Read Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!) Online

Authors: Sable Hunter

Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!) (6 page)

BOOK: Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!)
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Nothing in her prior existence had prepared her for this level of want. The burning hunger for him ached in her joints like the flu.  

But Noah deserved so much more than a woman who was mired in a history she had no ability to overcome. He deserved a perfect woman with no taint, no shame and no prison record.

There, she’d said it.

Even though she’d been granted a new trial and had her sentence reduced to time served, she’d spent time behind bars for killing a man. Skye Blue was not a fit choice for Noah. 

“You’re thinking too much, Princess. Come back to me.”

There was nowhere else she’d rather be. And when he went to his knees at her feet, to tug her dress down, Skye felt a wetness grow between her thighs. Goosebumps danced over her body. Her heartbeat sped up, and her nipples—God, it wouldn’t do for her to think about how hard and aching her nipples were. “I’m here. You’ve got my full attention.” She gave in to her fantasies, letting her fingers slide over his shoulders. “You feel so good.” His chest was sculpted, covered by slabs of muscles she longed to rub and knead and kiss.

The dress pooled to the floor and she stepped out of it.

“Look at you.” He stood up, gazing at the stockings, the garter, the small scraps of lace which passed for undergarments. Skye had allowed herself to dream, acquiring a few bits of frippery. After the standard prison inmate issue of white panties and cotton cup bra, the feminine lingerie was decadent. “I can’t wait to get inside of you, so deep and hard you’ll never want to be with anyone else.” Noah looked his fill of her, taking his time, letting his fingers skate over her skin, making her quiver.

“Do something,” she begged. Did he notice the scar from her surgery? Would he ask? When he stood up and moved around her, she breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, the light was too dim. She didn’t want to have to explain.

“What do you want me to do?” He ran a finger down the indention of her back, loving each and every curve of her luscious body.

“Kiss me.” A simple request, but he’d never know how often she’d whispered the words into her pillow at night, when there was no hope of a lover answering her plea.

But her lover was here now, and he could give her what she needed. Noah claimed her lips in a searing kiss, covering them with his own—demanding, consuming, devouring, possessing. And as he kissed her, he unhooked her bra and let it fall, moaning as her breasts were crushed against his chest. “Jesus, I love your tits,” he whispered as he moved his chest across hers. The friction of her nipples against the light fur on his pecs had her whimpering. 

“You’re lethal, Noah.” Skye opened herself to him, allowing him access to her body and her soul. She wasn’t pure by any means, but she had very little basic experience. Of course, she knew things—she knew too much. There wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen or read about—heard bandied about by women who’d made a living with their bodies. Now, she’d see if she could actually put all that head knowledge to practical use.

Skye had not imagined herself partaking of this pleasure until Noah had shown up in the middle of the thunderstorm last night. But she couldn’t resist him. He was her dream lover, the one she’d invited into her bed night after night. The one she’d fantasized touching her, thrusting deep inside of her when all she had were her own fingers to give her relief. Now, she accepted the dominating thrust of his tongue, the taste of him slaking the thirst of her starvation. She didn’t know which was more exciting—the thrill of kissing him or the awareness of his hunger for her. Together they were intoxicating. He needed her. She could tell by his groans and the way his hips were bucking into her, the bulge of his cock rubbing against her mound.

“Now, for these.” He hooked his thumbs in her panties and pushed down. The garter belt was next and soon she was nude, vulnerable and so ready to be fucked she was quaking. He ran his hands down her back, cupping her ass as his lips and teeth tortured her neck and shoulder. The man was so damn talented. Skye followed his dance of seduction, responding to every move he made, never wanting the night to end. This was what she’d been born for; she’d been created to meet the needs of this man. To fulfill his desires. To accept him within her body.

Her knees weakened. “I can’t stand up.”

“You don’t have to. Allow me.” He swept her up like she weighed nothing and carried her, laying her down on top of the covers. “I’ve dreamed of seeing you in my bed.” He pulled his briefs down and off. His cock bobbed forward, so heavy it couldn’t remain upright.

At the sight of him, Skye melted. Her mouth watered, her nipples contracted and her pussy liquefied. As she lay there flat of her back, every female instinct she had took over. She bent her knees, spread her legs and opened herself up in invitation. Lifting her hips, she offered for him to come to her. A raised hand beckoned.

“Ye, gods,” he breathed. Her whole body was perfection. He loved the way she looked, so exotic and wild. Her breasts quivered with excitement, and he could see her pussy glistening with arousal. Skye Blue wanted him. She wanted Noah McCoy.

Had she ever been this aroused? Never. Skye hadn’t even known it was possible. “Don’t make me wait. We can do the preliminaries later.”

“Preliminaries? Like me sucking your tits, eating your pussy? Slipping my engorged cock between those pretty pink lips?” He crawled on top of her, straddling her on all fours, covering her like a predatory lion, his golden mane hanging down to curtain their faces.

“Yes, all of those things. I promise them ten-fold, if you’ll just give me what I need. Please!” She was begging, almost wailing.

“And what do you need, Princess? Tell me, and I’ll grant your request.” At this moment he felt like a king. Gone were the doubts, the worries, the frustrations. There was nothing in his world but this one perfect woman. And she wanted…him.

As she formulated her request, he bent to kiss her right nipple. Kiss—not exactly. He licked the tip, swirling his tongue around it, making her jerk and moan. And then he opened his mouth wide, taking in her whole areola and he…God! He drew it in, hard, sucking on her tit like he was going to inhale it. “Noah!” she groaned. The sensation was mind-blowing. Never had she known her breasts were so sensitive.

Noah chuckled. The vibration of his mirth gave an extra dimension to the sublime suckling. “What do you want?” he asked again as he changed breasts, giving the jealous twin equal time and attention. Hot suction. Hard draws that had her gasping his name and clawing at the sheets. Skye felt the zing of pleasure vibrate through her clit. She couldn’t be still. His cock was throbbing between them. A drop of pre-cum dampened her mound as the thick rod teased her desperate vagina. Skye spread her legs further and arched her back, trying to lure him into her, tempting his cock to give her what she needed.

“You inside of me.”

She ground out the words, as Noah dipped his fingers into the puffy wet folds of her pussy. My God, this was a generous woman. She didn’t hold back one iota. There was no doubt she wanted him. “Are you on the pill? I’m clean...I was tested after—“

She knew what he meant. “Yes, I’m safe and clean. I haven’t had sex in—” He didn’t let her finish. He massaged her vulva again, pressing two fingers deep inside of her, spreading her cream to ease his entry. Skye couldn’t believe what he was doing to her. She was absolutely delirious with desire, her whole body one solid ache. Unable to stop herself, she reached for his cock, wrapping her fingers around it, almost moaning at how good it felt—so hard, so thick. “Please, I want you to take me. Hard. Fast. I want you to pound into me until I cum.”

“Put your legs around my waist. I want you to cling to me. I want to feel your body against mine.” She lifted her legs and tucked them around him.

“If you don’t take me soon, I shall die.”

“We can’t have that.” Noah knew Skye had no idea what she was doing to him. The sight of her aroused, the sound of her hunger, all were combining to drive him mad. Hell, he might cum before he ever slid into her sweet, wet heat. She was amazing. An absolute little wild-cat. It was as if she hadn’t had sex in so long she was starved for it. No woman had ever driven him to such heights of arousal. “Hold on.”

She held—legs around his hips, arms around his neck, tits straining upward enough that her nipples were rubbing against him with every breath.

Finally. “Ahhhh…” she moaned as his cock probed her entrance. She shivered in anticipation as the tip eased inside of her. Heaven. Just that much of him felt so damn good.

“Is that enough of me?” He teased, knowing he couldn’t hold out much longer.

“Never.” She bucked her hips upward, trying to force him deeper.

“Steady, Princess.” He kissed her hard. “You’re damn tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”

She was past the point of caring. “Don’t stop. Please.” Skye grazed her teeth on his neck, sucking. 

“Holy Mother…” Noah groaned as he pushed deeper.

“Yes, yes,” Skye keened, feeling the wide head of his cock work its way into her, past swollen tissues hungry to be ravaged. God, she’d not known how desperate she was to be touched and taken and possessed. Her body was ablaze with passion. Her need soared to unimaginable heights. “I need to cum so bad.” She was almost crying.

“Oh, baby.” He kissed her face. “I’ll give you what you need.” With that promised, he thrust hard and deep, burying himself to the root, his balls slapping against her flesh. “Fuck,” he groaned. Being inside of her was pure rapture. His cock was being squeezed, massaged, bathed in the sweetest, wettest pussy he’d ever felt.

“More, Noah!” She ran her fingernails down his back, wanting to become a part of him, pushing herself up into his big body, striving to merge herself with him. Make them one.

Pulling out, he watched her face. She made the sweetest O with her mouth. “Feel good?”

“Oh, yes.” She sighed as he pushed back in, then repeated, pulling out, sliding in, out, in, out—one long, perfect thrust after another. She’d never known it could be this way, a perfect union. She could feel all of him, every vein, every ridge. Her flesh was swollen and gloried in the hard demanding shaft stroking inside of her. Skye was panting, moving her hips, meeting him, accepting everything he would give.

“You are so sweet, Skye, so sweet.”

“Noah!” There was no way she could hold back. His words. His body. His cock rasping inside of her—all combined to form a storm which raged with greater furor than the one which brought him to her. Her orgasm flashed through her like lightning, a consuming fire flashing across her body, suffusing her with absolute perfect bliss.

He raised himself up on his arms, closed his eyes, threw his head back and let go. Damn. Perfection. Her spasms milked him, causing his orgasm to rise, driving pure ecstasy out of his cock as he pumped semen out his body and into hers. Wave after wave of pleasure radiated through his body. Nothing had ever been as good as this. 


Skye cuddled down in her sleep. She was so warm. And happy. She moved her foot under the sheet, luxuriating in the feel of the cotton against her toes.


Her eyes sprang open. She was so not in her own bed. Snapping her eyes to the left, she beheld a sleeping giant. Noah McCoy.

A contented smile curled her lips. She had slept with Noah McCoy.

Oh, she hadn’t just slept with him; she had been had by him—thoroughly. Just the memory of what they’d done together made tiny rivulets of pleasure run through her veins.

Very carefully, she raised up on one elbow and looked at him. My God. The man was a work of art.  All of the McCoys were big men, but Noah was big and beautiful. In the repose of sleep, his face was serene and perfect. He reminded her of what Dustin Hoffman once said about working with Brad Pitt. ‘He makes the rest of us look like onions’. Skye smiled. Next to Noah, any man paled in comparison.

Lifting her hand, she ached to touch him. He shifted in his sleep and she held her breath, but he hmmmed and stretched his arms over his head. The movement just accentuated his pecs, his abs—God, she was turned on.

What was she waiting on? This most likely was a one-time thing. An opportunity like this wouldn’t come again. She wanted to experiment. Slipping the cover back, she let her eyes rove over his body. Golden brown skin, just a shade or two lighter than hers. Flat stomach, that amazing wedge shape from his muscle-capped shoulders and perfectly defined chest. But what lay below the waist was even more alluring.

His cock was hard and swollen. She couldn’t have resisted if her life depended on it. Morning wood. Going to her knees she studied the object of her desire. Oh, yeah.

Skye had slept in his arms, naked. And she was more aware of her body and its desires now than she had ever been. Her breasts were so sensitive, her nipples so swollen. She cupped them and lifted them, toying with the tips. Staring at Noah’s cock, she wondered how much she could get away with. Ah, well. He’d just have to endure.

Maybe he would sleep through it.

Bending, she licked his shaft from root to tip. He jerked in his sleep, but he didn’t awake. Pulling at her nipples, she nuzzled his cock, inhaling his scent, amazed at the silken feel of the steel-hard rod. Taking the head of his manhood into her mouth, she sucked on it like a peach, letting her tongue bathe the tip. A ripple of bliss shot through her.

She was enjoying this and she wanted more. Taking his shaft in one hand, she bent closer and traced her nipple with the head, leaving a trace of precum on her areola. Immediately her breast tightened. Moving over slightly, she gifted her other breast to the same rare treat. God, she wanted Noah.

Hovering over him, her breasts dangled down—even to her own eye they were lush and aroused. Placing a hand on either globe, she settled the quivering mounds on either side of his cock and pressed them together, capturing him between them.

Noah groaned. Her eyes flew to his face, but he still slept. Taking that as a sign she should continue, Skye moved her body up and down, sliding his cock between her breasts. Looking down, she groaned. Never in her born days had she imagined doing anything so sinfully sweet. The sight of Noah’s cock nestled in the valley of her tits was arousing beyond the point of endurance. Wanting to taste, she lowered her head and kissed the tip, dallying her tongue in the slit, all the while moving her body so her aching flesh caressed the rock hard shaft.

Noah opened one eye.

Did she actually think he was sleeping through this? Could any man ignore such ecstasy?

“You’re killing me, Princess,” he groaned.

Skye bounced a little, which caused her breasts to jiggle, further exciting his cock. Noah groaned again. “Sweet Jesus.”

Meeting his gaze, Skye understood. She had him at her mercy. “Shall I please you?”

“I beg you. Don’t stop.” His voice was deep, husky, with a sexy catch which spoke of his excitement.

“I don’t want to stop.” She slid his cock between her breasts, licking the head, taking him deeper in her mouth. An ache began to pulse rhythmically between her legs. Letting go of her breasts, she got down to business. Clasping his stalk in one hand, she began to bob her head, hollowing her cheeks and sucking him unmercifully. Noah groaned, bucking his hips. A trickle of cream ran down her thigh, she could feel it. Skye was unbearably aroused. He was Adam to her Eve and she longed to tempt him beyond endurance.

Dragging her tongue across the swollen head, Skye pumped him with one hand and palmed his balls with the other. Unable to keep still, she rhythmically clenched her pussy, wishing she could feel him stretching her, burning her.

“Suck me, Skye. More.” Wanting only to please him, she laved the flared crest with the flat of her tongue before taking as much of him in her mouth as she could. All the way to the back of her throat, she took him, then slid him in and out, in and out, swirling her tongue around the ridge of his cock. “My God!” he bellowed as he filtered his fingers through her hair. She felt his thighs go taut. He was loving this and so was she. The feel of him heavy on her tongue was one of the most erotic things she could imagine.

Lovingly she bathed him with her tongue before taking him back in her mouth and sucking hard. She heard him hiss in appreciation. Skye was so turned on, she was shaking. God, he was so big, she massaged him with her fingers while her tongue lashed around the thick root. Quickly she learned there was a spot that drove him crazy, a hidden spot underneath the head, so she paid it special attention and he rewarded her with words of praise and promises of untold delights. Skye hummed her pleasure, memorizing every vein and every ridge as she worshiped his cock. “Skye! God, Skye!”

Noah groaned—a guttural sound erupted from his throat as if the pleasure he was experiencing was pure agony. Hot jets of semen shot into her mouth and she accepted it, loving him as his whole body gave in to the orgasm. In absolute harmony, her body reacted to the sights and sounds of his ecstasy and she came hard, crying out his name. “Noah!”

He couldn’t think for a few heartbeats, but when he could, Noah realized the gift Skye had given him. “Come here.” He pulled her into his arms. “I have no words.” He kissed her on the temple. “You are every man’s fantasy.”

She cuddled up next to him and sighed. All of those years of fantasizing had paid off.

“I have to pack.” She sighed against his chest.

Taking her chin between his thumb and first finger, he held her still. “Don’t leave without texting me and I want you to come home as soon as you can.”

His attitude warmed her heart, but she needed to say her piece. Skye laid her hand on his cheek. “Thank you for last night and this morning. I’ll never forget it as long as I live.”

Noah frowned. “I don’t understand. After giving me the most spec-fuckin-tacular blow job in the history of mankind, you’re giving me the brush-off?”

Skye got up and reached for something to put on and realized she didn’t have anything except the dress she’d worn to the ball. “Dang.” Grabbing Noah’s white dress shirt, she pulled it on. “No, I’m not giving you the brush-off. I’m being a modern woman who can have a fulfilling sexual relationship with a guy and not expect a ring and a promise.”

Noah studied her. He wanted to argue, but what she was saying was exactly what he’d said he wanted…or thought he wanted. Now he wasn’t so sure. All he knew was that she looked like a wet dream in his shirt. “My request stands and I add to it. Text me before you go, be safe, and come back to me as soon as you can. Deal?”

Skye wondered if she was setting herself up for a fall. “Deal.”


His dad always taught him to be the bigger man, and while he’d never claim to be better than his brother, Noah knew he should make the first move. The elevator dinged when it reached the third floor and he exited, heading toward Jessie’s room. The baby was on another floor in ICU, and he was sure Jacob was running himself to death trying to be with both of them as much as he could. The family would stand by him, and do everything they could, but Jacob wasn’t the type to stand back and let someone else take care of those he loved best.

He walked up to the chart and verified Jessie McCoy as the patient. Tapping twice, he eased the door open. The room was darkened and he saw Jacob raise his head. He looked tired, but he smiled. “God, I’m glad you came.” He got up and came to Noah, embracing him.

Relief flooded Noah. He didn’t know what he’d do if he lost the love and support of his brother. “How are they?”

“Jessie is resting good. But she’s worried.” He was whispering, but a movement from the bed caused them both to turn.

“I’m not asleep. Come hug me, Noah. Have you seen him? Isn’t Bowie beautiful?”

He went to her. “No, I haven’t seen him yet. But if he looks like you, there’s nothing else he could be.”

Jessie clung to him. “Get Jacob to take you down to NICU and you all go check on my little boy for me. I’m so worried.” 

“Okay, I want to see him.” He hugged her back.

“I told you to stop worrying. Bowie is going to be fine. He’s getting stronger every minute.” Jacob squeezed her hand.

“Go.” She compelled them. “Go or I’ll get up out of this bed and go myself. I beg Jacob to just stay down there with Bowie as much as they’ll let him and just come check on me every once in a while.”

“You know I can’t stay away from you. Avery is coming this morning and Joseph this afternoon. We’re going to take turns.” Jacob looked at his wife with all the love in the world in his eyes. “Everything will be okay, the doctors here are great and the family will pray us through this.”

Jacob’s faith was great. Noah admired him. He wouldn’t say his faith had faltered, but the family sure had used their quota of prayer requests lately. “I want on the roster. I’d love to sit with you or Bowie.”

“Thanks, Noah. Just as soon as I can get out of this bed, I’ll be down there myself—full time.”

“You will take care of yourself, you’ve just had surgery.” Jacob was emphatic.

Jessie wiped tears. “Go see about Bowie.” She urged them from the room.

They left and started down the hallway to the elevator. “Tell me exactly what Bowie is facing,” Noah asked, walking closely to his brother.

Jacob punched the elevator button. “Lord, I’ve talked to the doctors and researched this thing and as best I can tell you, it’s his mitral valve, the one which moves blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Very serious.” He sighed as they stepped in and the door closed. “As far as valve problems go, this one is complex.”

“What are they going to do? Repair it?”

“We’ve had a specialist come in and study Bowie’s x-rays and he said the valve is beyond repair. The answer is replacement, but the mitral valve is a tricky one because there are a lot of critical structures close to it which will restrict what he can do.”

Noah could see the strain Jacob was under and he immediately forgave him for his outburst the night before. “What does all that mean?”

“What worried me most was that as Bowie grows, any valve they would put in would have to be replaced periodically, which means more surgeries. But Dr. Iman thinks he can use a Melody valve which is an expandable prosthetic valve normally used in the pulmonary area because it works when only partially expanded.”

“That sounds complicated.”

“It is.” They got off the elevator and Jacob pointed the way. “By trimming the length and cinching it down to its smallest size, he thinks he can use it. As Bowie grows, they can expand the valve by threading a thin balloon catheter into the heart and inflating it.” 

“Good lord,” Noah breathed. Jacob opened the door to the NICU. “Let me get the nurse to let us visit him.” He stepped away and Noah looked around at all the incubators. Each one had a small baby who was facing much more than a tiny human should have to.

“Noah.” Jacob motioned him over to a small cubicle where his son lay. “Come meet your nephew.”

He stepped over to the incubator and looked at the small child. He had dark hair, blue eyes and was hooked up to more wires and tubes than Noah had ever seen. “He’s so handsome.” Despite the medical paraphernalia, the baby moved his little arms and legs, seeming to reach up for his father.

“Hey, buddy.” Jacob reached out to his son who wrapped his entire hand around Jacob’s finger, holding on. “This just breaks my heart, Noah.”

They stood together with a baby who had come into their world. “We’ll stand by him through thick and thin, you know that.”

“Yea,” Jacob agreed. “That’s just what families do.”


When Noah left the hospital, he felt better. He checked his phone. There was no message from Skye so he texted her.

NOAH: I miss you.

In a few moments, he heard a beep.

SKYE: I miss you, too. I’m getting pretty.

Noah laughed.

NOAH: You’re already pretty. If you’re going out into the wilderness, who are you dressing up for?

SKYE: Ha! You never know. I might run into Grizzly Adams. A girl always wants to look her best.

NOAH: Now, I’m jealous.

SKYE: You have no reason to be.

NOAH: Good. When are you leaving?

SKYE: It will be a couple of hours. I’m waiting till Lance returns so I can say goodbye.

NOAH: Okay. Don’t forget me.

SKYE: Impossible.

When he arrived back at Tebow, he remembered the certificate and plaque about Aron from the ball. He’d left it on the kitchen table. What was he going to do with it? Was there any use in trying to hide it? The news would make the local paper tomorrow, but would his family even notice? Life was beyond hectic these days. Should he throw the stuff away or keep it, just in case? Hell, he supposed he could store it in the attic. Before he’d left the hospital Jacob had asked him to go up and bring down a couple of boxes of their Dad’s papers. He wanted Noah to go through them and see if he could find anything else about Christian and their first cousins. The whole thing was still so new and if Sebastian had left more information about their mutual grandparents and how things were doled out, they’d know better how to proceed.

Noah knew Tebow hadn’t always been McCoy property. This land had belonged to his mother and her family. But he didn’t know as much about where Sebastian had come from and all of the McCoy side of the family’s dealings, and now he knew why. Divorce and misunderstandings can tear up a family for generations.

As he shut the car door, he noticed Nathan walking across the yard. His head was bowed and he looked upset. “Nathan! What’s wrong?”

His brother stopped, but didn’t say anything. Noah ran to him. “Are you sick?”

“No.” When he looked up, it was obvious Nathan had tears in his eyes. “Tina was in a car wreck. They don’t know if she’s going to live.”

“God, I’m so sorry. Do you want me to take you to the hospital to see her?” He racked his brain, trying to place Tina. He thought he knew who all of Nathan’s friends were. “What’s her last name?”

“Her last name is Quinn. They only moved here about a month ago. And I can’t go see her, they life-flighted her to Galveston.”

Noah wrapped an arm around Nathan. “If she’s down there for more than a couple of days, I’ll take you myself. What happened?”

“I don’t know, but I’m worried.” He looked up at Noah. “She’s so nice. We talked on the phone last night for an hour. Her Dad came to her bedroom door and asked her if she wanted to go get ice cream. She didn’t want to go, she wanted to stay on the phone with me. But he insisted. And a drunk driver…”

BOOK: Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!)
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