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Authors: Christine d'Abo

Sexcapades (4 page)

BOOK: Sexcapades
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Cocking an eyebrow, Darcy lowered himself so he hovered a few inches above her. His cock brushed against her clit as he gave an experimental thrust forward. “Tell me if there’s something you don’t like.”

Petra snorted. “You’re too slow.”

“Really?” With one steady push forward, he fully impaled himself in her. Petra gasped and her eyes widened. “Fast enough for you?”

Her frantic nods were followed by a breathless “More.”

Darcy slid an arm under her neck, giving him stability while keeping her as close as possible. Trailing his free hand down her side, he stopped when he reached her hip.

“You really are beautiful.” With another thrust, he welcomed the twin feelings of comfort and desire that heated his body.

Petra turned her head and sucked hard on his biceps as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. The change in position allowed him to slip even deeper into her pussy and within moments they found the perfect rhythm. He tangled his fingers in her hair, stroking her neck with his thumb. With her face turned away, he took advantage of the expanse of her neck, licking and nipping the soft skin, doing his best to memorize every inch of her.

Her body started to shake once more. She wasn’t far from her second orgasm. Releasing her hip, he curled his hand around her shoulder. The shift now had him covering every inch of her skin. Their sweat mingled, the slide of their bodies even more erotic than before.

Darcy cataloged her every gasp and moan, relishing the feeling of her body squeezing his as she silently encouraged him to move harder, faster. Everything would be perfect if they were kissing.

The brush of her lips against his was electric. Gone was the light flirtation from before, the gentle teasing, and in its stead was the full force of Petra’s desire. Her mouth was demanding as she sucked on his lips until he fully opened to her. Her tongue explored his, mapping out the sensitive skin. The kiss grew sloppy as she began to moan louder and her nails clawed his back.

“Darcy.” She arched into the mattress, grinding down on his cock and crying out as her second orgasm hit.

It was too much. Squeezing his eyes shut, he pressed his face into the crook of her neck, gave two more thrusts and shuddered through his release. Strong arms held him tight through the aftershocks and gentle kisses peppered his cheek.

When he finally came back to his senses, Darcy slid away to make short work of the used condom, then pulled Petra tight against his side once he reclaimed his position in bed.

“Well now,” he muttered, fighting off the lulling effects of fantastic sex. “You’re really something.”

Petra’s chuckle barely covered a yawn. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

“Give me a few and I’ll be more than willing to offer a repeat performance.”

“Cocky.” She nipped at his nipple. “I like that. You’re not rich by chance? That would make you perfect.”

He stiffened without thinking. No, it was only a joke. She didn’t strike him as the gold-digging type.

“I’m glad you do. I was scared tonight was going to be a complete waste. I’ve met most of the nominees before and I can’t say they’re my usual crowd.”

Turning his head, he looked down at Petra. “I meant to ask you what site you’re with.”

Petra’s eyes were closed and she’d drifted off into a light sleep. Darcy brushed her bangs from her eyes. There’d be time to talk later. Maybe he should get some sleep too, and wake her up before their four hours were over and she called her friend.

Besides, he was determined to have a round two.

Chapter Four

Ladies, don’t forget that a man can be charming when he’s trying to get into your panties. That doesn’t mean he’ll be the same the next morning. A vibrator is less of a pain in the ass.


sex advice for women

vibrator won’t buy you coffee in the morning.

—D. Williams,

advice for REAL men

Petra bolted upright in bed, wondering why she wasn’t wearing her pajamas. After a few blinks the evening came back to her in a rush. She’d been at the party and she’d met Darcy. She remembered laughing with him before falling into bed for the best sex
of her life
. Sexy, funny and sweet Darcy.

So where was he?

She slid from bed when she realized it wasn’t rain she heard, but the water running in the bathroom. A quick glance at the clock told her it was nearly nine-thirty, which left her an hour and a half before she had to check in with Alice. Plenty of time to surprise Darcy in the shower.

She’d done a blog post on shower sex a few months ago, but it had been pure research. She’d had so few serious relationships that the opportunity for something like this hadn’t come up. Sean certainly hadn’t been into anything beyond missionary sex, and even that he’d been hypercritical of.

No, that asshole didn’t deserve a single thought. Especially not when she had a prime piece of man, wet
man, in the next room. She couldn’t even compare the two.

A dull thud echoed, followed by Darcy muttering something. The words were drowned out, but he’d clearly dropped something. Soap maybe. As he was running his hands over his wet skin and taut muscles. Maybe scrubbing his fingers through his pubic hair...

Petra was standing outside the bathroom door. Could she really do it? Another lesson, a practical application to her sex advice to see how close to the mark she’d gotten?

She opened the door. The moist air clung to every surface in the bathroom. Heated vapor clung to her skin, making her nipples hard, and gathered on her eyelashes. Darcy’s shadow moved behind the fogged-up glass door, but he was fairly silent as he scrubbed himself down. Shit, how did a girl go about instigating shower sex with a one-night stand?

Just do it.

Petra poked her head around the door in time to see Darcy lean over, his more than perfect ass wiggling in front of her. Well shit, if she didn’t have reason before to get in, there was her incentive. Without a word she slipped into, carefully positioning herself behind him.

“Pass me the soap.” Her voice was loud in the enclosed space.

Darcy half turned to look at her, a smile playing on his lips. “Nice of you to join me.”

“I’d hate to waste what little time we had left. Besides, I’ve always wanted to have shower sex.”

Darcy was a tall man. She hadn’t been intimidated by him in their brief few encounters. But with the small space, the warm water, and what felt like miles of skin, Petra’s nerves kicked in at full force. Darcy smiled and handed her the too small bar of soap.


Her hair was a disaster. The previously beautiful up-do was nothing more than a mess of loops and curls. With a little careful shuffling, Petra found herself under the spray. It only took a minute for her hair to be soaked.

“Turn around.” Darcy’s voice had grown husky, showing his arousal as much as the erection that now dug into her hip did.

With the water beating down on her chest, Petra was forced to close her eyes to keep it from blinding her. The unexpected bonus was the inability to see what Darcy was about to do. She jumped at the first press of his fingers against her scalp. He continued to massage the shampoo into her hair, digging into muscles she hadn’t realized were sore.

“I love having a woman in the shower with me.” His words vibrated against her ear as he spoke. “You’re so soft, smell so good.” He shifted close enough that she could feel his hard cock rub against her ass. “Your skin is slick. Turn around for a rinse.”

Petra gave her head a shake to break herself out of the spell she’d slipped under. Moving, right. He helped her spin around, going so far as to step against her so he could ensure the soap was gone from her hair. One hand came around her waist to hold her secure while the other teased and massaged her head.

She was bent back so her pussy pressed against his cock. Moaning, she widened her stance. She opened her eyes and peeked at him through the bouncing water. If she’d thought he looked turned-on last night, seeing him now corrected that opinion. Darcy’s eyes were hooded, and his lips parted as his gaze roamed across her face and chest. When he finally met her gaze, the smirk she now associated with him wasn’t present. Instead she was faced with a look of primal hunger that had her ready to drop to her knees.

“I want to fuck you.” He tightened his fingers in her hair, and the little shiver of pain had her pussy tighten. “I want you to suck me.”

Petra groaned before acting on impulse and dropping to her knees. He didn’t release his hold on her hair, instead gathering up the rest of it and drawing it away from her face.

Darcy was a well-proportioned man. His bobbing erection seemed more impressive now that it was wet and half an inch from her face. Petra tried to remember the pointers on shower sex from her blog post, but they all went out the window when she leaned in and ran her tongue up the length of his shaft.

“Fuck, that feels good.”

Rising up on her knees as much as she was able, she sucked and licked her way down his cock. When she lightly scraped her teeth along the underside of his head, Darcy tightened his hold and bucked his hips, driving his cock so far down her throat she nearly choked. God, she loved this.

“Up. Please.”

He helped her get to her feet and the next thing she knew he was kissing her hard. His fingers found her breasts and once again he was pinching her nipples, the little rushes of pain turning her on.

“You like that, eh?” He nipped at her neck. “Do you like to play rough, Pet? Does that website you and your friend read tell you about the joys of hard sex?”


But he didn’t give her a chance to answer. Darcy bent down and sucked her nipple into his mouth as he took his cock in his hand and began to rub the head against her clit. He flicked his tongue in time with the rubbing and within a matter of seconds, Petra’s arousal skyrocketed.

“We need a condom.” Her whispered words barely rose above the noise of the shower.

“Not stopping.”

“Thought you wanted to fuck me?”

“I do. Still not stopping.”

Darcy continued to press his cock against her clit. The motion was eased by the flow of water, making their skin slick and the rivulets tickling her sensitive spots as they ran. Shit, she wasn’t going to last long at all. Digging her fingers into his shoulder for support, Petra let her eyes fall closed once again and enjoyed the sensations as they rushed through her.

There it was, that spark of pleasure that had eluded her so many times with the men she’d been with in the past. How was it that this man was able to fire her blood, turn her into a wannabe slut with little more than a sure touch and a few seductive words?

The rest of those thoughts evaporated as her legs began to shake. The pressure at the base of her spine worked its way through her. Darcy moved his mouth to her other breast and began to moan as he increased the pressure. “Come for me, baby. Do it.”

Like an explosion, the rush of pleasure tore through her at lightning speed until there wasn’t a part of her not burning for him. Petra cried out, clinging to Darcy as the waves of her orgasm took over what little control she had on her body.

One moment she was trying to regain her head, the next Darcy was shutting off the water and throwing her over his shoulder.

“What the hell!”

“Condoms are this way.”

Oh yes!

He threw her on the bed, much the same way he’d done when they arrived earlier, before grabbing a second condom from his wallet. “That’s all I have. I need to restock.”

“I’m glad you had even that.”

“If I thought we had more time, I’d run to the pharmacy in the lobby and get more.”

Petra opened her legs wide and bucked her hips. “One step at a time.”

She’d never seen a man move so fast in her life. The condom was on his cock and he was kneeling on the bed in a blink. Reaching down, he gave her hip a tap.

“Hands and knees, if you don’t mind.”

Doggy style. Interesting.

Strands of wet hair stuck to her face and shoulders as she shifted into the requested position. She’d done this once before but hadn’t gotten off in that position. Not that she was about to stop him. She’d already had three amazing orgasms tonight, two more than she’d ever been capable of with any man before. That certainly deserved giving Darcy whatever reward he wanted.

His hands grabbed her hips, his fingers squeezing into the skin enough to show the strength of his desire. Petra had pulled her legs together so he’d be able to find her pussy easily, but before she realized what he was doing, he’d rearranged her so her thighs were spread wide and he was kneeling between them.

“I want you opened up for me.” He ran a hand along her ass. “I want you to be able to feel me deep inside.”

His first thrust was sure and deep, filling Petra completely. Darcy held himself still for a moment as he sucked in a shaky breath. She’d never felt this type of connection with another person before, an immediate sexual charge that sparked every piece of her. Her anticipation was thick as he shifted his grip on her once more, pulled his hips back and slammed back into her.
Holy shit.

“Christ, you’re perfect.”

Whether from his praise, or simply because he was amazing in bed, Petra’s cunt contracted around his shaft and she damn near came—which in itself should have been impossible.

Darcy set a firm but steady pace. Each thrust into her sent her breasts swaying, her nipples going hard. God, at this rate she’d pass out from the amount of pleasure he gave her.

Petra shifted her weight so she could press her fingers against her clit. Timing herself with each of his thrusts, she tried to coax another orgasm out. Darcy groaned when with her thumb, she extended back and brushed her nail over his balls.

“Yeah, do that again.”

She focused on teasing Darcy as much as possible. Using the tips of her nails, she scratched up the inside of his thighs and across his sac. His reaction was instantaneous, as Darcy bucked even harder into her. She’d grown so wet she could feel her arousal coating her pussy, easing his way.

Darcy pressed against her back to nip at her ear. “You wanna come again? Think I can make you?”

“Yes. God, yes.”

“Both hands on the bed. Close your eyes.”

She’d barely complied when he moved his hand between her legs to take over teasing her clit. The pads of his fingers were larger than hers and able to caress more of her at once. His experience at pleasuring women was apparent as he easily stoked her body to her flashpoint. So damn close and yet, not quite. Whether he sensed her barrier, or if he simply wanted a change of position, Petra gasped when he pulled back so he was sitting on his feet, and took her along with him.

They were facing the dresser and the mirror above it. Petra was able to see herself—legs spread wide, Darcy’s hand circling her clit, her breasts flushed with arousal and her nipples hard. Her damp hair was a disaster and if she’d been anywhere near her right mind, she would have run screaming to the bathroom to hide. Thankfully, her sanity had been checked at the door.

“You look so fucking hot. Just like you do every time I see you at that coffee shop. I’ve wanted to bend you over and take you from the moment I laid eyes on you.”

Petra wanted to close her eyes against the raw sexual arousal she saw reflected back at her. She wanted to, and yet she couldn’t look away from the hunger she saw in Darcy’s gaze.

He wanted her. Really, honestly and truly wanted

Petra’s fourth orgasm of the night stole her voice. All she could manage was an open mouth and a silent scream as the pleasure consumed her. Every inch of her skin felt supercharged, letting her feel more than she’d ever thought possible. She was selfish, craving everything Darcy could give her and more. Reaching up, she locked her hands behind his head and started to meet his every thrust.

“Please,” she begged in little more than a whisper. “Please.”

Darcy lowered his face to her neck and bit down. Whoa, she wasn’t expecting that. The pain mixed with her pleasure, amplifying it in a way she didn’t think possible. God, it was a whole different type of seduction, one she’d only imagined before now. She wanted more, needed more even as he groaned and came into her.


They only lasted another minute before falling in a tangled heap to the mattress. Neither of them spoke, and the only sound that filled the room for a long time was their ragged breathing.

Petra must have drifted off again, because when she opened her eyes it was only a few minutes to eleven o’clock. God, she should crawl under the covers and go to sleep. Darcy wouldn’t mind. Maybe they could even have morning sex...

Shit! Eleven o’clock!

Careful not to wake a lightly snoring Darcy, Petra crept around the room, gathering her belongings. She had to get out of here and call Alice before her friend called out the search party. Petra had managed to pull her hair into a bun that didn’t make her look like she’d been fucking in the shower, and cast one last glance at the man in the bed.

Damn, he’d been amazing.

Why couldn’t she find someone like this to have an actual relationship with, rather than a one-night stand?

She didn’t know if he’d be pissed at her for leaving without saying goodbye. Screw it. She’d apologize tomorrow when she saw him. The nominees were having a quick round of interviews before the voting started. She’d track Darcy down once she was done with her category stuff. Maybe she could buy him a coffee...

BOOK: Sexcapades
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