Read Stolen Hearts Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Stolen Hearts (6 page)

BOOK: Stolen Hearts
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Inch by excruciating inch he entered her, and she cried out, writhing beneath him. Sweat droplets popped on his brow, his arms shaking as he held himself above her and his cock jerked within her body, more than ready for action.

Her hips shifted, thrusting against him and he sank even deeper, a groan tearing from his throat at the sensation. Celeste wrapped her arms around him, her hands smoothed down his lower back, over his buttocks and clutched.

“More, Alex. Please!”

Never one to make a lady beg, he began to move within her. Drawing his cock almost all the way out of her tight sheath then slamming back inside her, he did it again and again. She gasped with his every thrust, her pussy wrapped so neatly around him.

Already he could feel the tingle at the base of his spine, his balls drawn up tight against his body. He desperately wanted to make this last considering they only had one condom to work with but his body wouldn’t allow it.

Looked like
body wouldn’t allow it either. No, if the drawn-out cries coming from her slack mouth indicated anything then she was just as close. Her cunt clutched him, her inner walls began to milk and massage his dick and then he lost it.

With a shout, he came with one powerful thrust, his entire body shuddering with the force of it. Celeste thrashed beneath him, her legs wrapping around his, her pussy fluttering around his cock. It all made him crazy, made him want her even more, made him want to do this, share this with her all over again.

Again and again and again.

Her name dropped from his lips as he slumped against her and he reached out to stroke her sweat-dampened hair. He’d never had such an intense orgasm in his life, had never experienced the overwhelming crash of emotions that threatened to overtake him.

This woman beneath him was like a precious jewel that needed to be protected, taken care of,

And he was the man who wanted to do it.

Chapter Five


An incessant ringing sounded somewhere in the distance and Alex tried to ignore it, snuggling deeper against the soft pillow. The scent of woman and sex wrapped around him and a soft hand touched his stomach, stroking the line of hair that ran from his navel straight down to his hard cock.

“I think that’s your phone,” a feminine voice whispered near his ear.

His eyes flew open and he glanced about the room, disoriented. Then he remembered.

Her house.
Her bedroom.
Making love with her last night, holding her close while they slept.

All of it interrupted by the nagging sound of his cell phone ringing most likely in his front pants pocket.

Stumbling out of bed, he dived for the floor and yanked the still ringing phone out of the pocket, not even bothering to look at the number on the LCD screen.

Big mistake.

“You got two days left, kid. Do you have it?”

No “hello”, no “good morning”, just straight to the point, that was his dear old dad. Glancing toward the bed, he saw Celeste’s head nestled against the fluffy pillows, the pale green comforter pulled up around her shoulders. Her blonde hair a sexy cloud around her head, she pushed it out of her eyes and smiled at him.

He ran his hand over his stubble-roughened face and headed out of the bedroom, desperate for some privacy.

Why the hell did he pick up the call anyway?

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense. Do you have it or not?”

“No, I don’t have it,” Alex growled, keeping his voice low, not wanting Celeste to overhear him.

“That’s a damn shame, son, because you’re running out of time. Considering you’ve been out of the game for so long I’m afraid you’re not
come through for me, which means I’m going to have to send someone else.”

“No, don’t do that.” Fear filled him. He could just imagine one of his dad’s thugs breaking into the store, snatching the bracelet from the case.
Maybe even holding Celeste at gunpoint.
Funny how the very idea of doing that to her just yesterday hadn’t bothered him so much.

Now, after being with her, holding her in his arms, the thought of someone threatening Celeste filled him with an inexplicable rage.

“Oh and why not? At the rate you’re going you’re not
make this happen, I’m afraid to say. What a shame, my own son disappointing me so. I never thought I’d live to see the day.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “Didn’t I disappoint you enough when I got arrested?”

“Well, there was
, but that happens to everyone sometime in their career, son. With the exception of me, that is.” Alex Sr. chuckled.
Cocky bastard.
“I’m going to send Vinnie up there in a couple days, maybe sooner, and let him figure out how to get that bracelet from the pretty owner. Maybe he could sweet-talk it out of her, I don’t know, but I’m sure he’ll get it faster than you.”

“Don’t you dare send that jackass here to
I swear to God if he does anything to harm her, you’ll pay.” Alex closed his eyes the second the words left his mouth, dread filling him.

Shit, he didn’t mean to get
dramatic. His father would surely figure him out now.

“Don’t tell me you banged the broad and now you have feelings for her? You big chump! That isn’t how it’s done and you know it.”

“You don’t know shit, Dad, that’s always been your problem. I’ll get your fucking bracelet, don’t worry. Don’t send Vinnie, I mean it.” Alex snapped the phone shut.

Fuck, he’d really stepped in it now. Revealing exactly what was going on without coming right out and saying it, he knew his father would view him as weak. He’d definitely send Vinnie to follow up on him now, despite Alex’s protests.

He needed to snag that damn bracelet out of the store.
But how?
And how could he do it after what he’d just shared with Celeste? Not like he could hold her up, demand the bracelet from her. She’d laugh in his face and then call the cops.

“Alex? Is everything all right?” Her sweet voice rang out, making his dick stand at attention and he glanced down at himself.

Great, all she had to do was speak and he got a boner. Buck naked in the middle of her living room, more than ready to get it on again when what he really needed to do was get the fucking bracelet and get the hell out of this town.

“Yeah, hold on.” With a grimace, he headed back toward the bedroom, telling himself he needed to put his clothes back on and hightail it out of this woman’s house and life.
For good.

The sight that greeted him when he walked through the door made him momentarily forget his troubles, made him totally forget about leaving. Who could think about leaving when there was a gorgeous, naked blonde lying in wait for you?

Not Alex. She was sitting up now, and his cock grew even harder when he noticed her bare breasts, luscious pale globes topped with the reddest, hardest little nipples he’d ever seen. His mouth watered, he wanted to taste them so badly.

“You look worried,” she said, her full mouth turning into a frown, though he noticed her eyes widening at the sight of his all-too-ready cock.

“No, I’m fine, babe, really.
Just my dad calling.”
Hell, he may as well be truthful at least a little bit.

“Oh, your father?”
Her face brightened and his gut clenched at the sight of it. He shouldn’t even have given her that little bit of information. She probably thought they were growing closer or something, like maybe he’d pour his heart out about his family.

Fat chance of that ever happening.

“Yeah, uh, we’re not very close so I’m not sure what he really wanted. I told him I’d call him back.” Alex slipped between the covers, yanking the comforter to his waist. Leaning on his elbow, he was at the perfect height to suck on her tempting nipples.

So he did.

“Oh.” Her eyes closed with her soft gasp, eyelashes fluttering slightly as he increased his suction.

Christ he could do this all day, sucking her, tasting her sweet skin. Her body visibly relaxed against the pillows, hands coming up to cup the back of his head and he turned his attention to her other nipple.

“Wait, wait.” She shoved at him, making him release the turgid nipple with an audible pop.

“What’s wrong?”

Celeste shook her head, shoving at his shoulders until he fell back onto the mattress. “Don’t talk, just let me do this.”

Alex settled back against the pillows, wondering what she was up to. Gnawing on her lower lip, she looked nervous, her fingers shaking as they glided over his chest, tangling in the dark hair there.

His cock did a little jerk at her touch and he pressed his lips together, desperate for control already. Whatever his little temptress was planning on doing, he only hoped he wouldn’t lose his load before she was done.

When she bent toward him, her mouth following the same path as her fingers, he knew he was done for. His eyes slid closed, a strangled moan emanating from him and he actually felt her smile against his stomach.

Ah shit, she was going to be his undoing.

Tugging the comforter away from him, she settled over his body, smooth legs straddling his legs. Slim hands played along his hips, over his thighs, hovering ever-so close to his cock.

His dick jerked, pre-come weeping from the tip and he let out a guttural groan when those tentative fingers grasped his shaft. With their slow up and down motion, her fingers were like a heated caress over his already blazing hot dick. Her thumb swiped over the head, smearing the liquid and he opened his eyes, watching her.

She stared in wonder at his straining cock, her mouth parted, hand moving up and down, making him nuts. Bending lower, her lips hovered above his dick and he muttered his encouragement. Her gaze lifted, met his and she licked her lips.

“Do it,” he whispered again, nodding his head toward her. If he had to beg he would, he had no shame. He couldn’t wait to feel those full lips wrapped around him tightly.

Inhaling deeply she bent her head, pursed lips kissing the tip, tongue snaking out to taste him. He whimpered, he couldn’t help himself, and that seemed to encourage her. Her mouth opened wider and she took him in, sliding his cock into her mouth, sucking him.

Alex threw his head back, his hips arching slightly as she began to move up and down. Her hair fell forward, brushing against the insides of his thighs and he reached out, smoothing it away so he could see her.

Her eyes met his, lips still wrapped neatly around his thick cock and he shrugged. “I like to watch.”

Celeste smiled around him and then really went to town, her head bobbing on his cock, sucking him as deeply as she could. His hips thrust against her, getting into it, fucking her mouth gently and she took it all. Her slim fingers wrapped neatly around the base of his shaft, her free hand playing with his balls, driving him toward the brink in a matter of seconds and all he could do was enjoy it, couldn’t even fight it.

Hell, he didn’t want to fight it. Even though he was enjoying one of the most mind-blowing blowjobs of his life, he still couldn’t help but remember he needed to hustle her out of a bracelet and fast.

He at least had a little time for this first. He’d deal with the guilt and regret later, when he was
home, alone and miserable.

She moaned around his cock, the soft, sexy sounds making his mind short out and his belly tighten. So close, so close. The sounds of her slurping, her tongue sliding all over his cock, her lips sucking the head so tightly, made his orgasm creep up out of nowhere, rendering his entire body taut. He felt bad for not warning her but he couldn’t help himself.

It didn’t seem to bother her, though. No, his semen spurted inside her mouth and she didn’t pull away, drank from him enthusiastically, making little “
” sounds as she did so.

This woman was like his every fantasy come true. He would’ve never thought she had it in her the first time he saw her. No, she’d looked like an uptight little prude who most likely had sex with the lights off and her eyes tightly shut.

Who knew she was a wanton sex goddess who liked to suck dick?

He wasn’t complaining.

* * * * *

Celeste had never really liked giving blowjobs. From the way Alex had reacted, she had a feeling she’d done a pretty fair job. He’d startled her when he came in her mouth but really, she hadn’t minded. Yes, it tasted a bit odd but wasn’t that what a woman was supposed to do to please her man? The way he went down on her last night had been magical, like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

She thought it only fair she return the gesture. And truly, she enjoyed it. She enjoyed having such power and control over a man who’d practically had her begging last night. Giving him such pleasure, his taste, the way he thrust between her lips…

It made her want to do it again.

She stifled a giggle, pressing her fingers to her lips.

Woman, that
was the most amazing thing ever.” Alex smiled with satisfaction, the expression on his face cocky, satisfied.

A little thrill of pride shot through her for putting that satisfied look on his face.

Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, she gasped when she saw the time. She leapt out of bed and hurried toward the bathroom. “If I don’t take a shower now, I’ll be late to the shop.”

Reaching into the shower, Celeste turned on the water and let it run so it could heat up. Her reflection in the mirror almost made her laugh. Talk about looking completely different. Hair a complete mess around her head, face
nipples perky—she looked like a well satisfied woman.

Ha! She
a well satisfied woman.

A tiny smile crossed her lips as she stepped into the shower, sighing with pleasure as the warm spray of water hit her like stinging little daggers on her skin. She dipped her head under the water, lifted her arms to smooth her hair back and winced.

BOOK: Stolen Hearts
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