Stallion: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (15 page)

BOOK: Stallion: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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Emmy looks shocked. But it’s a good shocked. She looks relieved, and I feel her hand tighten against mine. I hear her take a sharp breath and she lowers her head.

“I think…” she says, raising her eyes to mine. “I love you too.”

My heart almost jumps out of my chest. I feel like a little kid again and want to jump up and down like a goofball. But I don’t. Shit, there are people watching. Seeing my ass is one thing, but come on now.

“I’ll be there for you, Emmy. And the baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

Before she can react, I pull her close and kiss her. Her lips are heaven against mine. I even love the way she tastes. Every inch of this girl is perfection in my eyes. I slide my tongue into her mouth, kissing hungrily, pulling her even closer against me. I slide my free arm around her waist, gripping her tightly.

Walker Johnson Junior is apparently in love too, because he starts to stand at attention. Unlike Darlene, Emmy knows how to get me going. She must notice, because she pulls away and stares into my eyes.

“Walker,” she whispers. “We’re in the middle of the street.”

We both laugh. Looking behind me, I see quite a crowd of spectators has gathered, and are watching intently like we’re their own personal soap opera.

“Let’s go somewhere a little more private,” I tell her, using my free hand to take hers. “All right, folks. Show’s over!”

The crowd laughs and fake boos as Emmy and I pass. We head inside and take the steps up to the second floor. My bedroom is empty, thank God, and I pull Emmy inside and shut the door, making sure to lock it.

When I turn around, I see her standing at the foot of my bed, already pulling her shirt off.

“What a rack,” I say with a cocky smile. Emmy lets out a soft giggle. Walker Junior’s ready to come off the bench. I drop the pillow and step over to her, pulling the button of her pants open. She must be ticklish. I can feel her stomach tense up as my fingers brush across her skin.

We kiss, and it’s electric. I run my hands down her lower back and grab her pants, tugging them down over her ample ass. She moans into my mouth as I grip her tightly.
I think. She’s so firm.

I spank her hard with one hand. I have to do it. A body like this – I can’t control myself. Emmy likes it, and bites my lower lip hungrily. I kiss her deeper and push her down onto the bed, using one hand to pull her pants all the way off. I run my hand up her smooth legs and press two fingers against her panties, feeling the moist cloth signaling her arousal.

I can’t take it any longer. This last month has been torture, and I can’t draw things out any longer with foreplay. Surprising even myself, I grab her panties and tear them off her, snapping the waistband. Before she can react, I plunge my cock inside her.

“Fuck!” I growl, snatching her hair with both hands, pulling her face to mine as I push all of my length inside her. I watch her eyes go wide as I fill her up until she can’t take anymore. Her expression is almost one of shock, as if she forgot how big I am.

But then she’s overwhelmed with pleasure. We both are. I start thrusting, using my grip on her hair to pull her body towards mine with every thrust. She spreads her legs wide for me, and I can feel her wetness against my legs. With each stroke from my cock, Emmy lets out a soft moan, almost inaudible, that drives me wild.

She’s so tight around my dick. It’s like she’s pulling on me every time I pull back, demanding I go deeper. I bring my lips to one of her nipples and kiss gently, teasing her with slow, long strokes. She gasps and grabs my back with both hands, digging her nails in, gripping me tightly.

“Fuck me, Walker,” she says. Her words inflame me, and I raise up and sit back on my feet, gripping her tightly by the waist, pulling her all the way onto my cock. This angle is even better, and Emmy’s eyes roll back as I start to fuck her. Hard.

My cock slides in and out of her, pounding her as I release all the pent-up tension from the last month. I’ve wanted this so bad. It was only when I entered her that I realized just how much.

Watching her breasts bounce, I pick up the pace. I can feel her tightening up against my cock and know that she has to be close.
, I think proudly. I move my hands from her hips to her breasts and take hold.


“You like that?” I ask her, wanting to hear it from her.

“Yes!” She gasps.

I move my hands from her breasts and slide them underneath her, gripping her ass as I fuck her. This girl’s body is phenomenal. I’m like an animal. She’s driving me wild. I can’t get enough. Her skin, her warmth, her scent. I’m possessed.

Fucking her hard, I lean down and kiss her neck. She smells so good. I can’t contain myself. I bite her neck. Not hard, but just enough to hurt. I hear her gasp, from surprise or from the pain, but she loves it.

Both of her legs wrap around me, pulling me in, begging me to fuck her harder.

“I’m close,” she tells me as I drive my cock inside her, feeling her pussy clamp down.

“Cum for me,” I tell her, needing to see it, needing to feel it.

I give her one extra deep push that sends her over the edge.

“Yes!” She shouts, her back arching off the bed as she climaxes. With one hand, I push her back flat and keep fucking her through her orgasm. “Oh, God!”

She grabs my pillow and smothers her own face with it to stifle the scream. I watch her beautiful breasts bounce as I continue to fuck her, feeling each pulse of her orgasm through her pussy as it clenches down on my cock.

As she finishes, I snatch the pillow away and kiss her, bringing our sweaty faces together. She can barely kiss back, so I suck her bottom lip gently and brush the hair from her face.

“That feel good, baby?” I ask her.

All she can do is nod. This girl is amazing. She’s no college league ball; Emmy is the Super Bowl.

I slow down, lift her leg and slide down beside her so we’re spooning. From this angle I can slip my hand between her legs and play with her while I fuck her. As soon as my fingers find her clit, Emmy throws her head back.

“Oh, God,” she gasps. “Walker – Oh my God!”

She turns her head back to face me, slipping an arm around my shoulders as I give it to her nice and slow, using my finger to stimulate her. “I don’t know if I can take it,” she tells me.

“You can,” I say back.

She feels amazing, and it’s all I can do to hold out. Even fucking her slow like this is incredible. It’s impossible for me to get enough of her. I want to bite her, taste her, devour her whole. Something primal in me screams to get out as I run my hand up her body, caressing her leg, her thigh, her hips and breasts.

Her smell is like a drug, and I inhale deeply as I kiss her ear and neck. I’ve never been so possessed by a girl in all my life.

Emmy’s legs start to twitch, and I can feel her getting close. My cock is a hot steel rod inside her, and I know I’m not going to be able to hold out any longer. Emmy can feel it too. She turns to me and looks into my eyes.

“Are you close?” She asks.

“Yes,” I tell her.

“Cum with me,” she pleads through lustful eyes. “I want to cum with you.”

“Fuck yea,” I tell her, pressing our foreheads together. My fingers move faster on her clit. Emmy’s legs twitch and I feel her tighten up. My cock flexes, warning me of what’s to come. We’re both almost there. Emmy’s eyes widen, and I feel it.

“I’m cumming!” She tells me. I go over the edge too.

My cock twitches hard and I shoot my load inside her. “Yes!” She shouts as I spray my cum. Our orgasms are in sync. Every twitch from her pussy is followed by a pulse from my cock.

I’m cumming inside her, marking her as mine. She
mine. She’s carrying my child, and she’s the most gorgeous girl I’ve seen in my life.

We’re both soaked with sweat as we come down together. I stay inside her for some time, still hard, and when I finally pull out, we both groan.

“The worst part,” she says, turning on the bed to face me.

“I wish I could stay in you all night,” I tell her, brushing her hair aside and kissing her gently on the cheek.

“What, are you only good for one round?” She jokes.

“Gimme five minutes, and I’ll be good to go.”

“Why don’t we make it ten?” She says with a laugh. “Or you might kill me.”

We stare into each others eyes for what seems like an eternity, the mayhem of the party downstairs a dull roar through the floorboards.
I could stay here forever
, I think.

A soft breeze comes through the cracked window, and I feel goose bumps raise on Emmy’s skin. It’s a cool night for Texas, and I pull the sheet over her body to keep her warm.

“Thank you,” she says, closing her eyes and nuzzling close to my neck.

“Of course,” I tell her, wrapping my arm around her.

“I don’t want to get up,” she says.

“So don’t,” I tell her. “You don’t have to go anywhere.”

“You want me to stay?” She asks sheepishly, almost like she’s scared of the answer. She has to know by now how I feel about her. I lift her chin and bring her eyes to mine.

“Emmy,” I say lovingly. “I don’t want you to
leave me.”


our months later

I bite down on my mouth guard as I make my way out of the locker room with the rest of the team. My heart’s racing, and it should be.

Today is my big day – my first official day in the big leagues. No more college ball for me. We’re playing New York and it’s going to be a close one. They’re strong this year and have a bit of a rivalry against us for knocking them out of the playoffs last year.

It’s a home game today, and I’ve been practicing on this field for weeks, but this is different. As I make my way out to the field, I have a thousand thoughts racing through my mind.

Seattle had been generous. They wanted me right out of the gate and made me a great offer. My contract made me a multi-millionaire. Sometimes I still have a hard time getting my head around it. It’s a weird thing to say: I am a millionaire.

To be honest, the money doesn’t mean that much to me. I’m not an extravagant guy. Sure I got a nice house and a new car, but what means the most to me about this deal, is the fact that I’ve been able to get my mom the best care in the country. Between my paycheck and the benefits the league provided, my mom is getting top treatment and doing much better.

Her cancer has gone into remission, and the doctors say things are looking good. All my hard work is paying off. This is what drove me on the field doing sprints in hundred-degree Texas heat.

That’s what separates me from the rest of the guys: I have something to play for. My mother. Emmy. My unborn son. It’s what drives me. The desire for fame and glory will only get you so far. You have to have something else – heart.

As I step out of the locker room and onto the field for my first game, and hear the roar of the crowd for the first time on our home field, I start to worry. I’ve been in front of crowds before, but this is the big leagues and I’m the new guy. I don’t even know if coach will play me today. I’m the new kid on the block, and everyone has to pay their dues. I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t see a minute of field time.

Still, I feel like every eye is on me, analyzing my every move. A game like this has national TV coverage, and the announcers will no doubt be speculating on me and whether Seattle made the right choice, how I’m going to do, and all that shit.

After my college performance there will be high expectations on me, but that’s fine. I thrive under pressure, and as I gaze out across the packed stadium, I feel my adrenaline surge and my determination rise within me.

I’m ready to rock.

We gather up at the bench and I gaze across the huddle of my new teammates. Everyone is ready to go. There’s nothing left to do but to do it.

“Smith!” I hear Coach shout to the other wide receiver on the team. “Get your ass in there.”

My heart sinks.
I’m not starting

It’s not like this is unexpected. Even if I was twice the man that Smith is, Coach still has to put me through the paces. I’m the new guy. I can’t just come in and be the star on the first play of the first game of the season. At least that’s what I tell myself as I take a seat on the bench.

I know Emmy’s out there in the stands somewhere watching. She came to see me play and now she’s watching me do nothing. And mom’s watching from the house.
Am I letting them down?

This isn’t like me. Doubt is not a trait of Walker Johnson!

But I’m not the Stallion anymore. Not yet at least. I have to prove myself, and for right now I just have to sit down, shut up, warm the bench and wait my turn.

The whistle blows for the kickoff and the game begins. There’s nothing to do but watch and cheer as my team goes to work. I can’t stop tapping my leg.
I want to be out there!
I’m sure we can handle these guys, though. No need to be nervous.

But an hour and a half later, we’re behind. Smith caught a nice twenty-yard pass, but fumbled it when he saw Mason, a six foot six bruiser from New York, coming straight at him. That fumble led to a forty yard run into our end zone, an extra point kick and put us behind by one.

A lot of guys have some superstitions, and one of those is that the first game of the year sets the tone for the entire season, so we’re really all praying for a win today. I’m completely on edge, living each play vicariously through the team.

If only I could get out there!
I think.
I know I could bring this back!

Why hasn’t he put me in? Smith is obviously off his game today. If I were coach I’d want to try some new blood, switch things up a little. They drafted me for a reason, and they’re paying me big bucks – big bucks that are just going to waste with my ass firmly planted on the bench. I’m starting to feel like a sucker.

I want game time, not money!

I’m about to do something stupid. I’m about to get up and tell Coach to put me in. That’s just something you don’t do. You sit down and shut up and wait your turn, but I’m getting pissed here. We’re not going to lose the first game of the season to fucking New York, because Coach is too precious with his wide receiver.

I clench my fists at my sides and chew my mouth guard. But just as I’m about to get up, I hear something that stops me.

“Johnson!” Coach shouts over the pregame roar. “Let’s go. You’re in!”

“Yessir!” I shout back, feeling a surge of energy rip through me.

Fuck yes
, I think, slamming my mouth guard in and leaping to my feet. Feeling like a fire’s been lit under my ass, I race onto the field and join the rest of the boys on the line.
I’m gonna kick ass.

If every eye in the place wasn’t on me earlier, they’re on me now. I can just hear the commentators speculating on how I’m going to perform, asking each other if I’m going to live up to the hype – to my paycheck.

“Seattle shelled out a lot for Walker Johnson,” I can just hear them say. “You think he’s going to be worth it?”

“Well, Chad, we’re just going to have to see, aren’t we? A lot of guys are big stars in college but can’t seem to perform when they’re called up to the big leagues.”

I shake the thought from my head. It’s time to focus. I breathe deeply, inhaling the smells around me. The turf, the stink of sweaty linebackers, chalk and tape.

My eyes drift over the crowd, desperately searching for Emmy. Instead, all I see are crazed fans shouting and waving, taking pictures with their phones. I think back to Houston, that time she sat in the stands and I dreaded catching her eye. But now she’s become my rock.

Finally, I see her.

Sitting in our section, next to her friend Abbey from school, between two guys that look like they just won a hot dog eating competition, is my pregnant fiancé, waving enthusiastically.
She’s carrying my son
, I think. I never knew a family could be such an inspiration until she told me the news. But now I feel like every yard I run is for them. Every time I hit the field, it’s for Emmy and my unborn son. Nothing in the world will stop me from taking care of them, especially not some half-assed defenseman from New York that thinks he’s going to stop me from getting a down!

I wave to Emmy and mouth, “I love you.”

She mouths it back and blows me a kiss. I’m ready to take on the world. I turn and look at the New York player in front of me that thinks he has a chance of stopping me.

“See my back, pal? Get used to looking at it,” I tell him. “Cause that’s all you’re gonna see of me.”

“Fat chance, rookie,” he sneers, planting his feet on the ground and bracing himself to charge. “This isn’t school ball anymore. This is for

He’s trying to goad me, trying to make me lose my focus and make a mistake. But it’s not going to happen. I may be nervous making the step up from college ball, but no one gets in my head but me – especially not this asshole.

“Then what are you doing here?” I counter, flashing him my cockiest grin.

Bryce, our quarterback, calls the play. It’s one we used to run back at Houston, and Coach adopted it for me. It’s got one aim and one aim only: get the ball to me. My body tenses – every muscle ready to react, waiting…


And I’m off like a horse out of the gate. My defender doesn’t even have time to react before I’m blowing past him and sprinting full speed down the field. I should be cutting back by now, but I want to get some extra yardage. The play calls for a pass that will probably end with a good ten yard gain, but that’s not good enough for me. Not today.

Today I let everyone know that Walker Johnson has arrived.

My defender’s hot on my heels now when I finally cut back for the pass. A defenseman’s headed straight at Bryce, but he ducks at the last minute and shoulders the guy hard, sending him flying over his back. Bryce looks up field, spots me and sends a missile my way.

The ball spirals towards me, and I can feel the hopes of every fan in the stadium riding along with it. I can hear the commentators, the reporters, the students back in Houston as they all hold their breath, waiting to see what I’m going to do.

And I don’t let them down. I can’t.

I’m Walker-fucking-Johnson – the Stallion!

With deadeye precision, I reach out with both hands, snatch the ball out of the air and keep running.
I got
this. A defender streaks towards me, but he doesn’t stand a chance. I strong-arm him out of the way and jump over his falling body. Another guy comes up behind me and leaps for my ankles, but I juke to the left and leave him in the dust.

In seconds, the crowd is on their feet. The roar of their voices surges behind me like a wave that down the field. The forty, the thirty, the twenty, the ten!


I spike the ball and turn to see a horde of my teammates rushing towards me, all screaming my praises.

“Hell yeah!” Someone shouts.

“Way to go, rookie!”

That’s how it’s done!
I think, swelling with pride. Two of them lift me up and hold me up like a trophy. I did it. Coach took a chance on me, put me in as the new guy, and I brought it home for the team.

I know Emmy is freaking out at her seat, probably leaping all over Abbey and screaming. You couldn’t ask for a more supportive woman. She’s even taken over Kyle’s job of making pre-workout shakes, only hers don’t taste like death.

Our kicker, Kevin Perrone, makes the extra point, and we win the game by one. One point! Not a blowout, but hey, a win’s a win, and this is great foreshadowing for the rest of the season.

With this team, if we keep things up, we’ve got a real shot at the championship. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but it’s not just me saying that; it’s the commentators, the bloggers online, and even the rest of the players in the league.

Wouldn’t that be something? My first year in the league and my team brings home the trophy? It’s almost too much to think about, but I just can’t help it at a time like this.

Emmy’s waiting for me at the sidelines after the game, and as sweaty as I am, she rushes over to me and wraps her arms around me. I’ll never grow tired of our lips meeting. This is the only girl I want to kiss for the rest of my life.

“You did it!” She shouts in my ear, struggling to be heard of the celebrating stadium.

“I didn’t know if he’d put me in!” I confess to her.

“He’d be an idiot not to!” She says reassuringly. “I bet you start for the rest of the year!”

There’s nothing like the love of a good woman. I know that now. Choosing between Emmy and the horde of girls that wanted me wasn’t even a choice, and I was an even hotter commodity with my transition to the pros.

“Looks like you got yourself a keeper there, Johnson,” Coach says, coming up behind me and slapping me on the shoulder. “Nice catch by the way.”

He grins.

“You got that right, coach,” I say back, turning my gaze to Emmy.

I am a one woman man, now and forever.

BOOK: Stallion: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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