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Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

Sexual Healing for Three

BOOK: Sexual Healing for Three
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The Matchmaker 5

Gracie C. McKeever


Siren Publishing, Inc.


IMPRINT: Menage Amour

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Copyright © 2009 by Gracie C. McKeever

E-book ISBN: 1-60601-288-6

First E-book Publication: January 2009

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

All cover art and logo copyright © 2009 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


Siren Publishing, Inc.


For Thomas…Thank you for all your great ideas and generosity.

They’re always appreciated.

Sexual Healing for Three

The Matchmaker 5


Copyright © 2009


ER, Belfiore Hospital, Bronx, New York, Current Day
Invisible as air, Donna Vega glided through the white sanitized room, weaving around the people surrounding and frantically working on a body lying motionless on a stretcher.

Her body.

Oh crap.

Was she unconscious or dead?

Curious, she sidled closer to the action and peeked over several heads and shoulders. She finally recognized the man at the center of the action inserting a chest tube as a nurse busied herself cutting off the balance of Donna’s blood-stained clothes.


His name slipped out of her mouth just above a whisper, but it still surprised her when he looked up from what he was doing to stare directly at her, frowning as if he could see her.

“Dr. Novak?”

Chance blinked and shook his head at the nurse’s question, then went back to work tending to Donna’s various injuries.


Gracie C. McKeever

She’d watched him work in the past, numerous times, his lean, tanned fingers quick and efficient, steady and sure. But now she knew what it felt like to experience his touch under optimal circumstances.

She had experienced the slow, tender passion of a man who knew how and was more than willing to please a woman and not just the cool, impersonal touch of a medical professional obligated to patch a battered woman up.

Donna closed her eyes and swallowed hard, wondered if she would feel Chance’s intimate, sensual touch again. She certainly couldn’t feel it now, and his hands were all over her, not as steady and sure as usual, but performing all sorts of medical procedures on her in the name of diagnosing and stabilizing her condition.

She caught several terms that alarmed her, the least of which was

“extensive internal injuries and bleeding.”

Donna perked up her ears and watched as another man clad in scrubs breezed into the room and rubbed his hands together as if preparing for a tasty banquet. “Someone call for a surgery consult?”

Surgery? Oh no.

She wanted to stick her fingers in her ears to keep from hearing just what kind of shape she was in. From what she could make of the laundry list of damages Chance ran down—broken ribs, tension pneumothorax, possible blunt liver trauma, and varied lacerations, contusions, and a concussion—she didn’t sound like she was doing too well.

And the hell of it was she couldn’t remember what had happened to her.

The last thing she did remember was…what? Damn, her memory was so foggy.

“Definitely a candidate for surgery,” the new arrival said. “At the very least, we’ll need to do a peritoneal lavage to evaluate—”

“There’s no indication for surgery, not without a CT scan, Davis.

Surgical literature—”

Sexual Healing for Three


“You can’t count on the bleeding to stop before exploration.

That’s too risk—”

“Damn it, I’m not cutting her open!”

“You’re right. You’re not, Novak,” Davis whispered, put his hand on Chance’s arm, and squeezed. “You’re too close to this case, too close to this patient. You need to recuse yourself.”

Chance jerked away, and Donna didn’t think she had ever seen him looking as uncertain and…Crap, he was scared. She
in bad shape if Chance, a man who could heal the sick and injured with just a touch, like Christ, was scared.

“I know what I’m talking about, Davis. We need to go with conservative treat—”

“She’s going into arrest!”

Donna turned her focus from the two men debating to the other doctors and nurses jumping into action and preparing to apply an electric shock to her body.

How many times had she watched this same scene played out on her favorite television shows and movies? How many times had there been a negative outcome? But at least in the movies, the actor got up after the director yelled, “Cut!” none the worse for wear.

The only
in this scenario would be into her if Davis-the-surgeon had anything to say about it. And she sincerely hoped that he didn’t.


Donna watched her body violently buck off the stretcher when Chance applied the paddles to her chest, then listened to the piercing sound of her heart continuing to flatline.

This isn’t happening! I can’t be dying. I’ve only just discovered
love. I’ve only just discovered how beautiful and wonderful it can be.

I’ve only just discovered how right and normal it is to have two men
to call my own.

Maybe that was it. Despite what Angela had said about her having two soul mates and
there being nothing wrong with her indulging her 8

Gracie C. McKeever

desires with both Chance and Russ, God was punishing her now for being too greedy, for taking more than her fair share and depriving other women of enjoying the same perfect affection and union she had discovered so late in life.

I discovered them too late.

it too late for her? Was it too late for them?

Donna listened to the shrill sound signaling her life in limbo, felt a sudden pull, warm and comforting, as a tunnel emitting a bright, shimmering glow opened to her right

The light was
? Was this really happening to
die-hard cynic, nonconformist, and man-eater supreme Donna Vega, going to meet her maker in such a conventional, lame manner?

“It is not yet your time.”

“Then what’s all this?”

“You need to come to terms with the path I have chosen for you.”

“Chance and Russ?”

“I do not blithely bestow gifts. Come to me now and we will put
things to right.”

Every story she’d ever heard about the bright light told her the opposite of what the deep voice was telling her. All logic told her not to go into the light.

But His voice was so serene and soothing. She needed that now, needed His strength, needed the peace and tranquility He was offering. She was so tired of fighting.

“Come, child.”

Donna gazed longingly at her body and the scrub-clad people desperately trying to save her life. She didn’t want to let them down.

She didn’t want to leave Chance. But she didn’t want to disappoint Him either.

She closed her eyes and reached her hand out to the iridescent figure before her.

Angela would be so proud of her for taking such a leap of faith.

Sexual Healing for Three


Donna said a prayer as the piercing sound of her flatlining heart followed her down the long passageway toward His arms.

* * * *

An abnormally busy morning in the ER had depleted him. A gunshot wound, a stabbing, a couple of asthma attacks, a drug overdose, a heart attack, a stroke, a tour-bus-meets-van-driven-by-a-drunk-driver, plus the regular sniffles, lacerations, aches, and pains all added up to Chance being too exhausted to help the most important patient in the world to him.

It was his mother all over again. He hadn’t been able to save her either.

“Doctor, she’s been down for twenty minutes.”

He didn’t give a damn. He wasn’t giving up on her until there was nothing left in him to give. He still had a little energy left. He just had to find a way to channel it, to bring Donna back.


He felt Davis’s hand on his shoulder again and pictured the man’s gloved hands cutting into Donna’s precious body and invading her vital organs.

Chance took a deep breath, tilted back his head, and that’s when he saw it—Donna’s apparition floating above them, reaching for a pair of glowing hands. “No!”

She flinched and glanced back over her shoulder, her mouth open in a little
of surprise, as if she hadn’t expected anyone to see her.

“You can’t go. Not like this. I won’t let you.”

“You don’t have a choice, Chance. I have to do this.”

“Dr. Novak?”

He heard the confusion in the nurse’s voice and noticed the furrowed brows of the other residents and nurses as they stood around him waiting.


Gracie C. McKeever

Chance closed his eyes and stepped out of his body, psychic self detaching from his corporeal self as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do. His spirit floated up to where Donna’s hovered between him and the shimmering tunnel, then looked down to where he continued to feverishly work on her body.

Donna gasped when he reached out to grasp her hand.

He understood her shock. As gifted as he was, and as accustomed to the strange and unexplainable, he had never experienced this sort of bilocation in his life before, didn’t have as much experience with astral projection as some other Wicca practitioners, though he knew this sort of thing was possible.

But since he had met Donna,
things seemed possible to him, even redemption.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m either going with you or I’m bringing you back.”

Donna shook her head and looked down the tunnel, as if for her cue.

Chance followed her gaze and squinted against the blinding light surrounding the ethereal figure before them. “Please…” His voice broke, and he swallowed hard to gather himself. “Don’t take her from me.”

“And your brother? What of him?”

Chance didn’t have an answer. He loved Russ, and he loved Donna. He didn’t want to give up either of them.

BOOK: Sexual Healing for Three
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