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Authors: Radclyffe

Stolen Moments (10 page)

BOOK: Stolen Moments
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Lindsey needed no further encouragement. Her hand slid down Emily’s abdomen and inside her jeans.

“Oh yeah!” Emily cried out as Lindsey’s fingers found the wet folds and began stroking them lightly, then danced over the hard, throbbing clit. She arched up from the chair into Lindsey’s touch, and Lindsey used the opportunity to peel down Emily’s jeans and underwear.

It wasn’t smart. They both knew it. Anyone could come in.

And they couldn’t stop.

They were both breathing hard; the heady scent of their mutual desire clung in the air. They were past the point of no return, and neither cared. They watched each other, Emily in the chair, Lindsey two feet away, standing above her, as the rest of their clothes came off.

Lindsey peeled off her jacket, then shirt, and finally the black leather pants while Emily shed her top and bra.

As Lindsey approached the chair, Emily leaned back in it and opened her legs in invitation. She moistened her lips as Lindsey leaned down to kiss her.

Lindsey slowly lowered herself over Emily, her arms braced again on the armrests, supporting her weight. She claimed her in a kiss that began as a surprisingly gentle touch, then grew quickly more heated when Emily’s hands rose up to feel the harness.

Her hands firmly caressed the leather where it crossed over Lindsey’s tautly muscled thighs. When the exploration moved to the strap that ran between them, those thighs began to shake slightly, and Lindsey’s breathing accelerated.

As Emily’s hand found the cock and tugged on it, she sucked hard again on Lindsey’s tongue, and Lindsey lowered herself the rest of the way to meet her.

The tip of the cock rubbed up against Emily’s clit, and she arched her body up to meet it, seeking greater contact. It entered her—an inch, then two, and she groaned in satisfaction, but just as quickly the sensation was gone as Lindsey withdrew.

Emily started to protest, but the words never left her mouth. The feeling of loss was replaced by the unbelievable sensation of the cock sliding along the lengths of her soaked silky folds, from her heated center to her rigid clit, as Lindsey began a slow, rocking motion above her. Each time, the tip of the cock would tease her opening, but then withdraw, to return a second or two later to penetrate only fractionally deeper.

She felt the pressure building between her legs, the surge of sensations incredible as she began to thrust her hips upward, opening herself up in a way she had never fully surrendered before.

“I’m so close, Em,” Lindsey said in a strained voice, her whole body beginning to tremble.

, Lindsey,” Emily encouraged as she hugged her tighter with her arms, her legs, pulling her in. “
, baby!

Lindsey gave it all to her then, sinking the cock full in, in one hard thrust of her hips—a motion that made them both gasp.

Then they were rocking against each other—faster, faster—Lindsey pumping in and out of Emily, sweat popping out on her forehead as she plunged. The library was silent except for their short, ragged gasps for air and the slapping sound of flesh meeting flesh.

” Lindsey groaned and went rigid, the force of her orgasm shooting through her as she thrust into Emily with long, powerful strokes.

Emily was so close behind her that the last one sent her careening over the edge as well, her body throbbing around the cock, waves of aftershocks making her tremble. Unaware of time, they remained joined, breathing hard, the phallus still embedded within Emily, until a ringing telephone brought them back to reality.

Lindsey started to gently pull out of Emily, but Emily grasped her hips, holding her inside. “Let it ring,” she whispered, before capturing Lindsey’s lips in a brief, sweet kiss.

The phone stopped after a few more rings, and Emily sighed, a soft mewl of contentment. “Well, I hope no one else needs a book today,” she declared, a smile spreading across her face. “Because the library is closing early.”

“Is it now?” Lindsey replied, smiling back at her, starting a slow, easy roll with her hips.

“Mmm-hmm.” Emily tugged at the harness again as her hips began to match Lindsey’s motion. “The librarian will be busy…filling special requests.”

Examining Allyn
Lynn Ames

She rose, stripped out of the skimpy, midriff-baring muscle-T and silk panties she’d worn to bed, and sashayed into the shower stall. The hot spray pelted her body and breasts, tiny pinpricks penetrating her skin. A favorite song came on the radio—Allyn began to sway rhythmically, hips and breasts undulating to the beat of the music.

Soapy fingers caressed sensitive flesh, each touch innervating her. Unconsciously, she brushed her palm over the fine hairs at the base of her belly, her fingers seeking pleasure points too long neglected. She gasped as her thumb and forefinger found her clitoris. Gently, she squeezed the tip, moaning as she felt the wetness instantly coat her hand. With her other hand braced against the wall, she stroked herself, stopping just short of delivering the release her body craved. Instead, she reached up and unhooked the shower massage from its cradle, lowering the head and adjusting the spray to concentrate on her throbbing center. Fingers and shower spray combined in a glorious symphony, her climax the crescendo, aftershocks the denouement.

For several moments she stood, legs shaking, heart pounding, head bent forward, the showerhead held loosely in her hand. It had been so very long since she’d felt that physically alive. So very long.

“You made it through, Allyn. From now on, we live in the moment.”

She regarded herself in the mirror, wondering what others would see in her. Cancer victim? Survivor? Desirable young woman? Damaged goods? She no longer felt qualified to judge.


The waiting room was abuzz with voices—some old, some young—all impatient to get on with their lives. Allyn selected a seat by a window, as far away from the television as possible. Still, she found it hard to escape the drone of the CNN anchor. Just this once, she didn’t care about any news except that which pertained specifically to her.

“Ms. Robson? Allyn Robson?”

Allyn rose and wiped suddenly damp palms on her faded jeans.

“Right this way. How are you feeling?”

“Fine. I feel fine.”

“That’s good to hear. Today’s a big day for you, huh?”

“First day of the rest of my life.”

The nurse regarded her thoughtfully. “I suppose it is.”

Allyn divested herself of her cell phone, sneakers, and wallet before she stepped up on the scale.

“Good. You’ve gained a little bit of weight back. The doctor will be glad to see that. Have a seat over here, please.”

Allyn squeezed past a very attractive woman in bright blue scrubs and sat in the chair the nurse had indicated.

“Blood pressure’s good. Pulse is normal.” The nurse looked around. “I’m sorry. I thought we had a room ready; it looks like they’re all full.”

“Gloria? Room five is available.”

“Oh. Thanks, Trystan. I couldn’t see it from here.”

“No problem.”

Allyn thought the voice matched the exotic looks. Was she imagining it, or was the woman smiling at her? Not just smiling at her, but flirting with her? Trystan brushed against Allyn as she passed, headed in the opposite direction.

“Excuse me. Narrow space.”

“No problem.” Allyn was surprised she could find her voice. “Get a grip, Al,” she mumbled to herself, shaking her head as she followed the nurse to the end of the corridor. “Hormones must still be raging from this morning.”

Still, she enjoyed the feelings of arousal flowing through her body. The chemotherapy had robbed her of energy and desire for so long.

She stripped out of her jeans, T-shirt, and bra and donned the standard-issue hospital gown just as the door opened.

“Allyn, it’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too, Dr. Weiss.”

“Let me start by saying the bloods we drew last week look excellent. You are officially in remission. There’s no sign of the cancer anywhere. And now that the chemo is over, your blood cell counts are back within the normal range.”

“Thank God,” Allyn breathed around the lump in her throat.

“Lie down, then, and let me have a look at you…”

After fifteen minutes of being poked and prodded, she was allowed to sit up.

“I’m very pleased, Allyn. At this point, I think it’s safe to go three months before your next battery of tests.”

“Are there any limitations as to what I can do?”

“Not a one.” The doctor patted her arm. “Just listen to your body—it will tell you what it can handle.”

“Thank you, Dr. Weiss. You’ve been wonderful through all this. Thanks for making an unbearable situation bearable.”

He smiled at her. “Allyn, you’re a very special young woman. You remind me of my daughter—never lets anything keep her down.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“As it was meant. Okay, you know the drill. Flip this switch over here,” he indicated a red light switch on the wall near the door, “when you’re ready to leave so the nurses will know the room’s free. They’re forever on my case for forgetting to tell patients to do that.”

Allyn smiled. “Don’t worry, I promise to protect you from the big, bad nurses.”

“As if. See you in three months.”

When he was gone, Allyn reached behind her to untie the knot at the back of her neck. She started when the door opened.

“I could help you with that.”

Trystan stepped into the room and closed the door decisively behind her.

Unconsciously, Allyn backed up a step and licked her suddenly dry lips.

Trystan moved toward her, her eyes watching intently.

Allyn stumbled slightly as the backs of her legs bumped into the examining table.

Trystan laughed and continued relentlessly toward her quarry.

“Um, I—I’ve got it,” Allyn stuttered.

“I can see that, but I’d still like to help.” Trystan was within touching distance now. “Will you let me?”

Allyn’s eyes flicked to the red switch. It was still in the “on” position.

Seemingly reading her thoughts, Trystan purred, “As long as that switch is on, the light outside will stay lit and no one will bother us.”

“If—if it stays on too long, won’t people be suspicious?”

Trystan brushed a stray lock of hair from Allyn’s face. “Do you always worry so much?”

“Can’t say that I’ve ever been in a position to worry about something quite like this before.”

“No? That’s a shame—a beautiful, desirable woman like you. I would have thought you’d have dozens of women begging you to take them.”

Allyn blushed and looked down. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

“On the contrary. I’m happy to have you to myself.” She moved so that their bodies were touching lightly. With her fingers, she lifted Allyn’s face to hers.

It was the eyes that were Allyn’s undoing—dark brown and teeming with lustful intent. When Trystan’s lips glided across hers, she felt herself melting.

“You have such soft lips. Very sexy.” Trystan framed Allyn’s face with her hands and kissed her a second time. As Allyn’s lips parted to admit her tongue, Trystan moaned her delight.

Allyn felt the deft fingers release the remaining knot holding the back of the gown closed and knew a moment’s panic. “Don’t…”

“Shh. It’s okay.”

“I have a scar.”

Trystan stilled her hands momentarily. “In my culture, scars are considered part of the body’s beauty. They are reminders of the body’s journey and its remarkable ability to heal.” As carefully as if she were handling a frightened doe, Trystan lifted the gown from Allyn’s shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

Reverently, she cupped Allyn’s breasts in her hands, rubbing her fingertips over the hardening nipples. Slowly, she lowered her head and brushed her lips over the vivid red line around the side of the left breast.

Allyn shuddered.

“Is this all right?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Allyn was unable to formulate words. A single tear trickled down her cheek.

Trystan pulled back to look into eyes clouded with doubt, uncertainty, and fear. Understanding, she said, “I want you. Right here, right now.” Her gaze roamed hotly over Allyn’s slim, but fit, form. “You are perfect.”


Allyn’s words were silenced by a soul-scorching kiss.

“I’m going to show you just how I feel about your body.”

Trystan lifted Allyn effortlessly and laid her gently on the
examining table. She leaned forward and pressed her mouth hard against the thin cotton that covered Allyn’s mound.

Allyn closed her eyes, gasping as wetness soaked the material. Her body pushed forward, quite without her permission, seeking more.

Trystan stepped back and waited for Allyn’s eyes to open. When they did, she moved her hands seductively to the drawstring of her scrubs, untied the knot, and let the pants drop soundlessly. Top and bra followed, leaving her standing in her silk panties. Without shifting her eyes from Allyn’s, she ran strong fingers down her own body, dipping them into her center.

BOOK: Stolen Moments
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