance. So I'm here and I swear I'm not going to run again. No matter what happens tonight. I won't leave you. I'll do whatever it takes to stay, even if that means telling your friends."

His smile was dream like, so filled with gratitude his eyes were practically shining.

"Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you for staying." His hand cupped the back of my head, pushing me towards him. Our lips crushed together, our tongues finding each other easily. I ran my fingers into his hair, pressing my body against his. I couldn't get close enough as I lost myself in the kiss. I wanted to cling to him forever, freeze time and never look back...or forward. I just wanted to be.

But I couldn't just be until this was over...which meant we had work to do.

As delectable as his tongue felt, I forced myself to pull back. The way my limbs were tingling made it hard to think straight. I let out a breathy laugh, pressing my nose into his cheek and closing my eyes. I couldn't let his delicious scent and strong muscles undo me now. I had to focus.

Kissing him on the cheek, I wriggled out of his embrace and stood back.

"So, are you still up for tonight?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Are you?" He cocked his head.

My nose crinkled, but I nodded. I could do this. It was the thing I knew all along, but wanted to deny. Thanks to Shorty's training and Marlin's tricks, I could pull this off. Now all I had to worry about was keeping my boyfriend safe in the process.

Unable to control myself, I stepped back into his arms, pressing my forehead against his. Lightly gripping the back of his neck, I looked into his steady gaze. "Promise me you'll do everything I say."

"You have my word."

"Okay, so for the sake of everyone else, let's go and quietly do this thing. If it all goes bad then it'll just be the two of us."

He squeezed my waist. "At least we'll be together."

His cute grin forced a smile out of me.

He loved me.

Part of me couldn't quite believe it. I hadn't been truly loved by someone since my parents died...well, maybe Marlin and possibly Shorty, but this was different. Zach loved me and it was a different kind of love...something I'd never experienced before.

The way he told me, the desperate tone of his voice, the way he studied me, the way he touched made my heart sing. He loved me. And because I loved him, I was going to make tonight work.

I bit the corner of my mouth. "Are there any good dress shops in Danville?"

"What kind of dress are you looking for?"

My eyebrow arched as a smile teased my lips. Zach's hands clenched my waist as he read my expression. He drew in a sharp breath through his nose and grinned. "Let's go."


Chapter 23





The music was already thumping down the Tenner's driveway. Zach stood on the sidewalk with Lucy, his heart pulsing in time with the beat. It was hammering through his head as nerves got the better of him. Jiggling his wrists, he pulled his shirt and tried to get comfortable. Lucy had forced him into clothes he'd never usually wear - a pair of tight jeans that hugged his butt and a dark shirt that she said accentuated his muscles. He'd never been able to compete with the jocks at school, I mean sure, he swam, but he was lean. The idea of him even having muscles to accentuate seemed ludicrous, but the way Lucy's eyes traveled over him when he came down the stairs, ready to go, told him there must be a little something there.

She'd cleared her throat and looked flustered, but Zach had barely noticed. How could he when she was standing there dolled up in a short red dress that only just covered her ass? She might be skinny, but this dress highlighted every little curve she had and they looked perfect on display in the sequin number that strapped behind her neck, leaving her back bare. She'd pinned her hair up too, which only made it worse...better. Zach nearly fell down the last few steps when he caught a glimpse of the plunging neckline and her cleavage.

"How do I look?" She ran her hand down her dress.

"Edible," he whispered.

"Perfect." She grinned, reaching for the doorknob.

Before he could think better of it, he grabbed her arm and swung her back around, kissing her with an unleashed passion. Pushing her against the door, he pressed himself against her so she could feel how much she was affecting him. She crumbled into him, letting out a soft moan that fueled his own desire. He nearly said, "Let's forget the party." But then he remembered why they were going in the first place and forced himself to step away. Her eyes were on fire as she gazed at him, her skin glowing. If she could have had him now, she would have. The very idea made his skin tingle, fervor spiking through him.

Confessing their love for each other just made him want her that much more and it was obvious the feeling was mutual.

"We should go." It was an effort to get the words out.

"Yeah." She nodded, her gaze still lit with passion.

They didn't say another word as they got into the car and it wasn't until they neared the bridge that Lucy seemed to find her sense and reeled off party details.

And now they were here, about to embark on the most dangerous thing Zach had ever done. He took in a quick breath as Lucy reached for his hand.

"So remember, it's Sasha and you're Denim." He cringed, not loving the name, but he guessed it was kind of cool. He just didn't feel very much like a Denim. "You're cool and aloof," Lucy continued. "You don't care about me that much, but you don't necessarily want me openly cheating on you at a party." She turned to whisper in his ear, pressing against him as if she were already a little drunk. "Once you see me go, you have to follow quickly so you know where we are. I need you in that room to knock him out before things go too far."

"I'll be there." He promised, squeezing her side probably a little too hard.

"Don't stress about that. I have to let him kiss me, but he's not getting under this dress. Please, trust me." She pulled him into the shadows of the front yard. "I'm not going in there until you tell me you can."

"I can do this." He confirmed in a clipped tone.

"I'm talking about you trusting me."

He swooped in with a solid kiss, snatching her to him. "I trust you," he whispered, pressing his forehead against hers. "Now let's get this over with."

The moonlight let him glimpse her open eyes as she gave him one last look of admiration before becoming Sasha. She pushed him away with a bored frown and swayed passed him.

She swanned through the door looking as if she owned the place. The party was a mix of high school students. It was obvious Billy was all out to impress his peers. None of them seemed to care too much about their host, they were just there for a good time.

Zach tried to act cool and aloof as Lucy pulled him through the crowd smirking at the guys and eyeing up the girls like competition. She pressed her lips against his ear.

"Billy's by the window over there. Let's grab some drinks and we'll approach as a couple, but then I need you to lose interest and start chatting up the girl to his left."

Zach swallowed, not sure how he was supposed to do that. He wasn't exactly a stud.

"Trust yourself. You look hot, Denim. Just act like the jocks at Monte Vista High and go for it."

He grinned, her faith in him a major confidence booster. Zach let her lead the way, sauntering after her as if he'd been to far better parties in his lifetime.

"Hey, Billy." Lucy crooned, holding out a beer.

He spun at the sound of his name, his expression lighting like a beacon as he drank in her sexy form. He downed the last of his bottle and handed it to the girl beside him before stepping towards Lucy with a leering smile. Taking the drink from her hand, he pressed it to his lips and took a swig before saying, "You ready to tell me your name yet?"

She giggled and bit her lip, looking hungry. "Maybe," she whispered leaning towards him, "it could be our little secret." Her dancing blue eyes suddenly jerked towards Zach and she looked a little miffed he was standing right there.

He gave her a sardonic glare as if challenging her that two could play at this game. With a cocky smile he turned to the blonde girl at their left and introduced himself.

She gave him a slightly awestruck smile as he leaned over her and asked her name. Her tittering giggle was annoying and it was really hard to concentrate when he couldn't stop watching Lucy out of the corner of his eye. The blonde girl was harping on about the summer camp she was leaving for after Fourth of July, but all Zach could focus on was Lucy's hand. Her fingers were on Billy's arm as she whispered something in his ear. His eyes grew wide with pleasure before looking across at Zach. His thumb flicked Zach's way as he asked her a question, but she just shrugged and tipped her head as if she didn't care.

Billy chuckled, gliding his arm around Lucy's waist.

Zach felt sick. She was way too damn good at this. He almost believed her when she threw one more scornful look over her shoulder as Billy guided her out of the room.



Chapter 24





I wanted Zach to hurry up and follow us as Billy dragged me through the party. I was squished against his side, feigning that it was a turn on. The little squirt of a kid was good looking, sure, but he was so arrogant and cocky it actually repulsed me. He had nothing on my Zach.

I paused at the bottom of the stairs, trying to buy some time and give Zach a chance to see which way we were going.

"So, where you taking me, Billy?"

"Well, mystery girl, I want to know your name and since you're so determined to keep it a secret, I thought we'd go somewhere really private."

BOOK: Set Me Free
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