Read Silent Hunters Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Erotic Romance eBooks Erotica Total-E-Bound eBooks Books Romance

Silent Hunters (4 page)

BOOK: Silent Hunters
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When his fingers left her nipples, she felt an unaccountable sense of loss and whimpered again, a little cry begging him not to stop. But instead he threaded his fingers through her hair, holding her head and moving it this way and that to give his mouth a better angle as well as avoid further injury to her face. The kiss was endless, going on and on until there wasn’t an inch of the inside her mouth that hadn’t been touched and licked and set on fire.

Lauren had a sudden sense of falling and realised that with his mouth still glued to hers Damien was lowering her to the mattress. She clutched at him, feeling as if the world was spinning around her as his tongue continued to lick and taste and plunder. When the kiss ended Lauren was sure every bit of breath had been stolen from her but she had no chance to regain it as that clever mouth began to trace a path over her body.

Kisses ignited her skin along the curve of her collar bone. The pulse at the hollow of her throat pounded when he pulled the tender skin into his mouth. She tried to catch her breath but that was the moment he shifted and took one nipple into his mouth, his tongue searing the tip of it. Swirling around it. Teeth gently grazing it. Fire searing every nerve.

She clutched at his head, fingers tangling in his hair as she tried to weld his mouth to her body, afraid she’d disintegrate if he moved it. But then he
move it, to the other nipple, where he gave it the same attention and treatment, sending her senses into orbit again.

“Mmm,” was all she could say as he licked and sucked and nipped.

He traced a path down her body to her navel, the tip of his tongue tracing the furled flesh, sending fire straight to her pussy. She wanted him
She wanted it
She pushed at his head, trying to hurry him, but he seemed determine to go at his own pace, driving her crazy with the slowness of it.


Desiree Holt



He took a long time to press kisses everywhere she was hurt, soothing the sting of the cuts and scrapes. When his teeth tugged gently on her pubic curls she tried to lift herself to him, spreading her legs wide, offering herself to him.

He laughed, a low rumbling sound, his hands going to her thighs to widen them even more before moving his fingers to the lips of her pussy and opening her like a flower in bloom.

“Oh God.” She cried out at the first touch of his tongue on her clit, a light flick, barely there but enough to ignite the flame of lust gathering force inside her.

Another flick, and another, before his lips closed over the bud and sucked on it, hard.

Lauren bent her legs and planted her feet flat on the bed, trying to squeeze him with her legs but his shoulders were too wide, his body too strong. His intention too focused. He licked and sucked, tracing the lips of her pussy with his tongue, a flame burning her tender skin. She knew she was wet. No, soaking. Gushing.

Damien’s tongue thrust inside her, lapping up her juices, licking her inner surfaces as he drank from her. His strong hands held her in place while his clever tongue fucked her mercilessly, coaxing a response from her but giving her no relief. On and on it went, his tongue thrusting in and out of her, thumbs pressing against the quivering lips of her pussy.

“Oh, oh, oh,” she cried, fisting her hands in the sheets, hips bucking beneath his grip.

He growled again, a low animalistic sound that vibrated through her and set every muscle to trembling. Her entire body felt as if it was poised on a current of wind, about to be tossed into a tempest over which she had no control but needing it desperately just the same.

Strung tight, she hovered there, the need inside her beyond desperate.

Then, as if knowing she’d reached the limit of her endurance, he moved one hand, thrusting two fingers inside her next to his tongue and threw her into that tempest. She shook and shook and shook, knees squeezing him, hips arching, sounds of pleasure echoing in the back of her throat. The walls of her cunt clutched around his tongue and fingers, spasming over and over until she had nothing left to give.

She was limp on the bed, spent, unable to draw a full breath. But if she’d thought he’d give her time to recover she was far off the track. Making that low growling sound in his throat again he slid his fingers slick with her juices from her cunt down the sensitive area to the tight ring of her anus. Even drained as she was her body responded, surges of dark pleasure washing through her.


Desiree Holt



“Do you like this, Lauren?” His voice was low and deep. “Not tonight but soon you’ll feel my cock here. When I make you mine.”

Make you mine? What is he talking about? We just met.

But for some reason the thought didn’t disturb her. And what was
all about?

But then any ability to think fled and dissipated like smoke as his finger continued to circle and rub, the tip moving inside her just past that tight muscle, his mouth back teasing and tormenting her clit.

“Oohhhhh.” The sound echoed from her on a long sigh as the coil of forbidden lust began to unwind within her again, reaching through her body. Igniting nerves. Heating her blood.

As his finger sank deeper and deeper into her rectum, rubbing the soft dark tissues, Damien’s mouth tormented her clit, pulling and nibbling, one warm hand flat on her mound holding her in place. Not that she could have moved, except to float rudderless in the erotic fog surrounding her, bombarded by multiple sensations.

Her spent body came to life, enticed to respond by that clever probing finger and that even cleverer tongue and mouth. Her mind told her rationally it was too soon for another orgasm but her body had a different idea. She felt it building inside her again, seduced by this man who seemed to know her body better than she did.

Then without warning it slammed into her, shaking her, every muscle clenching over and over again, her juices spilling into his mouth as his finger probed and teased and coaxed deep in her ass.

She was still in the throes of sensual convulsions when Damien withdrew his finger, shifted his body and positioned himself between her thighs.

“Now, Lauren.” The sound rumbled from deep in his chest.

She felt the head of his cock at the opening of her vagina, thick and broad as it prodded her slick tissues. Little by little he inched into her, the still quivering walls of her pussy pulling at him. The two orgasms had made her body relaxed and wet enough to take his length and thickness. One last push and he was fully inside her, stretching her walls, bumping against the mouth of her womb.

He balanced himself on his hands, his huge magnificent body looming over her, his hot eyes locking with hers.


Desiree Holt



“Now, little one.” His voice was rough, raspy. “Wrap your legs around me. Pull me into you tightly.”

Her cunt still pulsing, now clutching at his cock, she did as he told her, locking her ankles at the small of his back.

He bent his head to take her mouth again while he held the rest of his body still. She could taste herself on his tongue as it probed inside her wet heat, licking every surface. At the moment she lost all ability to breathe he lifted his head and stared at her, hard.

“Hold on for the ride, little one.”

Then it began, a steady in and out glide, his thick penis slipping out just to the head than slamming back in again. In. Out. In. Out. She tried to urge him to move faster but again he was determined to set the pace and hold to it. In. Out. In. Out.

Lauren was sure she had no more to give yet unbelievably before the last aftershock had died down she felt another climax building within her. Her body was no longer her own, belonging now to this godlike man who was driving her to yet another precipice of pleasure.

He moved faster now, pumping harder, his body above her taut with desire, every muscle tense. Then he was driving into her harder still, his breath a warm wind on her sweaty skin, animal sounds rumbling in his chest.


It broke over her at the same moment he shouted, “Now,” through gritted teeth. Her breath was trapped in her throat, her body shaking like a wind-tossed leaf, and all she could do was hang on for the ride as he poured his release into her and her cunt clenched and clenched around him.

Her legs dropped to the bed, her entire body still shaking from the intensity of the climax. As fierce as Damien had been in loving her he’d still taken care not to exacerbate all her hurt places. He caught his weight on his forearms, big chest heaving as Lauren struggled to pull in her own breath. It could have been a minute or an hour, she had no idea how much time passed before he finally eased himself from her body, rolled to his side and tucked her up against him. His hands were gentle as he caressed her quivering limbs and his mouth warm as he brushed kisses on her cheek. Then he pulled the covers over them both.

“Sleep now, little one. No more nightmares tonight.”

He was right. She fell into dreamless black velvet, every vestige of the nightmare banished.


Desiree Holt


Chapter Three

Lauren opened her eyes, blinking at the sunlight streaming through the window. She’d apparently forgotten to close the blinds the night before.

The night before!

She stretched out her arm but the space beside her was empty. Warm, but empty. If not for that residual heat, the lingering scent of sex in the room and the persistent soreness in her body, she might have thought she’d imagined the whole thing. She closed her eyes and pulled the pillow to her face, inhaling the remnants of Damien’s essence and letting the memories of the night drift through her mind. Damien over her. Under her. Inside her. She shivered as delight skated along her skin.

Then she remembered where she was and why she was here, and the nightmare she was still living, and she sat up abruptly, clutching the sheet to her. It was morning but nothing had changed except she’d found some people who could help her, and a man she hoped wasn’t a figment of her imagination.

But the trouble was still there, lurking around the edges of the day. It wasn’t going to simply go away.

Realising she couldn’t just hide from it, she dragged herself out of bed. Someone had thoughtfully left a robe at the foot of the bed. She made her way into the adjoining bathroom, carrying the bathrobe with her. She looked in the mirror then wished she hadn’t. The swelling had gone down on her jaw but it was turning a wonderful palette of colours.

Examining her body she saw all the scrapes and scratches, still red but not the angry colour of the night before. And when she checked her feet she grimaced at the blisters, realising she’d have to find something besides the sandals to wear on her feet for a few days.

A few days.

Was she planning to stay here, with these people who’d offered to help her? How lucky was it that they did this for a living? If she hadn’t known better she’d have thought the wolves had—


She shook her head.


Desiree Holt



That’s stupid

Still, out of all the places she could have ended up…

She adjusted the shower until the temperature was right then stepped under the hot spray. It felt good against her abused skin although she hated washing away the scent and imprint of Damien’s body. Someone—she was sure it was Sierra—had sneaked in and thoughtfully left a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste for her. After brushing her teeth she dragged the comb through her blonde tangles, making them as presentable as possible, and wrapped the oversized robe around her body.

Her dress was probably only fit for trash now but she’d have to figure out how to get some clothes. She couldn’t sit around in just the robe for however long she stayed here. But when she opened the door and walked back into the bedroom, she saw her fairy godmother had been at it again. Folded into a neat little pile at the foot of the bed were jeans, a T-shirt and some soft slippers she could just slide her feet into. They didn’t have any tags on them but Lauren could tell they were brand new, along with the undies.

She wanted to cry at the thoughtfulness.

She dressed in seconds, opened the door and followed the sound of voices to the kitchen. Everyone from the night before was gathered around the polished pine table drinking coffee. Lauren stood timidly in the opening until Damien turned, spotted her. He immediately rose to his feet and went to her, pulling her into the circle of his arm. She glanced at the others, wondering what they’d think of this possessive gesture from a man she hadn’t even known twelve hours.

Then she blushed as she realised of course, they had to have known Damien slept with her the night before. No secrets in this place. She bit her lip, wishing she had someplace to hide. What must they think of her?

“It’s all right.” Sierra’s smile was warm. “The same thing happened with the rest of us.

When you meet
The One,
you know it at once.”

The One? Was that what Damien was? Before she could think about that she had to figure out who was behind the attempted kidnapping and make sure she stayed alive.

“Let’s make sure she’s safe,” Mack said, echoing her thoughts, “before we start sticking our nose into Damien’s love life.”

She let Damien guide her to the table, gratefully accepted a mug of coffee from Luke and took a sip of the hot liquid. The butterflies in her stomach settled down as soon as the SILENT HUNTERS

Desiree Holt



coffee found its way there. Damien had draped his arm across the back of her chair, fingertips resting lightly on her shoulder. It gave her a feeling of protection she really needed right then.

She smiled at all of them. “First of all, thanks to whoever took the trouble to get these clothes for me. I really appreciate it.”

“Me.” Kelsey raised her hand. “Mack and I stopped at Wal-Mart on our way out here. I had to guess at the sizes but you and I are pretty much the same type.”

BOOK: Silent Hunters
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