Stepping Up: Book Six in the Who's Your Daddy series (2 page)

BOOK: Stepping Up: Book Six in the Who's Your Daddy series
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Chapter Three

Four months later:


glanced at the door once more, willing it to open. No, she wanted it to open and have a special someone step inside. The clock read 11:30 p.m. He usually came in by seven, eight at the latest. Was he coming tonight? Had he been held up at work? His night appearance had become the highlight of her day. A thousand scenarios scrolled through her mind. None of them good.

Her arms full of condiment bottles, she flitted from table to table, picking up the empties  and replacing them with full ones. She needed to keep busy to take her mind off of Vance. The diner only had a few guests at this time of the night, some high school kids having a late dinner.

Blowing out a loud breath, Summer headed toward the kitchen. She dumped the empty containers in the sink and turned on the hot water. The bus boy left about an hour ago, so clean up was on her now. Thank goodness there weren’t many dishes to wash.

“Looks like you’re thinking pretty hard over there.” Ginny gave her a wide smile and a wink. “If I were a betting woman, which I’m not by the way, I’d say you were thinking about a certain young man.”

“You’re trippin’ Ginny.” Summer poured generous amounts of soap and bleach into the steaming water and stuck her hands in to begin her task. “Ouch! Too hot!” She began to dance around the room, waving her hands in front of her to cool them off.

“Uh huh,” Ginny commented with a laugh. “That’s what you get for not concentrating on what you’re doing.”

“Whatever.” Summer decided to give the water a chance to cool off and walked over to her office tucked in the back of the small kitchen. Her hands still stinging, she poured some lotion onto them and rubbed it in. She closed her eyes and sighed in relief as the pain slipped away.  For a few seconds, she allowed her mind to wander and imagine Vance walking through the door, a bright smile on his face. Was it silly that the highlight of her day involved seeing a customer? But not just any customer. Vance had this funny way of making her heart rate speed up and her head spin, all at the same time. What would happen if he actually asked her on a date?

Stop it, Summer! The man was certainly out of her league, someone who was just being kind to the waitress serving him some pie and coffee. No need to get your hopes up.  After eating at the diner almost every night for four months, he hadn’t asked her out. If he were interested in her, he would have let her know by now, right?

She let her eyes slowly open and her gaze landed on the stack of mail on her desk. On top was yet another letter from Western Star Bank, asking for their money. As of today, she was three months behind in the mortgage. And she didn’t see the situation getting better any time soon.

The town of Devinne was a shadow of its former self, and in spite of a generous gift from pro football player, Dirk Benedict, business was still slow. Back in the day, her mother and father were able to provide a great living for the whole family from the diner’s patrons. Now, if she earned enough to pay the utilities and Ginny’s salary it was a good week.

Summer met with volunteers from a local nonprofit made up of retired business executives who provided her with some valuable guidance. But most of it involved her selling the place and moving on. Devinne was not going to return to its glory days, they say. She was realistic to know that was the case, but she couldn’t give up on the diner. Not after the sacrifice her mother made when Summer left home after graduating from high school.

“You gonna come back in here and wash these bottles?” Ginny yelled.

“Coming!” Summer glared at the offending letter once more before heading back into the kitchen. She made short work cleaning the bottles since the water had cooled significantly. After peeking out into the dining room to make sure there were no new guests, she dried them all and began filling each with fresh condiments.

“Need help setting them out?” Ginny had just finished scrubbing down the grill and was washing her hands in the sink.

“No, I can do it. Why don’t you get ready to head out of here? I can close up by myself.”

“You sure? I don’t mind hanging around. Don’t want you here by yourself. You know Benny’s was hit the other night.”

“I know.” Robberies were becoming all too normal in town. Not that it was an excuse, but many town folk were struggling to make a living. The crime section of the local newspaper took up two whole pages most days. This was not the Devinne she remembered as a child. Not at all.

Arms full, she backed into the restaurant and set the bottles onto the tables in a matter of minutes. Out of the corner of her eye, she was one of the diners wave her over.

“Can we have the check?”

“Sure,” she replied while plucking the piece of paper out of her apron. “Here you go.” Her gaze wandered over to the front door once more and she let out a sigh. Where was Vance?

It didn’t take long to settle the kids’ bill and bid them goodnight. I guess he’s not coming this evening. Shoulders slumping, she turned toward the kitchen, prepared to close up the diner. 

Suddenly, the bell above the front door tinkled and Summer’s heart began to beat erratically. It had to be him. She smoothed down the front of her apron and with Ginny’s snickers at her back, proceeded into the front of the restaurant. Vance had arrived.


How was he going to tell her goodbye?  He couldn’t continue deceiving Summer, not after all the kindness she’d shown him.  He should have known that it wouldn’t end well. But the first time he stepped through that shiny steel door, he was hooked. Hooked on the ambience, the aromas coming from the kitchen and especially the smile on Summer’s beautiful face.

He cleared out his desk an hour ago and said goodbye to his fellow employees earlier in the day. In a few days he’d be on a flight to Los Angeles to begin a new job with the bank, start a new life. One without Summer in it.

“Hi Summer.”

“Hi yourself. You ordering dinner?”

No. Just pie and a glass of milk tonight.”

“You okay? Wanna talk about it?” she asked while placing the pie in front of him.

Vance stuffed a big piece of the dessert into his mouth and took his time chewing. The last thing he wanted to talk about was his screwed up life, especially when he was in this happy place. He shrugged which thankfully satisfied her curiosity. She gave him a quick nod of her head and went back to work.

After swallowing and taking a long draw of the milk, he wiped his mouth with his napkin and smiled at her once more. She couldn’t have stood more than five three on a good day and he loved the way she had to get on tiptoe to reach some items on the higher shelves. It gave him the opportunity to check out her curvy backside and toned legs. What he wouldn’t give to see her in something other than her waitress uniform, or better yet in nothing at all. 

He gave his head a hard shake to rid it of that notion. No way. No how. The last thing he could afford to do was to get romantically involved with Summer, even though he was probably already half in love with her. He cared too much for her to hit it and quit. He had to keep his distance. For both their sakes. Especially since he was leaving town soon.

“How’s the pie tonight?” she asked while eying his now empty plate.

“Delicious as always. Tell Ginny she really put her foot into that one.”

“I will not. Her head is big enough already.”

“I heard that!” Ginny shouted from the kitchen. She stuck her head out the kitchen door and blew a raspberry in their direction.

He and Summer both laughed until their sides hurt. Her infectious laughter: another thing he was certainly going to miss. But it was his fault he had to leave town. If only he’d listen to that small voice in the back of his head telling him to stay out of this diner.

“Hey Summer, I’m heading out. You sure you can close up without me?”

“I’ve done it plenty of times before. Go on home, Ginny.”

“I’ll walk her out,” Vance announced, causing Summer’s head to whip around in his direction.

“You don’t have to do that,” she insisted.

“I know, but I want to, okay?”

“Okay,” she replied with a small smile. “Thanks. Let me shut things down and I’ll be ready to go.”

A cold shiver snaked its way down Vance’s spine at the thought of saying goodbye to her. How would she react? Would she even care? She tossed a dazzling smile over her shoulder in his direction, which only made him feel worse. Oh yeah, she’d care.

While Summer busied herself with closing out the cash register and making sure the kitchen was in order for the breakfast rush, he practiced what he’d say to her. Um, Summer, a fantastic opportunity presented itself and I’m moving to LA this week. No, too formal. Summer, it’s been nice but I’m jetting to LA. Nice knowing you. No, no, no. Why hadn’t he come up with something coherent before arriving here tonight.

“Alright, I’m ready.”

Vance held the door open for her and stood by as she shut off the lights, armed the security system then locked the door. Despite the cool wind blowing, sweat poured down the side of his face.

The pair walked without talking to Summer’s car. When they reached the driver’s side door, she looked up into his face and gifted him with the sweetest smile he’d ever seen. One he totally did not deserve. Probably the last one he’d ever receive after he told her goodbye.

“Okay, spill it.” She crossed her arms over her chest and pinned him with a stare. “What’s got you so tense?”

Vance took a deep breath and said a short prayer. It was now or never. “I, um, I’m leaving town. I’m sorry.”

Chapter Four


was not happening. “Did you just say you were leaving?” Summer took a step back and covered her mouth with her hand.

“Yeah, I got a new job, a better, less stressful one and I start in a couple weeks.”

“That’s great,” she managed to say, all the while her stomach churning. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks,” he replied with a bit of hesitation.

“So, where is this new job?”

“Los Angeles.”

“As in California?”

“Yes. Isn’t that crazy? I got a call out of the blue from a headhunter and next thing you know the company offered me a position.”

Summer valiantly fought to maintain control of her emotions, but could tell she was losing the battle. Tears pricked the back of her eyes and if she didn’t get out of there right now, she was going to make a complete fool of herself. “Well, it was nice knowing you.” She tuned and blindly grabbed at the car door handle, but stopped when Vance placed his hand on her shoulder.

“I don’t want things to end like this, Summer.”

She whirled around to face him, the tears she’d been holding at bay now freely flowing down her face. “How would you suggest we end this, whatever we have?”

“What we have is a wonderful friendship, right?”

Summer stuck out her hand for him to shake. “Well, friend, it’s been nice knowing you. Have a wonderful life.” Again she turned toward her car and attempted to pull the door open. In a flash, Vance swiveled her around and drew her into a hug. She struggled for a while, but soon allowed his warmth to envelope her. That only encouraged her to cry even harder, soaking the front of his jacket.

“It’ll be alright,” he crooned while smoothing his hand down her back. “We’ll keep in touch.”

“That’s not enough!”

“What are you saying, Summer?”

Knowing it was now or never, Summer squared her shoulders and looked up into his face. “I want more than a friendship with you, Vance.”

“Are you certain?”

She swallowed noisily and nodded her head. “Positive.”

“Be careful what you ask for,” he growled before swooping in to capture her lips with his mouth.

This kiss was everything Summer hoped for; demanding, hot, passionate. She opened her mouth to allow Vance’s tongue complete access to her mouth, letting out a little whimper in response to his groan of pleasure. Her arms rose to encircle his neck and pull him even closer.

The honking of a passing car startled the pair, making them jump apart, their chests heaving. Summer ducked her head, searching for the right words to say. Before she could say anything, Vance began to laugh.

“What’s so funny,” she huffed, hands on her hips.

He reached out to pull into another embrace. “This. I’m on my way out of town and discover that we’re attracted to each other.”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “So much time wasted.”

“Well, I’m here now.” He waggled his eyebrows and flashed a smile down at her.

For a millisecond, Summer thought about saying no but realized that this may be the last chance she had to act upon her feelings for him. “Let’s go make some memories.”   


The pair tumbled through Vance’s front door, tangled in each other’s arms. “Hold up for a second,” he said between kisses. “I need to turn the alarm system off. We don’t want the cops interrupting us.”

Summer stepped out of his arms and watched he disarm the alarm on the far wall. She took the time to look around his place and a wave of sadness floated over her. Most of his belongings looked like they were already packed and ready for his move cross-country. He was really leaving!

“When were you going to tell me?” she said in a low voice.

“Huh?” He took a step in her direction and had the nerve to look ashamed. “I, um, I intended to do it last week but chickened out.”

Summer held up a hand to stop his progress and crossed her arms over her chest. “I thought we were friends, Vance.”

He reached out for her and she reluctantly allowed him to pull her into his arms. “We are friends. I was afraid of what your reaction would be, that’s all.”

She stared up and him and gave him a punch in the arm. “What did you think I’d do? Beat you up?”

He rubbed the spot where she’d hit him and smiled. “Well, if all of your punches are as hard as that one, I was correct in fearing your wrath.”

Summer buried her face into his chest, taking a long whiff of his scent. He smelled like aftershave, soap and all man. Is this all she’d have to remember him by? The way he smelled and the feel of his arms around her waist? No, she wanted, no needed more. “Vance?”

“Yes,” he replied in a husky voice.

“Make love to me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She nodded her head to make certain he understood.

He swung her up into his arms as if she weighed next to nothing and strode toward the stairs, kissing her passionately along the way.  In a move that would have made the most athletic person proud, he bounded up the steps and into the first bedroom to his left, kicking the door open. With her still in his arms, he flicked on the lights, illuminating the room.

Summer gasped as she spied the huge, king-sized bed with the mahogany frame, and covered in a dark blue comforter. All of the furniture in the room was made of the same dark wood, fitting for a man like Vance. “Wow, it’s so you.”

He gave her a sexy smirk and ducked his head. “Thank you, ma’am.”

“So are we going to stand here admiring the bed or actually use it?”

Suddenly the smirk slid off his face, replaced by a heated look that made her insides begin to boil. He let her body slide down his hard frame until her feet hit the floor. Still holding onto her waist, he leaned down and began to kiss her again, kicking up the passion several notches until she felt as if her bones were turning to jelly. Only his strong grip kept her from sliding to the floor.

He walked her back until her butt hit the mattress, then lowered her onto the bed. With dizzying speed, he stripped her bare, and stepped back to view her body with a sexy look on his face that made a shiver shoot down her spine.

“I need you naked,” she purred as she scooted further on the bed, making room for him. “Now.”

“Whatever the lady asks.” In a flash, Vance’s clothing flew off and he quickly joined her, taking her into his arms.

Summer had dreamed of this moment so many times as she lay in her lonely bed at night. But those dreams hadn’t come close to reality. The hard planes of his body fit perfectly with her curves, as though they’d been made for each other. Moonlight streaming through the bedroom window allowed her to see how the different colors of their skin mixed and mingled as they touched one another.

As though he had all the time in the world, Vance began leisurely kissing Summer, starting at the top of her head. She squirmed when his hot mouth latched onto one of her breasts, and nipped the sensitive nub with his teeth. Her hands roamed over the muscles of his broad shoulders, loving the way they bunched up as he moved.

Once he finished worshipping her breasts, he moved lower to pay homage to her bellybutton. His tongue flicked out and dipped inside, making her back arch off the bed so high a truck could have passed underneath.

With a mischievous grin on his lips, he looked up and gave her a wink that sent her already heated blood on full boil. Vance licked his lips and after propping her legs up over his shoulders, began to lick and nibble on her hot center. Her head whipped back and forth while her fingers dug into his scalp. It was a wonder she hadn’t pulled out a handful of his hair! The sound of her moans mixed with his licking was music to her ears.

She felt her body being wound tighter and tighter, lifted to heights she’d never experienced before. What was this man doing to her? Unable to hang on any longer, an orgasm unlike any she’d previously had ripped her apart. Summer screamed Vance’s name over and over until she was hoarse.

His erection throbbing, the only thing Vance could think about was getting inside of Summer as quickly as possible. He gently pushed her all the way onto the bed and slid in beside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began to nuzzle him in the chest. Using a couple fingers, he tilted her head back and kissed her, allowing her to taste herself on his tongue. He shivered as she used her tongue to lick his lips then smiled.

Unable to wait any longer, he nudged her onto her back and quickly covered her body with his. Her legs spread wide, welcoming him home. In one smooth move, he fully seated himself inside her hot body, and stilled, not wanting the experience to be over with before it began.

“Please, Vance,” she whimpered while rolling her hips.

He ground his teeth together and slowly withdrew until he was almost out of her body. Then with her eyes urging him on, he slammed inside of her, causing her to let out another scream of pleasure. Soon he was moving quickly in and out of her tightness, loving the way her body responded to his touch.

Too soon, he sensed that he was on the verge of his own release and increased the speed of his strokes. He felt her muscles clutching him harder and harder. “Ready?”

“Yes,” she panted.

One, two more strokes and a climax of monumental proportions ripped through his body. The rippling of her inner muscles sent him over the edge and for a second he swore he lost consciousness.

“You okay?” Summer asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

He rolled to the side and gathered her into his arms. “Never been better,” he said as he kissed her on top of her head. Pain pierced his heart as he held her. What had he just done? 







BOOK: Stepping Up: Book Six in the Who's Your Daddy series
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