Read Shameless Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly


BOOK: Shameless
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By Elizabeth Kelly



Copyright 2016 Elizabeth Kelly


This book is the copyrighted property of the author, and may
not be reproduced, scanned or distributed for commercial or non-commercial
purposes.  Quotes used in reviews are the exception.  No alteration of content
is allowed.


Your support and respect for the property of this author is


This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to
persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. 
The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used


Adult Reading Material


Cover art by:  The Final Wrap

Chapter 1




My car dying was the final straw.  As the
engine sputtered and choked and coughed, I steered it to the side of the dark,
silent road, shut it off and rested my forehead on the steering wheel.  The hot
tears slid down my cheeks, tears that I had been desperately holding back for
hours, and I let loose with a primal scream of fury and despair that echoed in
the quiet interior of my car.

I screamed until my voice was hoarse, until
the rage and sorrow and utter disbelief that had been crowding my chest finally
dissipated enough for me to take my first deep breath in hours.  Panting
harshly, I banged my fist against the dead car’s dashboard before reaching for
my purse. 

I moaned when I realized I didn’t have my
cell phone.  Of course I didn’t have it.  I had left it at home, determined to
not have anyone interrupt my night of seduction.  I had planned on making
Jordan turn his off as well.  I wanted the night to be perfect and hearing his
damn phone chirping every five minutes wasn’t a part of the perfect night.

I sighed and wiped at the tears still
flowing down my face.  Crying wasn’t going to help.  I needed to get my fat ass
out of this car and back to that bar I had passed a few miles back.  At the
time I hadn’t given it much thought, just a quick glance at the garish neon
sign blinking in the darkness as I had driven past it.  Now, it was my only

If I had been thinking clearly, I might
have decided to wait in my car.  I might have taken my chance with the next
person who drove down that deserted country road.  But my mind was still
reeling and my heart was still breaking, and I wanted nothing more than to be
back in my tiny, lonely house.  I used to hate that house.  I used to dream
nightly that Jordan would invite me to live with him in his perfectly
acceptable townhouse but now – I wanted my home with a desperation born of
panic and a desire to pretend that my entire world hadn’t been blown apart
around me.

Sniffing loudly, I grabbed my purse and my
keys and climbed out of the car.  I slammed the door harder than I needed to
before trudging wearily down the road.  It was cold and I pulled my thin wrap
tightly around my curvy body.  I glanced at my shoes, cursing myself in my
head.  I’d be lucky if I could even walk back to the bar in the damn things. 
They were stilettos and excruciatingly uncomfortable to walk in.  Of course, I
had worn them tonight with the intention of being fucked in them, not walking
in them.

I put my head down and walked faster,
teetering a little on the damn heels before catching my balance.  The cold wind
knifed across my body.  I wasn’t dressed for the weather.  I tugged at my too-short
dress and tried to use the wrap to completely cover my bare arms. 

It was pointless.  The wrap was poor
protection against the wind and I wished bitterly that I was wearing my usual
yoga pants and cardigan.  At least then I’d be warmer.  Of course, one didn’t
seduce their fiancé in yoga pants and a cardigan, did they?  No, they seduced
them with six inch stilettos, stockings, barely-there underwear and the
quintessential little black dress.  At least, I had assumed one did.  After
walking in on what I did, obviously I was mistaken.  Or maybe it wouldn’t have even
mattered.  He might have been alone, taken one look at my chubby body poured
into this ridiculous dress and rejected me like he had so often in the last six
months.  And why wouldn’t he?  He was handsome with a perfect body and a
metabolism that allowed him to eat whatever the fuck he wanted.  My
overly-curvy body, my constant struggle to lose weight, had often been an
annoyance to him. 

It has nothing to do with you, Maddie. 
You know that, right?  He lied to you.  He hid his true self and strung you
along for four fucking years.  You’re better off without him.

A sob escaped my throat and I wiped
savagely at the fresh tears.  I needed to forget about Jordan and his lies and
concentrate on getting home.


* * *


If I hadn’t been so cold, if my feet hadn’t
been blistered and bleeding, I would have kept right on walking past the bar. 
The parking lot was filled with bikes and nothing but bikes, and the building
itself appeared to be on its last legs.  It looked rough and dangerous and
everything I had avoided my entire life but if I didn’t get out of the wind
soon, I really was going to freeze to death.

My entire body trembling from the cold, I
climbed the splintered wooden steps and stared at the giant of a man blocking
the front door.  He was bald with tattoos scattered across his skull and he
looked me up and down as I cleared my throat nervously.

“Um, can I go in?”  I asked quietly.

The man grunted and I squealed anxiously when
he suddenly reached out and touched my dark hair.  He gave me another once-over
before stepping aside and opening the door.

“Entertainment’s here, boys!”  He shouted
and I took a step back when I heard the roars of approval coming from within
the bar.

“Go on, girl.  Ain’t no point in being shy
now.”  The man leered at me before grabbing my arm and nearly shoving me into
the bar.

I stumbled in my heels, reaching out and
grabbing on to the nearest table in a desperate attempt to keep from falling
flat on my face, and breathed a sigh of relief at the warmth of the bar.  I was
anxious to find the ladies room so I could take off my shoes and rub some
warmth back into my frozen toes.  If I was lucky, maybe they’d have some
Band-Aids I could slap on my bleeding blisters.

I glanced up, my face paling at the sight
in front of me.  The place didn’t look like a typical bar.  It had a long
curved bar with a mirror behind it and rows and rows of liquor bottles, and
there were a few pool tables scattered about but there were only a few tables
and most of the seats were torn and sagging couches and dirty overstuffed
armchairs.  But it wasn’t the décor that made my blood run cold.  Other than
the bartender, the entire place was filled with men and only men.  They were
all big and tattooed and absolutely dangerous looking, and every single one of
them was staring at me like I was a glass of water and they were dying of
thirst.  I took a lurching step backward.

“I’m sorry.  I – I think I’m in the wrong

I turned to flee.  I didn’t care how cold I
was or how much further I had to walk.  I had made a terrible mistake coming to
this place.

“Where do you think you’re going, pretty
little bitch?”  A man snagged my arm, pulling me to a stop.

He squeezed my arm tightly as I swallowed
thickly and stared up at him.  He had long blond hair tied back in a ponytail
and he was built like a truck.  He studied me closely for a moment before his
face broke out into a wide grin.

“Only one tonight, boys, but I reckon she’s
got enough meat on her bones to handle us.  Don’t you?”  He shouted.

The men in the room laughed and I pulled
against his grip.  “I’m sorry.  This was a mistake, I don’t – “

“Shut up,” the man said softly.  “We ain’t
paying you to talk.”

He yanked my wrap away before reaching for
my large breast.  Without stopping to consider the consequences, I slapped him
as hard as I could across his face.

His head rocked back and he stared at me in
surprise before touching the blood on his lip.  “You’re going to pay for that,
you stupid bitch.”

He raised his arm and I cringed back. 
Before he could slap me, a hand caught his arm and yanked him away.

“Back the fuck off, Jenkins.  She belongs
to me.”

“The fuck she does, Riley!”  Jenkins said
in disbelief.

“The fuck she doesn’t!”  Riley snapped.

I stared numbly at the man standing next to
Jenkins.  He was a mountain of a man, and even though I was over six feet in my
heels, I still felt short next to him.  He was dressed in jeans and a tight
blue t-shirt.  A black leather vest clung to his broad shoulders and his thick
neck was covered in tattoos.  His dark hair was cut short and my eyes lingered
on the scar that was visible on his left temple.  His nose had obviously been
broken a few times, and he pushed Jenkins back before taking my arm and yanking
me into his embrace.

I had a quick fleeting glance of his dark
blue eyes before his mouth was claiming mine.  He shoved his tongue into my
mouth as his hands gripped my large ass and he pressed my pelvis into his.

He was warm, incredibly warm, and my frozen
body instinctively pressed into him, seeking out his heat like a bee to a
flower.  As his tongue licked and stroked mine, I was shocked to hear my soft
moan and even more surprised at the flicker of lust that lit in my belly.  In
all of my twenty-eight years, I had never once been kissed like this.  I had
never been so utterly and completely owned by a man’s mouth, and my hands
clutched at his broad shoulders as I returned his kiss shamelessly.

He curved his tongue under my upper lip and
sucked hard on it, eliciting another soft moan, before he tore his mouth from
mine.  I stared dazedly at him, not entirely willing to believe that it was his
erection I was feeling against the curve of my belly, and he gave me a warning
look before sighing loudly.

“I told you not to drop by tonight,
kitten.”  There was an edge to his voice as he squeezed my waist, his fingers
digging into my flesh, and I knew instinctively that this man and his claim
that I belonged to him was the only thing that would save me tonight.

“I’m sorry, baby,” I said softly.  “My car
broke down and I didn’t know where else to go.”

He sighed again, giving me an angry look,
before turning to face the others.  He kept his arm around me, pressing me
tightly against him as he waved his hand at the men in the bar.  “Boys, this is
kitten.  Kitten, these are the boys.”

The men stared silently at me and I licked
my lips nervously.  “It’s nice to meet you.”

One of the older men, he had a long dark
beard shot through with streaks of grey, bellowed laughter.  “There ain’t no
way in hell this pretty little filly would ever be seen with your ugly mug,

Riley scowled at him.  “What the fuck is
that supposed to mean?”

“He’s sayin’ you’re ugly, boy.”  Jenkins
clapped him on the back before giving me a once-over.  “And this bitch ain’t
your type.”

“How the fuck would you know what my type
is?”  Riley raised his eyebrows at him.  “And stop looking at her like that or
I’ll rip your fucking eyeballs out of your head.  Got it?”

“Jaysus, boy.”  Jenkins gave him an
exaggerated look of hurt.  “Calm your jets.  I didn’t know she was your woman. 
Fuck, you never talk about her.”

“Maybe because I didn’t want you fucking
leering at her like the goddamn pervert you are.”

He took my hand and led me toward the
door.  “C’mon, kitten.”

“Where do you think you’re going?”  Another
man, he was short with a large beer belly and long white hair, stood up from
one of the couches.

“I’m gonna take my woman home and then I’ll
be back,” Riley said shortly.

“We got business to take care of,” the man
replied softly.

“Yeah, I know.  I won’t be long.”

The man shook his head.  “She can stay.”

“Frank, she doesn’t need to – “

“I said she can stay.  Unless,” Frank
cocked his head at Riley, “she don’t know how to keep her mouth shut.  Do you
trust your little
, Riley?”

I started to tremble.  Riley had stiffened
against me and there was something in the way that Frank was looking at him
that made me extremely nervous.

“I trust her,” Riley replied. 

“Then there ain’t a problem with her
staying,” Frank said coolly.

Without speaking, Riley led me toward one
of the dirty, worn armchairs.  He sat down and pulled me roughly into his lap,
pressing me back against his chest.  My dress had ridden up until the tops of
my stockings were showing and he rested his hand on my large thigh, his fingers
stroking the thin band of flesh that was peeking out from above the stocking.

I pulled on the bottom of my dress, trying
to tug it down and he grunted with disapproval before pushing my hand away. 

“Don’t, kitten.”

The rest of the men were ignoring us now. 
A few of them had returned to playing pool while the others were standing in
small groups, conversing loudly with each other.  Only Frank was still staring
at us and I gave him a nervous look as Riley slipped his other hand under my
long, dark hair and held the back of my neck in a firm grip.

He continued to stroke my smooth thigh and
I pushed down the new bite of lust.  I was in deep trouble and now was not the
time for my libido to rear its ugly head.

“I have to use the bathroom,” I whispered.

He pushed me to my feet before leading me
toward the back of the bar.  I followed him meekly, my hand gripping his
tightly, and I staggered a little when he led me down a dark hallway.  He
glanced back at me, his eyes unreadable in the dim light, before opening a door
on the left. 

BOOK: Shameless
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