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Authors: Emma Johnson

Stepbro (7 page)

BOOK: Stepbro
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Chapter Seven



I couldn't believe what was happening! Drake, my stepbrother, was moving away! I had fallen so hard for him and now my life was falling to pieces.


“Even though I have to move away, it doesn't mean we can't spend every last moment together,” he said.


I forced a smile but my heart was burning inside. “I don't know what to say.”


“Say you'll go to Paris with me.”




“Let's go to Paris. We can both fly there and then I'll fly to Japan.”


“I don't know what to say,” I said, trying to hold back my excitement. I had always wanted to go to France ever since I was a little girl.”


“Just say yes,” he replied, brushing the hair behind my ears.


I nodded and he kissed me hard. I wanted to be so happy but I knew in the back of my mind that everything was going to go away pretty soon.






My bags were packed and we were just waiting for the limo to come pick us up and take us to the airport. Everything was happening so fast I was  beyond excited to see Paris. My dream was actually happening and I would be going with my billionaire stepbrother. I had to pinch myself because it all was so ridiculous sounding.


Our limo arrived and the driver came out and helped us with our bags. I packed as much as I could since Drake said I could stay there as long as I wanted after he left. I wasn't sure what to bring so I put my entire closet in a couple suitcases. We both climbed into the limo and drove off to the airport. Inside, Drake got out a bottle of champagne and opened it up. He poured a glass for each of us and then handed it to me.


“Let me propose a toast,” Drake said, raising his glass. “To the amazing adventure awaiting us, in the most breathtaking city, with the most beautiful girl ever.” I blushed at his toast and we both clinked our glasses together and said, “Cheers!”


At the airport, we checked our bags and then got our tickets. The security line was fairly small so it didn't take us too long to get through. We boarded the plane and our seats were in first class. I shouldn't have been surprised considering who Drake was but I'd never flown first class before. We sat down in luxurious seats that folded back all the way down into a bed. There was a large screen in front of us that was playing movies. The stewardess immediately came to us before the plane even took off to offer us some drinks. Drake and I both ordered whiskey and cokes. The plane ride was about fourteen hours long so I was very grateful for all the extravagant accommodations.


Halfway through the plane ride, I started to get incredibly bored. I had brought some books along with me and I was halfway through one. It's about a girl who falls in love with her kidnapper. The book was really interesting but I couldn't read for long periods of time without getting very sleepy. I tried watching a movie but they only had ones I'd already seen in theaters.


Drake on the other hand was having no trouble keeping himself busy. I figured that he would be working the whole plane ride but he was sound asleep. At the beginning, he took a couple of sleeping pills and he was out like a light. Reading made me so tired but it was almost impossible to sleep. The noises on the plane kept waking me up every five minutes. Drake finally awakened because of all my wrestling around in my seat trying to get comfortable.


“Sorry Drake! I didn't mean to wake you up,” I said.


“Don't worry about it. I wanted to get up anyways,” he said, pushing his chair back to it's original position. “So what have you been up to?” he asked.


“A whole bunch of nothing. I'm getting really restless,” I replied.


“Have you tried watching a movie or going to sleep?”


“Yeah I've tried them both. I just can't seem to fall asleep with all the loud background noise.”


“I have a great idea that will put you to sleep right away.” He grinned.


“No I don't want any drugs!”


Drake chuckled. “No nothing like that.” His gorgeous smile appeared and he said in a whisper, “I'm going to go to the bathroom and you're going to join me.”


“Drake we can't do that!” I protested.


“Sophia, just listen to me. I'm going to get up and go to the bathroom. Wait two minutes and then go into the same one as me.” Drake didn't wait for me to respond. He unbuckled his seat belt and then squeezed by me. He walked down the aisle and disappeared behind a curtain.


I waited two minutes, my heart beating in my throat, and stood up in the aisle. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me and everyone seemed to be in their own little worlds. I walked down the aisle and opened the curtain. There was two rooms labeled Lavatory. Which one was Drake in? One said occupied and the other unoccupied. I figured he would be in the occupied one so I knocked on it. I heard an old lady yell at me, “Give me five minutes!” I laughed a little and then tried the door that was unoccupied. When I opened it up, Drake's arm shot out and pulled me into the bathroom.


Once I was inside and the door was closed, Drake made sure that the door was definitely locked. “We don't want any old ladies barging in on us,” he said with a grin. Even though we were in first class, the bathroom was exceptionally small. It could barely fit one person, let alone two.


“I've always wanted to be apart of the mile-high-club,” I said with a seductive glare.


“Now take off your shirt, I've been dying to see those gorgeous breasts of yours,” he commanded.


I took off my blouse and revealed my huge tits in a black bra. Drake's hands caressed the top of my cleavage and he bent down, kissing my mountain peaks. I held his head in between my breasts, letting his tongue lick every inch of them.


We both struggled to get our clothes off in the cramped space. “How are we going to do this?” I asked.


“How about you sit on the sink,” Drake replied.


I tried to fit my ass on the counter but the faucet was going into my asshole. “Sorry that's not going to work.”


Drake didn't miss a beat, he turned me around and pushed me against the mirror. My face and boobs were smashed against it. “How about like this?” he asked, talking off my underwear.


I didn't have to turn my head to see him, I could see everything he was doing in the mirror. I watched as he took his boxers off and revealed his huge boner. My pussy was dripping with excitement, and his anaconda just looked so tasty. I wanted it in my mouth so I turned around but before I could, Drake grabbed my hips and slammed his cock inside me.


We both gasped out loud from the immediate pleasure. Drake began to thrust hard. It wasn't a consistent speed. He would slam his cock deep inside me very quickly and then slowly take it out. Then he would slam it in me again. Each time I moaned at the insane ecstasy I experienced.


Drake kept slowly taking his cock out and shoving it inside my tight pussy. It felt like such a tease and it only made me want him more. “Drake please fuck me harder!” I screamed at him.


Drake followed through with my request by punishing my little pussy. Every time he thrust, his giant cock inside me it would completely fill me up. I had to put my hands on the mirror to brace myself from the ferocious pounding.


“Sophia, I want you to come with me!” Drake moaned.


“Yes Drake, come inside me!” I replied.


Drake was pumping faster and faster. I could feel my orgasm coming closer and closer. Soon Drake lost control and his cock exploded inside me.  Drake screamed while his cock went off like a fire hose. The feeling of his seed inside me set off my orgasm immediately.


My body convulsed with orgasmic seizures. I could barely hold myself up as my legs shook intensely. My pussy quivered with his big cock within me.


When our climaxes were over, Drake lay against me with his meat still inside me. Then we heard a knock at the door. “Hurry up in there!”


“One minute!” Drake yelled back.


Drake quickly took his cock out and I could feel his cum pouring out of my pussy. We got dressed as fast as we could and checked ourselves in the mirror. Drake opened the door and we both walked out past a line of people waiting to use the bathroom. When we got back to our seats, we couldn't help but giggle at what we just did. We felt like little kids who just broke the rules. After that, I made my seat into a bed and slept like a baby. Nothing woke me up and Drake even had a hard time getting me up when we landed.

Chapter Eight



“Damn Sophia, you were out the whole rest of the plane ride!”


“Yeah, next time we need to do that at the beginning of the trip so I can sleep the whole way.” We both laughed as we collected our overhead luggage and exited the airplane. There was a limo waiting for us outside which then drove us to our hotel.


When we got there I fell in love instantly with the architecture of the city. Everything looked so old and beautiful. Even our hotel looked like it had always been apart of the city. We went up a cramped elevator all the way to the top floor. Our room took up the whole floor just like the Atlas building. When Drake opened the door, my eyes immediately went to the floor to ceiling windows. The Eiffel tower was in full view from our hotel room. So this is how a billionaire travels I guess. We dropped our bags and sat on the comfy bed.


“So what now?” I asked.


“Well I was thinking we could christen the hotel room before we go out,” Drake said with his always attractive smile.


I laughed at his suggestion, “You know I always want to fuck you but I didn't eat anything on the plane. Can we get room service?”


“Actually I have a better idea. I know a great cafe around the corner. We can get a bite to eat and then maybe I can get a taste of you.”


A rush of warmness grew between my thighs. Drake's words almost made me forget that I was even hungry in the first place. “Okay let's go and then we need to get back here ASAP!”


Drake and I left the hotel and walked the streets of Paris. It was so mesmerizing. Pictures could never convey the feeling you get when you are actually there. We walked around the block and then came to a small cafe. There was only a couple tables inside and a couple outside. We went in and I had no idea what I wanted to eat.


“What should I get?” I asked Drake.


“You need to try a crepe at least once in Paris.”


“Okay then I'll get a chocolate crepe then.”


“Drake chuckled at me and then ordered food in French. I couldn't even understand what they were saying and they were talking so fast. I was amazed that Drake was bilingual. He never once spoke another language when we lived together. At the same time, I was worried that I didn't really know all that much about him.


We sat down outside at a table and our food was brought to us. Just as Drake said, my crepe was absolutely fantastic. “So Drake I didn't know you were bilingual.”


“Actually I know a few languages. I need to know them since I do so much international business.”


“It's just weird because we've spent so much time together but I don't really know all that much about you,” I said.


“Well hopefully this trip will change that.” Drake stood up and put a generous amount of money on the table for tip. He grabbed my hand and we strolled down the streets of Champs-Elysees. It was so beautiful that I kept turning my head left and right to take in all the sights. When we finally made it back to our hotel, it was already dark. My body clock was all off from the time change. I felt like it was time for breakfast but really is was time for dinner.


When we got in the lobby of the hotel, Drake's phone started to ring. “Hey Sophia, I have to take this, you can go up to the room.” I took the elevator to the room and sat on the bed watching TV. Nothing was in English but I could care less. I was in Paris, France! After awhile Drake finally came upstairs.


“Wow you were on the phone for a long time.” Immediately I could tell by his frown that it wasn't good. “Everything all right?”


“Actually no.”  I kind of just sat on the bed in suspense waiting for him to say anything. “I'm sorry but I have to cut our trip short.”


“You mean you have to go to Japan now?”


Drake nodded.


All the blood drained from my face.


“I guess there are some problems going on that need my attention immediately.”


I sat there and didn't even know what to say. I didn't want our romance to end. “But I love you Drake.”


“I love you too, Sophia. We could try the long distance thing out.” he said, staring at the ground. But we both knew that wouldn't work.


“Well if I'm your secretary, then am I out of job?”


“Actually you'll be getting a promotion.” My head was going crazy and I felt like it was going to explode.


“Wait how does that work. I get a promotion because I was sleeping with you?”


“No, No! You're getting a promotion because you're the only one I trust to take care of my business. You're going to be the liaison between the Japan and North American office.”


I calmed down a little. “It does sound very enticing but I'm just a little disappointed that you have to leave so soon.”


Drake came over and held my hand. “I know it sucks, but let's make the most of our last night together. I brought something fun for us to do.” Drake went to his suitcase and brought out some rope.


“This night is definitely going to be fun. Are you going to tie me up and have your way with me?”


“Actually I was thinking we could flip a coin. Heads, I get tied up. Tails, you get tied up,” Drake said, searching in his pockets for a quarter. I actually didn't care either way because I had never tried any of this type of stuff before. Drake found a quarter and flipped it. The coin spun in the air and landed flat on the carpet. Heads.


“Well this is going to be interesting,” Drake said. My body started to warm up at the thought of tying Drake up and fucking him anyway I wanted. This was going to be really fun.


I took the pieces of rope from Drake and then I commanded him, “Take off all your clothes!”


Drake heard the authority in my voice and quickly began undressing. When his boxers came off, his humongous boner was just begging me to fuck it. I fought the urge to get on my knees and suck his cock. Instead I gave him more commands, “Go to the bed and lay down. Spread your arms and legs.” Drake did as he was told. “Good boy,” I said, spanking his ass before he could lay down.


Drake lay on the bed waiting for me to tie him up. His cock just stood straight up in the air. Drake was so turned on by me dominating him. I went to each wrist and ankle and tied them to the bed posts. I tied them tight enough until Drake gasped from the pain. “You've been a very bad boy, and I need to punish you.”


“I'm sorry Sophia, I've been so bad,” Drake pleaded with me. I completely took on the role of the dominatrix. “Don't call me Sophia! Call me Mistress.”


Drake responded, “Yes Mistress.”


I began to undress slowly making sure Drake could take in all the sights. When my bra came off and my bouncy tits were revealed, Drake's cock began to move like it was begging to be fucked.


I got on the bed and started to kiss Drake's chest and stomach. I purposefully got close to his shaft but didn't touch it. I wanted him to suffer.


“Oh Mistress, please fuck me, I want it so badly,” he begged.


“No! You will be punished. Now eat my pussy!” I put each leg to the side of his head and mounted his face. Drake's tongue was playing with my clit and dipping inside me. It felt amazing and I had to hold myself against the wall from the intense pleasure.


His tongue ran circles around my clit and every time he licked my hole I could hear him mumbling, “Mmmmm” The pleasure was building and building and I couldn't handle it anymore. I rubbed my pussy all over his face. I was so wet that I was soaking his whole face.


My pussy quivered on Drake's face as my orgasm exploded like dynamite. My body convulsed with seizures until my climax finally subsided. I lifted off of Drake's face and went back to teasing him. I rubbed my tits on his chest and could see the hunger in his eyes. He wanted to grab my boobs but he couldn't touch me with his hands all tied up.


“Oh Mistress, please let me lick those tits.” I didn't let him have them right away. I held my giant breasts just above his head. He tried to stretch to reach my dangling boobs but he couldn't reach them. When I knew he couldn't handle it anymore, I gave him exactly what he wanted. I dropped my boobs right on his face. He was like a rabid dog biting and licking every inch of my sweet flesh. He chewed on my nipples which gave me quick flashes of both pain and pleasure.


It was hard enough teasing Drake when my own pussy was dripping all over him. I wanted it just as much as he did. I changed positions and prepared to mount his big veiny cock. I hovered my pussy right above his shaft, letting it barely touch the head of his penis.


Drake was screaming at this point, “Fuck me, fuck me now.” That's when I knew he was ready. I fell down hard on his cock and we both screamed at the top of our lungs in ecstasy. Drake's hands wiggled in the restraints trying to break free so he could grab me all over. I put my hands behind me on his legs to brace myself while I went up and down on his cock. My tits bounced up and down and Drake was slobbering with pleasure.


“Oh Mistress I can't take anymore I'm going to come soon.” I kept going up and down, cramming his large penis inside me. Then a few seconds before Drake was going to come, I lifted myself off his cock. I hovered over his dick again and Drake couldn't control himself. “I'm going to cum any second. Let me feel the inside of your pussy!”


I hesitated over his cock, waiting until the last possible moment. Then I slammed down hard on his shaft. “UhhhHHHHHH!!!” Drake screamed. At that moment, he came inside me like a rushing river. I could feel his cum blasting into me.


At the same exact moment, I came also. I put my hands on Drake's chest to brace myself while my body shook like an earthquake. I continued moving up and down on Drake's cock to make sure he was completely spent. When my orgasm was finally over, I collapsed on Drake. He was still inside me and I never wanted him to leave.


“My god that was the most incredible fucking sex I've ever had. I can't believe how good that felt. I think I came for almost five minutes straight,” I said.


Drake was still trying to catch his breath. “I can't believe how much you teased me. It felt like I was about to come the whole entire time. I can't believe you didn't even touch my penis until the end.”


I began untying all the ropes, and then I saw all the bruising. “Drake are you all right?”


“Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it,” he replied, rubbing his wrists. I lay in his arms and he brushed my hair with his fingers. “I'm going to miss this,” he said.


“I know, me too.” And just like that we both fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up the next morning, and Drake was already drinking coffee by the window. I got up and covered my naked body with the bed comforter. He handed me a cup of coffee and we both stared out at the Eiffel Tower. It was so beautiful in the morning. The sun was slowly rising and there weren't many tourists around. It just looked so majestic. I saw that Drake's bags were packed and already by the door.


“Well I guess I better pack too. Is my flight at the same time as yours?” I asked


“No you're staying here for as long as you like. There's no point in sending you home when the hotel is already paid for. Stay here for awhile and explore the sights and smells of Paris.”


“I would like that very much.”


“With that being said I really need to be getting to the airport.” I made a sad face at him and he grabbed me for a hug. “I'm never going to forget last night. I'm never going to forget you. You're my stepsister and love you.”


“I know me either. I love you too Drake.” Tears started to well up in my eyes. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't hold it in.


“Don't cry,” he said, wiping a tear that was running down my cheek. “We're going to talk on the phone all the time while I'm in the Japan. I'll need you to take some “business trips” there too.”


Hearing that it wasn't over for good made everything a little better. “I'm going to miss you still.”

BOOK: Stepbro
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