Read Still Human (Just Human) Online

Authors: Kerry Heavens

Still Human (Just Human) (20 page)

BOOK: Still Human (Just Human)
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After some time talking to everyone, Danny turns to me and pulls me close. “Are you ok?” he asks.

I smile, shivering but not from cold. “I’m perfect.”

“That dress looks amazing on you.” He grins.

I look down. “I love it
, Danny, thank you so much.”

“And this does too
,” he says, lifting my left hand to his lips and kissing the ring on my finger. He sighs with contentment and holds me close, then I feel him laugh to himself. “There is one other thing,” he says and takes my hand again, pulling me once more up to the stage. I’m bemused, how can there be more?

“Um, ladies and gentlemen
,” he says into the microphone, waiting for the hush to fall. “As you know, there is just one more thing. Thank you all so much for keeping this secret for me.” He turns and grins at me. “I suppose I should tell my fiancé!”

no idea what is going on as I just stare at Danny, helplessly.

“As you can imagine,” he explains, “it
wasn’t easy getting everyone together in one place at the same time.” He waves a hand at Jen and his parents in particular. “So doing it twice would be damned near impossible.”

I nod as if I understand
but I’m so confused.

“So I was hoping you would do me the hono
r of marrying me…” I frown, I’ve already agreed to that. He looks worried as he says the next word. “…Tomorrow?”

I blink. “Tomorrow?”


“I…But…” There are no words.

“Do you trust me?” he asks close to my ear.

I nod, this
I’m certain of, now more than ever. “But…how?”

’s all taken care of.” He grins at Max. “Everything is in place. All you have to do is say yes.”

I look at Max. He gives me the thumbs up. I realise that this is what they
’ve been up to for weeks, in secret, working hard on this whole plan. I couldn’t deny them this, either of them. “Of course I will,” I say. Danny once again swamps me in his relieved embrace.

“She said yes everyone
,” he says triumphantly to the crown when he lets me go. “You are all officially invited!”

We once again dismount the stairs to rapturous applause, it
’s getting a bit embarrassing. I have a million questions and before anything else comes up, I need a word with my husband-to-be. I get goose bumps just thinking that he is so soon to be my husband. But, intent on finding answers, I grip his hand tightly and pull him towards the back of the diner. Danny smirks as I punch in the code to the flat and lets me tug him through the door, misunderstanding my intentions.

Once in the relatively tranquil environment of the hall
, I sink to the bottom stair, rubbing my head with my fingers, just taking a minute to readjust to all this new information.

“Liv?” Danny says. I take a deep breath, there is so much to ask I don’t know where to start and I’m really enjoying the peace for a minute.

“What’s wrong?” Danny drops to his knees in front of me. I’m still trying to formulate a coherent sentence in my head when he cuts in again, his tone more like panic now. “Liv, no, please…”

My eyes shoot to his in alarm, “What?” I ask, confused.

“Don’t back out now,” he says quietly. “It'll kill me.”

“I’m not backing out!”
I’m stunned that he would think I could.

“But you look like you
’re getting ready to tell me something really awful.”

“No! Not at all. I have so many questions and I just wanted a minute alone with you that
’s all.” I stroke the side of his face. “I’m just a bit overwhelmed, it’s a lot to process.”

“You’re not going to tell me it
’s off?”

“No way.” I frown
. I suppose I did act a bit like that. “Sorry if I scared you, but it’s so calm out here I just shut down for a second.” I grab his hands. “I’m so happy, honestly.”

He studies me, sagging with relief once he sees the sincerity in my eyes. “I did it again didn’t I?” He sighs, joining me on the step.

“Did what exactly?”

“Blindsided you.”

“It’s becoming a habit, but I love you for it.”

“I’m sorry, I just get so caught up in how to show you just how much I love you.”

“You can stop now.” I laugh. “I believe you!”

He nods solemnly. “Do you still want to marry me?”
he asks, his voice so small.

“More than anything.” I grin
and look at my ring. “This is so beautiful.” It’s grey, I can see it properly now. I’ve never seen anything like it, I think that was probably the point. I never really imagined this milestone in my life, because I was nonplussed about all the usual girlie details. I couldn’t see myself picking table centres and things. But if Danny’s choice of ring is anything to go by, I think the wedding is in safe hands.

Danny runs his thumb across the ring. “I knew it was for you the minute I saw it.”

“When did you buy it?”

“In LA. I was going to give it to you at the party the night it all fell apart.”

“So I’ve left you hanging with a ring in your pocket…twice?” I sigh and touch my thumb to the tiny band on my right hand.

He regretfully nods.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Hey, it
’s done now. We made it,” he says softly. “Just marry me tomorrow and I swear we can just get on with our lives. No more drama.”

“Are you sure?” I laugh.


“I love you so much
,” I say touching his newly styled hair. “I like this a lot,” I tell him, leaning forward to kiss him. I pause before our lips touch. “You look lovely tonight.”

His sharp intake of breath as our lips meet fires up my insides.

“You look amazing,” he murmurs.

“You picked the dress.
It’s perfect. Thank you.” I glance down at the fabric and realise with a smile that the colour matches my nails. I suspect that this was carefully orchestrated and it explains my mother’s enthusiasm for the shade when she was urging me to get my fingernails and toenails painted today.

“I’m glad you think I picked well
.” He smiles. “Because I’ve picked you one out for tomorrow too.”

I giggle. “That answers one of my questions.”

“I know.” He smirks. “This must be killing you!”

I hang my head in shame.

“Do you think you could not ask me? Just trust that I’ve thought of everything.”

I take a deep breath, hoping I can do what he has asked. “I’ll try.”

“Tomorrow is going to be…just…it’s so ‘us’, Liv. I can’t wait for you to see it.” His smile is infectious.

“Where is it?” I ask, not thinking. Then I clap my hand over my mouth, realising my mistake. Danny gives me a raised eyebrow in disapproval. “Sorry
,” I whisper.

He shakes his head
, laughing. “Just one thing,” he asks. “I don’t know how you want to do this. I was going to stay at Max’s and have one of the girls hang here with you. You know, if you want to do the whole ‘not seeing each other before the wedding’ thing. But if that doesn’t matter to you, I could stay here. Your call.”

“I suppose, we should do this properly.”

“Really?” He chokes, trying to mask his disappointment.

“No, not really you fool!” I laugh. “Since when have I been the traditional type? Stay with me, please.”

“Wow, that would have made tonight the hardest night of my life!” He breathes a huge sigh of relief, but his desire shows through the bravado.

“I didn’t say I’d let you touch me
,” I whisper, leaning in to kiss him.

“We’ll see
,” he replies, grabbing the back of my neck and closing the distance. I groan as he claims what is his. Me.

Just then the door opens. “Oh! There you are
!” Max exclaims. “People are looking for you. You’d better pack that in and get out here.”

I wipe my lip gloss off Danny’s mouth and smile up at Max.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

“Everything is perfect
,” I reply.


Chapter Twenty-one




Awkward boner.



The delicious memory of last night makes me tingle before I open my eyes. In my half-sleep state I can almost still feel Danny’s hands all over me. I shudder remembering how he took me beyond anything
I’d ever experienced before. I reach out for him now and find the bed empty. That’s when I realise with a start that today is my wedding day. My eyes fly open and I scan the room, but I’m alone. A girlish giggle drifts in to me from the living room and I notice other voices too.

My bedroom door is closed, which it definitely wasn’t when I fell asleep, but it’s a good thing because under the covers, I’m naked. I sit up in a slight panic about who is out there and where Danny could be, when my foot bumps a black box at the end of my bed. I pull it onto my lap and shake my head. The box is tied with deep
-purple ribbon and a card is tucked under the bow. Already I know that today will be full of surprises, so I relax and go with it. Pulling out the familiar white card, I smile with excitement at Danny’s message.


To my beautiful fiancé (This is my one and only chance to say that to you!)

Happy 30th

I’m sorry I can’t be there with you. I have things to attend to, but we will be together soon
, I promise.

I know I owe you a Bachelorette Party (Hen
Night I think you’d call it) but this is the best I could do…Please get up and wear what’s in the box. Your bridal birthday breakfast awaits!

You must be itching to know about today, so I’ll tell you what
’s happening…You are going to become my wife!

Sorry, but that
’s all you’re getting for now, except that I will see you at 2pm.

Try not to be too late, I want to start my life with you as soon as possible.

I love you,

D x


I pull the ribbon off the box and lift off the lid. Under the tissue I find a silk camisole and French knicker set edged with lace and a silk robe, in the seemingly obligatory purple that I now realise will be a feature of today. I smile at the thought of Danny choosing this and pull the covers back to put it on. I turn to look at myself in the mirror, Danny will love this, so I quickly snap myself with my phone camera and text him the shot with the message ‘Thank you x’. I put my hair up in a ponytail, then finally tying the sash on my robe, I’m ready to face whatever waits for me on the other side of the door.

I open the door and gasp. It’s a proper girlie affair – almost! Mum, Grace, Connie, Jen, Danny's mum, Pam, and, of course, Max are all milling around drinking champagne along with Ali and Carla, who are arranging a breakfast buffet on the table. I smell coffee and waffles. It all looks amazing. There are fresh flowers, like the first ones Danny gave me, which makes me smile. I cover my mouth with my hands while I take it all in. Max notices I’m up and grins stupidly as he comes towards me.

“Morning chickadee
,” he says and plants a kiss on the top of my head. I slip my arms around his waist and squeeze him tight, I’m so glad he’s here. I’m overwhelmed already, but I just need to get used to it. From here on, everything that happens today is going to blow me away, I need to stop reeling from each thing and just enjoy. I’m greeted by everyone else in my little party, with birthday wishes and wedding day excitement. Then, before I’ve time to think, I’m ordered into the shower before breakfast is ready.

When I slip back into my gift from Danny, I grin and check my phone.


‘Happy birthday baby! That just made my day, but no more, I just had an awkward boner! X'


Then it buzzes again.


'I love you x'


I hug my phone, I wish he was here. With a towel wrapped around my hair, I join everyone in the living room. Since
I’ve been gone breakfast is ready and I pick up a strawberry and a glass of champagne and wander around to a seat on the other side of the table. Jen is helping herself to a waffle and then she passes them to me. I feel a little shy as I realise that although I know her like she is part of Danny, I’ve never been with her without Danny. It's fine, but strange.

"Thanks for coming
," I say to her as I pour syrup on my waffle.

"Like we were going to miss this!" She smiles.

"No, I mean this morning, it means a lot that you're here."

She shrugs. "It means a lot to be here
," she says touching my arm.

I giggle
. "I feel like you should be giving Danny away or something."

She smiles and shakes her head. "He has always been yours, trust me."

Grace joins us and I realise quickly that they have obviously met properly already and seem to be friends. It’s satisfying to know that our combined family in LA are forming connections, because it will make visiting all the more fulfilling if we can all spend time together rather than splitting it between them.

"So is anyone going to tell me anything?" I ask.

Jen and Grace exchange glances. "Our lips are sealed," Grace says and giggles.

"Oh come on! You must be able to tell me something. How long have you been here?"

"We got in yesterday," says Jen.

"We've been at Mum's since Wednesday
," says Grace.

"Where are you all staying?"

"Connie's," replies Grace. "Mum and Dave too."

"And Max and Charlie are graciously putting us up. Along with Danny's parents
," she says, nodding at Max in appreciation.

mums and Connie are chatting away excitedly and a strange thrill goes through me again. I keep remembering it’s my wedding day! I look down at my beautiful engagement ring.

Grace sees me looking at it and takes my hand to inspect it herself. "I couldn't really see it in the light last night
," he says, eyeing it greedily. "That's a hell of a diamond...It’s a diamond isn't it?"

The thought hadn't occurred to me, I certainly didn't ask Danny. I just thought it was beautiful. I shrug in response, it doesn't matter to me what it is.

"It is," interjects Jen. "It’s very rare." She gives us a knowing smile that says she was with him when he chose it. I smile back warmly, conveying my appreciation.

"And what about you?" I ask Max across the table. "Can I assume you
’ve had a hand in all this?"

He holds up his hands in surrender. "I was just the errand boy, it's all Danny
. You'll be impressed, I promise. I was."

"Does everyone but me know what's going to happen today?" I ask, feeling the frustration bubbling up.

"I think only Danny holds all the cards," Jen laughs. "Max is the deputy, we all have our instructions." She squeezes my arm. "It's going to be fun!”

, after a relaxed breakfast, Suzie, my usual hairdresser, arrives to do my hair and help everyone else with theirs. Danny has thought of everything. We discuss options briefly, but as I don’t yet know what my dress looks like I can’t really comment, so I’m led by Max and my sister and go with a relaxed up-do. I’m glad I don’t have to have something severe, it hints at a relaxed atmosphere for the day. I have to take these little tit-bits, they are the only clues I get.

My hair looks beautiful, I’m really pleased with it. While Jen and Grace are deciding on their hairstyles, I go into my bedroom and close the door. I just want five minutes to myself. I feel a bit spacey, it’s probably just nerves. I don’t feel nervous about forever, I just feel nervous that I don’t know what
’s coming. But as Danny’s note said, what is coming is that I’m going to finish the day as Mrs Morgan. I don’t really need to know anything else.

I get all my makeup out and sit at my little dressing table. I stare at myself in the mirror for a long time. I can’t believe
I’m here. This is all so much to get my head around. We have never discussed marriage, like never! We both want a family, we have sorted all of that out, but I never thought all of this meant anything to Danny. I honestly thought after we agreed to try for a baby, that he would have said something if he wanted to do this. He was obviously thinking about it secretly all along.

Evidently he has done more than just think about it
. I chuckle and shake my head. Danny, the king of the grand gesture. My life has been a whirlwind ever since he re-entered it, I never know what to expect. He’s always finding the ways to make maximum impact. I’m glad that getting pregnant is something I will have a heads up on. When and if I do, I will know first. Maybe I can surprise him for once. If it was in his hands, I would be half expecting to be told via a billboard or something.

A gentle tap at the door pulls me from my thoughts and Connie peeps in. “Are you alright in here?”
she asks trying to cheerfully mask her concern that I might be having second thoughts.

“I’m fine
,” I reply. “More than fine.”

“I was just worried that you
’d shut yourself away.”

“I just wanted a second that
’s all.”

“You’re not having a wobble are you darling?”

I smile at her fondly. “Not at all.”

“Good.” She
kisses my cheek. “You deserve to be happy and I know he is the right person for you.”

Thinking about how she started this, I realise that even her overactive imagination couldn’t have foreseen this all happening so soon. “Thank you
,” I say. “We needed you.”

“You needed a boot up your arse!” She scoffs.

“Connie!” I giggle.

“I’m just glad you got there in the end. Now come on, get that face done, we have more surprises out here for you.” She looks back as she leaves me and blows me a kiss.

I put the finishing touches to my makeup. I haven’t done anything very unusual with it, I want to feel real today. I don’t need a mask. Perhaps I’ve gone a little heavier, for the photos. I assume there will be photos. I’ve applied my perfumed body cream and changed the small stud I wear in my lip from my plain silver one to a tiny sparkly one that I only wear from time to time. The one in my nose is always sparkly. I feel as ready as I can be. I feel more relaxed for having a moment to myself, so I open the door to the living room.

“There she is!”
my mum says. “You look beautiful.”

, Mum.”

“Now come and sit down, we have instructions to follow.” She
leads me to the sofa. “Danny asked us to give you some things.”

Connie hands me a small box. “Something old
,” she says softly. I stare at the box. I know what this is. I open the old box carefully, and smile at my Grandma’s diamond pendant. I know she wore it on her wedding day, as did my mum and Grace. It’s very special.

“I’ve just done my makeup!” I laugh, dabbing my eyes with the tissue immediately offered by Max.

“It’s only going to get worse,” he says as Mum and Connie secure it around my neck between them.

“Now, something new
,” says Mum, handing me another small box. I open it and a little card sits on the top. ‘D x’ is all it says. I lift up the card to reveal small diamond drop earrings that match the pendant so well. I take out the small silver hoops I wear and put them on.

My sister is itching for her turn. “Something borrowed!”
she exclaims gleefully. I cringe, imagining it to be her garter. I really don’t think I’m ‘that’ girl. I can’t imagine Danny putting me through the grossness of that particular ritual, but my sister is a sucker for all that nonsense. She surprises me by unclasping her diamond bracelet and slipping it around my wrist. “Don’t lose it though!”

,” I say, giving her a squeeze.

“And something blue
,” says Jen handing me a large bag…with a giggle.

Inside the bag I find a box and once
I’ve removed the lid and swiped away the tissue, I see the reason for Jen’s amusement. Danny has chosen me the most beautiful lace underwear in a delicate powder blue. A card tucked in with it, makes me grin.

“I can’t wait to see this on! X”

I blush, but only because his mum is here. She’s smiling though then she hands me something, a coin.

“And a silver sixpence for your shoe
,” she says and this sounds funny in her American accent. “Bob’s mom handed it down to me on my wedding day, she was very traditional. It’s yours now.”

“Thank you
,” I say quietly. “I’ll keep it…” I almost say ‘for our children’ but none of them know we are already trying and I don’t want to open that can of worms this morning. Max and Jen exchange a look…they know, clearly. “I’ll look after it,” I clarify. Anyway, I think everyone realises what I’m trying to say, I’ll keep it for ‘future generations’ whenever they may come.

ay!” says Max taking the heat off. “That just leaves me.” He gets up and holds out his hand. I take it and stand to follow him, goodness knows where. Everyone follows as he stops at the spare room door. “Close your eyes,’ he says giddy with excitement. Then he opens the door and leads me in. I’m positioned in the middle of the room and I stand perfectly still.

BOOK: Still Human (Just Human)
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