Read Sirenz Back in Fashion Online

Authors: Charlotte Bennardo

Tags: #young adult, #teen fiction, #fiction, #teen, #teenager, #drama, #coming-of-age novel, #shoes, #hades, #paranormal humor, #paranormal, #greek mythology

Sirenz Back in Fashion (22 page)

BOOK: Sirenz Back in Fashion
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With a sly smile and a slow lick of his lips, Hades leaned his head between ours and murmured in our ears, “This isn't goodbye, girls. You might need
one of these days … ”


Charlotte Bennardo

To everyone mentioned in

Thanks to all the people who've touched my heart with their enthusiasm for our writing success. There are so many, but I only have room for a short list: my parents Jeanne and John Zurawski, my sister Brenda Garretson, Aunt Dolores, the United Methodist Church bell and singing choirs, Pastors Vicki and Christina, Roni, Loretta, Arline, Dawn, Anita, Jeannie B., Gina, members of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, the bloggers for taking time to read and review, and most importantly, to Natalie: co-author, co-conspirator, co-defendant, co-star, co-worker, and co-creator.

Natalie Zaman

To my friends and family, especially Raz, Asim, Mari, Vin, and Mom.

Huge thanks to Brian Farrey-Latz and Sandy Sullivan at Flux for once again making
sing, Natalie Fischer-Lakosil for believing in my not-so-many projects, and Kirsten Cappy and The Curious City for helping us share Meg and Shar's story. A thousand loves to the NJ-SCBWI and blogging communities whose members supported us from day one.

And, of course, to Char, the calm yin to my raging yang (and vice-versa!).

About the Authors

Charlotte Bennardo

A moderate shoe freak, Charlotte Bennardo divides her time between writing, her three sons, writing, her family and friends—and writing. When she's not wearing out her laptop keyboard, she likes to swim, garden, play with her cat, and hang out with her best friend and co-author, Natalie. Married, she lives in Bridgewater, New Jersey. Visit Charlotte at and, and on Twitter at charbennardo.

Natalie Zaman

Natalie Zaman learned that it's hard—but not impossible—to farm in high heels. When she's not chasing free-range chickens, she's writing, knitting, or plotting a road trip. She lives in New Jersey with her family—about five minutes from Charlotte. Visit her online at

Visit Meg, Shar, and Hades at

BOOK: Sirenz Back in Fashion
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