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Authors: Kate Corcino

Spark Rising (39 page)

BOOK: Spark Rising
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I’ve been telling stories since I could talk, some better than others. According to family legend, one of them got me expelled from preschool. Outside of that early experience, there have been many who encouraged me, especially my teachers.

In the ninth grade, I promised my English teacher that someday I would be thanking her in my first book. She grinned back and told me she had no doubt that I would, and I better not forget! It grieves me that it took me so long to accomplish this that she did not live to see it. I hope she knew how much her encouragement, lessons, and belief in my abilities meant to me. Thank you, Mary Adah Curbera. I never forgot.

Thank you also to my beta readers and critique partners, Charity, Anne Marie, Christi, Martin, Amy, Cathryn, Danny, Tammy, Jenn.

To Bryan Thomas Schmidt and Claire Ashgrove, my amazing editors, thank you for your hard work, dedication, and belief in this story. You made this story better. I am so grateful to the entire team at Finish the Story editing!

Thank you to Regina Wamba of MaeI Designs for my amazing cover. Your work is, as always, gorgeous!

I also offer a heart full of thanks to my family and all of the friends over the years who have also believed in me, urging me on, sometimes sweetly, sometimes with threats. Special thanks to my mother, who reads every word I write, and my sister, whose demands for more encourage me to keep going. My dad and oldest brother lit the fire by introducing me to sci fi so many years ago, and they’ves been an enthusiastic and honest champions since. I love you all…and look! I did it!

My younger brother, Tim, deserves a special mention. Not only does he read every word I write, but he is a patient and enthusiastic sounding board, confidante, imagination fire-er, cheerleader, and babysitter (when I absolutely have to get out of the house and go write in a coffee shop). Without his support, this book would not be what it is.

And to you, my readers,
thank you
. Without an audience, the stories that come would just be daydreams. You are what makes a writer. I’d love to hear from you, and I would be pleased and honored if you were moved to leave a review at your point of sale. Thank you for reading, and for going on the journey.

And finally, I finish the way the book began…with gratitude and love for my amazing husband for his support and the love story that rivals any romance novel reunion story. I am grateful for that first love in high school. I am grateful you never forgot. I am grateful we found each other again as adults. And I am so grateful that you’ve never stopped believing in me, not once, along that journey.

I raise a glass to all of you! Many, many thanks!





About the Author


Kate Corcino is a reformed shy girl who found her voice (and uses it...a lot). She believes in magic, coffee, Starburst candies, genre fiction, descriptive profanity, and cackling over wine with good friends. A recovering Dr. Pepper addict, she knows the only addiction worth feeding is the one that comes with characters and dialogue.

Corcino also believes in the transformative power of second chances. Cheers to works-in-progress of the literary and lifelong variety!

She currently lives in her beloved desert Southwest with her family, three dogs, two cats, and a rotating cast of invisible friends (aka very demanding characters).

For more information, or to keep up-to-date on releases, free offerings, and general fun, feel free to follow the author on either her Facebook page
or her web page

BOOK: Spark Rising
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