Sinfully Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Sinfully Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty-Two

With Julian Talbot in the room, I couldn’t give in to the
temptation to follow Allie, and I had no doubt she was up there packing her
things and insulting warlocks. While I’d expected to be upset about Allie not
telling me she was a witch that first night, I understood her reasons, and it
probably wouldn’t have made any difference if we’d just had the one night
together. What I couldn’t figure out was why I wasn’t upset about Allie being a
witch now that I wanted more than one night. There was this voice in the back
of my head calling me a liar, but I decided to ignore it and focus on the
formidable Julian Talbot. Yeah, Allie wasn’t simply some witch; she was a
pretty high-ranking witch, even if she wasn’t a witch in good standing.

“Alana’s always had a feisty temper,” Julian said, and when
I looked over, I found him smiling—not the reaction I was expecting.

“I didn’t know she was your daughter,” I repeated, and felt
like an idiot because I’d just said that not five minutes ago. “I thought she
was a succubus. I mean, she is a succubus, but I didn’t know she was part

“You might want to quit before you dig yourself a deeper
hole,” Julian said with a wry grin. “I’m aware that you didn’t know Alana was
my daughter, because I know your reputation. Had you known she was a witch, she
wouldn’t be in your home right now, and she’d likely be dead if you hadn’t
saved her, so I suppose I should be grateful to you in some way.”

“But you’re not quite ready to thank me for sleeping with
your daughter,” I finished for him.

Julian gave me a tight smile. “That is not an image I want
in my head, if you don’t mind.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, feeling like an ass for being so blunt
with Allie’s father.

“Alana is a succubus, and that complicates her life,” Julian
said before running a hand through his hair.

I had trouble keeping myself from laughing at Julian’s
polite way of saying his daughter needed sex to survive. From what I’d always
heard, succubi liked sex and didn’t consider having sex a complication. There
were plenty of men and women who wanted to give them what they needed. Of
course, Allie was different—in a hot, sexy kind of way.

“Stop thinking about my daughter that way while I’m talking
to you,” Julian snapped.

I was embarrassed that I’d been thinking about sex with the
man’s daughter right in front of him, and even more embarrassed to realize I
was blushing. “Sorry,” I mumbled again.

“If you say you’re sorry one more time, I will hurt you,” he
warned. “That is an incredibly annoying habit.”

My mouth opened to apologize again, but I quickly closed it
and nodded. I guess this was what guys went through when dealing with the
father of the woman they liked.

“It’s my intention that Alana marry a warlock of good
breeding,” Julian said, watching my reaction closely, which meant he had to see
how pissed I was. “I have several suitable warlocks in mind.”

“You are not going to force Allie to tie herself to some
warlock just because you think his breeding is right,” I said through clenched

Arranged marriages had always been common among the
higher-ranking witches and warlocks. They would often refuse to take the
recommendations made after an affinity test because the family wanted the right
alliances. It was all pretty damn mercenary. While it would be hard for many to
find a warlock for their half-succubus daughter, Julian had enough power to not
only make it happen, but to have warlocks begging to be with his daughter.
Allie was also gorgeous and fun to be around, making her more tempting to
social-climbing warlocks.

Of course, they wouldn’t be clamoring to marry her because
they understood Allie’s true value. None would take the time to appreciate her
sassy nature because they’d only be thinking about elevating their station. To
them, she’d be a means to move up the social ladder. I had no idea why any of
the families still engaged in this practice since it generally led to misery
and infidelity. Julian’s own marriage had ended because he was incapable of
remaining faithful. The same was true of Julian’s brother, so he’d seen
firsthand how bad an arranged marriage could end. Granted, I had no idea if
those were arranged or just poor choices.

All through my inner rant, Julian watched me with a grin,
which is when I realized he was playing me. “You wouldn’t force Allie to marry
anyone, would you?”

Julian let out a humorless bark of laughter. “I’d prefer to
avoid putting any of my daughters through the same suffering I put my ex-wife
through. Even if that weren’t the case, I doubt Alana would allow me to choose
a warlock for her. Surely, you’ve noticed how strong-willed Alana can be.”

“It’s one of her best qualities,” I said honestly.

“And one few warlocks would appreciate,” he said.

That, I did not doubt.

“With that being said,” Julian continued, “while I
appreciate what you’re doing for Alana, you are completely unsuitable for my

“Why?” I asked, not sure what possessed me to argue about
this. “There are plenty of families hoping I’ll agree to marry one of their
daughters. My parents have been approached dozens of times, and asked to
arrange an affinity test.” Luckily, despite my mom’s obsession with
grandchildren, my parents wanted me to choose my own witch. Although, my mother
had threatened to change her stance if I didn’t start dating witches soon. “My
family lineage is more than acceptable.”

“I don’t give a newt’s ass about your family lineage,”
Julian snapped. “My daughter is not going to be stuck with a man who sleeps
around on her. The warlock she ends up with will be smart enough to understand
what a true treasure Alana is.”

I bit back any response I might have because it would’ve
been an insult to Julian. Even knowing he was basically saying his daughter was
too good for me, I decided not to argue. “Regardless of how things end up going
with Allie, I am going to take care of her until this killer is caught. Before
you start accusing me of just wanting sex from Allie, you’re wrong. I really
like her, and I will do whatever it takes to protect her.”

Julian looked like he wanted to argue, but he reined it in.
“There is a council meeting in four hours to discuss this situation.”

“You called a council meeting to talk about me sleeping with
your daughter,” I practically gasped.

Julian let out an exasperated sigh. “Could you stop thinking
about sex with my daughter for five minutes?”

Probably not, but I nodded anyway.

“The meeting is to discuss the murders,” Julian said, and I
couldn’t mask my own surprise.

“Why is the council getting involved in this?” I asked. “All
the victims have been succubi. While I get that you have some pull with the
council, they’re not the type to get involved with problems involving other
preternatural groups.”

“The killings were ritualistic, clearly meant to drain
power,” he explained. “That means there may be a witch involved. We’re basing
this assumption on the markings left on the bodies.”

“How did you hear about the markings on the bodies?” I
asked. The shade detective had been pretty unwilling to share details with
Allie, and she’d been a potential victim.

Julian merely raised an arrogant eyebrow.

“Fine, you’re higher-ranking than I am,” I muttered. “So,
the council is worried this may be part of a power move against them,” I
surmised. “That’s the only reason they’re getting involved in demon business.”

“Naturally,” Julian said. “They’d never get involved if it
didn’t affect them directly, even if a witch was helping kill demons. Since
you’re involved in this now, I’ll see you in four hours at the council meeting.
Just so you know, I will not be happy if you let my daughter go home,” he
warned before grinning at me. “I’m beginning to think I may be wrong about you.
Don’t disappointment me.” On those words, he walked out my front door, leaving
me to wonder if Julian Talbot wasn’t a little crazy.

Shrugging off thoughts of Julian, I decided to focus on the stubborn
little succubus upstairs. Four hours gave me plenty of time to deal with
Allie’s temper and convince her to stay at my home.

Chapter Twenty-Three

I was so angry tears burned the backs of my eyes. The worst
part was I wasn’t even sure what I was angry about. I hated crying when I was
mad because it resulted in people trying to comfort me, which usually made me
angrier. A hug is not the best answer to me wanting to scream at the top of my
lungs. Since I hadn’t unpacked much last night, it only took me a few minutes
to finish packing, but I didn’t want to go back downstairs until my dad was
gone. If I went out there, I’d have to face both him and Dylan, which would
probably push me over the edge. Of course, it might be fun to go out there crying,
just to mess with both of them. My father didn’t handle crying well, something
my half-sisters said they’d used to their advantage frequently growing up. I
didn’t personally have much experience in that area because it seemed kind of
childish. The fact that I was even considering using crying to get my way now
proved how close to the edge I was.

What was I doing? Since when did I get weepy and impulsive?
Stupid killer! Stupid Dylan and Dad! Maybe I should put all males in the idiot
category since it had been males making my life hell the last couple of days.
Okay, it might be unfair to say Dylan was making my life hell, but he was
complicating it with his sudden desire to . . . Actually, I had no idea what
Dylan wanted from me at this point. Now that he knew who my father was, he
might be making arrangements to get me out of his house as quickly as possible.
That would be best for both of us. Really, it would. Okay, I needed to work on
convincing myself, which made it even more important to get away from Dylan.

Going home was a bad idea, even if my father was rich. The
apartment had no security, and we couldn’t have many spells added since it was
in a human run building. Trevor’s place seemed like my best option. He had
plenty of room, and I was pretty sure we wouldn’t get on each other’s nerves.
Grabbing my phone, I typed a quick message.


ME: Can I stay with you for a few days?

TREVOR: Why? What’s going on?


Why couldn’t he give me an answer?


ME: I’ll tell you when I get there.


I’d just stripped out of my sweatpants and was about the
change into a pair of jeans when my phone buzzed with the incoming call.

“Hey, Trev,” I answered, trying to keep my tone light.

“You in some kind of trouble?” Trevor asked. “Or, are you
trying to avoid Dylan?”

“I promise I’ll tell you when I get there,” I said. “I just
need a place to stay, and I can’t stay at my apartment right now.”

Dylan had just walked into the room, and he snatched the
phone out of my hand and put it on speaker while I glared at him.

“Trevor?” Dylan said.

“Yeah,” Trevor replied cautiously. “Please tell me you
didn’t break into Allie’s apartment, because I don’t want to have to handle
your cases while you’re in jail.”

“She’s at my house,” Dylan said without taking his eyes off
me. “At the moment, she’s in my bedroom, glaring at me like she’s hoping lasers
will shoot out of her eyes and strike me dead.”

“Allie is at your house again?” Trevor asked.

“Not for long,” I said. “So, can I stay with you, Trevor?”

“No,” Dylan responded for Trevor.

“Give me one good reason,” I snapped.

“Because you won’t be able to sit for the ride over there,”
Dylan said. “Wanna know why?”

I shook my head, cursing my body for responding to his
sensual threat.

“I do,” Trevor said eagerly.

“Should I tell him what I’m about to do to you?” Dylan asked
as I tried to grab my phone. “Should I tell him how I’m going to turn you over
my knee and spank that cute little ass of yours for even thinking about putting
your life in danger and for acting like a brat?”

“Fuck me,” Trevor murmured.

“I’ll call you later,” Dylan said.

“No!” Trevor shouted. “Keep me on the line a little longer.
I promise I’ll be quiet.”

Dylan ignored him and ended the call before tossing my phone
across the bed. “Come here, Alana,” he ordered.

The fact that Dylan was calling me Alana seemed like a
pretty good indicator of how pissed he was. Of course, that wasn’t the only
thing Dylan felt. All I had to do was look down at his pants to know he was
also turned on. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that realization. There was no
denying the sexual tension was arousing me, too, but I’d just convinced myself
that the smart thing to do was get away from Dylan as fast as possible, so it
made no sense that I was standing here ready to beg him to fuck me.

“Are you going to come over here or stand there looking at
my dick all day?” Dylan asked with an annoying smirk.

“Neither,” I spat out because that smirk reminded me I was
mad at all men. “As I already said, I’m leaving.”

“No, you aren’t,” Dylan said as he slowly stalked toward me.
“I have about four hours before I need to be at a council meeting, and we have
a few things to work out before I leave.”

“Council meeting?” I asked.

“Yes. The Council of Witches is meeting to discuss the
succubus killings,” he explained.

I snorted. “Since when do they care what happens to anyone
who isn’t a witch?”

“Since someone tried to murder Julian Talbot’s daughter,” he
said. There was no missing the annoyance in his voice, and I was assuming he
was still annoyed about discovering who my father was.

“The police aren’t even convinced it was related to the
killings.” I paused and thought for a moment. Why was I arguing about the
council getting involved, anyway? “I guess it doesn’t matter why they’re
choosing to get involved. This is a good thing. Those elitists don’t give a
damn about a bunch of demons being slaughtered, but they can’t ignore a threat
to me because most of them are busy kissing my dad’s ass. If we need to be
there in four hours, I should get ready now.”

This distraction was just what I needed to take my mind off
of sex with Dylan. The only problem with my plan was that when I tried to move,
I couldn’t. I was literally frozen in place. I’d been so distracted I hadn’t
even noticed the spell weaving around my body.

Dylan’s smile turned predatory as he circled around behind

“Let me go, Dylan,” I demanded, but my breathy voice held no
conviction. Completely at Dylan’s mercy, my body nearly trembled with need as I
waited for his touch.

Pushing my hair to the side, he brushed the back of my neck
with his lips before splaying his fingers across my belly and placing his cheek
against mine. “Do you honestly want me to let you go?” he asked.

“No,” I admitted, and I would probably be trembling with the
force of my lust if I could move.

“Should I tell you what I want to do to you?” he asked as
his teeth scraped my earlobe. “Would you like that, Allie?”

“Yes,” I replied in a voice that was shaky with my arousal.

“I’m going to strip you out of these clothes,” he said,
bending his knees to rub his erection against my ass. “Then I’m going to turn
you over my knee and spank you. Just thinking about your gorgeous ass wiggling
around while I spank you is almost enough to make me come in my pants. Do you
like the sound of that? Tell me you want me to spank you.”

“I don’t know,” I said, but I was lying, and Dylan’s chuckle
suggested he knew I was lying. “Yes, I want that,” I admitted. “Goddess, I want
you to spank me and then fuck me.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I have every intention of fucking
you. When your pretty little ass is bright red, I’m going to bend you over my
bed and fuck you until you promise not to do anything stupid like leave here.”

“What if I don’t promise?” I asked.

“Then I’ll just have to fuck you until you’re too weak to
walk out of this room,” he said.

I shuddered, making me realize that the magic hold on me was
gone. When I turned to face Dylan, he placed one hand on my cheek, and the
other threaded through the back of my hair, holding me in place as his mouth
claimed mine with a kiss that was both punishing and coaxing at the same time.
I’d never known one kiss could do so many things. Dylan pulled back when he had
me moaning against his mouth and gripping his shoulders to keep my balance. He
grabbed the bottom of my shirt and stripped it over my head, leaving me in
nothing but my lacy black boy shorts.

“Perfect,” Dylan murmured. He sat on the edge of the bed and
pulled me over his lap before I had a chance to respond.

My cheeks heated because I was more than a little
embarrassed in this position. “I’m not a child for you to punish,” I said,
trying hard to sound annoyed when that was the last thing I felt at that
moment. Embarrassed? Yes. Turned on? Hell, yes!

Dylan chuckled and massaged my ass. “Punishment? Is that
what you think this is? Do you feel like you’re being punished?”

“No,” I admitted.

“It’s not a punishment,” Dylan said softly. “Yes, I’m
annoyed, and this will help me feel better. It’ll make you feel better, too.
This is something I enjoy, but it is definitely not meant to be a punishment.
Have you ever been spanked for fun before?”

“No,” I said. “I’m not sure I can get into this sort of
thing, but the idea is really turning me on.”

“If you don’t like it, I’ll stop,” Dylan assured me.

Dylan adjusted me to slide my panties down so my backside
was bare to him, and my vagina clenched almost painfully with lust in
anticipation of what was to come. I expected him to start right away, but he
spread my legs slightly and slipped two fingers inside me, pushing them in and
out slowly.

“Fuck, Allie,” Dylan practically groaned. “I knew you were
getting turned on by this, but you’re soaking wet. This is going to be so good
for both of us.”

All I could do was let out a little whimper in reply. His
fingers were working magic inside of me, and I wanted him to bring me to
orgasm, but too soon, his fingers were gone. I was about to complain when his
hand came down on my ass with a loud smack that echoed through the air. I
tensed, waiting for pain, but the light swat didn’t hurt, and it actually made
me want him to spank me harder.

“Are you okay?” Dylan asked.

“Yes,” I admitted. I was still a little embarrassed about
being in this position, but I was also so turned on I’d probably let him do
anything at this point.

Dylan’s hand came down harder, and there was a slight sting
this time. Before I could worry about whether it hurt, he slipped his hand
between my legs again and stroked me, making me writhe on his lap.

“Some women can orgasm from being spanked,” he said in a
rough voice. “What do you think of that? I might just come with your wiggling
all over my lap.”

How could he possibly expect me to participate in a
conversation at a time like this? I did manage to utter an inarticulate
complaint when he stopped stroking me, but that complaint died when his palm smacked
down on my ass again. This time, he didn’t stop to ask me how I was doing. His
hand came down several more times, alternating cheeks in a rhythmic pattern,
and I wasn’t sure if I loved it or if it was too much. No doubt about it, each
swat delivered a sting, but it also made my aching pussy vibrate. Every move
was controlled and proved he was in charge of this situation. I’d spent most of
my life struggling to be in control, and I’d never have guessed that completely
relinquishing it could be so freeing and so arousing.

I became lost in sensation. The rhythmic sound of his swats
was almost hypnotic. The sting and the warmth spreading across my ass was right
on the edge of where pleasure and pain mix. The vibrations in my pussy with
each swat made me ache and squirm to try to bring myself closer to orgasm.

When Dylan’s palm came down with more force, I let out a
whimper. “Too much,” I said.

Dylan massaged my ass for a moment before sliding two
fingers inside of me again.

“I don’t think I can wait any longer to get inside of you,”
he said in a guttural tone as his fingers expertly found the right spot inside
of me to make me moan. “Having you like this is so fucking hot, Allie. Tell me
you like it.”

“Goddess, yes,” I whimpered. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever
tried, but I can’t take anymore. Please, fuck me, Dylan,” I begged.

Dylan set me on my feet and bent me over the bed before
standing behind me and yanking my panties the rest of the way down.

“You look so fucking beautiful with your freshly spanked ass
sticking out like this.”

My cheeks were getting warm, and Dylan chuckled. “Now, the
cheeks on your face are as red as the ones below.”

“Dylan!” I squealed.

“Sorry,” he said. “I love making my sweet little succubus

“I’m not your succubus,” I said without much conviction.

I heard the rip of the condom package shortly before Dylan’s
cock slid inside of me, filling me completely. “Really? Then I guess I’d better
stop doing this. I’m only planning to fuck
woman,” he said as he slid
out until only his tip remained inside of me. “Too bad you aren’t mine.”

“That is fighting dirty,” I said on a moan.

“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want.”
Dylan stayed behind me, with the tip of his penis barely inside of me. It was
torture. “Are you willing to do anything to get what you want?” he asked before
leaning forward to nip the back of my neck.

“That’s blackmail,” I accused.

“Call it what you like,” he said. “So, are you mine? Tell me
how much you want your man to make you scream.”

“Please, take me, Dylan,” I pleaded. “I’m yours.”

Dylan’s movements became almost frantic as he slammed into
my body. I was already so close to orgasm that I came hard around his cock
within three thrusts. Dylan slowed his pace as the spasms of my orgasm

“You’re so fucking incredible,” he said. That’s when he
started moving again, nearly lifting my feet off the floor with each powerful

BOOK: Sinfully Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 1)
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