Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series)
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"Just be patient with me. I'm going through so
much," Farrah said.

"I will always be patient with you, love. I want you
to be comfortable," he said, kissing her neck.

Chapter Seventeen


"You're so beautiful," Melanie gushed as she
added the tiara to Farrah's head.

This was going to be one of the happiest days of Farrah's
life. She was marrying her best friend and soul mate today. She blocked out the
reporters and photographers taking pictures of her. Everyone gushed over the
dress that Austin picked out and purchased. She laughed when she realized that
she really didn't have to plan anything.

The ivory Chantilly lace dress had a sweetheart illusion
neckline that accentuated her hourglass figure.

"Let's get a picture of the bride and the

Farrah stood next to Melanie, who'd become a good friend
within a matter of days. Melanie wore a lace dress in charcoal.

"We only have a few minutes, but we're still going to
keep with tradition." Melanie went to the desk and handed Farrah a wrapped
box. "Something new."

Farrah excitedly opened the package. "Thank you so
much." Farrah took the stylish pearls and diamond cross earrings out of
the jewelry box.

"I have another surprise. It's something old."
Melanie handed Farrah a small pink velvet jewelry bag. "You can thank
Austin when you see him."

Farrah took a deep breath and reached into the velvet bag,
pulling out her necklace with the heart-shaped charm that belonged to her

"He said he took it a few days ago to get it
redesigned," Melanie said softly.

Farrah shook her head as she tried to keep the tears at
bay. The once tarnished charm was now redesigned with diamonds. Flipping the
charm over, she read the inscription. "May Rose Rue Watch over You
4-Ever." Farrah sat down in the chair and started to cry.

"You're messing up your makeup," Melanie

"I know," she laughed. "Could you…?"

"Sure, sweetheart." Melanie put the necklace
around Farrah's neck.

Farrah knew her mother wasn't here physically, but she
could feel her presence all around her.

A knock sounded on the bedroom door.

"It's show time," Claude said, sticking his head
into the room.

"Okay," Farrah said as the makeup artist
retouched her makeup.




This was a beautiful day to have a wedding. The sun shone
directly down on the ranch, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The bluegrass
band Austin had hired played "Because You Loved Me" instrumentally as
Farrah walked down the aisle to him on her father's arm.

The wedding took place out in the pasture near the pond.
They would say their vows under a tree that Austin had decorated with white
flowers, which hung from the branches. He wanted Farrah to have a fairytale

He'd ordered antique pews for the guests to sit on. White
flowers were scattered across the ground, creating an aisle to the altar.

Austin's goal was to create a perfect moment for them. He
smiled when he saw Farrah. She was the most beautiful bride he had ever seen.
Her bouquet was made of bright yellow sunflowers and white carnations. Everyone
laughed when she lifted her dress to show him the brown cowgirl boots.

"I love you," he mouthed.

"I love you."

Farrah smiled as she got closer to the altar. Her
husband-to-be was handsome, wearing a light grey suit. She nearly had to do a
double take when she noticed that he wasn't wearing a cowboy hat and his shaggy
blonde hair was now cut short.

Farrah kissed Claude on the cheek before he gave her to

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the
presence of these witnesses to join Austin Benjamin McBride and Farrah Marcella
Rue in matrimony commended to be honorable among all."

Farrah could hear helicopters circling like vultures,
trying to take pictures from above. She blocked out everything and stared into
Austin's grey eyes as the pastor read from the McBride family Bible that their
union would soon be etched into.

"This happy couple has written their own vows."

Austin took Farrah's hands into his, staring into her brown
eyes. "When you came into my life for the first time, I questioned my
sanity and God. How could he bring my soul mate in my life at this time?
Growing up, my momma used to always tell me not to question God, and this
beautiful, smart woman told me God brings people in your life when you least
expect it. Farrah, today is the beginning of our life together. I want you to
know that I'm happy you're my best friend and lover. I can't picture my life
without you in it."

Austin reached up to wipe the tears from Farrah's cheek.

"Farrah, I promise to let you win every argument even
if you're wrong. I can't promise not to hog the remote when football season
comes. I will love you when I'm happy or sad. I take you to be my wife for
better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health."

Farrah handed the bouquet of flowers to Melanie. Stepping
closer to Austin, she touched the side of his face.

"My dear Austin, I surrender my heart, body, and soul
to you. When I think about our past beginnings, I'm thankful for the good and
bad between us, because it made me stronger, and I know that I can weather any
storm with you." Farrah paused to calm her trembling voice. "When I
met you for the first time, my life flashed before my eyes. I saw happiness,
love, and babies. Today, I promise in front of our friends and guests to
cherish and respect you. I will be your wife, best friend, and psychologist. I
will honor you forever, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in
sickness and in health, from this day forward until death do us part."

Everything was a blur to Farrah as Austin slipped a
beautiful rose gold princess cut diamond ring on her finger. For the first time
since Farrah had met Austin, he was nervous—the man who performed in front of a
sold- out crowd in Madison Square Garden was nervous as he slid on her wedding

Their wedding bands used to belong to Austin's mother and
father. His parents adored and loved one another to their last day on earth.
Farrah felt like it was a privilege to have a family heirloom that would be
part of their family forever.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you
husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Farrah gasped when Austin dipped her backwards and kissed
her passionately. She could hear their guests clapping.

When he pulled her back up, he smiled mischievously and
whispered into her ear. "We're only staying for an hour before we leave
for Turks and Caicos."

"Let's make it thirty minutes."

"Deal." He laughed.

"May I present Austin and Farrah McBride!" the
pastor said as he closed the Bible.




One Month Later


"Are you sure you don't want me to go?"

Farrah nodded her head. Meeting Rebecca was something she
had to do on her own. Maybe Austin could hear her heart beating fast or could
sense the bout of nausea she was trying to keep at bay.

"I'm going to go and just sit in the truck."

Farrah knew there was no point in arguing with Austin
McBride. "Fine," she conceded.

Ten minutes later, Farrah sat next to Austin as he drove to
the café where she was going to meet and talk to Rebecca. So many thoughts were
running through Farrah's mind. She was second guessing herself. But she knew
this had to be done in order for all parties, mainly Rebecca, to move on.

When they arrived at the café, Farrah found Rebecca sitting
outside drinking ice water.

Taking a deep breath, Farrah walked with her head held high
to the table.


Rebecca didn't respond. She gestured for Farrah to have a
seat. "I'm surprised you wanted to have this meeting."

Farrah knew this wasn't going to be easy. Rebecca was
already being a bitch with the rolling of her eyes and the snippy remarks.
Farrah could have been a bitch, too, but instead she was going to take the high
road. This wasn't about hurting anyone; this was supposed to be about healing.

"I heard you're pregnant."


The waiter came, but Farrah declined to order anything.

"Do you know how this relationship affected me? I
hired you to cater and cook for my fiancé because he wanted that. I didn't hire
you to fuck him!" Rebecca screamed, causing people to stare at them.

"Rebecca," Farrah said calmly. "I didn't
come here to argue with you. I came here because you seem to be addressing me
in the media. We're grown women, and I was hoping we could have a civilized
conversation, but obviously that's not going to happen."

"It's not going to happen, because you're a whore who
slept with my fiancé, and now you're pregnant!" she shouted.

"I'm sorry, Rebecca, honest to God. I could have
handled things differently between Austin and me. I'm not supposed to live in
regret because I found my soul mate. I pray that you will find yours."
Farrah stood up to leave.

"It's killing me that he bought you a ranch here in
Nashville and you're pregnant with his child. That should be my baby!"
Rebecca screamed and looked at Farrah's finger. "You're engaged?"

Farrah didn't have the heart to tell the woman that she was
actually married to Austin. The magazine interview they did about their wedding
was going to be out tomorrow. Farrah backed away from an irate Rebecca.

"That's enough, Rebecca!" Austin stood next to
Farrah and placed a protective hand around her waist. "I will not allow
you to continue to verbally abuse Farrah. Don't put the blame on her. I told
you I wasn't happy. For Christ's sake, neither of us was happy, and you know
it. You lied about a pregnancy. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if
you really love me."

"I did love you!" Rebecca cried.

Austin knew that Rebecca was faking. He wouldn't be
surprised if she had a camera hidden somewhere.

"This is a waste of time," he said. "My wife
was trying to come here and say 'Hey, sorry for the pain that our relationship
caused,' but it's pointless."

"You embarrassed me in front of my friends and

"We're done," Austin said and pulled Farrah
towards the truck.

"Wait a minute. Did you say you married her?"
Rebecca screeched.

"You're going to say and do whatever you want,
Rebecca, just like you always have, just like you and your mother tried to ruin
Farrah by burning down her restaurant with her in it."

Austin helped Farrah into the truck. He slid in beside her
and closed the door. He could see the guilt on Rebecca's face in the rearview
mirror as they sped away.

"I think I learned a valuable lesson today,"
Farrah said. "I don't care what people say anymore. Our marriage and
relationship are between us, and no one can dictate my love for you. You were

"That is the smartest thing I think you've said in a
long time." Austin chuckled.

"Ha-ha, very funny, McBride." Farrah laughed.

Her relationship with Austin was solid as a rock. Her life
with him was just beginning. She was so happy to welcome into her life the man
who broke down all the walls that she'd put up.

Sighing contentedly, she squeezed Austin's hand and recited
a quote from Lao Tzu: "
'Being deeply loved by someone gives you
strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

She had finally found that someone.



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BOOK: Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series)
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