Read Stepbrother Romance: After Mine (Contemporary Stepping Book Series) Online

Authors: GP Joyner

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #stepbrother and stepsister

Stepbrother Romance: After Mine (Contemporary Stepping Book Series)

BOOK: Stepbrother Romance: After Mine (Contemporary Stepping Book Series)
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After Mine


Copyright 2015 G.P. Joyner

Published by G.P. Joyner at Smashwords




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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

About G.P. Joyner

Connect with G.P. Joyner


I sat in
traffic staring ahead at nothing in particular. The road looked
busy and everyone seemed to be going home to their families, home
to their wife and kids, home to their husbands and loved ones. Not
me, I must have been the exception that day, I was moving in a
completely opposite direction from the mass. I was going to meet
him that day and we were going to spend the whole night together.
He was married with three kids and had probably lied that he would
be on a business trip for the weekend. I knew his family, I knew
them well. How could I not? I was the MC (master of ceremony) at
their wedding and my daughter (who was two at that time) had been
their flower girl. I have witnessed every birth, every birthday,
every christening and every Christmas tree. They say that the enemy
you know is better that the one you don’t but I beg to differ.
Ignorance is bliss; whatever you do not know will not hurt you and
such was our case. My husband and I had separated and I had been
left to raise a daughter by myself. Being a single mother is not
easy but he had made it easier on both of us. I at least had the
advantage of not introducing a stranger into her life and having to
explain who he was and where he had all of a sudden come from. To
my little Shantell he was simply “Uncle Gavin”.

So it all boils down to one thing, how do I feel
about this affair that I have been having with my strep brother for
the last 8 years? Who do I see when I look in the mirror? Am I an
adulterer or fornicator? Is it really incest if you are not really
related to the person by blood?

I look at my wrist watch for the millionth time that
day and just as I was debating to text him and let him know I was
coming late, my cell phone rang. My heart felt lighter and happier
when I realized it was him and I let out a smile as I answered


“Hi”, I said “I was just about to call you, I am
stuck in traffic but I should be about ten minutes late”.

“Usual place”, he replied and I could tell that he
was equally excited to hear from me.


“I have already ordered dinner, I hope you are in the
mood for shrimp?” he went on to say.

“That is ok”.

“Ok, I will see you in a bit”, he ended in a
finality tone before he hung up the phone. I looked around me and
could hear some of the cars start up their engines. It was a clear
indication that we were about to move and I could feel the
excitement in my crotch as I thought of Gavin. The rest of the
drive was smooth as I headed to the usual rendezvous spot and
parked at the usual spot too. I stepped out of the car with my
handbag and my small duffel bag in hand, parked for the night. I
looked up at the usual room and saw the lights on a clear
indication that he was in and patiently waiting on me. My head
however threw me back to when we first met how it all started and
how we had gotten this far and still not knowing anything about the
future. The picture was clear as day in my head and I smiled when I
thought of the day one more time. It was one of those moments that
you never want to recall and yet still has power over you in an
incredible way.

Gavin and I were bonded through marriage; both our
parents were end products of divorce who somehow found solace in
each other. Gavin and I never really talked or tried to bond with
each other but we were somehow casual friends. We would exchange
the occasional casual greeting from time to time out of fine
protocol but nothing ever went beyond that. Not until ten years
later when I placed a call to him for help. My ex husband and I had
gotten into a very nasty fight and as usual he had gotten physical.
I had mastered the art of being a shock absorber but this day was
different, this time he was aiming for the jugular, badgering at my
Achilles and punching where he knew it hurt most. The only thing
that came to my mind at that time was Shantell and what would
happen to her if the father kills me. The image of my daughter’s
face being motherless gave me renewed strength and out of pure rage
I took off my heel from my crouching position and swung it at

“You bitch!” he shouted in rage as he walked over to
me and aimed a strong punch that dived into the back of my neck. I
had my phone in my pocket and Gavin was somehow the only person
that my phone could dial even before 911. His voice came online and
in my confused state I shouted out to him at the top of my

“Help me!”

I lost all hope when my ex husband charged towards
me with his fists clenched and took the phone from my hands. I
listened to the loud thud of a sound that it gave once he swung it
on the wall and it landed in small shattering pieces. The sound
felt like a hymn to the grave, I bit my tongue and spit out blood.
My inner being was shaken to the core and my hope was exhausted. I
could hear him call out and utter many more words but I could not
comprehend. I was instead apologizing profusely to my daughter for
being a bad mother and for choosing my ex as a father for her. A
car that drove up the driveway distracted me, he was not on top of
me, his left hand was on my throat and his right hand was reaching
for gold underneath my skirt. I started making predictions as to
whether he would rape me first before killing me? Or vice versa. A
knock on the door distracted both of us and he immediately placed a
hand on my mouth to try and muffle my scream.

“Yvonne, Yvonne”, I could tell from the deep husky
voice that called from the doorway that it was Gavin who was on the
other side of the door. I tried to scream all I could but his hand
on my mouth filtered it to muffled hums. He nevertheless heard the
movements from within the room because he called out even louder
from outside accompanied by louder bangs on the door. I felt hope
renewed in me as Gavin thundered through the door. One look at the
situation and he knew what was going on. His face was blinded by
rage as he walked over to where we were. He effortlessly lifted him
from me and threw him aside before landing a few more blows on his
face. Gavin was a strong man and handling my ex was not a reach. I
couldn’t really tell what was going on but before long, Gavin
walked over to me and hugged me to his chest.

“Where is Shantell?” He asked concerned.

“At my sisters”, I managed to squeeze out. Pain
coursed all through my body and my throat felt so dry. I felt
comforted by Gavin’s presence alongside his voice when he called
for an ambulance.

He then planted a kiss on my lips and I froze for a
minute. It was hard to respond to it with the taste of blood in my
mouth and I felt really confused.

“I have always loved you Yvonne”, he said.

Not only was his timing not right. He was my
stepbrother, and who on this earth runs to another man’s arms
seconds after taking a murderous beating from the father of her
child? I didn’t respond to him but was rather glad when I slowly
let myself slip into an unconscious state

Chapter One

My phone vibrated
in my hand and brought me back to reality and I smiled once I
realized that it was Gavin calling.

“Why are you zoning out by yourself at the
parking lot, come on up” He said.

I hadn’t noticed that I was alone in the
parking lot thinking about life. I watched him wave from the hotel
room and I slowly walked into the all too familiar building. I felt
like my legs were letting me down as I rushed past a few people in
the hallway and knocked slightly on the heavy wooden door. Gavin’s
voice soothed my soul as I entered. He was always a sight for sore
eyes, his dazzling smile said it all and I fell in love with him

I felt safe in his warm embrace and drunk in
the sweet honey lemon feeling that was his scent. His familiar
embrace made me melt and I just realized how much I had missed

“Hello my love”, he said as he planted a
light kiss on my lips.


He pulled me closer to him and combed his
hands through my hair; I stared into his eyes and let my head fall
squarely on his built shoulders.

“Are you hungry?”, he asked.

“Not really”.

I walked over to the only seat that was in
the room and sat with my legs crossed; I looked at him from across
the room and let my thoughts go wild.

“I’m going to take a shower”, he said and
winked at me before he started unbuttoning his shirt.

“I’ll join you, I have to make a call to the
babysitter”, I said and winked back.

I wasn’t placing a call to anyone; I only
wanted to perform my usual ritual whenever I was with him and
whenever I was on the verge of sleeping with him. I tried to search
my heart and find any guilt but I couldn’t. I couldn’t get myself
to feel guilty about sleeping with my stepbrother or having a
prolonged affair with him. I thought of his wife Margo. I thought
of his beautiful kids, Chelsea and Robert and then I thought of
Shantell. I got to my feet and striped down to nothing before
walking over to the bathroom door and letting myself in without
knocking on the door. He had his back turned to me as I walked in
and wore his ever handsome smiled as he turned and looked at my
direction. I looked at his magnificent body and thought of the
endless times I have wished to wake up beside him on to realize
that could never happen. I could feel my heart racing when I looked
at him, my body, mind and soul all worked in unison, all gravitated
towards one thing; Him. I wanted him to hold me close and make love
to me just as he always did. I was blinded with a longing feeling
and enveloped with nothing but desire. I slowly walked over to
where he was and stepped under the shower next to him, I let the
warm shower droplets land carelessly on my back as he locked me in
a tight embrace and planted a wet wanting kiss on my lips. I felt
his arousal growing on my bare thighs and loved the feeling of

“I had missed you Yvonne”, he whispered in
my ear and ran his hands along my bare back. I loved the feeling
and squirmed under his touch; I responded by combing my hand
through his wet hair. I loved how close he felt to me.

“I’ve missed you too”, I said and let my
head rest on his shoulders.

All of a sudden, both of us were enveloped
with desire and he held me in a tighter grip before turning me
around so that my back pressed hard on his chest. He directed his
hand toward my nipple and caressed me slowly before sliding into
me. I let out a soft moan as he gently slid in. The shower was
still running and the water droplets fell, only to be interrupted
by our intertwined bodies. I held on to his arm with a firm grip as
he kept on thrusting deliciously into me. I let out a few more loud
moans as he went on to fill me up with fire and desire. I loved how
hard he kept pumping and thrusting into me. A tingling sensation
slithered up from my curled toes, making its way up the inside edge
of my dripping thighs and I knew where all this was heading. My
body succumbed to the desires and I let out a louder moan as I
reached my climax. He paused for a second or two and let me have my
moment of glory before quickening his pace and exploding deep into

“That was amazing”, Gavin let out before
pulling out and spanking me on my naked behind slightly.

“I know, I was there”, I answered.

My smart response made him spank me a second
time; I let out a playful smile and got under the shower to wash
up. Feeling dirtier after sex was how I loved it. And I always
needed a shower after Gavin.

I could feel my stomach letting out a few
growling hunger noises and he smiled up at me.

“Food should be here soon”, he

“It had better be”, I answered.

We both stepped out of the shower and I
looked around the hotel room. I thought of how I would have matched
the curtains to the furniture if it were my house and maybe for the
first time longed for something more than the sneaking around in
hotel rooms. We couldn’t use my house as a sex mansion because of
Shantell and the vice versa for his case was also true. I walked
over to the bed and slipped on a warm bath robe and waited for the
food. Gavin was busy rummaging through his bag looking for
something. He turned his attention to me and handed me a gift box,
he always did that and I always appreciated it.

BOOK: Stepbrother Romance: After Mine (Contemporary Stepping Book Series)
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