Read Sky Jumpers Series, Book 1 Online

Authors: Peggy Eddleman

Sky Jumpers Series, Book 1 (26 page)

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I couldn’t wish for a more amazing editor than Shana Corey. Her incredible ability to focus on the big picture, yet pay attention to the smallest of details and still catch everything in between, is superhuman. She even manages to do it in a way that is kind and keeps me believing in myself and my book. I struck gold when I got her as an editor.

Random House has been a phenomenal publisher—huge thanks to the entire team, especially to Mallory Loehr, the publisher; Nicole de las Heras for her art direction; Alison Kolani, the wonderful copy chief; Adrienne Waintraub for getting my book into school libraries and promoting it at conferences; my publicists, Kathy Dunn and Nicole Banholzer, for their enthusiasm; and sales for all their tireless work.

A massive thanks needs to go to my critique partners. To Erin Summerill, my critique partner/photographer extraordinaire/bestie/go-to girl. She and Rob Code, Jason Manwaring, and David Powers King form my critique group and have been with me from the start and continue to make me a better writer week by week. To Jessie Humphries, who is always willing to drop everything
to help me brainstorm or give a critique or lend an ear, and to K. Marie Criddle, who is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever had the privilege to meet. To my early readers, whose feedback helped immensely: Tammy Merry weather, Cecilia Carter, JaNae Wilson, the Bayles family, the Wheeler family, Taffy Lovell, Nissa Allred, and Miss Wood’s fourth-grade class—thank you!

To Brandon Sanderson, who let a newbie writer chat with him at a signing long enough for him to invite her to his class, which changed her life. I’ll be forever grateful. And to Joss Whedon, whose commentaries taught me how to tell a story even before I became a writer.

To the 2013 debut authors in the Lucky 13s, for being so helpful, fun, and inspiring.

To my blog readers. You guys rock my world! You’ve made this journey a million kinds of fun. I love you all!

But most especially, thank you to everyone who reads
Sky Jumpers
. If I could, I’d bake you all cookies.

About the Author

lives at the foot of the Rocky Mountains in Utah with her husband and their three hilarious and fun kids.
Sky Jumpers
is her first novel.

You can visit Peggy at

BOOK: Sky Jumpers Series, Book 1
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