Read Skin Walkers: Angel Lost Online

Authors: Susan Bliler

Skin Walkers: Angel Lost (12 page)

BOOK: Skin Walkers: Angel Lost
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At the sound of Eden’s laughter, Monroe turned his back on the window looking out from their quarters.  It was full-on winter now, and fat flakes drifted slowly down, coating everything in a layer of crystalline white. 

Reconstruction was nearly completed, and a quiet calm had settled over the Estate.  Monroe had delayed his hunt for the Megalya, but he hadn’t forgotten about it.  Soon. 

Tyce and his Walkers had returned to Apex, and things were slowly getting back to normal.  Monroe was glad for it, but nowhere near as glad as he was for this moment.

His eyes crinkled with his smile as he watched Eden bouncing Roan on her lap.  JoJo was reading at the other end of the couch, while Ransom, Cole, and Peyton were lying on the rug in front of them, a box of crayons and a half-dozen coloring books scattered between them.  Micah was sitting in one of the oversized chairs, punching his thumbs onto his smart phone, a grin ghosting his lips as he laughed at some private joke.  A healthy fire burned in the hearth, casting a warm glow on the room, mirroring the warmth in Monroe’s heart. 
was what he lived for, what he’d hoped for, what he’d prayed and fought for.  Seeing his family together, happy and healthy, made him feel like a man, like a true Walker worthy of the title.

Pacing to the couch, he slid a hand onto Eden’s shoulder and she turned to smile up at him.  Roan cooed loudly, and Eden grinned.  “I think he’s got your smile.”

Lifting his free hand and letting Roan grab onto his finger, he bent and kissed the top of Eden’s head with a murmured, “And you’ve got my heart.” 

She turned her head, and kissed his cheek, whispering, “My mate,” against his cheek.  The words, passed a hundred times from her lips, never ceased to fill him with awe, adoration, and humility.  How could any creature so perfect love him so fully?  He never felt worthy enough for all he’d been blessed with, but that didn’t change how grateful he was, and it only lent fuel to his belief that
Walkers deserved similar, which reminded him.  He’d need to deliver that gift he’d been saving for Tyce.

A soft knock sounded at his door, and when Eden made to rise, he squeezed her shoulder.  “Relax, Angel.”

Remy McCabe was on the other side of the door, and Monroe couldn’t keep his nostrils from flaring as he scented the Walker.  “Congratulations,” he offered, with a knowing grin.

Remy nodded and grinned himself.  “Thank you.”

Monroe stood to the side of the door, making a sweeping gesture for Remy to enter.  “I’m assuming you’re coming to report…”

Remy shook his head, looking nervously from Monroe to his family inside.  Monroe stilled, his arm dropping to his side as Remy leaned forward to speak quietly.  “Bellis has just arrived at the Estate.  He has the
you asked for.”

Monroe’s lips thinned, but a glint lit his eyes.  He took a step, as if he were going to walk out the door with Remy, then he stalled, looking back to his family.  When he turned back to Remy, his interest in the package had dimmed.  He shrugged and shoved both hands into the pockets of his slacks.  “It’ll have to wait.  Tell Bellis to put it in the box beneath the stables.”  He was referencing StoneCrow’s holding cells.

Remy’s brows drew down.  “Dominant?”

“I had to wait on the package.  Now, the package can wait on me.  Bellis stays with it until I deem it worthy.  Understood?”

Remy nodded and left to do Monroe’s bidding, and when Monroe closed the door, he stood facing it a moment, a satisfied smirk taking his lips.  He lifted a hand and rapped a knuckle off the door before turning and asking loudly, “Who wants s’mores?”

“ME!” four kids shouted in unison, and his home burst into a buzz of activity as Micah stood, offering, “I’ll help the kids cook the marshmallows.”

Eden cuddled Roan to her chest. “I’ll grab the chocolate.  Monroe, you’ve got cracker duty.”  Her voice was filled with happiness.  She turned to flash a smile at him, but stilled, her smile slipping when she saw he was just standing there, frowning as he watched them all bustle toward the kitchen.

“Monroe?  What is it?” Concern laced her tone, but it quickly morphed into tenderness when Monroe cleared his throat and blinked back the moisture in his eyes.  When he answered, his voice was thick with emotion.  “Just grateful, Angel.” He walked to her and hugged her and Roan tight. “Just so damn grateful.”    


More in the Skin Walkers series






Susan A Bliler


Resolved to get permission for her pack, Ryka turned to find Liddick watching Kenna as she paced toward the quickly forming group of people around the fire.  “She alright?”

“Yes,” Ryka clipped out.

When Liddick didn’t move, she cleared her throat. 

“Hmm mmm.  You were taking me to your leader?”

Liddick pulled his eyes from Kenna with a frown.  “Uh…yeah.  Come on.”

She was led past Lux, who’d stopped washing his motorcycle to eye her curiously.  She offered a tentative smile.  Better to try and make friends, right?  Lux didn’t return her smile, instead he scented the air as she walked by and the water hose fell from his hands. 
Okay, a little weird.

Around the back of the house, she heard a loud grunt, followed by a loud thunking noise and then silence for several moments before it started again.  Liddick pointed to a spot on the leaf-covered lawn.  “Wait here.” Then he disappeared around the other side of the house.

Alone, Ryka exhaled a nervous breath.  It was never good to scent of fear when meeting an Alpha.  The scent drove dominant males to assert themselves.  She didn’t need that.  She wanted to appear as diplomatic and confident as she could.  After all, what would it hurt a great Alpha to permit four slight females to live on the outskirts of his territory?

Licking her lips, Ryka balled her hands into tight fists, then released them and shook out her arms, admitting to herself that she was afraid.  What if he said no?  What if he took offense to her unannounced arrival?  What if he attacked?  What would happen to her girls?

Turning she crossed her arms over her chest and paced to the tree line. 
  Things could go bad.  If he attacked, she’d defend herself, obviously, but what about the others?  Her three girls were no match for Alpha Prime, and certainly not his four wolves.  She hoped the presence of humans would keep Wren’s pack in check.  Still, worry tore through her. 
This could be bad. 
And part of her knew it would.  Suddenly, she was flooded by an impending sense of doom, and the fine hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. 
We should leave! 
Quickly, she turned with the intention of retrieving her pack and getting the hell out of the Black Hills when she came face-to-face with Liddick.

“Apex Prime, this is…Ryka.”

Her eyes slid to the corner of the house and the golden God that rounded the corner.  He was huge, and thick with muscle.  Unlike his dark-haired brother, Wren’s hair was golden, matching the goatee on his strong jaw, and his eyebrows that were set in a frown.  Her eyes locked on the clearest gray eyes she’d ever seen….and then it happened.

Alpha Prime’s strong face morphed into shock, and then pain, before he dropped to the ground with a ferocious growl.  Incisors shot through his gums as he threw his head back, and claws tore through the tips of the flesh on his fingers.  He roared loudly, and Ryka jerked back.

“WREN!” Liddick raced to his side.

“Shit!” Ryka felt the tell-tale signs swirl in her belly, making her feel nauseated as she backed up. 
It couldn’t be.  How?
  She swayed, throwing her arms out to steady herself. 

Everyone knew that lions and wolves weren’t compatible!  But proof to the contrary was evident in the fact that Wren Prime was on his knees,

Ryka had just come face-to-face with her mate! 

About the Author

My pack territory is in Central Montana, between Stone Crow estates and the North Fortress.  Born and raised in an untamed location that bridges the gap between rolling prairies and majestic mountain peaks, I am born to a family that also bridges the gap between cultures.  My father’s people boast a fiercely proud Scottish ancestry while my mother’s tribes descend from two savagely beautiful and unique nations that inspire my Skin Walkers series.     

I'm a huge fan of MMA, boxing, hockey, 30 Seconds to Mars, the Killers, and 21 Pilots (“sometimes quiet is violent”).  I also love to read because it encourages me to write.  (I hate it when authors add that they love coffee and chocolate.  Really?  Who doesn't love coffee and chocolate?)  Anyway, I love beer...kidding.  I don't
beer but we are engaged in a very serious relationship.  (Mom, please don't call me when you read this.)

Thank you to my Stalkers for always sticking with me and giving me mad support.  I never thought I’d be here and I owe it all to you.  Authors do know what it’s like to get excited about going home just to finish reading a really good book.  That’s what I strive to give you, and if I’ve succeeded in even a small way then YAYYYY!!!!!! 

Please leave feedback….well, only if it’s positive.  “Keep in mind that I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my shit!”
  (I love Erykah Badu)

I know, I know!  Everyone wants to know when the next Skin Walker will be out.  Soon, my friends, very soon!

Check me out at
for updates, my blog, and for excerpts from upcoming books.


Other Books by Susan A Bliler

Territory Prequel





Prince of Cats


King: Skin Walkers series (Book 1)

Conn: Skin Walkers series (Book 5)

Leto: Skin Walkers series (Book 6)

Monroe: Skin Walkers series (Book 7)

Skin Walkers series (Book 8)

York:  Skin Walkers series (Book 9)

Remy: Skin Walkers series (Book 10)

Skin Walkers Taken (Book 11)



BOOK: Skin Walkers: Angel Lost
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