Read Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction

Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome (3 page)

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God, they weren’t her damn men. She’d made sure of that.

Chapter 2


Early September, two months ago…


Nestled deep in his arms, Shannon allowed Drew to carry her inside of the apartment she shared with Katie-Anne. The feelings he evoked just by holding her were not wholly physical. Love and contentment flooded her mind and soul while her heart belted out some sappy love song that would make most men’s dicks wither and send them running for the hills.

Drew hypnotized Shannon with his scent, his warmth, and his deep, even breathing. She kept her eyes trained on his handsome face as she memorized it. She admired the long, lean lines and the stubble on his chin while imagining what his short, thick, dirty-blond hair would feel like between her fingers.

His clear blue eyes met hers, and he watched her openly worshiping him. An uncontrollable tremor shook her body, making her want to curse. She didn’t want them to know how much they affected her nor did she want them to know of her lack of experience. How embarrassing would it be if they knew that not only was she a virgin, but she was also completely untouched?

Panic welled inside of her.
What if I’m the worst kisser ever? What if I don’t know what to do when they fuck me? What if I disappoint them?
The what-if scenarios ran rampant in her mind, terrorizing her.

The softest of kisses against her forehead brought her back to her senses and back to the moment. Reality crashed in on her, renewing her will to fight.

She squirmed in Drew’s arms, trying to force him to loosen his grip on her. If she could just get him to let her go, she could push him away. Maybe, if she was lucky, this time it would stick, and they would be safe from her, protected from her horrific past and her oppressive future.

“Munchkin, that isn’t going to work. I’ve got you, and I don’t plan to let you go,” Drew whispered, his lips touching her temple as he kissed her a second time. The airy quality of the kiss was exactly how she imagined the wings of an angel brushing against skin would feel.

Instead of ceasing her movements, she wiggled with fierce desperation, amplifying her force and intensity. “Damn it, Drew. Stop this insanity! Let me the fuck go. We can’t do this.”

The need to cry tore her apart, but she wouldn’t give in to it.
No tears for me. I’m too strong for that. I have to be.

Over Drew’s shoulder, she saw Jared and Randy, who had followed them inside, moving closer.

As usual, Randy looked amused at her predicament. His lips quirked, drawing attention to his deliciously sexy facial hair and distracting her. His scruff was longer than both of his brothers, but not much more than a five-o’clock shadow.

She wondered what the rough bristles would feel like against her lips and, even better, her flesh. Her nipples tightened, begging for the coarse whiskers to graze the sensitized skin.
Do not go there. Don’t even think about it.

Trying to regain control of her spiraling hormones, Shannon focused her attention on Jared. He had a placid expression on his face, but his sky-colored eyes shone with his arousal.

Stalking through the living room, the men were on a direct path to her bedroom, and she knew she had to stop them before they got too much further. “No!”

Startled, Drew stopped abruptly, and Randy rammed into him from behind with an “Ooph.”

“What, munchkin?” Drew’s tender, worried tone made her feel so defenseless, so powerless. How could she respond to that? She felt like a heel throwing out the love of three great men, the men she loved with all her heart.

“I don’t fucking want this. I don’t want you. When are you going to get it through your thick skulls that I’m not your woman? I will never be yours, and you will never be mine. Damn it, let me go!”

Drew dropped her to the ground so suddenly that she staggered before her self-preservation kicked in. Regaining her balance, she could see all of the men had circled around her, making her feel tiny, which was a feat for a voluptuous woman like herself. With their larger-than-life bodies and formidable strength, they always had the power to make her feel pint-sized.

“Prove it,” Randy decreed authoritatively, his jaw like granite.

Taken aback by his command, she inquired testily, “Excuse me?”

Randy’s clenched jaw ticked. “Prove it.”

“Are you crazy?” She suspected that she knew the answer, but her lack of control demanded she ask anyway. He
her the words.

Putting his hands deep inside of his pockets, Randy rocked back on his heels. “Nope.”

The oaf is enjoying this.

Shannon huffed, “Can you answer me in a full sentence?”

“Nope,” Randy replied again.

Shannon bit back the snappy retort in her mind.
Why don’t you stick a piece of straw in your mouth and whistle some obnoxious tune, Randy?

Drew piped up. “Can you stop asking questions you already know the answer to?” His condescending tone only ratcheted her animosity higher. God, she wanted to throttle the three of them, starting with Randy. Then, she would move to Drew before finishing things off with Jared.

Jared. Crap, he hadn’t said anything yet. She was fucked, and she wasn’t so sure that was a bad thing.
Holy guacamole! Where did that thought come from? You can’t think about those kinds of things. Run!

Instead of following her gut instinct, Shannon stood her ground. “Nope,” she snarled at him.

Drew, apparently, didn’t appreciate her irreverence. He stepped forward aggressively with equal parts threat and danger. Instead of fear, she felt exhilarated, and her body immediately responded, begging her to give into the temptation of what they were offering.

Jared’s hand shot out, slapping Drew’s chest and stopping him instantly. “Shannon. Randy gave you an order.”

She fisted her hands at her side to keep from beating the living daylights out of the men and screeched, “Order? What the fuck is wrong with all of you?” The yearning to break their sexy faces, along with everything in sight, churned inside of her. “Now I know you have lost your minds!”

“Nope,” Randy said.

The word barely had time to register before she charged at Randy, “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

She didn’t make it far before Jared grabbed her from behind. He jerked her into his arms, lowering his head, and whispered “wimp” into her ear sensually.

A powerful shudder crashed through her system as he licked the shell of her ear and gifted the sensitive tissue with a sweep of his warm, velvety tongue. She squeaked, “Excuse me,” in spite of the lump forming in the back of her throat.

Drew groaned. “Are we back to that?”

Shannon growled her frustration as Jared’s arms tightened around her, probably to stop her from launching herself at Drew. The need to shed blood clouded her rationality. If Jared loosened his hold even for a millisecond, she would unsheathe her claws and pounce.

“Come on, baby doll,” Randy cajoled. “If you truly don’t want us, you can show us right here and right now.”

Jared shook his head, jarring her body. “No, Randy. She’s too scared.”

She cursed and slammed her foot down on top of Jared’s boot. But he merely laughed at her attempted assault. For the first time in memory, Shannon wished that she had worn a pair of stilettos. The image of crushing a hole in his favorite boots brought a smile to her face.

“If you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have no desire to be with us, we’ll leave you alone permanently,” Drew proposed.

His offer gave her what she wanted most—freedom. Then why the hell did her chest ache at the prospect of being without their attention?
Damn, I’m being selfish. It’s not safe for them. I have to protect them.

“Hell no, I won’t,” Randy disagreed, shaking his head vehemently.

A menacing glower from Drew silenced Randy. “She can’t do it, little brother,” Drew stated with as much conviction as cockiness.

“Mighty sure of yourself, aren’t you?” Shannon taunted Drew furiously, refusing to give in.

“No, munchkin. We just know you.” Overt hunger filled Drew’s face as he searched her body. His piercing azure eyes devoured her, turning her upside down and inside out. A spark lit inside of her, and she locked her legs to keep from jumping him. “And your body.”

Her traitorous body responded, making demands that she couldn’t follow through with. The ache between her legs grew, taunting her with the forbidden.

She just needed them to fuck her—Jared in her pussy, Drew in her ass, and Randy in her mouth. The sexual trinity would bring her to the orgasm of her life. If she behaved, maybe, they would bring her to multiple orgasms of her life.

Mentally, she snorted.

Who was she kidding? These three giants were sex on a stick. They could convert an angel to demon, bring a saint to sin, and drive a sane person to the brink of insanity. Pulling one earth-shaking orgasm after another out of her would be a piece of cake.

A vast flood of moisture inundated her pussy, her juices trickling from between her pussy lips and saturating her satiny panties. Instinctually, she shied away from the sticky wetness, but it didn’t work. Her every movement intensified the gnawing inside of her core.

Drew pointed at her proudly erect nipples and said, “See, Randy.”

“Fine,” she snapped. “I’ll show you just how much I don’t want you.”
I hope.
“Do you like your crow grilled or fried?”
Just in case you need to know, I like mine atop a salad with ranch dressing.

Jared spun her in his arms. “Princess, before this goes any farther, I want to know the truth. Are you really a virgin?”

Drew and Randy shouted simultaneously. Randy’s “What the fuck?” and Drew’s “Holy shit!” sounded harmonious—in a twisted kind of way.

Shannon refused to give them the satisfaction of the truth. “What makes you think that?”

Jared arched his eyebrow at her, his dare for her to lie implicit.

Realizing where he had gotten his embarrassing information, she gritted her teeth and muttered under her breath, “Jaycee. I’m going to fucking kill you.”

“Answer me,” Jared commanded in a masterful voice.

Confession seemed almost as pointless as a denial, so she chose the least revealing. She closed her eyes and mumbled, “Uh-uh.”
Damn, I suck at lying.

“That is a yes, big brother,” Drew said cockily, stating what was obvious to anyone with eyes and ears.

“My god,” Jared breathed, sounding way too awestruck. “She
a virgin.”

Her eyes flew open. “You say that like I have the plague or something.”

“Nah, baby doll,” Randy disagreed, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “You have something all right, but it isn’t the plague.”

“Save me from idiots,” she grumbled.

Drew moved close behind her, trapping her between himself and Jared. With his breath tickling the side of her neck, he commented immodestly, “There’s no saving you now, munchkin.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” she snapped, trying to hold onto a shred of her dignity.

Jared’s blue eyes locked with her hazel ones, and time stood still for a fraction of a second. Then he murmured, “Shut up, Shannon,” and kissed her.

His warm lips brushed back and forth across hers, coaxing her to unlock her lips like a lock to a key. Answering the delicious call between his body and hers, she opened her mouth, silently encouraging him to delve inside.

Jared latched onto her invitation and swooped in. He seized the back of her head, holding her captive as he dominated her mouth. This was a man who had waited patiently for this moment and was going to make up for years in one predatory kiss. He marked his territory, telling everyone that she belonged to him.

His ownership of her mouth should have outraged her. She should be kicking him in the balls rather than grabbing his hips and pulling his crotch tighter to hers. A lusty groan burst free from his mouth, vibrating against her lips, eliciting a groan of her own. Drew’s large, capable hands took hold of her waist, hindering her further.

Distantly, she heard the steady thump of work boots on a hardwood floor. Body heat came into contact with her side as the footsteps halted, and she sighed.

“Munchkin, you want us,” Drew whispered into her ear, his voice sounding low and raspy. “Admit it.”

Before she could blast Drew’s presumptuous conclusion, his
presumptuous conclusion, a merciless bite to her neck stopped her. She jerked at the rush of pleasure caused by Randy’s agonizing bite. Tearing her mouth from Jared’s, despite his possessive clench on her head, she cursed long and loud. “Fuck.”

Drew nipped her ear. “We’re going to have to work on that potty mouth of yours.”

Don’t hold your breath on that one, Studley Do-Right.

“Cocksucker. Motherfucker. Fuck. Bitch. Cunt.” She spoke rapidly, firing off a few of her favorite curse words, knowing she didn’t have long before they would stop her. Just as she’d expected, they quickly united to cut her off. Jared kissed her as Drew cupped her breasts, his thumbs flicking her nipples, and Randy finished her erotic torture with a second wicked bite to her neck.

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