Sins of the Innocent: A Novella (7 page)

BOOK: Sins of the Innocent: A Novella
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Craig shoved him. “Pretty sure I just called you a fag.”

Morgan’s eyebrows turned in. “Call me what you want. Leave her out of it.”

“What are you going to do about it?” Craig said.

He shoved Morgan to the ground. His group erupted in laughter while Morgan straightened his glasses.

I took a step in front of Morgan. “Keep walking,” I seethed.

“Do it,” Levi said. “Snap his spine.”

I blinked, the revolting vision in my head breaking me free of anger.

I looked to Craig. “We don’t want any trouble.” I gestured behind me for Morgan to move to the side.

Craig’s attention was drawn to Morgan again when he moved. Craig attempted to shoulder past me, shocked when I didn’t budge. He looked down on me, pure hate in his eyes, and nudged me again. This time, I let him.

“We’re going to leave,” I said, backing away.

“You sure about that?” Craig asked, a malicious smile on his face.

He wasn’t just being a bully. This wasn’t entertainment or even a show for his friends. Craig had a lust for causing pain, and it had been too long since he heard someone begging for mercy.

“Let’s go,” I said, trying to redirect Morgan.

We had only taken a few steps when Morgan spun around, refusing to leave quietly.

“What did we do to you? Nothing. We were minding our own business. You walked up on us.”

I stared at him, surprised at the bold move. Morgan had never stood up to anyone until that moment.

Craig glowered at him. “You hit on my friend at that party, and I told you then that I was going to whip your ass. Everyone knows you’re a faggot,” he said, nearly biting his lip when he said the last word.

“I can assure you, there’s not one of your friends whom I would be attracted to,” Morgan said. His voice more confident than I’d ever heard it.

I smiled at him. He was being quite brave, keeping his wits. Maybe he thought the worst that could happen was his head being dunked into a trash can again, but I knew different. I could feel the evil within Craig, swirling and building, as he waited for something, anything to give him the excuse to release it.

Craig moved toward Morgan, but I stepped between them again. The goading laughter from the group turned into encouragement.


“Beat his ass, Craig!”

“Stop being a girl!”

Craig fumed. “Get out of my way, bitch.”

“No.” My answer was simple but firm and a bit louder than I’d meant.

“What are you waiting for, Eden? Take him out,” Levi said, still relaxed on the bench.

Craig narrowed his eyes and laughed once, looking over at Levi. “You got something to say, pretty boy?”

Panic sent my every nerve on edge, and I immediately went into peace-keeping mode. Levi wouldn’t hesitate to murder every one of them.

“Craig,” I said, attempting a calming voice, “look at me.”

He didn’t obey. “Shut up. I’m having a conversation with the pretty little thing on the bench.”

I pointed to Levi, feeling a flicker of activity coming from his direction. “Levi, don’t.”

Levi chuckled. “Don’t what? I’m just sitting here.”

“Let me handle this,” I said.

Craig wrinkled his nose. “Handle what?”

“Then handle it,” Levi said.

He was trying to force me to hurt the humans and reveal myself to Morgan in the process. Levi wasn’t going to manipulate me. He was simply going to observe what he predicted would be my failure.

“You promise not to hurt anyone?” I spoke low, too low for anyone else to hear.

Levi shrugged. His promise wasn’t worth anything anyway.

The young men in Craig’s group were fidgety and impatient for a fight, but by the differing expressions, I could see not all of them were enjoying the show.

“Why don’t you get off that bench and say something to my face?” Craig said to Levi.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Shut up, Craig.”
I am horrible at peace-keeping.

Craig’s anger turned to me. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. You’re a whiny little boy, and we’re bored. All you do is talk.” I approached him and looked up, my nose just inches from him. I was just an inch taller than my tiny aunt Claire and twice as deadly, but unlike her, I wasn’t allowed to lose my temper.

Craig didn’t hesitate to put his palm on my face, and he shoved me into Morgan. I pretended to lose my balance, taking my friend to the ground. Morgan’s hands slapped hard on the cement. I allowed myself to fall onto my back, my legs still elevated just enough to hold Morgan to the ground.

Morgan began to say something, but I covered his mouth.

Levi looked down at me, shook his head, and stood.

I pushed myself up on my elbows. “You promised.”

“No, I didn’t.” Levi grabbed the side of Craig’s head and slammed it into the metal stand of the nearest lamppost.

Craig yelped, and half of his group gasped while the others jumped back. Only one brave friend stepped forward, readying himself to intervene.

“Kick his ass, Matt!” Craig grunted, his cheek still being ground into the metal.

I scrambled to my feet and jumped over Morgan to stand between Matt and Levi.

Levi raised his hand shoulder-high, and with his finger, he beckoned courageous Matt, inviting him closer.

I looked at Matt, pleading with my eyes. “Don’t do it.”

Matt looked at me and then shook his head, seeing the same death in Levi’s eyes that I did.

Levi leaned in toward Craig, whispering into his ear. Craig blubbered like a baby, and then Levi released him.

A few from the group picked up Craig off the ground, and they continued on, giving the three of us a wide berth.

“Whoa!” Morgan said, scrambling to his feet. He beamed at Levi. “That was fearsome! I mean … truly formidable. That dude couldn’t move! I’ve never seen anything like it in real life!” He turned to me. “Is that how you know him? Does he train with your uncle?”

“No,” I said. I had taken one for the team and kept from laying hands on the mortals, but I had failed in keeping Morgan from Levi.

Morgan breathed out a laugh, in awe. “She said you were dangerous! I can see why! Can you teach me that?”

“No!” I said, panic in my voice.

“What? Why?” Morgan said.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward me. “He’s not nice, Morgan. He’s not my friend, and he’s certainly not yours. Stay away from him. Do you understand me?”

“Eden,” Morgan said, sounding too much like Grandmother when she’d chastise me.

“Me or him,” I spit out, desperate.

Morgan froze with his mouth open in a small O, his brows pulled in, his eyes dancing between Levi and me. “You,” he said, as if I were stupid for even giving him the choice.

“Great. Let’s go,” I said, pulling him by the arm.

I glanced back at the empty bench, knowing Levi was smiling somewhere in the shadows. I clenched my teeth. He couldn’t kill me, and he knew it. He was playing a game of wits, like chess—and I sucked at chess.

I looked over at Morgan and noticed him dragging his feet, finally realizing that I was walking and he was jogging. “Sorry,” I said, slowing down to a more comfortable pace.

“I’m sure you have your reasons.” He was breathless.

I let go of his shirt, pausing long enough for him to catch his breath, and then gestured for him to follow.

“Will you at least tell me why you dislike him so much?” Morgan asked.

I bit my lip, trying to think of something to say. I sighed. “He’s the spawn of Satan.”

Morgan’s eyebrows shot up. “Wow, Eden. He must have done something really horrible to you.”

“Not yet.”

“Is he an ex-boyfriend I don’t know about?”

I stopped long enough to say, “I would rather die,” and then continued walking.

“You must really hate him, huh?”

“More,” I said. I turned toward where I’d parked the car.

Morgan followed me in silence.

When I shut the driver’s door of the Audi, that familiar burn filled my lungs. It wasn’t completely unpleasant, and that bothered me more than knowing Leviathan wasn’t just a step ahead of me. He had the advantage of knowledge. Lucifer probably hadn’t babied him.

I gripped the steering wheel and rested my forehead between my hands.

“It’s okay if you like him. I know we’re just friends,” Morgan said, placing a tender hand on my shoulder.

I looked over at him, my temple still against the wheel. “It’s not that, Morg.” I sat up, let out my ponytail, and smoothed my hair back, tucking it behind my ears.

“You’re not alone.” Morgan squeezed my shoulder and offered a smile even though he was obviously lost. “I’m with you, no matter what.”

I leaned against his side, letting my head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck. As much as I wanted that to be true, I
alone in my fight with Levi. Six thousand years of prophecy said that one of us would kill the other. I couldn’t tell Morgan the truth. I couldn’t admit to my family that I wasn’t sure what to do. What kind of savior admitted to ignorance?

I need more information, things only immortals would know. If my parents wouldn’t tell me, the only person I could talk to about it was …
ugh, Levi.

I cringed. There had to be another option.

The knocking of my knuckles against metal echoed throughout the warehouse. Arriving at the abandoned building was like making a phone call. As the soles of my shoes crunched against the crumbling concrete floor, I looked up at the angled ceiling and the enormous window allowing the morning sun to pour inside. Thousands of dust motes reflected the light, dancing to the music of the draft blowing in from the broken windows.

“Eli?” I yelled, my voice traveling down the hallways and vast rooms like thunder carried on the clouds.

A faint trace of him made the hairs on my neck stand on end, but he didn’t push through.

“You know why I’m here!” After several moments, I called out again, but this time, my voice sounded much smaller. “Please?”

Time was very different in Heaven, and growing up, I’d noticed that celestial beings never got in much of a hurry to do anything. I found a spot on the floor and sat crisscross, waiting for Eli to decide to visit me, if he did at all.

Requesting council with Eli was a big deal. I wouldn’t go to him if I was angry with my parents or even if I wanted to protest my treatment during training. Dad said it was harder to do and more important than getting a meeting with the President of the United States, but Eli had a particular fondness for our family.

Like all Archangels, Eli had true compassion for humans. He wasn’t fond of crossing over planes. Some called it dimensions, and others referred to it as realms. I simply saw it as crossing over from consciousness, like the difference between being awake and asleep. In Heaven’s plane, Eli could be standing next to me, but he would be worlds away. Crossing over to Earth’s plane from Hell was like waking up from the most wonderful dream imaginable. On the contrary, traveling from Heaven had the opposite effect, which explained why humans experienced evil more often than good.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, tapping my feet as I waited. He was closer than before, but he was waiting for something. The sun rose high in the sky, and my stomach growled.

I shouldn’t have skipped breakfast to get here before Mom and Dad knew what I was up to.

“Maybe you shouldn’t do anything your parents weren’t aware of,” Eli said, appearing ten feet away.

He wore loose-fitting jeans rolled up mid-calf, khaki Birkenstocks, and a white V-neck T-shirt. He reminded me of my dad, intimidatingly tall and built, glowing, tanned skin, and bright sky-blue eyes. His hair was lighter blond than Dad’s, spiked up in the front, and he was definitely a lot happier, his wide smile showing off all his perfect white teeth.

I scrambled to my feet, stopping just a few feet shy of where Eli stood.

“You came!”

“I did. How’s the

I breathed out a laugh and looked down. “That’s why I’m here. I have questions.”

“Of course,” he said. His voice was smooth and comforting, almost maternal, and at the same time, it was strong. I had often wished that Eli could be around us all the time. The effect he had was intoxicating.

“Mom and Dad are keeping things from me.”

Eli’s eyes widened. “Shocking.”

I tucked my hair behind my ear, trying to think straight while breathing in his amazing scent.

“Nina does the hair-behind-the-ear thing,” Eli said, pointing to my ear.

“My dad has mentioned that,” I said.

“You’re a lot like her, Eden. Impatient. Rash. Passionate. Hesitant.”

My cheeks flushed. “Everything I shouldn’t be.”

“On the contrary,” Eli said. He took a step toward me, lifting my chin with his fingers. “They are the best parts of you. These are what make you human. Humans are shamed by their flaws.” His thumb brushed the thin skin beneath my eye. “Like the tears you’re trying to hold in. Cry. It’s beautiful. Be angry. Make mistakes. Do something embarrassing. Act out of desperation. Disappoint someone. Disappoint yourself.
,” he said the last word with conviction. “It’s incredibly beautiful to watch humans learn. It’s all about learning, Eden. That’s what life is. A hundred years of lessons disguised as experiences. Good and bad.”

BOOK: Sins of the Innocent: A Novella
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