Step Demands (Taboo Steamy Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Step Demands (Taboo Steamy Romance)
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Mark was studying his own hand carefully. "You can get rid of up to four cards," he instructed me. "Draw from the top of the deck."


"I want big cards, right?"


Mark grinned cheekily. "How about you just do what you think you should do and I'll let you know how you did?"


I clutched the Bourbon for strength and looked down at my clothes, mentally gauging the number of items I could remove versus Mark's. I had a scarf, jewelry, socks, a belt...I would have quite a while to go before I risked full nudity.  "Fair enough," I relented, setting down three cards and drawing three more.


Mark set down two cards and looked up at me. "Well, this is shit," he declared. "Set 'em down."


I spread my cards out on the table and Mark did the same. "Looks like you beat me, sis," he exhaled.


I leaned back, clapping my hands in delight. "Do I get to choose what you take off?"


"Er," Mark looked down.


"Come on," I urged. "Mark Nolan hesitating? I don't believe it."


"Fine, what am I taking off?"


"Your shirt!" I practically screamed, giggling madly.


He rolled his eyes. "On one condition."


"You don't get to make conditions."


"Yes I do, it's my house. House rules."


I rolled my eyes and drank more Bourbon. "Fine, whatever, coward."


Mark eyed me. "If I take off my shirt, I'll freeze to death. If I take it off you have to let me under that blanket with you."


I froze. A shirtless Mark under the blanket with me. How far was I going to take this? How far was
going to take this?


Only one way to find out.


"Shirt off first," I instructed him. "Then blanket."


Mark stood up, all six foot three inches of him, and lifted his cashmere sweater. I watch, transfixed but trying not to stare, as he slowly revealed the chiseled physique that lurked underneath. Mark's perfectly honed torso was a work of art, all taut, bunching muscles that rippled underneath his perfectly smooth skin. When he lifted the shirt over his head, the tension made his biceps bulge and I had to hide my gasp in my rapidly emptying Bourbon glass.


"Brr!" He clapped his hands on his arms dramatically and leapt for the blanket, yanking it off of me. I squealed and yanked it back, and he pulled even harder, forcing me to flop gracelessly into his lap.


"Whoopsie!" he teased, as I froze in place. My cheek had brushed across the warm, naked skin, and that one touch was all it took to electrify me. I felt a slow throbbing begin to clutch deep in my core.


What the fuck?


I pulled myself away from Mark like he had scalded me. Curling up in the crook of the couch, giving up my share of the blanket, I stared into the flames, wondering what the hell had just happened.


Do I want to fuck Mark? Oh my god...I think I want to fuck Mark.


I shook my head involuntarily, trying to clear the fuzz from my brain.


Chanel, you incredible slut, what the hell are you thinking?
I admonished myself, clenching my fists, digging my fingernails into my palms until I carved bright white crescent moons into the skin.
He's your fucking brother. You can't touch him.


but why?
a small voice whined back.
He's not actually related to you, and look at his body! You know you want to touch his body!


I snuck a peek back over my shoulder. Mark was leaning forward, watching me intently with his fathomless blue eyes. There was something in his expression that let me know he knew
what I was thinking.


"Are we still playing?" he asked innocently. As innocently as he could with those devilish blue eyes flashing at me.


I should have said no. I should have stood up and told him good night. I should have retreated to my guest room and locked myself in there until the storm receded.


Instead I said, "Yeah...sure."


Mark arranged the blanket over his shoulders. I leaned in and grabbed the cards he dealt me and sucked in my teeth. "You're not supposed to give away your hand, sis," Mark teased. "You have a pretty wicked tell."


I cocked my head at my cards. "I have no idea what I'm doing," I declared, slurring my words slightly. "Here, what do I do?" I slammed the hand down in front of him.


A slow spreading grin widened across Mark's face. "Well," he said, setting down his hand, "it would seem you have to take something off."


I shivered and stood up. I could have chosen my earrings. Or my socks. Or even the scarf I had wrapped around my neck.


But instead I lifted my shirt.


"Oooh!" I gasped as the cold air of the cabin hit my naked skin. Goosebumps immediately prickled across my arms and without thinking I dove under the blanket, pressing up against Mark. "It's freezing!"


Mark slung the blanket over my shoulder and I pressed in to him more tightly. I swallowed hard as my naked skin brushed his, the heat rising from his body warming me as thoroughly as the fire.


And then I looked down.


Mark shifted as soon as I saw it, but it was not soon enough. There, bulging so hard it was stretching the fabric of his jeans, was the rock hard evidence of his desire.


And I couldn't take my eyes off it. "You're giving away your hand," I whispered, letting my fingers brush across his thigh. "You have a pretty big tell there, bro."


Mark cleared his throat. "Would you like to see how big?" He moved his hand to his zipper.


I stared, unable to move my eyes from that magnificent bulge. He was turned on, as turned on as I was. This was so wrong, but we were both adults. A little fun to warm us up, what could go wrong?


Except our parents waking up and catching us.


The shiver of danger only inflamed me further. "Yes, how big?" I asked, reaching for it.


Mark caught my hand and pressed it against that bulge. I sucked in my breath to feel it throb against my palm, so thick and hot that my pussy clenched tightly, desperate to be filled. "That big," Mark rasped.


"I want to see it," I moaned, as my belly did flip-flops.


"Go ahead," Mark leaned back on the sofa, presenting me with the zipper of his jeans. The forgotten cards fluttered to the floor as I knocked them over in my eagerness to reach for his zipper. Tooth by tooth, I pulled the tab lower, holding my breath.


Mark's fingers trailed up my arm, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine. I slid from the couch and knelt on the floor, my fumbling fingers trying and then finally succeeding in undoing the button.


Mark lifted his hips, thrusting that bulge dangerously close to my face. I licked my lips and yanked his jeans down over his narrow hips, my fingers delving into the smooth flesh of his tight buttocks. I saw the wiry gold hairs glint in the firelight as I lowered his boxers, my heart hammering the closer I got to my goal.


And then his cock sprang free, bobbing tantalizingly in front of my mouth. "Jesus, Mark," I gasped.


My stepbrother's cock was perfect. There was no other way to describe the erect member in front of me. Perfectly straight, perfectly smooth, with one perfect vein that throbbed deliciously under the skin when I caressed it with my eager fingers. Mark made a low hissing sound and looked down at me.  "Glad you like it, sis," he breathed.


"I really do," I moaned, licking my lips. "Can I?"


"Be my guest," he rasped.


I flicked my tongue against that perfect tip, tasting the smooth skin. A delicious scent wafted upward, and I realized I was smelling the essence of Mark. Perfectly clean, perfectly masculine. Definitely not the smell of a normal guy.


But then I already knew that Mark wasn't normal.


And as I stretched my lips wide to fit around the bulbous tip of my stepbrother's cock, I realized something.


Neither was I.


The thought was so freeing that I slammed my lips down to the hilt, engulfing the entire length of Mark's perfect cock in one smooth motion. He groaned and arched upward, pushing himself deep inside of me so that my throat vibrated against his cockhead as I moaned in pleasure. Sliding my lips back up again, I swirled my tongue around the ridges of the tip as I snuck a look up at him


Goddamn he was beautiful. His eyes were squeezed shut, his lips parted in pleasure, the firelight casting deep highlights and shadows across his toned physique. I pushed myself up from my knees and before I could stop myself, I planted a kiss right on those soft, warm lips.


Mark's eyes flew open and he seized my face. Cupping my cheeks in his hand, he opened my lips with an insistent stab of his tongue. I sagged against his rock hard chest as our tongues swirled around each other, the fire no match for the heat from his mouth. I moaned against his lips, pressing myself into him, my throbbing clit begin to rub up against his cock.


As if he read my mind, he snaked his finger down and cupped his hand against my buzzing nub. I gasped into his mouth as he took my lip into his teeth, biting down lightly as his fingers found the very center of my need. I pressed into him, grinding my sex into his hand. The frustrating feel of the fabric barrier only increased my frantic desire, the seam of my jeans pressing tightly up against the very spot that needed it the most. Mark let his lips travel down my neck, flicking his tongue inside the hollow of my throat, those small sensations joining in the flood of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm me at any moment.


I flung my arms around his neck and buried my face in the soft skin of his shoulder as the pressure inside of me broken wide open. I screamed into the back of the couch as my stepbrother's skillful fingers forced me right over the edge. The shockwaves of pleasure ricocheted through my body, my limbs shook with the intensity of my frustrated need even as I realized it wasn't enough. His fingers could never be enough.


I needed him inside of me.


Still shaking I pushed my way off of him. He watched me, open mouthed, as I undid my belt buckle. Slowly I inched my jeans lower, shivering in the sudden chill.


"We didn't even play a hand," Mark, noted, his eyes fixed on the space between my legs.


"I guess we'll call this the wild card," I giggled as the cool air hit the damp, hot heat of my pussy.


Mark's eyes darkened with lust and he surged forward. I pitched forward, grasping his shoulders for balance as he pushed my thighs apart and plunged his tongue into my cleft. When my stepbrother's tongue found my tight center, I gritted my teeth, but the scream of pleasure still found its way around my tightly closed lips. He flickered his tongue, dipping in and out of my hole before swirling upward to press flat against my overloaded clit. Suckling slightly, he drew it up into his mouth, pressing his lips down tightly as he flickered his tongue rapidly over the nub.


The effect was instantaneously. I shuddered and cried out as the second orgasm took be ever before the first had fully died away. I lost control of my limbs, and Mark grasped my legs tightly to keep me from falling over even as he continued his relentless assault on my clit. I leaned over him and keened a soft cry into his shoulder, aware that if I was too loud I would wake our parents. The danger of getting caught thrilled through me and I pushed against Mark's chest.


"I want you, now," I moaned as the tingling sensations still rippled through me. Mark leaned back, his perfect cock pointing directly at me, ready and inviting. It was so big that for a moment I was worried I wouldn't be able to fit it inside of me.


I knelt on the sofa, the leather squeaking slightly as I positioned myself over that bulbous tip. I lowered myself so that his cockhead was poised right at my entrance, then hesitated.

BOOK: Step Demands (Taboo Steamy Romance)
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